• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 896 Views, 64 Comments

Catastrophic Adventures - -Pinkamena_Pie-

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Sweet Treats That Can't Be Beat

"Much better. Now, let's continue, shall we? I'm starting to get hungry."

Ah, I love doing this. I can smell the terror emanating from that filth calling itself Flim. He really should've known better than to attempt to threaten someone as strong as me.

Look, I'll be straight with all of you. I am still Mena, all of that drama was my acting... But I hide secrets even you don't know. I do not wish to reveal them. All in good time, as the saying goes.

Anyways. You're not here for that, are you? I promised dark subject matter, after all. Well, here it is.

"You know, this isn’t the first time that I’ve seen this scenario play out. Having one of my victims restrained against their will, watching them quake in fear and even questioning if this is real or a nightmare... I relish the feeling. Let me just say: It’s real, it’s all too real. Isn’t that right, Flam?"

"P-please! Let me go! I won’t tell anyone!"

Pathetic. They kidnap innocent terrarians and think they should be given all the respect in the world. People like him and Yharim... They deserve to suffer in the Void. The only reason I haven't done this to Yharim is because I need more information on his motives.

"If I had a bit, or in this world’s case, copper, for every time I heard that line, I’d be the richest pony in the multiverse."

Perhaps I should get to the point. Momentarily, I will return you to third person so you can get the full experience.

Oh look. He pissed himself. Quaint.

"I should congratulate you though. You get to be my first Terrarian! No, not the first one to kill, but for something else... Something I picked up from the GrimDark."

Oh, he looks delicious. I can hardly restrain myself.

"Tell me, how do you feel about… cupcakes?"

The mare calmly approaches Flim, angling a Vampire Knife just enough to be able to shave off the first layer of skin, and gets to work. Flim's anguished cries fill the air, though unfortunately for him, noone will hear him.

A second vampire knife joins the first, cutting gently down to muscle level, allowing thick, red blood to well up in the injury. The knife then slips underneath Flim's skin horizontally and is left there.

The mare grabs a syringe from the table with an annoyed look on her face, injecting its' contents into the Terrarian. Flim immediately cries out in pain, fully conscious once more.

"Rude. I think you need to learn a lesson about manners."

The mare pries up a large flab of skin in one go, getting a spray of blood right in her mouth as a reward. She savors the treat for a moment before letting the rest of the blood trickle down her coat. The flow slows to a stop after a minute, leaving her drenched in the viscous liquid and purring.

"Apology Accepted~ Now let's get back to it."

She slowly begins to dissect the muscle, getting repeatedly hit by spurts of blood with each tear. She seems to be enjoying the wretched shower and continues on, until the point where the first glimpse of ribcage could be seen. With both knives, she widens the cut, making it large enough for her head.

Immediately, she plunges her head into Flim, making him scream even louder as pure adrenaline rushes through his veins. She grasps the exposed rib with her fangs, and yanks hard. With a resounding crack, the rib breaks off, Flim beginning to choke on his own blood. She repeats this process multiple times, until the organs are completely exposed.

Injecting him with another shot of adrenaline, and poking a hole in his slowly-filling lungs to drain the blood out, she begins preheating her oven. A baking tray is placed out, and the skin flap that the mare took is set aside and chopped into pieces. Along with the normal milk, sugar, eggs, and other basic baking ingredients, the skin is added, skillfully placed to act as the cupcake wrapper. She grinds up the ribs and uses them as flour for her mixture. Once the dough is properly mixed, she looks at Flim with a menacing smile.

"Time for the harvest..."

She uses her knives as scalpels, to remove each of the organs other than the heart and lungs. Each one is chopped up and added to the mixture, mixed well, and poured into the baking sheet perfectly, without a single spill. Pink miasma forces the heart and lungs to keep working, and the mare is absolutely soaked in blood at this point.

Once the cupcake batter is finished, the mare returns to the side of Flim, hoof resting on his head.

"Usually, your heart and lungs would be used as well, but... I have something I need to do. Don't take me eating you alive personally... It's the first step of a ritual. A very important ritual."

The mare's jaws begin to open wider than they should be, a misshapen and horrific smile widening as well. The fangs are in full view now, and Flim can no longer scream thanks to the blood bubbling out of his mouth. Her eyes widen, pupils shrinking as she gets closer.

"Say hello to your brother in hell for me..."