• Published 1st Sep 2012
  • 4,015 Views, 41 Comments

Relationship Problems: Code Blue...Blood - Seanessy

The sequel to My Darling Sugarcube.

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Ch.1- We Meet Again

Opal’s eyes sprang open as a loud knock on the front door sent chills down her spine. She hissed violently and meowed, eyeing the door with an evil glare as if ready to pierce any possible intruder with her razor sharp claws.

“Oh Opal, darling, relax. It’s probably just Applejack.”

Rarity shushed the cat and opened the door. The unicorn’s eyes widened and her bottom lip dropped faster than a ton of bricks, as if she’d seen a ghost. In front of her stood the more than memorable and well known Prince Blueblood. The horse looked as sophisticated as ever as he beamed a gentle smile her way.

“Hello, Miss Rarity.”


“Do you… remember me? I’m Pri-”

The gentlecolt’s sentence was cut short by an angry hoof that made impact with his face. He shook his head and blinked as he recoiled from the sting of the forceful slap he was dealt. “I take it you do remember.”

“Oh, of course I do! How could I forget a pony as egotistical, inconsiderate, discourteous, stuck-up, poorly raised and uncharitable as you?”

The resentment of Rarity’s words sliced through the air and caused Blueblood to lower his head. “I deserved that.”

“What brings you to Ponyville Mr. Royal Pain in the Flank?” Rarity sized him up and down, “This is the last place I’d expect to see a pony of your divine quintessence.”

The white colt frowned as Rarity’s sardonic tone pierced through his heart like a dagger. He sighed, and cleared his throat to relieve some of the tension, reminding himself not to be disheartened as the young lady let out her frustrations. “I’ve come to apologize to you, Miss Rarity.”

The purple maned equine raised an eyebrow. “Apologize? Really?”

“Yes, the way I acted at the Gala last year was inexcusable.”

“Hmpf, well THAT is certainly the understatement of the century.”

“You are a beautiful, no, gorgeous elegant mare, who deserved so much better than how I treated you that night. I know this apology is long overdue but, it took me a while to comprehend the weight of my misconduct. I stand here now, before you, pleading for your forgiveness and a chance to make it up to you; to show you that I’m a changed colt.

Rarity eyed the colt as he bowed before her. Trust was one thing he was far off from earning but still, he seemed sincere and Canterlot wasn’t a mere stroll down the road away from Ponyville. It takes guts to show up unannounced to the door of a lady you’ve wronged with apologies. This gesture in itself was quite admirable.

“And how do you propose to do that?”


“There ya go sugarcube, you got the last bucket-full fer today! Enjoy!”

Applejack smiled as she tilted the last of her apples in the customer’s saddle bag before she waved him off. She collected her bag of bits and placed it in the empty cart. Slight unsettling thoughts of her unicorn friend Rarity began to prance through her mind and the colt who seemed so anxious to see her. She strapped the saddle of the cart to herself and began walking to Rarity’s Boutique.

“Better check up on Ms. Fussy Flank.” the country mare said jokingly.

Applejack arrived to Rarity’s home just in time to cross paths with Blueblood whose identity still remained a mystery. Upon grazing her presence once more, the colt’s eyes widened and the smile he was already sporting enlarged. He bowed to Applejack. “Thank you again, kind mare. Without you, I wouldn’t have received a chance at redemption. I am at your debt.”

“Uhm… no problem?”

Without another word, Blueblood trotted off, his steps almost mimicking that of an over joyous school mare with a hopeless crush. Applejack knocked on the door and it swung open. She stepped in, being sure to wipe her hooves and avoid scraping the edges of the door with her cart as to not throw her unicorn lover into one of her infamous hissy fits.

“Applejack!” the unicorn greeted in a gleeful tone as she approached.

“Howdy, sugarcube.”

The white equine placed a gentle peck of adornment on her friend’s cheek forcing them to flush a slight shade of red; an instinctive thing Applejack desperately loathed, but Rarity adored.

“How did sales go today?”

“Sold every last apple.”


“Hey, what was with that colt I just passed by? He came to mah cart earlier lookin’ fer ya so I sent him on over this way. He looked so doggone familiar but I can’t quite remember where I’ve seen him.”

Rarity let out a slight giggle.

“Darling, that was Prince Blueblood.”

Applejack’s eyebrows flared and a frown washed over her face as her mind recollected the memories of their short encounter from last year’s Grand Galloping Gala.

“You mean that un-neighborly, nasty, bad-mannered, dis-considerate, unkind and prissy colt what did ya so badly at the Gala?”

“Yes, that was him.”

Applejack stamped the ground as if to punish herself for her inability to recognize the colt. “Aw shucks, sorry bout that Rarity, had I known it was him, I woulda told him off and sent his prissy flank packin’!”

