• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 2,920 Views, 89 Comments

Honey Cupcakes - Someguy458

Chrysalis buys cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner. Without a disguise. This, understandably, makes some ponies worry.

  • ...

"...and that's how I met your mother!"

Author's Note:

Caution: this chapter contains a recreation of a famous chess match. If you aren't familiar with chess, then your enjoyment may be hampered.

And please, don't call me a nerd for including it.

Chrysalis, who'd been enraptured by the story so far, did a double-take. "I'm sorry, what?"

Pinkie didn't seem to notice what she'd said. "Now, let's continue this party! And maybe later, I can tell you the story of how Twilight learned to believe in my Pinkie Sense; it's a gem!" With that, she pronked away as if nothing were wrong.

Chrysalis, absolutely stumped, turned to Twilight, who simply shrugged. "That pink one concerns me," the Changeling admitted.

That earned a chuckle from the unicorn. "I know the feeling, but she means well. Now, come on; this party won't attend itself."

With that, Twilight trotted to join her pink friend. Chrysalis managed a light chuckle, then set her clutch of eggs onto her back and made to join the festivities.

"I can't believe it," Rainbow Dash groused as they made their way back to town. "Twilight, wanting to help an enemy of Equestria?"

Fluttershy pointed out, "Chrysalis has no memory of what she's done, Rainbow; you saw the conversation they had."

The prismatic pegasus threw her forehooves in the air. "That has nothing to do with it! She still attacked Equestria, and she still needs to pay for her crimes! How can you even defend her, Flutters?!"

"Princess Luna tried to bring about eternal night, and we forgave her," Fluttershy pointed out.

"That's completely different; she's Princess Celestia's sister. Besides, you were still afraid of her afterward, right?"

"And I was wrong to be afraid of her!" Fluttershy defended.

"But what if—"

"Rainbow Dash, that's enough!" Applejack spoke for the first time since they left the ruins. "Arguin' won't get us nowhere. Ah don't trust 'er more'n Ah can throw 'er, neither, but she's got a family ta protect, an' Ah respect that. Besides, what's that sayin' 'bout the friends an' the anenomes?"

"I believe you're thinking of the phrase 'keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'," Rarity supplied helpfully.

AJ tipped her hat in thanks, "Exactly! It's better ta have yer enemies where ya can keep track of 'em, rather than have 'em out there doin' Celestia-knows-what!"

Rainbow grumbled, "Still, this just doesn't feel right!"

"I know!" Spike piped up. "Has Twilight completely forgotten what Chrysalis did to Canterlot? To our brother?! To Celestia!?"

Fluttershy shook her head, "I'm sure that Twilight hasn't forgotten all of that, but I think that Chrysalis has been through enough. I can't even imagine having to take refuge in the Everfree Forest, much less with a head injury and a family to protect."

"Seriously, girls," AJ admonished, "we can deal with all o' this when we git back ta town."

The group nodded (Rainbow and Spike much more reluctantly than the others), and they continued to trudge through the forest.

But then, Rainbow Dash had an idea. A wonderful idea. Rainbow Dash had a wonderfully Awesome™ idea.

She innocuously drifted to the back of the group, where Spike was silently fuming, and whispered, "Do you have any parchment and ink?"

The baby dragon blinked, then reached into his... wherever he kept things, and pulled out those items. "I live with Twilight; of course I have extra parchment."

Rainbow couldn't help but snicker at that comment. "Well, I think it's about time we send Princess Celestia another letter."

Spike blinked, then allowed a devilish smirk to cross his face. "I agree completely."

Twilight could hardly believe her eyes. Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings and attempted conqueror of Equestria...

...was playing pin-the-tail-on-the-pony. And she was rather good at it.

The Changeling lifted the blindfold after her third round. The tail she'd just placed had missed the mark by a mere two centimeters — a personal best. "Well, that was certainly amusing," she began, "but I'd like to partake in something that requires a bit more intellect."

"How about chess?" Twilight suggested.

To the unicorn's surprise, the Changeling nearly jumped for joy at the mention. NEARLY. "I'd love to," she stated after a moment of composure.

Twilight giggled a little, then used her magic to bring out a chess set. Setting it up on a nearby table, the two made to sit on opposite sides of the board — Twilight on black, Chrysalis on white.

"Your move first," Twilight offered.

Chrysalis nodded, looking over the board for a moment. Then, with her magic, she moved one of her knights to f3.

Twilight was next to move, bringing her own knight to f6. "I'd like to get started on those questions right now, if you don't mind."

"Ask away." Pawn to c4.

"Where are you from?" Pawn to g6.

