• Published 4th Feb 2021
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Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Dedication (Written by: Rated Ponystar)

Carrot Top is one of many ponies who opposes the war and forceful conversion of humans but cannot speak out against it for fear of being ostracized by her peers. A chance encounter with her best friend changes all of that.

Carrot Top didn't recognize her home anymore.

Everything had changed the moment they had arrived on Earth, and she didn't like the changes. Not the fact that they were now sharing a new world with a different species mind you, that wasn't the problem.

Well, for Carrot Top, at least.

It was no secret that ponies weren't very comfortable with non-ponies, even if they could live here at one point.

Thankfully, Carrot managed to avoid all that paranoid nonsense thanks to being raised by a donkey stepfather. After her birth father left her mother for his mistress, Duran Keys had been there to comfort his neighbor. A year later, Carrot Top was calling Duran her new father, which was fine by her. Far as she was concerned, her step-dad was her birth father and not the flankhole who left them for some bitch in Las Pegasus.

Unlike her fellow ponies, Carrot happened to find other species quite enjoyable, and humans were no exception. They were a bit more violent than she expected and had a strange sense of taste when it came to humor. But her mother and stepfather had always told her not to judge others until she got to know them.

So that's what Carrot Top did.

During the early years of arriving here on Earth, exchange programs were made for ponies to visit various human lands and see their culture and people. When offered to see what human society was like for a year, Carrot Top signed up at once, along with her best friend Derpy Hooves and her daughter, Dinky.

It was quite an exciting experience, to say the least.

Carrot Top had worked in a carrot farm in California, where she learned a lot of new stuff that she later put into her own carrot farm when she got home. She even taught the human farmers a few new things and made a few new friends along the way.

There was Micky, an immigrant from South America who was saving money to become an engineer. Hopefully, he had finally earned his citizenship before starting his own business like he wanted to help send money back home.

Next was Alexander, a native Californian dating the head farmer's daughter and working there to impress him. She sadly never got to see their upcoming wedding but did send a gift before all contact with the outside world was closed.

And finally, Sally May, a transgender person who was one of the most stubborn people Carrot had ever met. Seriously, she could outmatch Applejack in that department. Still, she was a hearty girl who you couldn't help but get along with quickly.

The three were all sad to see Carrot leave, but the earth pony promised to visit them when she had the time.

At least, that was until this whole war started.

Now the humans she had become friends with were declared enemies that needed to become ponies for their own sake. If Sally May had heard someone say that to her, she would punch their lights out and put them in that one wrestling move she showed Carrot Top called the "Walls of Jericho."

Carrot Top honestly didn't know what to think about this war.

It all seemed wrong to her.

Was it really about saving humans who ponies were calling the most sinful thing alive since Changelings? Or was this about taking over their land with the excuse of turning them into ponies for their own good a cover-up?

Carrot Top might not have gotten a fancy education, but she was not dumb. There was more to this war than what they were being told in the papers. It stunk to high heavens, but Carrot Top kept her mouth shut.

Their "righteous crusade" had turned all of Ponyville into such a town of frenzied zealots it was mind-boggling to somepony like her who lived her whole life here.

Walking through the streets of Ponyville, Carrot Top passed through no less than six propaganda posters about joining or supporting the war effort. According to the big speeches given by the Princesses and Commander-General Shining Armor, the war was supposed to be over in a year. Only that turned out to be a bunch of ponyfeathers because the war was still going on, with the news reporting nothing but the war.

Celebrations were common to see whenever there were reports for victories. Days of mourning were just as prominent when casualty reports came in. Carrot Top had been to more funerals she'd liked and had to comfort her neighbors who had lost their sons, daughters, fathers, wives, and so on when they came home in a pine box.

Although, there were times when the box was merely empty. Just a photo and some flowers inside, along with any possessions of the deceased.

While Equestria did everything to bring the dead back home, sometimes they had to leave the bodies behind, and sometimes there wasn't anything left to send back. The only groups of ponies who seemed happy all the time were the owners of the Happy Farewells Funeral Home in town.

The saddest funerals Carrot Top had been to was Big Macintosh's, and later his wife when she died of a broken heart. Everypony in town came for those two's farewells. Carrot Top would be the first to admit she didn't like Applejack that much for numerous reasons, but even she didn't deserve to lose her brother and sister-in-law like that.

She was just lucky she didn't have to worry about her own parents since they had left Equestria long ago to retire to Moodrid. I wonder if they got my letter about Equestria leaving for this world before we left? I hope we go back someday.

Still, even with her sympathies, Carrot felt like Ponyville had changed for the worse thanks to the war.

