• Published 1st Sep 2012
  • 4,015 Views, 41 Comments

Relationship Problems: Code Blue...Blood - Seanessy

The sequel to My Darling Sugarcube.

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Ch.4- Mac Support

Applejack took deep staggering breaths as tears cascaded down her face and onto her pillow. Her gaze on her headboard, but her focus stuck on the emotional heartache she was feeling as her conversation with Rarity played over in her head. A slight break in concentration came from a soft pound on her door.

“Come in…”

The door creaked silently as it moved, and in walked a burly crimson furred colt. He approached his sister whose head suddenly turned away in attempts to mask her current state.

“You cryin’?”

Applejack tried to hide a soft sniffle. “Nope.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’ Big Mac, I’m fine…”

“Come on A.J., talk to me.”

The red colt moved closer to the bed, he gently rubbed his nose against the back of his sibling’s neck.

“Y’all wouldn’t understand…”

“I could try.”

Applejack stirred slightly but remained silent. Big Mac plopped his muscular rear on the ground causing the room to give a slight shake. “Welp, I ain’t budgin’ ‘til ya tell me what’s wrong.”

Applejack did her best to wipe all signs of tears from her eyes and blinked to hopefully rid them from some of the puffiness attained from crying. She turned to her brother.

“Somepony who I thought loved me, lied to me. And now, they might just be with somepony else.”

Big Mac stood up and stretched his neck, back, his forelegs then his back legs.

“Alright, now what’s their name and where do they live so I can knock some sense into ‘em?”

Applejack curled her lips in attempt to stop a smile, but it turned into a soft chuckle, amused and uplifted by her older brother’s concern. Big Mac smiled and sat back down.

“Big Mac, say ya’ll admired somepony for a long time, but then some other pony-”

“How ‘bout we use names so I don’t get confused sis?”

Applejack’s lips curled slighty as she contemplated names. She didn’t want to reveal that the pony who broke her heart was Rarity in fear of how he might react. Another giggle slipped its way through the orange mare’s lips as she suddenly came up with the perfect scenario.

“Right, say ya’ll admired Cherilee for a long time…” Applejack gave her brother a sly smile as Big Mac rolled his eyes and blushed recalling his short, potion induced fling with the teacher, “…and let’s say ya’ll spent some time together to find out she was not at all what ya expected. So then, ya found somepony else… let’s say… Smartypants…”

Big Mac glared as his younger sister who bit down into her covers to keep from bursting into laughter.

“Ya know, I’m startin’ to regret comin’ in here…”

“Ya’ll asked fer names, sugarcube.”

“Continue…” the red colt said as he cleared his throat attempting to hide his embarrassment.

“So, you spend some time with Smartypants and realize that, ya really care about her. Ya even kiss her and tell her ya love her.”

“Is it safe to say we’re pretendin’ Smartypants is an actual pony and not your friend Twilight’s stuffed doll?” the colt asked sarcastically. He gave a sly grin and Applejack returned it with a smile before rolling her eyes.

“Anyway, things between you and Smartypants seem to be serious, but all of a sudden, Cherilee comes back into the picture and she’s actin all different, kinda like the way you expected her to act when you were crushin’ on her.”

“I’m still followin’ so far…”

“And so, ya’ll go on a date, cause all of a sudden Cherilee realizes a year later how badly she treated ya, but yer only s’posed to see her one time cause you just wanna help her “clear her conscience” but you had planned a date with Smartypants that same night and you missed it cause you got caught up hangin’ with Cherilee and when ya get back you lie to Smartypants ‘bout havin’ somethin’ else to do and she catches you hangin’ out with Cherilee again. Then ya tell her that everythin’ before that moment meant nothin’.”


“And ya tell her to stop bein’ so dang upset and to try and understand yer feelin’s…”

“Lil’ sis.”

“Even though, if ya reckon back, it was you who first kissed her and–”

Applejack was silenced by a hoof to her mouth.

“Now, breathe…”

She took a deep breath and her brother removed his hoof. “Sorry Big Mac, I told ya it’d be difficult to understa-”

“It sounds like a textbook case of miscommunication and a slight instance of insecurity as it pertains to closure. I clearly desired to be loved by somepony, preferably Cherilee. When I realized that such a dream proved impossible, I decided to move on and re-evaluate what I was looking fer in a special somepony.”

