• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 2,920 Views, 89 Comments

Honey Cupcakes - Someguy458

Chrysalis buys cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner. Without a disguise. This, understandably, makes some ponies worry.

  • ...

"What the—!?"

Rainbow Dash thought that getting Spike to send a letter to the princesses was a stroke of genius on her part. She'd figured they'd immediately take care of the problem, and that Chrysalis would be out of their manes once and for all.

So when she arrived at the library to escort Spike home, she wasn't ready to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna laughing with Twilight and Chrysalis.

"Ah, Rainbow Dash!" Luna smiled. "Come, join us; we were just discussing the Wonderbolts' military history."

Rainbow was at a loss for words for a moment. Then her face turned to Twilight and raised an eyebrow silently. Even if she was mad, she knew better than to play all her cards out in the open like that; she wouldn't risk provoking Chrysalis into attacking.

"Rainbow Dash, Spike," Twilight stated evenly, "I'd like you to meet Princess Chrysalis."

Unfortunately, Spike wasn't as tactful as Rainbow Dash. "What the hay, why's she still here!?"

Silence reigned in the room for a moment, before Chrysalis asked, "What do you mean, 'still here'?"

Twilight put a hoof to her forehead. "Sorry, Chrysalis; I wasn't exactly alone when I found you. I thought that they'd all be in support of me, but apparently, some ponies still have some bias." Even Rainbow Dash could hear the bitterness in her voice.

Chrysalis stared at the two newcomers for a moment, eyes narrowed.

Then she asked, "And what, exactly, is that bias?"

Spike was now sweating under her gaze, but now that Spike had broken the ice, Rainbow held her ground. "You shouldn't be here! I don't know what spell you've put Twilight and the Princesses under, or what game you're pulling, but it needs to stop!"

The amnesiac Queen eyed them for a long, tense moment.

Then, without another word, she stood up, picked up her eggs in her magic, and began to head towards the exit. Rainbow preemptively leapt out of the way and got into a defensive stance, but there was no need; Chrysalis simply strolled out the door.

Spike blinked. "Well, that was anti-climactic..."

Rainbow, however, was smirking. "Another day saved, thanks to —"

"Rainbow Dash and Spike!!"

Both the pegasus and dragon froze at the voice. It was certainly the Royal Canterlot Voice, as they'd seen demonstrated on Nightmare Night, but it wasn't Luna using it.

Instead, it was Celestia.

The two very slowly turned to face the monarch, who was staring down at them in disappointment. "I expected better of you two. Twilight, go catch up to Chrysalis before she leaves fully."

The bookworm nodded, teleporting out of the library and leaving Rainbow and Spike at the mercy of both Princesses.

Luna, too, was staring at them, but her ire seemed a lot more personal.

Celestia began, "So, that is how you treat a weakened mother?"

Rainbow sputtered, "B-b-but, she's Chrysalis! She's a master of deception, and you were all falling for it!"

"Or maybe there was nothing to fall for," Celestia continued. "We spent some time with her; we had every opportunity to sense deceit from her, yet we only sensed the expected deceit of a mother trying to protect her kids."

Spike offered, "B-b-but, she's evil! She hurt so many ponies!"

Luna raised an eyebrow, "And I didn't?"

Both of them stopped dead in their tracks, suddenly realizing how INCREDIBLY hypocritical they were being. Spike whimpered nervously, while Rainbow muttered half-baked justifications that didn't sound right to her anymore.

Finally, they both fell silent, before Rainbow spoke: "We just had Equestria's best interests in mind..."

Celestia sighed, letting up a little on her demeanor. "The road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions."

Spike put his head in his hands. "We just messed up a huge opportunity, didn't we?"

"Not yet," Luna pointed out. "Not if Twilight can convince Chrysalis to come back..."

Chrysalis strode down the street, nose up in the air and eggs securely on her back. She didn't know where she was headed, since her old campsite was now known; but this time, she'd make sure to stay away from any —

*POP* "Chrysalis, wait!"

Darn it.

Chrysalis sighed, looking down to find Twilight Sparkle standing in front of her, a desperate look on her face. "What do you want? As if it weren't obvious enough..."

"Chrysalis," Twilight began, "please don't go!"

"Why? So you can plan things behind my back? So that rainbow brat can yell at me that I don't belong, when I haven't done anything to her?"

Twilight hesitated slightly at that.

This didn't go unnoticed by Chrysalis. "You're hiding something, aren't you?"

The unicorn jumped, then tried to wriggle her way out of the situation. "N-n-no, of course not! I-I mean, not specifically to her, but — er, what I meant is — that is to say..."

The Queen fixed her with a harsh stare, stopping her in her tracks. "What do you know?"

Twilight tried in vain to find one last saving grace, but none came. So she eventually relented, "You attacked Canterlot."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, tone remaining authoritative. "Your tone says you aren't lying, but I cannot recall such an event occuring."

Twilight silently gestured to the side of her own head, prompting Chrysalis to feel the bump on hers. "You were defeated, and your injuries gave you amnesia."

She raised an eyebrow. She was injured for reasons she couldn't remember...

Then she shook her head, "But that's ridiculous; why would I possibly attack the capital of Equestria? "

"I don't know," Twilight admitted, "but my friends and I were all there to witness it."

Suddenly, some puzzle pieces clicked in her head. "That's why you asked if I was at a wedding two weeks ago, isn't it? And why you assumed I was a Queen?"

The unicorn nodded. "You replaced the bride, and attacked the entire city. It was only through the power of the real bride's love for her husband that you were stopped."

Chrysalis was beginning to reel. "No, this... This can't be, I... If I was leading the charge, then... Mothra...."

To Twilight's surprise, Chrysalis actually started to tear up. "She's dead, isn't she? Mothra is dead, and I can't even remember it."

Twilight stepped forward, "Chrysalis, I'm —"

The Queen stuck out a hoof to halt her. "No, I... I need some time to..."

She couldn't even finish that sentence; she simply wandered back into the Everfree Forest to give herself time to think.