• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,646 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Indignation, Part 1

Princess Celestia wakes from her six year long coma to find a world changed for the better, just not in the way she hoped.

The cool winds swept across the wide untamed expanse of the African serengeti, the ocean of grass swayed and flowed like rippling waves in the gentle breeze. Nature sounds and other noise of the wilds had softened as day shifted into night, punctuated by the warm orange glow of the sky as the sun slowly descended upon the horizon.

A lone unicorn mare stood upon the very edge of that horizon, watching wistfully as the beauty of the landscape put her at ease. With a heavy sigh she turned around and smiled, her form obscured by the light of the sun to be little more than an abstract silhouette.

"Mom..." she whispered.


Celestia eyes opened wildly as the scream that escaped her lips echoed across the air with all the force of a bomb going her off. She catapulted up from where she laid, head snapping violently to and fro as she struggled to gather her bearings. Her mind was still trapped in a haze and she stumbled about off her bed, completely oblivious to the wires and pads stuck to her nor the machines connected to them.

Dumbly, she shambled forward towards the light, her eyes open half-lidded and legs weak. An unheard voice calls out to her, a voice of a daughter long lost, and she wearily calls back.

"Sun... set..." Celestia mutters, putting one hoof in front of the other. "Sunset... I'm here..."

She marches a few more paces but immediately comes to a dead end when her face collides with an invisible wall. She stumbles a few steps backwards, bewildered by the strange phenomena. Blinking rapidly, her vision slowly begins the clear and the light from before wasn't nearly as harsh.

When the world finally ceased to be a bright blurry mess, and the ringing in her ear quieted to a tolerable hum, Celestia found herself dead center in a waking nightmare.

As it was she was encaged in some sort of strange cylindrical cell in a facility equally as alien, surrounded at all sides by a gamut of worried scientists and security officers, both human and pony. They all watched her through the impact glass with varying levels of wariness; some were terrified, others nervous, but after a brief moment they collected themselves and resumed their task as if they didn't have the living avatar of the sun standing thirty feet away from them.

One of the scientists shuffled over to a nearby security officer and spoke to him in a nervous tone, "Get Professor Thalmann, now."

The name, Thalmann, triggered something within Celestia. It alone caused a flurry of emotions to rush through her mind. Confusion, panic, fear and rage violently swirled within her like a hurricane, her head frantically snapping to and fro each onlooker in a drunken stupor as she desperately attempts to make sense of the situation.

She was dead, wasn't she?

She, Twilight and the rest of her loyal subjects had been decimated alongside Canterlot, dying a defiant death all in the name of the Equestrian ideal. Equestria was broken but unbowed, having denied humanity the satisfaction of conquering her home. At least, they should've been.

Nothing made any sense. Why was she here? Why was she conscious? Unless... No. Elysium didn't exist. She was sure of it. That afterlife nonsense was nothing more than fantastical hogwash she had perpetuated in order to maintain the moral purity of her ponies, a mere flight of fancy dressed up as religious dogma. By that same principle Tartarus or some other purgatory shouldn't have been real either.

So, if she wasn't dead, then that could only mean...

"...No," Celestia muttered, pupils shrinking to pinpricks. The weight of the horrible revelation came crashing down atop of her and the blood in her veins turned to ice. She furiously rubbed at her eyes with her hooves, hoping to wipe away the horrible reality around her. When she reopened them she was once again greeted with the same view, only this time her jailors stared at her like she was some out of control zoo animal, to her dismay.

"No... No, no, no! This can't be!?" With trembling hooves she reached up to her chest, feeling the bundle of wires and tubing dangling off of her before tearing them off in a frenzy.

She grunted in pain but soldiered on, the sudden burst of adrenaline coursing through her made her numb as she reeled back and furiously slammed herself against the walls of her cell. She expected to be free as a result of her prodigious strength but was rebuffed as the portion of the wall she struck glowed briefly before reciprocating the same amount of force back unto her. The resulting feedback sent her reeling back, a look of shock flashed across her face.

