• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 896 Views, 64 Comments

Catastrophic Adventures - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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Motherbucking greedy dungstain! The amount of hate currently going through me for this BASTARD Yharim is unbelievable. He thinks he can just bucking waltz in and threaten my sister without repercussions?!?!? Gah, it gets my tail all twisted!

Gotta breathe, stay calm... That's how they use you... I ain't becoming some mind-slave to this bastard.

Look... I wasn't really planning to come back, now that everything got all nice and solved. I was happy for a little while. Until that raspberry guy or whatever its' name was destroyed Celestia and we got sucked into the hellhole that everycreature here calls Terraria.

You guys are probably confused. I ain't gonna explain the whole thing to you, so go read the story that caused this. It's linked in the description. Probably. I dunno.

Phew... So. What I will explain is what caused me to get so freaking mad. See, after the whole raspberry or whatever the guy's called incident, Me and my sis got launched into this place called Terraria. It'd be a great place if it weren't for all the things trying to kill my sis and the amount of times that Dashie screwed up. Yes, I am specifically calling that Pegasus out. She was stupid.

ANYWAYS, we ended up getting a mission thanks to this. Some dryad gal told us that to make sure the threat was gone, and to get back home at all, we needed some kinda Terra Blade. It's supposed to be a legendary sword or whatever that some kinda hero used back in the early times of this place, I dunno, I was a bit too busy dealing with trying to get used to the place and all to care.

So, off we went. To a jungle, firstly. We were trying to get something called the Blade of Grass. Apparently it can only be found in the jungle, because why not make it harder on us, ugh... So we got there, and lo and behold, we had to go UNDERGROUND.

Lemme just say, not impressed. That place was like one big hive of hornets, and those buggers were huge. I mean, our size huge. And they shot poisonous stingers. Like, seriously, those are supposed to be BUGS. Why are their stingers the size of my leg?!

And that wasn't even the worst part! There were mobile Venus Fly Trap things, slimes that shot stingers, bees that shot stingers, hell, there were even turtles the size of us! And guess what? The whole damn place was governed by a bee the size of a house! With a sick obsession with the sword we needed!

Okay, okay... Getting a bit off-topic.

Alright, so the sword Miss Giant Bee was guarding was the one we needed. It didn't look like much. So, we had the help of a fairly smart hornet that I still mentally call Gary. Because why not.

Gary wasn't really happy with what Miss Bee was doing. Apparently something about being so obsessed with the sword that she didn't even care about her own bees and hornets? Either way, he wanted to get the sword outta there. So we got the sword outta there. After an army of bees and hornets and Miss Bee herself proceeded to try and murder us, thanks for your patronage.

So Gary is now the new Miss Bee, and I'm hating everything about the place already. Until we learn that Rares got herself tossed in a dungeon by a big-ass skeleton! Of COURSE she plays Damsel in Distress...

So off we go to try and rescue her from Steven's little Skeleboy friend. And we get to go deep into the coldest place I have ever bucking been to. A literal Snow Biome... Which, by the way, I am fairly certain was near a desert. How ironic can you get, right?

So, down into the pits we go, until we find some kinda girl. My sister's friends are all like 'are you okay, do you need help', yadayadayada. And because of our kindness, what do we get? This bitch grabs us and kidnaps us into her lair! What a surprise - SHE WAS EVIL. Just like every other damn thing here.

So, there she went, planning to eat us for dinner. So Flutter's new werefox marefriend has to barge in and try to save us. Well, she managed, thank Celestia, and me and AJ got outta our chains, and oh mare were we pissed. The bitch got bucked twelve ways to Sunday going against all of us. I personally got some exercise stabbing the bitch repeatedly. She was pretty fast, not gonna lie, but eventually we killed her, and our reward? Some kind of metal detector thingy and an Ice Mirror. Heh, Imagine that metal detector makes a Cellphone at some point? Heh, that'd be priceless.

So, we got back to the dungeon, gave Skelly-boy's host the mirror, he gave it to Rarest and she got out. Promised we'd free him too, and we left. I hurried it up, cause I'm pretty sure a version of my sis was in the dungeon, and I didn't want to deal with it right then and there.

Anyways, we get back and go off to this mass of literal flesh called the Crimson. And there, we got attacked by a mutant Eye thing. We slaughtered that, and off me, AJ, Dashie, and Twi go to get the next sword, the Blood Butcherer. What happened next... well, my sis isn't here with me anymore since Yharim separated us, do I can tell you about it... Just never tell my sis it was me, will you? She'd hate me if she knew what a monster I was back in the GrimDark.

So we got captured by this gigantic brain, and it put us in the worst nightmares it could find. My sister got to see me murder and torture Dashie... I... I don't think she'll recover from that...

We managed to escape and fought the Cerebral bastard. Eventually, the thing fled and joined forces with some kinda worm thing. They combined and we had to fight the new horribly mutated version of them. 'Perfect Mind and Perfect Body' as they said. We ended up slaughtering it too.

So we got the Blade and went back home. My sis... wasn't feeling very good mentally. I tried to comfort her, but she was really down in the dumps about what she saw back with Cerebral Man. And then the bastard that I have made it my goal to slaughter into bloody bite-sized chunks and eat showed up.

My sis knew something was up the second she saw him. She could feel how evil he was. And it didn't help when he just had to bucking remind her of what she saw. So I came out to defend her... And what he told me still chilled me.

He knows. About everything. I don't know how, I don't know why, but everything that we've gone through with all of you? He quoted it. The SCP foundation, the GrimDark... I never told a damn soul, but he knew somehow. And then he told me what he wanted.

He wants to use me. Make me his bucking mind-slave, as if I'm nothing. He threatened to kill my sister if I didn't comply! So yes, I bucking had to agree to it! I'm not going to let him start hurting my sister. I won't let any motherbuckers hurt her!

I had to swallow my rage when he said I was his puppet. So now I'm in the portal. He left me here alone for a while. That's why I could get in touch with all of you.

Look, I'm not gonna hurt anypony innocent willingly. I'm not gonna let him twist me into darkness. I saw the bitch that he calls his Supreme Witch. She's had to do it the same way, and she's been twisted into enjoying it. I won't let him change me.

I'll play along with his game for now. I have to, to ensure my sister's safety. But one of these days...

I'll be slipping a knife into his spinal column. And he WILL meet his end.

I got to go. He's coming back. I'll stay in touch.