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4. Embarrassing The Enemy

Ever since Flash threatened Anon a few days ago, Adagio was waiting to seek revenge on Flash. Neither Anon nor anyone else deserved to be bullied by Flash. Adagio had a plan to get back at Flash, once lunch would start she would go back to her classroom, instead of eating with Anon like she always did. Then her plan would commence from there, and it would be a plan to remember. Adagio smiled at her plan, Flash deserved what he was about to get, it would be karma for being a complete jerk to everyone.

Tuesday morning came around, the very day Adagio's plan would come into motion. Adagio woke up that Tuesday morning with a mission. Embarrass Flash in front of the whole class, and have him be the one laughed at. Flash wants to laugh at others and make fun of them, well then it was time to see how he would like it when others laughed at him.

Heading to school that morning, Adagio ran into Anon. For her plan to work, however, she was to keep it a secret from Anon. She hated having to hide something from Anon, but she knew if she told him what she was planning he would shut down the operation before it even began.

"Hi Anon, how are you doing?" Adagio said happily with a bright smile.

"Oh hi Adagio, I'm good. You seem awfully happy today." Anon said with a smile of his own. Seeing Adagio's smile was enough to make him smile as well.

Adagio shrugged her shoulders. "I just am. I have a feeling today's going to be a good day." She looked up at the bright blue sky, she couldn't wait for lunch to arrive.

Yeah, a good day to make fun of Flash and have him get made fun of. Anon and Adagio continued to walk to school together, the whole walk Adagio kept her bright smile. Anon couldn't help but think Adagio was acting a little off but decided to leave it, maybe she was just having a good day.

"Oh Anon, I'm going to be a little late for lunch today, is that okay with you?" Adagio asked, she wanted Anon to know just in case he noticed her missing and thought about finding her and possibly catching her in the act and ruining her plans at getting back at Flash for what he had done.

"Oh okay. Can I ask why you're going to be late?" Anon asked. Normally Anon didn't mind what Adagio did but she was never late for lunch with him.

"I..." Adagio started to sweat a bit, she didn't have a good idea and was trying to think of a lie. "Have to do something for the teacher. I won't take long, maybe two minutes at most."

"Okay?" Anon raised an eyebrow. What did Adagio have to do for the teacher that would make her a bit late for lunch? "As long as it's not too long then it's fine."

Adagio couldn't believe that her little lie worked. She made that up on the spot and it still worked! She smiled, her plan was all coming together, come later today Flash would be the laughingstock of the whole school. And then he would get to feel the pain he was giving all the other students there.

Anon knew something was up now. Whenever the teacher needed something from someone he would say it out loud in front of the class. Although Adagio lied he didn't know what Adagio was up to. Maybe she was just embarrassed to say it? She did get an A- on her last test. Maybe, that was it? Maybe she was going to ask for extra help from her teacher, but then again she always came to Anon if she never understood something. Or maybe it had to do with her cheerleader stuff, Anon knew how much she loved doing cheerleading. Anon decided to leave it for now and ask her later.

Over the years Anon had come to realize just how much Adagio loved doing cheerleading, she was one of the cheer captains at the school, and every time she and her team would put on a performance, it was one to remember. Anon also couldn't help but smile every time he saw how happy she looked doing her flips and spins, plus, she looked cute in her outfit, but Anon was too shy to ever admit that to her face. He didn't want her to think he was hitting on her or something, much less, a creep.

Adagio stayed out of her classroom waiting for her teacher to leave the classroom. Once her teacher got up, she silently snuck into the classroom. She walked over to Flash's desk and got to work, she went into her backpack and took out a screwdriver she had found in her garage. She unscrewed one of the screws from the desk until it came out. The screw fell to the ground, and Adagio smiled, the fun was only just beginning. Once everyone would come back from lunch, Flash would of course come back and sit down at his assigned desk. Now that one of the screws was out the desk would be off balance. Along with Flash's added weight, the desk should break making Flash fall to the ground and become the laughingstock of the school.

Adagio got up from the floor, grabbed her backpack, and ran out of the room without a trace. After a little while she found Anon who was sitting down eating his lunch alone. She frowned, she didn't like leaving him alone when Flash could've done something and not have been around to do something. She shook her head as she put on a smile and walked over and sat next to Anon.

"Sorry about that, I didn't think it would take that long." Adagio said, as she pulled out her lunch and started eating it.

"It's fine." Anon said as he looked at Adagio and then back down at his food "Hey, do you think we can talk after school?"

"Sure." Adagio said with a smile.

What Anon didn't tell her was that he stayed back to see what she was up to. He saw his teacher leave the room, he also saw Adagio sneak in and mess around with Flash's desk. Anon appreciated what Adagio was doing but that still didn't make what she was doing right. This was his battle, not Adagio's. To Anon, he knew why Adagio was doing this. She was probably still mad at Flash for what he did the other day. As much as Anon wanted to talk about it now and have Adagio fix what she had done, it was too risky and he didn't want either of them to get in trouble. A few minutes later the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Anon and Adagio get up and start to head to their classroom. Plus, he did have to admit, he was kinda looking forward to seeing Flash fall flat on his face, but it was only just a bit. Adagio smiled as she had to stop herself from jumping up and down, she couldn't wait to see Flash's face.

