• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 10: New Toys

We landed onto the soft cloud porch almost an instant after taking off. I got off her back and headed to the door. “Soooo, what did you do today while I was out, besides falling of cause.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” I gave her an annoyed look.

“Nope, it’s too funny.” She began to laugh.
“I’m trying to think of something to say to make you annoyed……. But I don’t think there anything.” I let out a defeated sigh.

“So what did you do today?” She took off her saddlebags and hung them on a hook by the door.

“Well, I read some books then I fell from your house and landed in a pile of apples then I met your friend Applejack but you already know that then I went for a walk then I stopped a robbery then I took the robber to the guards then I had lunch at the person who got robbed house then I went to sleep on the bench under the house.” I said that all in one breath, wow, I did it to make it seem like it was an average day, I want to be as badass as possible.

“Wait what?” she tilted her head to the side.
“Please don’t make me say that all again, it takes a lot of effort, but the outcome was still worth it.”

“SOOO you're saying that you stopped a robbery?”
“Yea, what did you think I did before come here, well, come to think of it I’ve only stopped a few robberies.” I started tapping the bottom of my chin.

“You do this sort of thing on a regular basis?” She looked shocked.


We stood in an awkward silence for some time.
“Weeeeell, if we’re done here, I’m going to try and salvage all I can from my old armor.” And with that I walked away.
I walked into the bedroom and looked around for my armor, just like I left it my armor was folded on a chair in the corner of the room. Okay, I need to see what I can get out of it, it’s useless at the moment so I’m going to see what I can salvage from it. I looked over the armor, checking the pockets and looking at the plate I found all the useable stuff. So, there’s 7 heat clips, a shoulder pad that isn’t totally destroyed witch had the N7 logo on it, and a small visor witch Garrus gave me when we had that time together on the presidium, I wonder if it still works. I put it on my brow. The small needles came out and punctured my skin, it connects into the nerves so it will help you with your aim. Suddenly the blue visor came down over my right eye. I can remember why I never use this, it hocks itself into your face so once it’s in it is very hard to get out. So now I have a chunk of metal stuck above my eye, I hope I can turn off the visor or it’ll draw a lot of attention to me. Crap, I forgot how these things work, I hope my Omi-tool has a guide in it. “DASH, PLEASE DON’T COME INTO THE BEDROOM!” I needed to make sure she didn’t come in when my Omi-tool was out, they had no idea about this type of technology.


I opened up my Omi-tool, the soft orange glow filled the room with its warm light. Okay so I need to let install some

operating software so it works better. Once the download was finished it made a ding noise, crap, I hope Dash didn’t hear that. I went through the tool and found what I was looking for, okay so if I want to turn it off I just need to tap a small button on the side, wow that was easy. I closed my Omi-tool and the visor, then walked to the door. Before I opened it I felt liquid rolling down my brow, dam, I’m bleeding, I hope Dash doesn’t ask.

I walked down the stairs into the living room, Dash was sitting on the couch reading one of the Daring Do books . “Do you have any tissues?” Dash looked up from her book and went wide eyed when she saw me.

“What’s that on your face?”

“A friend gave it to me, long story short it hurt more than I expected.”

“What’s it meant to do?”

“It doesn’t matter at the moment; just do you know where the tissues are?”

“Yea, they’re in the kitchen.”

I head off into the kitchen and looked around for some tissues, they were sitting on the bench. I went over and grabbed some, I started to clean up the blood on my face until I heard someone behind me.

“Are you okay?” I already knew who it was.
“Yea I’m fine, I didn’t think it would be this messy, you can tell why I never used it before.” I shrugged it off with a laugh.
“What does it do?”

“It helps me when I’m fighting.” Why did I even bother to put it on, because of their lack of technology I can’t really use it.

“How does it work?”

“To be honest I don’t really know, but one thing I do know is that it helps”

“Why did you put it in your head and not know how it works?” She sounded shocked.

“A good friend of mine gave it to me, he even has one, why would he try and kill me?” We stood there in silence for some time.

“I was wondering when you have to go back to the guard?”
“They’ll call me when they need me, also do you know any place where I can get some carbon fiber fabric?”
“What now?”

“What about Kevlar?” She still wore a confused look.

“What about fabric stores?”

“A friend of mine owns a clothing store, if that’ll help.”

“Will it still be opened?”

“Yea, even if it isn’t she’ll open the shop up for me.

“Well then, let’s go.”

We headed to the door and looked over the edge of the cloud. “Race you to the bottom?” I knew she couldn’t resist a chance at going in a race.

“Are you sure you want to lose?”
“First one to the guard wins, on 3.” We got ready to leap off.
“One, two, three.” We both jumped off the cloud.

She tucked her wings close to her body while I just lay back like I was on a couch.

“You know you’ll never beat me if you falling like that!” She yelled over the wind rushing around us.

“See you at the bottom.” I said that before using charge to get to the ground.

I waited on the ground for her. She soon hit the ground with a light thud. “That’s cheating, you can’t use your weird magic.” She wanted to find anyway to seem as if I cheated to win.
“You use your wings, didn’t you?”

“Yea but that a part of me.”

“My biotics are a part of me too.”

She was trying to find something to say but nothing came out.

“Let’s just to my friend.”