• Published 6th Aug 2021
  • 972 Views, 6 Comments

Jevil vs. Discord - Jevil

A bored Discord drifting aimlessly comes across a little Jester...

  • ...

The Beginning

It was a peaceful calm day in Ponyvile but this wasn't just like any other peaceful day. This was a day so peaceful and so calm it could be seen as mind numbingly boring or dull to say the least. This type of day was few and far flung between because of a certain six ponies who decided to call this place their home. Yes the Elements of Harmony: the protectors of Equestria yada yada who cares? They are of none of my concern but what is of my concern is this day. If there's one thing I hate its dull and this day has the nerve to go more than just a bit beyond just dull. Hmph the nerve of this day... but I'm rambling you didn't come here to hear me talk about the day and how I despise it, you came here to see what happened to I your dear dear friend Discord, distriputer of disharmony, the spirit of chaos, the overseer of overcomplicated titles, the most ravishly handsome draconequus in all of Equestria.

I was simply minding my own business watching the ponies of Ponyvile and thinking of how to spoil this orderly day without Fluttershy finding out. I thought about what I could do... yes of course I could make all the cabbages speak and turn the manes of a few ponies to pink polka dots but I had already done that and I do hate repeating myself. I could go and pay Fluttershy a visit but that would most likely only make the day even duller. Even though she would make good company it would be awkward because not much has really happened. But on the other hand it was Fluttershy. I decided to go to my thinking tree for a decision of this magnitude. But then a thought came to me. Why do I have to stay here?

Getting to my thinking tree is a bit of a hard thing to do or even explain. Hmm where to begin... Alright imagine if you will focusing so hard the things around you become shapes and the air becomes interwoven yarn. If you try hard enough you can stretch and bend the yarn into a opening that you can go through. So that's exactly what I did. I grasped my talen into the woven srans and ripped down with all my might. Chaos magic flowed and surged through my talon as space itself ripped.

Time itself seemed to stop as I stared into the swirling vortex of blues, purples, and other atherial colors. It was mesmerizing no matter how much you looked at it. Any mind young or old, powerful or weak could easily get lost in it. I put my cloven hoof forward into the swirling portal then my dragon leg and soon I was all the way through. As I passed through I felt a rush of power surge over me as I continued. Past the portal is a sort of anteroom between universes where there is a long white brick hallway of brick and at the end was the portal to my realm. My powers acted differently here I couldn't see outside or teleport out of the hallway however besides that my powers worked fine.

However this time there was something very very off. A little less than half way down the hall on the floor there was a crack and a few bricks missing running from the wall to the floor. Bein the curious little spirit I am I rushed over to the crack and knelt down. I elongated my eye to extend out of the hole. After all I was in a mysterious completely uncharted never before discovered territory. I wouldn't want to walk into an ambush.

The sight I saw was beyond indescribable.

It seemed the hallway I stood in floated in a giant expanse of twisting writhing colors. Various hues of purples, blues, greens, and scarlets were most prominent but it seemed a nearly endless array of colors screeched out into the void. They jutted out violently into each other, bending, breaking, morphing, and forming into new colors and shapes fighting for dominance among one another. However in the void there was quite a sight. There were giant bubbles spanning unknowable expanses each one of different colors. It seemed my little anteroom hallway bridged between a bubble with a variety of swirling bright colors (witch I presume to be Equus) and a bubble that was ripping and tearing itself apart in a weird shape full of rotten icky colors of all sorts (witch I sadly must assume is my chaos world.)

I wasted no time in shrinking down my body and rushing through the crack. Once I was outside the hall I grew back to my normal size and looked around. There were an uncountable number of what I presume to be universes all around me of different sizes. I went up to the bubble that I thought was Equus and put my paw on it. I'm honestly not sure what I expected when I put my hand down but I felt my conchisness leave my body and I got a sort of overview. I soaked up the knowledge that my assumption had been corrected and this was indeed Equus and I could tell the surroundings from Equestria to Tartarus and everything in between. I was also able to pick up chaotic signatures (witch there sadly wasn't much of) and the most chaotic parts were Tartarus, the dragon lands, and the griffins.

Next I went over to my universe and the only thing I could pick up was it was giving off waves and waves of chaos. After I got my fill of soaking up knowledge I looked to the other universes. There was a universe fairly close to Equus that had two pieces. The to half was a bright white with specs of black while the bottom half was a depth of black with specs of white. The entire universe looked very unstable as it was shaking quivering and occasionally cracking. It was also giving off an extremely strong chaotic signature so strong it could nearly match my universes chaos.

I decided to try soaking up information to find out what was causing all the wonderful chaos. I was able to find out that the overall universe was called DELTARUNE and was primarily made up of two plains of land. The top and less chaotic half had inhabitants of humans and monsters. The humans are some weird hairless bipedal ape that wear clothing although I did see them through the mirror that Celestia activated. And if I do recall than humans at one point did exist in Equus in a much less advanced phase, a sort of 'stone age' if you will. However they existed so far back that even my impeccable memory falters, around as far back as when the dragons first existed. The monsters had many beautifuly chaotic different from one another with barely any looking the same! But that had me wonder. If this top half witch is more chaotic than even Equus... what could possibly be in the bottom half?

The bottom half was once again populated by two races as well, Lightners and darkners. The Lightners were just a fancy smachy name for humans and monsters but they just get a color pallet change. The Darkners on the other paw were a race so unique I had barely seen anything like it. They were comprised of nearly entirely chaos magic with barely any biological aspects in them. A few of them also had a large amount of dark magic. In factomundo they had so much chaos magic the more powerful among them might even be able to sense me, being the spirit of chaos and all.

I decided to go to the strongest signature of chaotic magic I could find witch was in the King's castle in the basement floors signals of chaos got stronger and stronger the closer I got to it but then everything went back. I went to the bottom half of the bubble and with all my might I was able to make an opening just big enough for me to squirm my way in. Now that I was in I looked over the darkened landscape and teleported to the strongest chaotic area before it went black.

I found myself in a purple-blackish hall with a staircase leading down. The floor had not been stepped on or cleaned in years by the look and feel. But when I reached the bottom a large door made of wood or stone sat in front of me as long dead hollow carnival music started to play and a voice rang out.

"Boo hoo hoo vee hee hee!"