"RAAAAAGH!" Celestia roared as she bucked her hind legs towards the wall, only to be rebuffed once more. This time the feedback came back at her tenfold, sending her flying against the other side of the cell, crashing against her bed and various medical equipment and scattering them across the floor where she laid beside it in a messy heap.

"Grrr... What manner of human technological abomination is this?!" She cried, scrambling back on all fours. Her frustration mounting, she leveled her horn towards the cell wall and willed a powerful arcane blast into existence.

Nothing of the sort happened.

In fact, she didn't even have a horn.

Upon the realization of her lack of magical powers another wave of panic washed over her as her hooves shot up to her forehead where with a sinking heart she felt a rough jagged stump where her glorious horn should've been. It was then that it occurred to her that her own innate magical nature was also being suppressed, no doubt by the magic killers that had caused her and her people so much grief throughout the war. That infernal machine was anathema as it cut away at her soul like a knife to flesh, leaving her as weak as the average pony.

She had no time to process her hapless situation, only a need to escape and fulfill her ambitions in short order no matter the cost.

Celestia leveled a glare towards the humans observing her and, with a tone equal parts prideful and desperate laced in her voice, demanded them to free her, "HUMAN VERMINS! RELEASE ME THIS INSTANT BEFORE I TURN ALL OF YOU AND THIS HORRID FACILITY INTO GLASS UPON THE EARTH!"

She slammed her hooves against the cell wall for effect, hoping to cow her captors into submission with her intimidating presence. To her shock her observers weren't afraid of her in the slightest, rather, they found themselves amused by her predicament, staring at her in a way that said 'are you serious?' The humans either ignored her outright or pointed and laughed at her pathetic state. Their reaction was baffling as only an inches worth of material separated them from a fiery demise. She was a force to be reckoned with, yet the sheer indignity she received infuriated her to no end.

"YOU DARE REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ME!?" Celestia screamed, pressing her face up against the wall, glaring at her gleeful audience with baleful eyes. "I DO NOT DESERVE TO BE YOUR PRISONER! I AM THE MIGHTY! I AM THE STRONG! I AM YOUR SALVATION! I WILL BE TREATED AS SUCH! YOU HUMAN WRETCHES OWE ME THIS!" She ranted, but was continued to be treated very much in the same way a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum would be. Desperation creeping up her back she turned to the ponies in the room, a pleading, yet willful, look in her eyes.


The ponies nearby wore expressions of disgust and contempt as she concluded her desperate spiel. They didn't directly engage her, merely mumbling something about tyrannical despots and insane ramblings beneath their breath as they hurriedly turned away and left the room, leaving Celestia to wallow in her own failure.

"No! NO! Get back back here, I command you! You will obey me or there will be dire consequences! Don't leave me here you treacherous heretics! Not with these filthy mongrels! Not with the monsters that slaughtered your kin en masse!? I will not be abandoned! I WILL NOT BE DENIED! OBEY ME YOU MISERABLE INGRATES! OBEEEEY ME!" Celestia screeched as she began wildly slamming her hooves against the cell wall with callous disregard for her own well being. She raged and roared like an feral animal, thrashing about to where her hooves began to bleed and her throat grew shrill and hoarse. "GAAAAAAAH! LET ME OUT! I DON'T BELONG IN HERE LIKE SOME RAT IN A CAGE! LET ME OUUUUUUUUUT! I AM PRINCESS CELESTIA! RULER OF EQUESTRIA! SCION OF THE SUN! HERALD OF HARMONY! I AM-!"

"Bah! Gott im himmel! What damnable caterwauling have I walked into?!" A gravelly voice cut through the noise, causing Celestia to momentarily cease her outrage.

