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6. A Hero's Wrath

It had been a week since Adagio started helping out Anon regain his confidence back. In that one week, Adagio had seen some improvement from Anon in his confidence. He was no longer doubting himself on everything, whenever a question would be asked Anon would raise his hand and answer the question with full confidence. Any time Flash would try doing something to Anon, he would stand up for himself. Anon was finally coming out of his shell and being who he truly was, he was being the hero who saved Adagio all those years ago.

Adagio was currently behind the school in the schoolyard and was waiting for Anon. The two of them agreed to meet in the schoolyard before school as they had something planned for later that day. As she waited for Anon to arrive she decided to waste some time by practicing yet another new move for cheerleading. Today, Anon and Adagio had agreed that Anon was going to stop Flash from being a bully and put an end to his reign of terror. It took a lot of talking from Adagio to get Anon on board with the plan but he eventually agreed, it was more so Adagio forcing him to do it but he would never tell her that. But if he could do this, then Anon would've achieved his goals so it was worth giving it a try. After a bit of waiting Anon finally arrived at the schoolyard.

"Hey, Adagio." Anon said once he got there and placed his backpack down.

"Hey, Anon. Are you ready for today?" Adagio asked as she stopped practicing and walked over to Anon.

Anon then down at the ground and sighed but then looked back at Adagio. Adagio could tell he was worried but he was holding it in. "Yeah, I guess. I mean I wanted to do this later but I guess I'll give it a shot."

Adagio smiled, she knew how much this meant to Anon. She had to give credit to how much Anon had changed, he now was more confident and brave than he first was. "That's the spirit Anon. Flash has taken over this school for too long. You're the only one that can stop him. The fate of this school is in your hands. I know you can do it Anon, if anyone can it's you."

"Thanks, Adagio. But I'm sure the whole fate of the school isn't in my hands. I just have to stop the biggest bully at this school. It's not that big of a deal, anyone could do this, I'm not doing anything special." Anon looked down with an almost depressed expression on his face.

Seeing that her friend was sad, Adagio wanted to find a way to make Anon feel better. "Not a big deal, are you kidding me? Of course, it is! You're the one who's going to stop Flash. You're the one who's going to end Flash's bullying, this school will be a better place because of you. Not only that but your goal will be achieved. You get your confidence back and beat Flash, you're accomplishing two things at once. And if you lose to him... I'll be there to help you up until you can beat him."

Looking at Adagio, Anon smiled. "Thanks, Adagio. It means a lot to know I have such a good friend that looks out for me. But you don't gotta worry about me anymore, with you on my side I can do anything. I'll beat Flash today no matter what, and to be honest, my confidence has been back a while now."

"It has? Since when? Why haven't you told me about this?" Adagio asked, clearly upset.

"Please don't be mad. It's just that... whenever you're around I feel as though I can do anything. You just give me strength. I don't know why but you just do. My confidence isn't fully returned but it is higher than what it was like before. And I know... once I beat Flash it'll be back, and it's all thanks to you Adagio." Anon said with a genuine smile.

Adagio's cheeks turned bright pink. She was the one who gave Anon the strength he needed. Anon said it himself, it was all thanks to Adagio that Anon's confidence had gone up. When Anon was to stop Flash today, Adagio would cheer for Anon. Adagio had a good feeling Flash's bullying was going to end after today. Just then the first bell rang, signaling that school was about to begin for the day.

"Come on Anon we better get going. We don't want to be late." Adagio said as she started making her way to class.

Anon nodded and followed Adagio to class. "Yeah let's go. I'll be going up to Flash during lunchtime."

Adagio looked at Anon and smiled. "Okay, you better not chicken out. Remember I'll be with you all the way, you're not in this alone."

"Right. Flash won't even know what hit him. The only thing I have to worry about is if Flash and his two friends try to attack me all at once." Anon looked ahead, as he started to think of a plan of attack.

"Do you think you can take all of them at once?" Adagio asked, now she was starting to get worried. She hadn't thought about what would happen if Flash's friends decided to get involved.

"Maybe two of them at once but not all three." Anon looked down at the ground and sighed. "I don't want anyone else interfering with our fight, and I know I can't handle all three at once that'll be too much for me to deal with by myself."

Adagio stared at Anon and sighed, as much as she wanted to help she knew how much this meant to Anon. "I'm sorry Anon, I would do something to help but you said it yourself, you wanted to do this alone."

