• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered) - lighting_spark

What if Commander Shepard didn't die on the Citadel?

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Chapter 19: Letter

I have to say when you finish a fight it hurts more than during it, when you're in the fight adrenalin rushed through your vaunts numbing down the pain but once that rages, you're left with every bit of damage done to you, I've gotten used to it by now but it still hurt like hell. Even the people like me who feel pain on a daily bases can still feel pain and can get affected by it, like on the charge for the conduit, if I got a medic, I would have been able to survive it but I could barely stand let alone keep up much of a fight, I was lucky with the husks and that one marauder. I need to stop thinking about the past, it's not healthy, I guess that's why I can hear that annoying as hell voice in my head.
"You know that what you're saying is that your mind made me up, you're the reason I'm annoying."
And if you don't stop I'll put a chunk of lead in my head.
"I know you won't do that, and also there are no guns anywhere around here."
You know what? Screw you, I'm getting meds once I get time.
"So you want me to go, even though I helped you in that fight?"
Fine, you can stay on a couple of conditions, one, you need to answer my questions once we're in privet, two, when I tell you to shut up you don't make a noise and finally only talk when I need help.
"I can agree with two of them, the last one I can't promise that'll keep it"
Fine, just don't get too annoying, otherwise I'll start to annoy you.
"I would like to see you try."
I let out a sigh and continued following the crowd of recruits. It seemed that the day guard recruits are finishing up their pet talk as well, I don't think it was like ours though.

We were all lead towards a large three-story building, it was made out of marble and polished to a shine, it had pullers decorating the outside, looked like the old Roman temples back on Earth. The guard leading us walked into the building and we all soon followed. There was a long, narrow corridor going along for about a 200 foot, at the far end of the hall I could see a stair case, I guess that's how we get to the higher levels.
"Pick a room and set your stuff up, dinner will be served at 1900 hours." The guard then turned and walked off.

Most of the recruits were going into the nearest room to settle in while I just wanted to go to the top floor. I walked up to the third floor and , shock horror, looks the exact same as the other two floors. I rolled my eyes and went to the farthest room. I hope there's enough room in the other rooms, I didn't exactly come here to make friends, I came here to do what I do best, killing shit.

I walked into the room and saw four bunk beds, a table and what I guess was a bath room. I walked over to the nearest bed and put my stuff down. Dash lent me one of her back packs, all I brought was extra silk and Kevlar, a bottle of apple juice the Dash gave me and paper and a quill, I did say I would write.

I put my bag into a foot locker at the end of the bed, it was rather big, bigger than the ones in the Alliance by far. Once my stuff was put away I took off my armor. It wasn't that hard but trying to take this stuff off with hooves was annoying, I couldn't grip anything that well. Once all my armor was off I put it in the foot lock and took out the quill and paper then headed to the table. I'm just going to write a letter saying about all the stuff that happened today. I sat by the table and started to write.

"Dear Rainbow Dash

One thing I want to say before I begin is that I may have lied a tincy little bit. I was never in the guard but I was in an army for 14 years, I didn't lie about that. I just wanted to say I was sorry, I did it because everything was new to me so the first thing my body did was dig me into a hole I'm trying to get out of. Anyway.

At the moment I am at boot camp for the night guard, the drill instructor is a push over to what I'm used to. He was using words like 'maggot' and 'wimps', where I'm from they had a much more colorful vocabulary. I bet this guy would be pissing himself in front of the guy I got trained by.
Anyway I ended up getting into a jousting match with one of the actual night guards, I won of cause. You should have seen his face, priceless.
Once that was all over, we got sent to the barracks to unpack and that's where I am now. Other than that, nothing has happened except someone staring at my ass. I'll be writing again tomorrow, also I don't know your address so Twilight will probably give this to you.

Till next time
Recruit Jane Shepard, Specter, N7 operative, Hero of the Skillein blitz, Commander of the Normandy SV-2. I love all the titles I've earned; it makes it fun to sign off letters.

I put the finished letter into a envelope and had it addressed to the library due to the fact I never saw any indexation of Rainbow's address. I'll post this when I get the chance.
I walked over to my bunk and flopped into it, I've done a lot today, I wonder if it'll get any easier? Probably not.

But there's only one way to find out.