There, standing with his back ramrod straight and hair grey as the mist wafting off his electronic cigarette was none other than Professor Alric Thalmann, the man responsible for the creation of the Thalmann generator and its namesake. He looked as old and as cantankerous as he always been, with his permanent scowl and myriad of deep wrinkles, only now he was sporting some sort of cybernetic rig throughout his entire back. He stood in the doorframe of the room, one hand in his pocket and the other idly adjusting the e-cig on the corner of his mouth, all the while glaring at Celestia like a strict headmaster who'd just caught a student running in the hallways.

"Tsk, so they weren't pulling my leg when they told me you were finally awake. ScheiBe, what a pain in the ass," he cursed as he entered the room, pulling up a nearby chair and deliberately scraping across the floor with an unsettling screech that caused everyone in the room to wince. He planted it in front of Celestia's cell and sat down rather awkwardly. Instead of walking around and sitting down like a normal person, he, with mild difficulty, pulled himself over the back of the chair and sat down leisurely with one leg propped up atop the other. He turned to his staff and addressed them all the while maintaining eye contact with Celestia.

"Send word to the UN," he began, taking a long enthusiastic drag from his e-cig before continuing, "tell them 'Professor Thalmann's favorite song is ''Here Comes The Sun' by Die Kafer.' I'm sure they'll be thrilled to know. And I don't have to tell you this, but try to be discreet as possible. We can't have any of this leak out before the big announcement."

"Understood, sir," a security officer acknowledged and left the room to relay the message.

"As for everyone else, resume monitoring of the prisoner as normal. Make sure all security measures are functioning at maximum capacity and that redundant systems are always on standby. I'm going to have a little chat with our... guest," The staff complied to Thalmann's orders and returned to their posts as he narrowed his gaze on Celestia.

"Well, well. Good morning, Celestia. Welcome back to the waking world, It's finally time for you to smell the ashes."

"You..." Celestia seethed hatefully as she scanned the man sitting casually before her. "That name. That accursed name, Thalmann..." she uttered it in a deep hiss, her voice dripping with venom, "It was you, wasn't it! You're the one responsible for Equestria's downfall! You created that infernal magic killer that led to the death of my sister, the destruction of the Crystal Empire and the raping of my lands! All of Equestria's miseries came to be because of YOU!" She slammed her hooves upon the cell wall, shaking with uncontrollable rage. In that moment every inch of her wanted nothing more than to wrap her hooves around that man's throat and slowly strangle the life from him.

"Ah, there it is," Thalmann, in a surprising twist, quipped as he smiled a gnarled root of a smile. He broke out into a hearty chuckle, causing Celestia to gape incredulously at Thalmann's flippant remark. This man was responsible for the death of million of innocent ponies and he has the gall to laugh it all off? The audacity!

"You dare..." Celestia whispered darkly. "You dare to laugh at the deaths of countless millions?! YOU DARE TO MOCK THEIR SACRIFICE!?"

"Oh, no," Thalmann waved dismissively before breaking out into a throaty coughing fit, wheezing and sputtering into his hand as a sickly opaque grey fluid coated his palms. He recovered quickly yet retained his jarringly jovial demeanor, having wiped away the mess on his lab coat. "Oh, no, no, no. I'm not laughing at that. I'm laughing at the fact that you are every little bit as conceited, sanctimonious, self-righteous, manipulative, egotistical and morally disingenuous as people know you to be. I just find it amusing you're at least so consistent in your personality. Because honestly it's nice to deal with something familiar, wouldn't you agree?"

"What are you implying?" Celestia scowled.

"Oh? Did the wise and omnipotent Goddess of the pony people fail to understand the idiotic musings of a violent ape?" Thalmann taunted.

"Spare me your drivel and answer the damned question!"

"Ah, so angry, so violent. You're everything I expected to be and more," Thalmann teased playfully before his expressed hardened to the same glower he was known for. "But alas, if you wish to know so badly, then allow me to spell it out for you: Celestia, you are everything you blame humans to be and more."

His words set Celestia off. She rushed at him with renewed vigor, throwing herself at the wall over and over again only to be knocked back each time all the while Thalmann watched with quiet satisfaction as she failed to reach him.