"I said dealing with Flash alone, not his other two idiot friends. You can deal with the other two. I want Flash all to myself, is that fair?" Anon looked at Adagio, and she looked at him with a glimmer of hope. "I need you Adagio, I can't do this alone, can you please help me one last time?"

Adagio smiled and nodded. "You can count on me, Anon. I'll deal with both of those idiots so you won't have to worry about anyone getting in the way of your fight with Flash."

Anon looked at Adagio a bit frightened. "You sound a little too happy to want to beat them up."

Shrugging, Adagio continued making her way to class. "I've wanted to beat them up for a while now. I'll just say they tried to touch me inappropriately and I was defending myself."

"... Okay then." Anon said, as the two finally made it inside the classroom.

It was lunchtime and Adagio and Anon had started making their journey toward Flash. They had both eaten their lunch in a matter of seconds and now it was time to put their plan into action. Anon wasn't passionate about this idea but with Adagio with him, he was going to do it. Adagio on the other hand was excited to finally see Anon face his fears and stop Flash.

It was then that Adagio started to think about it. The teachers nor the principal wouldn't do anything to Flash, all they would do is to tell him to stop what he was doing, which he would then stop and wait for the teacher to leave and then continue bullying the poor kid. No kid had any courage to confront Flash but that would change as now Anon would be the first one to stand up to Flash. Anon is and was the only one who could stop Flash, no one else was going to do anything to stop Flash.

From day one Anon knew he was going to have to stop Flash. All of those stupid teachers weren't going to do anything. They didn't care about bullying or their students well being, they only make you think they are but they aren't, a few teachers actually did care, but only very few did. The only thing they care about was getting their money. Every other kid at school was too scared of Flash, even the upper class was scared of him. But could you blame them?

Flash had been the biggest bully for years, and nothing has happened to him. No warning, no detention, no nothing. Whatever happened after today would happen, whether Anon won or not. Maybe thanks to Anon's action this would show the other kids to learn to stand up to Flash and to anyone for that matter.

Before they knew it Adagio and Anon had made it where Flash and his friends hung out. Flash and his friends look up and see Adagio and Anon standing before them.

"What are you two doing here?" Flash asked, looking at the two.

"We're here to stop you." Adagio said with confidence.

"Stop me? You and him? Don't make me laugh, get out of here before you hurt yourself." Flash said as he went back to eating his food.

"Flash, I'm going to ask nicely, stop bullying others. Your time of being a bully to everyone is over." Anon said taking a step forward to Flash.

"Since you asked nicely... NO! Who are you? Especially you to tell me what to do? Get out of here." Flash said not even looking at Anon.

"No! I'm not leaving until you stop. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. And let me just tell you... I'm fine with either option." Anon said with confidence in his voice. Anon was stern, he wanted to let Flash know he was no longer scared of him.

Adagio was just standing there watching the events take place. She was proud of Anon, he was finally showing his true colors. Adagio looked around, kids were looking at Anon and Flash talking, they knew something was about to happen.

"You're fine with either option, huh? Bad decision, Anon." Flash said as he walked past Anon and to Adagio.

"Hey! What are you doing? Are you running away or something?" Anon asked as he turned to see where Flash was going.

"I just want to see how you react when something happens to your crush." Flash said as he got closer to Adagio.

Adagio looked at Flash confused. Who was Anon's crush? And why was Flash in front of Adagio? Flash turned around to look at Adagio with a smile on his face. Adagio didn't know what Flash was up to but decided to stay on guard. Her answer was solved when Flash suddenly slapped her on the cheek so fast that she didn't even have time to block or dodge. Adagio fell to the ground and looked up at Flash, holding her cheek in pain.

"You remember a few years ago when you did that to me? How does it feel to be the one slapped? Does it hurt? Are you going to cry?" Flash said teasingly as he looked down at Adagio.

Adagio was so surprised that she didn't even speak. Was she the person who Anon had a crush on? Adagio looked back at Anon and he was looking down at the ground, his hair covering his eyes. Flash's two friends went up from behind Anon and playful pushed him forward. Anon, however, didn't take that too well, as he quickly turned around and elbowed both of them in the face. The two both fell to the ground in pain, holding their faces in agony.

"Oh? So you're finally showing your true colors. Come on then Anon, let's finish this once and for all." Flash said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Bring it on then!" Anon yelled as he too got into a fighting stance.

Adagio could only look at the two. Flash vs Anon. A Hero vs The Biggest Bully. Someone was going to lose... but who?