There used to be social events, gatherings, market days, and having fun in the seasons while working hard to pay for your family. Now it was all about supporting the war, patriotism, and praying to the princesses that their soldiers would come home safe.

Carrot had to roll her eyes at that one.

She never once believed that the princesses were gods but had to pretend to while growing up. Nowadays, being declared a "heretic" is a social death sentence. She preferred that new age spiritual stuff that Alexander was into back in California. It seemed more relaxing and less strict.

"Hey, Carrot Top?" The carrot farm paused and turned around to see Bon Bon walking over with a basket of her famous namesake on her back. Carrot Top quickly gave her best smile possible, but deep down, she really didn't want to talk to Bon-Bon of all ponies today. "Want a treat? I'm giving them away since I made too many."

"Oh, thanks, but I'm trying to cut down on sweets to lose weight," Carrot Top lied, which made Bon-Bon shrug. "Oh, um, are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine...," Bon Bon said, but her tone could barely hide the rage and sorrow behind it. "Just fine."

Yeah, right, Carrot Top thought in her head with an internal snort. If the rumors going around were true, Bon-Bon was still drinking and punching her wall in a mess. I guess that's what happens when your best friend, and secret crush, is declared a traitor for starting a rebellion against Equestria by proclaiming it's wrong to fight against the humans.

It honestly was a shock even to Carrot Top when Lyra proclaimed the Royal Family was wrong to try and enforce genocide on the humans. What was even more shocking was how many ponies joined her.

There were even rumors that Flash Sentry, who Princess Twilight was once dating, had joined them after breaking up. There was always news about the "traitors" who were being hunted down and held in jails. Some were just sentenced for life, while others got executed—something Equestria hadn't seen in a long time. Meanwhile, the resistance was causing "terrorist" actions such as cutting supply chains, ruining labs that were making potions for the war, and sometimes outright stealing equipment.

The biggest impact they had was the radio and published statements they were putting out for all to listen and read. Mostly about how Celesia and her followers were monsters for trying to destroy a species and were seeking to wipe humanity out and replace them with brainwashed Newfoals.

Then again, the Newfoals are a bit...weird.

Many ponies who were friends with Lyra took it hard when she started her rebellion, but none more than Bon-Bon. Everypony knew had a crush on the unicorn.

Well, all but the lyre player herself.

Nopony even dared mention her name anymore, unless it was in a curse, but especially near Bon-Bon. Every time she heard Lyra's name, the candy maker would break the nearest object before leaving in a rampage. There was even one time she broke all the limbs of a pony who made a joke about her and Lyra.

No pony had learned more about humans or gone to see what they were really like than Lyra. When she returned from her journeys and published her book, Lyra would talk about how unique and different humanity was from any species she had seen. She spoke of them as if they were paragons to be admired and respected, despite their flaws and issues.

Alas, most ponies were more afraid of them than anything. Lyra believed there was much Equestria could learn from them. Now she was a wanted mare with a "Dead or Alive" order on her head.

"Well, I better get going. I'm going to see Derpy for a visit," Carrot Top said with a nod. "See ya, Bon-Bon."

"Goodbye," Bon-Bon replied before making her way down the street.

Once Carrot Top was sure the mare was out of eyesight did Carrot Top relax. She didn't know why, but recently she had gotten the feeling that Bon-Bon was a lot more dangerous than she looked. Or I'm still unnerved by how badly she beat up that guy. Seriously, I didn't know she knew how to fight like that. It almost looked like Dinky's close-range combat training she showed us one time on leave.

It didn't take long for Carrot to arrive at the Hooves household, where she knocked on the door. The sound of crashing and broken objects occurred soon after, but this was normal to hear each time Carrot visited, so the sounds didn't phase her. A few minutes later, the familiar cross-eyed pegasus gazed upon Carrot Top in surprise. "C-Carrot? What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd come to visit," Carrot said as she tried to step inside, but Derpy blocked her while smiling sheepishly. It made her suspicious, but she decided to hold back from saying anything. "You've been busy these past two weeks. They have you working hard at the post office?"

"Y-Yeah! The war is just making every mailpony busy these days," Derpy said with a nervous smile that tried to hide the worried expression in her eyes. Carrot Top raised her eyebrow. Even if she weren't Derpy's best friend and knew her from their fillyhood days, she would be able to tell that the mare was hiding something.

"Well, mind if I come in? We could have some tea and chat."

"O-O-Oh, this is a bad time! I'm...uh...having problems with my toilet! I think it's backed up!" Derpy said.

"Oh, then I'll go get Leaky Pipes," Carrot said with a smile. "He should be free today."

"Um, I also have a giant rat problem?"