"LIES! HUMAN LIES! " She bellowed. "I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU VERMINOUS FILTH! I AM ALL YOU COULD EVER WANT AND HOPE TO ACHIEVE! I AM THE ZENITH OF MORAL AND CULTURAL EXCELLENCE THAT ALL CREATURES AND CIVILIZATIONS STRIVE FOR!" She paused, panting heavily as she leered at Thalmann. "Compared to you pathetic lot, we ponies are the blessed people, the chosen of the universe for which all things are measured by. And I am at the center. I am what makes ponykind special in this cold uncaring universe!"

"Please, you're not special, Celestia," Thalmann retorted bluntly, not even missing a beat with his delivery. Celestia's eyes widened at his continued defiance of her presence but lacked the energy to rant again.

"Tsk," Celestia turned away, "I wouldn't figure an ignorant monkey like you could never understand me."

"Oh, I understand alright," Thalmann took a moment to huff his e-cig. "I understand that you're bland, vanilla, droll, pedestrian, cookie cutter, mediocre. You claim to be better than everyone else, you claim to have cultivated the greatest society to ever have existed before or after you when in reality you and that gilded cage you call Equestria are just another addition to the long list of 'accomplishments' misguided leaders, tyrants, despots and dictators have achieved throughout human history. So when I say you're nothing, I mean it. Because I've seen it all before, and at this point nothing surprise me anymore. Not even you."

"...Is there a reason we're even having conversation?" Celestia muttered disdainfully. "I doubt you've come here to get your jollies off at looking down on me."

"Well, that's one reason," Thalmann quipped, blowing a puff of vapor. "But the other is to get you prepped for you trial."

Celestia whipped her head around so fast it was a miracle her neck didn't twist all the way around. "Trial? You seek to put me, Princess Celestia, on trial?" The thought alone was laughable to her.

"That's usually what happens to someone when they commit crimes, or rather war crimes in your case," Thalmann coughed, "After which you will be deemed guilty of all charges and summarily executed in that order. Hopefully."

Celestia chuckled humorlessly at the thought of her own death. It was a bitter feeling, yet she chose to humor the good professor anyway, "...Killing me won't change anything," she whispered spitefully. "So, you've won. Equestria is destroyed, the last of my faithful subjects eradicated along with Canterlot. The dream of spreading friendship and harmony beyond our borders dies with me, but what does it matter?" She began to pace back and forth, trying to regain some semblance of her regality.

"You humans will go back to killing yourselves the moment I'm slain, and the pony heretics living fat lazy lives in your lands will follow suit with your species' eventual demise. This is a hollow victory, nothing more, nothing less. Humanity is still fated for destruction at their own hands and you monkey people threw away any hope for salvation the moment you rejected the ponification potion and embraced conversion. So go ahead, by all means. Put me on trial, declare me guilty, have me executed. This. Changes. Nothing." She seethed.

There was a moment of silence between the two after Celestia finished speaking. Thalmann and Celestia locked eyes with one another in a staring contest to see who would blink first. Curiously, it was Thalmann who was the first to blink, sighing heavily to himself and running his hand across his hair as Celestia looked on with a smug sense of satisfaction. She had thought to have disturbed him with the reality of his situation, but as she would immediately find out it wasn't the case.

"Excuse for a second, my e-cig is running on empty," Thalmann replied flippantly as he pulled out his charger pack from his lab coat pocket, inserted his current cigarette for recharging and pulled out a fresh one. "Usually I'd prefer the real thing, but with all the sensitive equipment around me having it caked with the tacky residue from tobacco smoke would be bad. Thankfully the water vapor from electronic cigarettes don't have that same issue." He took a few puffs from his new e-cig, savoring the flavor and annoying Celestia with his antics.

He then popped the big question he should've started with since his conversation started. "...Celestia, how long do you think you were in a coma for?"

Celestia was taken aback by the question. It was so sudden, yet it made her reassess her situation. "I... A-a coma?" She stammered.