When everyone came back from lunch they took their seats as they normally did. Adagio and Anon look over at Flash as he sits down, once he sat down the whole desk broke into pieces making Flash fall flat on the ground. Everyone started to laugh at Flash, they even started pointing at him.

"Wow! He broke his own desk." Said one kid.

"How do you like it now that you're getting laughed at!" Said another.

"All of you shut up!! Who did this?! It was you, wasn't it Anon! I'll get you for this!" Flash yelled in anger, his face bright red.

Adagio kept on laughing, to her this was hilarious. Sure she felt a little mad that Flash was blaming Anon with no evidence, but he was finally getting what he deserved, karma and lots of it. Adagio looked over to Anon, but she frowned when she saw that he wasn't laughing at all. Adagio did all of this to show Flash what it was like to be laughed at, and to make Anon laugh but he didn't even crack a smile. Flash was beating red with anger and embarrassment, as he glared at Anon about ready to pounce on him.

"Flash calm down, I'm sure Anon didn't do anything. I don't have a spare desk so you can just go home early today." The teacher said.

The other kids got jealous at this and groaned upset that they couldn't go home early like Flash was. Adagio's plan had backfired big time for her, sure Flash got embarrassed but now he could go back home early and Anon didn't even laugh. Flash got up from the ground and left the room, slamming the door as he left. It was evident that he was pissed off, but that wasn't her problem to deal with.

School was over for the day and kids were starting to make their way home. Adagio didn't forget about what Anon has asked though. So instead of walking home, she followed Anon until they got to some sort of woods area. Adagio knew where they were, Adagio always walked past this area heading to school and back but she never actually went in it.

"So, what's up Anon? Why do you want to talk to me?" Adagio asked tilting her head.

"I know you were the one that did that to Flash's desk." Anon said emotionlessly as he stared at Adagio.

Adagio looked back at Anon as her eyes widened. How did he know? Did he see her do it? Was he mad at her for doing that to Flash? He deserved it though, so why would Anon be mad at her? All she was doing was getting revenge on Flash for what he had done to them. Was that so bad?

"So I did. But he deserves it for what he did to you. He always makes fun of people and laughs at them. Now he knows what it feels like to be laughed at." Adagio said, she didn't like doing it but she had to hold her ground against Anon. She knew she was in the right, and she was going to continue to fight until Anon agreed with her.

Anon walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Yes, but that still doesn't make what you did right. I really appreciate what you did, really, I do. But I don't want you to get involved with all of this. This is my fight, I'll be the one to stop Flash's bullying."

Adagio blushed. This was why she liked Anon so much. He wanted to take care of Flash himself, like a true leader. Adagio knew Anon could beat Flash, she was sure about it. Flash wouldn't even know what hit him once Anon was done with him.

"Fine, you're right. I'm sorry, this is your fight, not mine. I shouldn't have done that, especially lie and keep it a secret from you. But come on you got to admit it was funny seeing Flash get all mad and embarrassed." Adagio said laughing as she remembered Flash's face.

"Thank you, and yeah it was pretty funny. Until he started to blame me for no reason." Anon smiled for a brief second and then frowned. "Of course, he would blame me of all people, I don't even sit next to him."

Adagio looked down, it was kinda her fault Anon was blamed, but at the same time, Flash had no right to make assumptions like that. "You can't blame me for that. That's just Flash being Flash."

"True. But it won't be like that for long. My mom put me in some Karate classes to help with people just like him!"

Adagio was surprised at this but then smiled. If Flash ever did try to fight Anon, Anon could be ready and pull a Karate move on him. "Well that's good, has that helped you with your confidence?"

"Um... kinda." Anon said, not sounding confident one bit.

"Kinda isn't good enough. You can't beat Flash with that kind of mindset." Then thought of something and smiled. "Wait! I have a plan!"

Anon looked at Adagio confused. "And that is?"

Adagio smiled brightly. "I know just the way to help you get your confidence back!"

Anon thought about it and smiled back. "That's a nice offer of you. You are full of confidence being on the cheer team and whatnot. I'll put you up for this offer, I don't think it'll work but it's worth a try."

"Trust me it'll work. I know it will, you just have to believe me."

Anon blushed. "Thank you Adagio. For being my only true and best friend." Anon then walked over and hugged Adagio.

Now it was Adagio's turn to blush. Her crush was hugging her, hugging her! It made her even more confident to help Anon get his confidence back. She didn't know how she could help Anon but she was going to try her best. Anon deserved to be able to be confident and she was going to help him out.

Anon felt something from within himself. Adagio doing all of this for him, made him feel happy, really happy. He was going to beat Flash one day and get his confidence back for Adagio. At that moment it hit Anon... he had feelings for Adagio, feelings of more than just a friend.