"I'm sure Fluttershy will be more than happy to lead a hoof and help them find a new home in her animal shelter."

"...The TV is broken?"

"Oh, for crying out loud, Mom. Just let Aunt Carrot in."

Sighing, Derpy opened the door fully for Carrot Top to walk inside. She paused upon seeing that, in the living room of the Hooves family, were a bunch of bags and suitcases filled with clothes and belongings. Next to them was Private Dinky Doo, Derpy's daughter who had recently resigned from the Royal Guard due to her mother's growing "health concerns."

Considering that Derpy had her eye problem and the clumsiness that it brought, Carrot guessed the inspectors decided it wasn't worth a full investigation and granted it. Even though Carrot Top knew her friend was a fit as a fiddle.

Looking at the bags, Carrot asked, "Are you going on a trip?"

"Kinda?" Derpy replied as she shut the door. "Um, we're going on a long trip."

"I see," Carrot Top said before looking at Dinky, who was eyeing Carrot suspiciously, which was a surprise. Carrot Top had babysat Dinky ever since she was a foal and helped raise her as a second mother to the point that Dinky called her "Aunt." She was even Dinky's godmother in the event something happened to Derpy. Yet, she was looking at Carrot as if she might have to take her down with her guard training. "And where are you going?"

"Um...west," Derpy answered.

"How far west?"

"Very far west!"

Suspicious, Carrot Top decided to look around some more before her nose picked something up. A familiar smell that took her a few moments to pick up in her mind before it clicked.

"Do I smell gasoline?" Before the others could say anything, she walked over to the closet, where the smell was most potent, and opened it up. Carrot's jaw dropped upon seeing just how many canisters were there. Enough to burn not just this entire house down but maybe the whole corner of the block.

Turning her head, she glared at the two nervous ponies. "Okay, explain. Now."

Things were silent before Dinky turned to her mother and sighed, "Should we tell her?"

"Muffin, Carrot's part of this family," Derpy whispered before shaking her head. "It's only fair that she knows. Besides, I don't think she'll sell us out..."

"Sell you out?" Carrot Top asked.

Dinky took a deep breath and said something that made Carrot Top freeze in place. "We're part of the resistance, Auntie Carrot Top."

"...You still got that cider from last month, Derpy?" Carrot asked.

"Yeah, why?" Derpy asked.

"Because I think I need it."


Carrot Top took another long gulp as the buzz started kicking in before looking at the nervous mother and daughter duo.

They had remained silent, looking down both in shame and concern the whole time. Honestly, Carrot had so many questions, but she needed a drink to calm herself down, or she might have said or done something irrational. The whole thing made no sense because Carrot had no hint of the two even once supporting Lyra's rebellion.

Sure, Carrot knew they were sympathetic to the humans. In fact, they had just as good a time as Carrot Top did when they went with her.

In truth, it was more for Dinky's sake than anything.

Her best friend, Pipsqueak, had tragically died in an accident, and she took his death hard. For a while, leaving for the human world was Derpy's idea of helping her daughter heal from the loss. While Derpy did her best working as a mailpony for the US Postal Service in the town they were in, Dinky didn't know what to do until she met a friend who helped her.

A human by the name of Tom Morris, who was an independent musician and owned his music store in his spare time, was the one who ultimately helped Dinky move on. He also had lost his parents in an accident and used music to help deal with his pain. Dinky had learned how to use the guitar and her voice from him while working shifts at his store as payment. Carrot even thought Dinky might have developed a crush on the human, but she assured them that they were just friends.

When they returned to Equestria, Dinky continued to play the guitar and kept in contact with Tom, even after she joined the Royal Guard like her father did when he was alive. That was until the order of Princess Celestia cut off all communication, and Equestria eventually declared war on Earth. Thankfully, Dinky was never posted in any actual battles and was just stationed in Canterlot to keep the peace until she resigned.

"So," Carrot started as she pushed her drink away, "since when did you two join the resistance?"

"Last year, for me," Dinky answered before nodding to her mother. "Mom joined only a few months ago. I've been giving the resistance information that I heard from the guard, and they hand it over to the humans. I want to think that I saved some lives while doing so. I felt they were getting suspicious of me, so I left the guard under the excuse of needing to take care of mom since she was getting older. I maybe have also lied that her sight was getting worse to help sweeten the act."

"And I've just been delivering messages to various resistance members and groups," Derpy admitted with a shrug and smile. "Nopony suspects me because of my eyes."

"And the reason you wanted to join was because?" Carrot asked, eyebrow raised.

"Because what the princesses are doing is wrong!" Derpy said out loud as she slammed her hoof on the table. It was rare to see Derpy ever angry, but it was also one of the few times her eyes were ever straight.