"Yes, you were in a coma," Thalmann replied a matter o'factly. "You fell into a coma during the siege of Canterlot, moments after the barrier fell."

Panic stirred within Celestia. She knew something had been wrong the moment she woke up, only now had it finally hit her just how severe her predicament was. It all came flooding back to her, her final moments before darkness overtook her. The sight of the human forces on the horizon of Canterlot, her last conversation with Twilight, all of it. She sure that was the end.

"Did you honestly think that you woke up the day after you passed out?" said Thalmann. "Perhaps that's unrealistic for me to assume. Perhaps you believed it was a week, maybe a month or two. That would sound much more reasonable, unfortunately for you that isn't the case."

"...How long?" She demanded, growing paler than she thought possible. "Answer me, how long was I in a coma?!"

Thalmann sighed heavily, "...Six years."

Six years.

She'd been comatose for six terribly long years.

Celestia felt her heart hammer in a chest like a jackhammer the longer it took for her to process the information. But what does this have to do with anything? She was to be put on trial, yes, but what was going on in Thalmann's head? Why speak the way he does, what does he know that she doesn't! The unknown was too much absorb all at once.

"...W-why does this matter?" Celestia stammered. "What does it matter that I was comatose for that long! I-it should be irrelevant! Equestria is no more! Twilight, my pupil, and our faithful subjects, they were all destroyed along with Canterlot, as it should!"

Thalmann raised an eyebrow, his lips curled into the barest facsimile of a smirk. It was so faint of an emotional expression yet it couldn't have felt more predatory than it did right then and there. "Oh, come now, Celestia.You're alive. Think about it."

Celestia's pupils shrank to pinpricks. The pieces of the puzzle had all fallen into place and while she still couldn't make out the big picture she didn't like what she was seeing. She was alive. She had already established that earlier but acknowledged it entirely for the wrong reason. As it was, there was only one other explanation for her being here and it was the worse possible outcome she could hope to conceive. "No... No, that would never happen. I made sure of it! But... S-she wouldn't... SHE COULDN'T!"

"...She did," Thalmann announced, lazily leaning back into his chair. "Mere days after you were rendered comatose, Twilight Sparkle, then acting princess of Equestria, surrendered and ceded control of the country over to UN occupational forces. Shortly after, she complied to all of the UN's terms of surrender. And if you recall, the terms included turning you over to us," he explained as Celestia listened on in horror.

"...B-betrayal," Celestia muttered, her face the very picture of fear. "C-corruption... Taint... Blasphemy... Malversation! HOW COULD SHE?!"

Rage erupted from the depths of Celestia's soul. Unfettered and destructive. Though her body ached and moved sluggishly, a new surge of adrenaline drove her to lash out at her cell at the expense of her body and mind. She rammed herself towards Thalmann, the wall between them absorbed her attack and sent her flying back, but she held her ground this time. She slid back on all fours, welling deep grooves into the floor. Undeterred and fueled by madness she charged again and again, making a mess of everything, including herself.

"GRAAAAAH! WHY?!" She bellowed. "WHY WOULD SHE DO THIS?!" Celestia continued to thrash, the room rumbled and shook even though the thalmann generators were working overtime to keep her abilities suppressed. She was like a great beast struggling against the chains holding her down. The cell's housing began to buckle, there were panels becoming warped and loose parts being knocked around. Looks of apprehension began cropping up on the staffs' faces, they feared for the worst but Thalmann remained as nonchalant and as stone-faced as ever.



An automated voice sounded itself.










Thalmann sighed to himself. As everyone else broke out into a cold sweat, he himself couldn't be bothered to dignify Celestia's outrage with a response. Rather, he began searching his coat pockets like a smoker looking for a cigarette lighter until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a small remote no bigger than a smartphone and pushed the big button on it.

"The prisoner is being uncooperative," he mumbled, as the ceiling in Celestia's cell opened up to reveal a pair of mechanical arms armed with some strange dish looking device. Celestia paused in her outrage and sneered at the sight of the strange apparatus.