Applejack blinked and raised an eyebrow. She hadn’t expected such words from her brother, but before she could even comment on it, Big Mac cleared his throat and continued.

“One day, I happened to realize Smartypants may potentially be that special pony. Overwhelmed with emotion, I acted accordingly ‘til Cherilee stepped back into the picture. At this point in my life, under normal circumstances, I would be apathetic to any of her advances, unless she completely transformed her personality. Observin’ such a drastic change in her character rekindled a curiosity in me that protruded itself to my heart, and eventually worked into my brain. Wonderin’ if it was possible to potentially have what I originally dreamed of was too enticing of a thought to cast away on a whim, so I lied to Smartypants. That way, I would be free to explore these curiosities. Ultimately though, I still hurt her the same as I tried to defend my curiosity by using it as a valid point to elucidate my actions during the heat of the argument after I was caught. I chose to view the situation merely from my perspective, claimin’ that I didn’t feel as strongly as I thought in order to spare myself from feelin’ any guilt.”

Applejack’s flabbergasted stare and agape mouth cemented on her face for several seconds as she tried to wrap her head around the words that came from her brother. Everything he said made perfect sense, but such an cultivated and in-depth response coming from her brother was almost too much for her to consider real.

“Yes, Smartypants does have the right to be upset, feelings of betrayal and anger are normal. Even if she weren’t to accept my desire for closure, out of respect, I should’ve at least come to her with my concerns, she may not have been thrilled, but love isn’t defined by always liking every decision, but understanding and working through them together.”

Big Mac smiled at his sister whose puzzled stare had changed to blinking in befuddlement.

“Don’t worry AJ, Rarity will come around...” Applejack’s head snapped back in shock. She had never even mentioned the unicorn’s name. How did her big brother know? Before she could even present this query or object the statement the red colt continued,“…this is just a part of herself she is still searching. Once she does that, she’ll be more secure in herself and thus able to love herself more, and the truth will surface as it pertains to her feelings toward ya. When that does happen, hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.” Big Mac concluded.

Big Mac gently tapped his sister’s chin with one of his forelegs before turning to the door. “In the meantime, stop cryin’ and do somethin’ to get yer mind offa things.”

“Big Mac, wait…”

Big Mac turned his head to meet his sister’s still shocked gaze.

“Ah never said Rarity wa-”

“Ya didn’t have to, sis. I may not be a genius, but I know when the sales to product ratio is off. Not to mention when ya would go to Rarity’s, the kitchen would smell like somepony had been bakin’.”

Applejack’s cheeks flushed red. She didn’t expect Big Mac to be the one in the family who kept a close count on apples sold in correlation to how much money they made AND notice that she was occasionally baking fresh batches of apple turnovers for Rarity. “So, ya don’t think that…I’m weird?”

“’Course not lil’ sis, now I can’t speak for everypony, but ya love who ya love. At the same time don’t expect me to be bringin’ no colt home anytime soon.”

The two siblings shared a laugh. Applejack smiled warmly at her brother.

“Thanks Big Mac, ya really are a wonderful brother.”

“And yer a pretty dern great sister AJ.”

Big Mac opened the door to leave.

“Hold on one second!”

Big Mac turned to face his sister and raised a brow.

“Where in tarnation didja get all that psycho babble from?”

“Twilight’s not the only pony who loves to read. We live on a farm, and as you know I ain’t the most social of ponies. I gotta find something to do when I’m not applebuckin’”

“Have ya’ll by chance read a book by somepony called Dr. Marriot?”

“Dr. Marriot’s Manuscript on Mare Mayhem in Relationships?”

“That’s the one.”

“Worst piece of literature I’ve ever come across.”

Applejack shook her head and smiled as she folded her arms. “Ah guess it’s safe to say you think that Dr. Marriot is a quack too, huh?”


The two siblings smiled at each other and Big Mac turned to leave, closing the door behind him.

“Night, A.J.”

“G’night, Big Mac.”