“It’s fine, darling. He actually came to apologize.”

“Well, it’s about dern time! Took him long enough.”

“Precisely what I said, he even asked for a chance to make it up to me.”

A short condescending laugh escaped Applejack’s lips. “Now ain’t that a hoot! What’dja say to him?”

Rarity cleared her throat and blushed. She turned away from her friend and wet her lips before gently nibbling on the bottom one.

“I… I said yes.”

The country mare tilted her head and blinked.

“Ah beg yer pardon?”

“I said yes to him, Applejack.” Rarity vocalized a tad louder turning to her wide-eyed friend.

“Now, why in the hay would ya’ll go and do a silly thing like that? After how badly he treated ya?”

The unicorn shrugged. “He just, seemed so sincere, so sorry for what happened.”

“Right, and it took him almost an entire year to figure that out.”

“Not everyone realizes their wrong doings right away, Applejack.”

“He shouldna been actin’ so dang bad-mannered in the first place!”

Rarity nodded in agreement and lowered her head as she re-contemplated her thoughts.

“Ah’m fine with an apology but if ya ask me he doesn’t deserve no second chance. Why, if that were me, and Big Mac ever found out a colt was doin’ me that bad, he’d go plum cuckoo! ”

“If anything darling, I’m doing this for him. His conscience is clearly haunting him and this second date is a way of putting his mind at ease.”

“Whadda you care fer his peace a mind anyways?”

“Element of Generosity?” Rarity answered insecurely.

“Hmf, more like Element of Gullibility if ya ask me.” Applejack said, turning away from her friend.

Rarity’s mouth opened. She started to speak on Applejack’s seemingly harsh attitude before a second thought hit her which caused her to raise a brow.

“Applejack, are you… jealous?”


“You are, aren’t you? You’re jealous!”

“Now where in the hay are ya getting that idea from?” Applejack said as she turned her head to the white mare.

“You think that if I go on this second date with Blueblood, I’ll fall for him all over again.” Rarity said walking in front of her earth pony friend.

“No!” Applejack denied while trying to mask an obvious blush.

“Oh, Applejack,” the white equine nuzzled her friend, “even if Blueblood has changed, that’s not going to alter my feelings for you.”

“It ain’t about us, it’s about you. Ah don’t think he rightly deserves another chance after what he did to ya.” Applejack’s eyes watered a bit. The thought of this date was enough of a concern, but the earth pony had deeper issues that burdened her mind. Rarity, noticing the mistiness in her friend’s eyes, reached to wipe what she expected to be oncoming tears but the country mare turned her head to blink them away.


“I… I, just can’t stand to see you hurtin’ like that again.” Applejack admitted. Rarity curled her lips and sighed as she recalled the period of time to which her friend referred.

“I was a bit of an emotional wreck after that gala wasn’t I?”

“Three weeks, and every minute felt like a century. Every time y’all cried it felt like the end of the world.”

“And you were right there to help me through it, every day.” Rarity said as she again gently rubbed her check against her

“What can I say? I care about ya. It breaks mah heart to see you sad like that.”

Rarity planted a soft kiss on Applejack’s lips before gazing into her eyes as if directly looking inside her heart attempting to squash all concerns and fears. “And that’s why you’re my special somepony. No prince can change that.”

Applejack’s cheeks flushed red again as she smiled, then let out a sigh. “I still don’t like it. Maybe I wanted y’all to mahself tomorrow.”

“Oh, Applejack.” Rarity rolled her eyes as her friend’s jealousy became more apparent. “How about this? He’s picking me up tomorrow for lunch in Ponyville, afterwards, you and I can have a real date.”

The white unicorn gently kissed her friend’s neck which emitted a slight moan. “Hehe…what’d y’all have in mind?”

“Ohhhhh, I don’t know… maybe a… trip to the spa?”

Applejack scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease?”

“Y’all always wanna go to the spa. Now ah don’t mind it every now and again but don’t ya’ll ever get tired of going there all the time?”

“Mmmmmmm… no.” the unicorn exclaimed sweetly.

Applejack rolled her eyes again and Rarity beamed an innocent smile at her.

“Ugh, fine… the spa… again…”

The unicorn squealed to herself and nuzzled the earth pony’s nose.

“Thank y’all honey!” Rarity exclaimed in her best southern accent imitation.

“Whatever, Ms. Fussy Flank.” The country mare said as she turned to leave easing the saddle of her cart onto her back.
Rarity scoffed as she followed.

“You know I hate when you call me that!”

Applejack turned back around and planted a gentle kiss on the white equine’s lips. “Love you, darling.” The orange mare then turned around once more and started her walk back home.

“Love you too, sugarcube.” Rarity said as she leaned against the door and watched Applejack’s figure slowly disappear into the sunset.