"BAH! MORE HUMAN MACHINERY! YOU COULDN'T HAVE WON WITHOUT IT!" She mocked. "WITHOUT YOUR PATHETIC TECHNOLOGICAL CRUTCH YOU HUMANS ARE-!" Cutting her off short Thalmann pushed another button on the remote, the arms honed in on Celestia and let loose a highly concentrated wave of anti-magical energies that assaulted her at all sides. The sound it made was like a banshee's wail, and it punctuated even further by Celestia's own wail of pain.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAH!?" Celestia screamed, the waves immediately forced her onto her haunches, gripping tightly at her head as the mother of all migraines blended her grey matter. The sensation she felt throughout her entire body could only be described as torturous. This type of pain was beyond what she knows, everything else that had come before paled in comparison to the unmitigated agony she was experiencing now. Her head felt like it was slowly splitting open right down the middle. There were thousands of flensing needles dancing about beneath her skin, threatening to rip her asunder. "AAAAAAAAAAAH! W-WHAT IS THIS?! WHAT HORROR HAVE YOU SUBJECTED ME TO YOU MONGREL FILT- AAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"Oh, this?" Thalmann pointed to the mechanical arms. "It doesn't have a name but they're one of kind. It's based upon the original Project J.G.W. prototypes and specifically manufactured to my exact specifications with the sole purpose of acting as a defensive countermeasure for your prison. You see, we learned the energy emitted by the generators can do more than just suppress a pony's innate magic. If you overcharge it and adjust the frequency to the proper spectrum you can turn the generators into, and forgive my crass summation, a death ray that is lethal to ponykind. Fortunately for you, it was deemed too expensive, too impractical and too inhumane to field as a weapon during the war and was banned from ever being created, save for this lone exception."

He tapped at his temple, staring down on a screaming, writhing Celestia as blood began pouring out from her nose and eyes in long unbroken streaks. "Feel that? All those little capillaries in your head, every little blood vessel, like tubes of concrete. Right now every inch of your body is being forcibly agitated on a cellular level, resulting in uncontrollable muscle movements and violent spasm that are tearing you apart from the inside out. A minute from now, your skin will start to sear as if cooked over an open flame. In three, your organs will begin to liquify and spill from out from any orifice. In five, the force of your spasming would snap your spine clean in half and shatter your bones..."

"W-WAIT! WAIT!" Celestia cried in desperation, weakly raising a hoof pleadingly, an action that caused searing pain to run up her foreleg. "STOP! I-I SUBMIT MYSELF TO YOU! YOU HEAR?! I S-SUBMIT! TURN IF OFF! P-PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, TURN IT OFF!?"

"...Hmph," Thalmann wrinkled his nose, staring at his remote for a few extra seconds before rolling his eyes deciding that Celestia had had enough. "Only because you said please." Thalmann pushed a button on his remote and the device turned off. It then receded back into the ceiling and the room was engulfed in a pregnant silence as Celestia writhed pitifully upon the ground, too weak to move on her own, too traumatized to speak. "You know, I wasn't actually going to kill you. My job is to look after you until the world is prepared to kill you."

He stood up from his chair and casually checked his watch, "Oh, would you look at that, it's lunch time. I must admit, speaking with you has left me rather famished. Someone, get the maintenance crew down here and have them repair the cell. Tell them to reinforce it as well. We wouldn't want our guest to ruin her special dwellings again, now, do we? In the meantime, I suggest you rest, Celestia. Try to think about all that's transpired. You have much to reflect on. I'll have the staff provide you with a meal and some reading material, have you catch up on current affairs. We'll chat again in a few hours. Auf wiedersehen."

With that, Professor Thalmann turned on his heels and left the room no worse for wear, leaving Celestia to her own thoughts as she laid about on the cold floor. The pain had subsided quicker than she had expected, but her ego and willpower were in shambles.

What kind of world has she woken up in?

She knew nothing about it.

Absolutely nothing at all.

...She was afraid.