"Carrot, you've been to the human lands with the rest of us. You know that what Celestia is saying about them isn't true. They've been nothing but sweet and kind to us when we got there. They didn't make fun of my eyes but found them cute and charming. They helped Dinky get over her loss of...Pipsqueak." Derpy quickly placed a hoof on her daughter's shoulder, who gave a small smile back. "And we had so much fun there. I was even thinking of moving there until the war started. I heard reports about how bad the war was for humans, and I just kept thinking about all the friends we made ending up dead or forced into one of those Newfoals."

Derpy shivered as Dinky took over.

"Not to mention this goes against everything we were raised to believe. Equestria is supposed to be the beacon of friendship. Yet, when we come to a race that needs it the most, we just give up after a few years and decide the best way to help them is to force them to become something they don't want to be? I'm not saying that humans are angels, I've seen bad ones too, but that's not our place to decide who lives, dies, or turns into something else." Dinky growled and looked down in disgust.

"Not to mention how we've been treating others who even had the slightest difference of opinion. All those non-ponies that Celestia rounded up for trying to cause a rebellion? That was only a small handful of them, and the rest were just victims of her fear of losing control over everyone's mind. I've seen the camps they're forced to live in, and they're atrocious. Combined with all the zealous propaganda and frenzy nationalism? We're becoming a totalitarian state that's no different from the human's past Nazi Germany, USSR Communist Russia, or the current Kim Dynasty in North Korea. Yet we're too blind to see it because we're so convinced we can't do anything wrong due to our past victories against beings like Discord or Tirek."

"...So what's with all the gas canisters?" Carrot Top asked, sipping her drink a bit more.

"We're going to fake our deaths," Dinky answered, which nearly made Carrot Top choke on her drink as Derpy patted her back. "Things are getting hairy for the resistance. Princess Celestia is already planning more public executions of captured resistance membrers in Canterlot next week. So Lyra's gotten in contact with the U.N. to agree to help give us and others shelter in exchange for our help against Equestria."

"You... You're going to go fight for the humans?" Carrot Top said in surprise.

"We are, and we know what that means," Derpy said, sighing as she lowered her head. "It means we might never come back to Equestria again. Or we might end up dead."

"Have you thought-"

"We have," Derpy said with conviction. "Carrot, what was the one thing my husband believed in most?"

"Justice," Carrot Top answered at once. Strong Fight had been perhaps the one stallion in all of Equestria that treated Derpy right instead of an easy lay like many past boyfriends had tried. He was patient, understanding, and kind to Derpy while finding her eyes adorable to the point that he often called her "bright eyes" as a nickname. Even when she got pregnant due to one passionate evening, did he not abandon her. Instead, he married her just as he was joining the Royal Guard. Not unlike her parents, who kicked her out when she refused to get an abortion.

Strong Fight had always believed in justice and wanted to be a hero defending the innocent from the guilty.

Unfortunately, not every guard was a righteous member as Strong Fight's commanding officer was guilty of numerous crimes, including corruption. Despite the threats, Strong Fight exposed his superior, which led to his arrest, but a price was paid when Strong Fight was found dead one evening with his throat slashed from ear to ear. Derpy nearly fell apart at that point but continued to be strong for the sake of her newborn daughter.

"My father risked his life to do the right thing, even at the cost of his life," Dinky whispered, closing her eyes as a tear dripped down her cheek. "How can I, his daughter, not do the same thing when I see an injustice before me."

"And I would never let my Muffin do this without me," Derpy said, smiling as she nuzzled her daughter. "We're family. And we're doing this together to whatever end may come."

"And you were going to leave me behind?" Carrot Top asked, biting her lip.

The thought of Derpy and Dinky being dead without her knowing the truth would have been heartbreaking. Depry had been her fillyhood friend all her life. They grew up together with so many fond memories that Carrot would never trade them for even the biggest farm in the world. And she was there when Dinky was born, holding her not long after Derpy had where she stared at the little unicorn with such a cute smile it melted Carrot's heart.

She defended them from bullies all the time because of Derpy's eyes or Dinky's lack of a father figure. She made sure they were never separated even when child services believed Derpy was unfit to be a mother. And during the numerous crises they had from Nightmare Moon to Tirek, she had been prepared for it all to end so long as the three of them were together.

"Am I not your family too?"

"Of course you are, Carrot!" Derpy cried out as she rushed over and hugged her best friend. Sobbing, she whispered, "I wanted to tell you. We really did. But we were just afraid of...well..."