Chrysalis blew a stray lock of hair out of her face as she moved a knight to c3. "The Badlands."

"Born and raised?" Bishop to g7.

"Indeed." Pawn to d4.

Twilight took the opportunity to castle with her kingside rook. "Parents?"

Chrysalis frowned. "I don't like to talk about them," she mumbled as she moved a bishop to f4.

"Fair enough," Twilight nodded as she moved a pawn to d5. "What was your childhood like?"

Queen to b3. "Same as most other drones; I ate, patrolled, slept, ate, patrolled, slept, etc."

Twilight used a pawn to capture the pawn on c4, intentionally putting it in direct line of sight from Chrysalis's queen. "How'd you become Queen, then?"

To Twilight's surprise, Chrysalis blinked. "What gave you that impression?"

The unicorn balked, game temporarily forgotten. "Uh, the fact that you look so different from every other drone?"

Chrysalis shook her head. "I'm not a Queen; I'm just a Princess."

The lavender mare processed this. 'She forgot she became a Queen? According to Ribot's Law, that suggests it was a more recent event,' she reasoned to herself. "Oh, well, nevermind, then."

Chrysalis eyed Twilight suspiciously, but didn't comment. Her queen piece captured the pawn on c4.

Twilight responded by moving a pawn to c6. "So, how'd you become a Princess, then?"

Pawn to e4. "Same as my sister; when the heir becomes unavailable, the next in line becomes the heir."

The knight from column b moved to d7. "You have sisters?"

Rook to d1. "I was the third of four. Mothra, Rhizophage, and Strigae. Mothra is the current Queen, and Strigae mostly keeps to herself."

'So something happened to Mothra,' Twilight deduced as she moved her other knight to b6. "How about Rhizophage?"

Chrysalis's expression turned forlorn. "She was slaughtered by a Dread Maulwurf some time ago."

Twilight's expression turned somber, too. "I'm sorry to hear that... I've got a brother — two if you count Spike — and I can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost either of them."

Internally, a thought occured to her: 'Wait, if she was willing to talk so openly about her sister, then whatever happened to her parents...'

After a moment of silent contemplation, Chrysalis straightened herself and moved her Queen to c5. "That was the last day we allowed any sort of vegetation near the Hive."

Twilight nodded slowly, moving a bishop to g4. "Huh. What's your greatest strength?"

Chrysalis paused. "Come again?"

"What do you believe is your greatest strength?" Twilight asked simply.

Chrysalis allowed herself a small smile as she moved a Bishop to g5. "Well, not to blow my own horn, but I'd like to think my planning skills are gormless."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"

Chrysalis nodded, her smile growing slightly cocky.

"Then plan around this." Knight to a4.

Chrysalis's eyes widened. Twilight just moved her knight into the line of fire, but in such a way to where, if Chrysalis were to take it with her own knight (the only piece that could at the moment), she'd be left in a disadvantaged state no matter what she did afterward. She sweated a bit as she went over all her options, cursing herself that she hadn't moved the proper bishop to allow her to castle.

"Oh DAANG, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie spoke up for the first time in a while, reminding them both that she was still there. "That's gotta be one of the most powerful moves of all time!"

Twilight allowed herself a small blush. "Aw gee, Pinkie, it's not that— wait, what makes you say that?"

"Jonathan Rowson," Pinkie replied simply.

Both players blinked. "Who?"

"Oh, nothing," the pink mare trailed off cryptically, before bouncing happily towards the confectionary table, disappearing under the tablecloth.

Chrysalis turned to look at Twilight, who simply shrugged. "Eh, whatever; it's just Pinkie being Pinkie."

Chrysalis nodded, unsure, before resuming the game.

A mountain of pastries sat on an eloquent, golden plate. Sunlight glinted off the frosting in an incandescent manner, shimmering beautifully as the Monarch of the Sun licked her lips.

"Tia," Luna cautioned, "you know what the Royal Dietician said..."

"I know," Celestia replied, still staring longingly at the plate of baked goods, "but one or two won't hurt."

"You always say that," the Monarch of the Moon stated, "and yet, every single time, we find all the locks in the Royal Pantry busted open, and chocolate frosting all over your bedsheets."

"I can quit at any time," Celestia reasoned.

"Then quit now, before it's too late!"

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but a wisp of magic interrupted her. In a flash of light, a scroll appeared right next to her head. "A letter from... Spike and Rainbow Dash?" she unfurled the parchment and began reading.

"What does it say, Sister?"

Celestia's eyes widened as she scanned the page. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short, Luna; Chrysalis is in Ponyville!"