"We didn't think you would rat us out, but we didn't want you to get involved in this and be in danger," Dinky said, standing up. "It was hard enough for both of us to realize that we would be saying goodbye to so many ponies we knew and possibly have to fight them. The idea of risking you by telling you the truth..."

Wiping her tears, Carrot took a deep breath and started to think for a moment. "Out of curiosity, how do you plan on faking your deaths?"

"Well, the plan is to burn the house and teleport out of Equestria with some help from Discord," Dinky explained.

"Discord?! He's involved with the resistance?!" Carrot Top shouted in surprise. "Why would he...wait a minute... don't tell me."

"Fluttershy's joined us too," Derpy answered with a beaming smile. "She's only just recently joined, but with her on our side, it prevents the Elements of Harmony from being used in the war. Not to mention it would be a major PR blow to the war effort if one of the Elements, Kindness no less, was against the war and fighting for humanity. Discord, being her best friend, is joining her as well. In fact, he's been a big boon in helping us prepare for our big escape into the ocean."

"Wow..." Carrot Top whistled before chuckling. "The princesses are going to have a heart attack if they find out about this. So, was that it? Just make a fire and hope that everypony thinks you died?"

"Actually, to help with the proof, Discord's made a few realistic dummies out of our bodies that he's supposed to bring," Dinky explained. "They'll be used as a means to fool ponies into thinking we died in the fire. By the time everypony learns that we're not dead, we'll be long gone from Equestria."

"How realistic are these dummies?" Carrot Top asked.

"They've been used a few times to help fake a few resistance member's deaths," Dinky continued before grinning. "You remember Vinyl's Scratch's open casket funeral?"

Carrot Top's eyes widened. Everypony thought that Vinyl had died by breaking her neck from tripping on the stairs. Octavia had screamed for help when she returned to their house and found her, but she was announced dead soon after. Carrot had paid her respects to the corpse multiple times at the wake and funeral and even left flowers on the chest. If that was really a fake dummy, it was a really convincing one since it looked as accurate as the actual Vinyl Scratch.

"Wow, I guess it is a full proof plan...save for one thing," Carrot Top said as she finished her drink.

"What's that?" Derpy asked.

"You're going to need three fake bodies," Carrot Top said as she made up her mind and grinned. "One for you, one for Dinky, and one for me."

Both Derpy and Dinky's mouths dropped in shock upon hearing this. "A-Aunt Carrot, you mean-"

"You think I'm going to let you two go off and play rebel fighters without me? Come on," Carrot Top said as she hugged the two. "You two are my family. You're not going anywhere without me. Plus, I do think you are right. What Equestria is doing is wrong. I might not be a fighter, but I can cook. And an army is going to need somepony to help feed the hungry bellies if we're going to kick alicorn butt."

The two soon smiled while shedding tears as they hugged her back as tightly as possible.


"...And so, we ask Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, Princess Cadence, and even young Princess Flurry Heart to accept these lost souls into their embrace as they guide them to the heavily field of Elysium," A priest in black robes from the Church of Harmony stated to a gathering crowd of mourners in Ponyville Cemetery.

Many were friends of the deceased or co-workers who were shocked and heartbroken upon hearing the terrible news.

"May they know the grace of thy eternal harmony and know the everlasting peace you promise us upon our end. Though death has taken them, we shall remember them. Though their lives have ended, we will celebrate what they accomplished. And although we send them into the dirt to sleep forevermore, we shall always keep them in our hearts. Rest in harmony, our lost three souls who know no pain, suffering, or sickness. Rest in peace, Derpy Hooves, beloved mother, Dinky Doo Hooves, beloved daughter, and Carrot Top, beloved friend. Amen."

"Amen," the crowd muttered.

Three closed caskets covered in flowers and funeral wreaths lay ready to be sent into the Earth as they carried the burned remains of Derpy Hooves, Dinky Doo, and Carrot Top. The fire had consumed most of their flesh, rendering them little more than burned husks that not even magic could make presentable for an open casket service.

Funeral wreaths displayed pictures of the deceased on stands next to each casket. Around them were a few cards that wished them a fond farewell into the afterlife and a few gifts.

For Derpy, her co-workers had nearly placed her work uniform and hat. Dinky's had a medal and a few pictures of her and her comrades in the guard. Carrot Top had every fruit and vegetable placed around hers from the various farmers in Ponyville to honor one of their own.

One by one, the attendees paid their final respects, and placed flowers on the caskets before the undertakers sent them deep below into the Earth. Once it was done, they soon left for the memorial party that Pinkie Pie had planned afterward. Each not knowing that the three so-called deceased were currently hiding out and waiting for the time to head over to the human lands to continue the fight for justice.