• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 1,356 Views, 20 Comments

PTE: Ponies Trapped on Earth - Yuki Harima

No! It has nothing to do with the Ponyfall series. It is a small sefl insert and how ponies are here

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Chapter 1

NOTE: I have only watched up to episode Call of the cutie episode so please correct me when I am wrong.

It was an average day today. I went to my college classes, went to my job as a game tester, spend some time with my girlfriend and watch the latest episode of MLP. Oh did I forget to mention I am a brony. Now some of you are wondering "how do I have a girl friend." Well she is a pegasister and has a lot in common with me. So deal with it. Anyway it was 12:30 in the morning and I needed fresh air, that and my insomnia was acting up again. I noticed a shooting star and made a wish. It is a corny wish that every brony has. I wished that I could meet my favorite character, Twilight Sparkle. I just realized something. The shooting star was heading towards the forest that is behind my apartment. Me being bored as hell, very curious, and suffering from insomnia, I decided to head out to the impact zone and investigate. I followed the trail the shooting star left and found…an alien with a ray gun and C4 explosives! Just K. It kidding, it was Twilight Sparkle


Twilight Sparkle! What the Hell is she doing here! Oh no! She passed and I don’t know whether on being happy or concerned! I chose concerned so I decided to pick her up and put her in my room Thank god it is 1 in the morning and no one is up. Thank You Insomnia.

Well that is my current situation right now. Twilight is in my bed…no I did not have sex with her. Remember, I hate clop. Where was I…oh, I have no idea on what I should do. I know when life gives you a problem…you go on the Internet. Quick to fan fiction and Wikipedia!

Five hours later

It is six in the morning and I am tired. Curse you insomnia. Oh yea I forgot about Twilight sleeping in my bed. Now what do I do. Quick to the coffee machine!

As I walk past my bedroom, I hear a rustling of covers. Oh crap what do I do! Let me think. Oh yea, fan fiction dictates that you hide the fact that their life is a TV show from them until necessary. You also hide them from everyone you know. Well the only person I have to worry about is my girl friend and I do not have a roommate living with me. All right the time is six thirty and I am about to meet a talking pony from a children’s show that is now a cult for adults, that is not creepy at all. Wait, I will talk to her outside so I can gain her trust before revealing myself. Genius plan Alex! That is why you are in college. I walk up to the door and put a glass cup on the door to my ear. Well one thing is for certain, I’m surprise it work. I hear a rustling of the covers and then foot…I mean hoofsteps. I think I am about to have a fangasm. Now I can hear her talking to herself.

“Ow, my head,” Twilight moaned. “What Happened? Oh No! Where the hay am I!”

Now she is starting to hyperventilate. What should I do!? I know a gentle knock at the door could help. * KNOCK KNOCK * Wait that was louder than it suppose to be. I guess it freaked her out a little bit more.

“Oh my Celestia who are you!?” she asked with worry in her tone.

“Well my name is unimportant right now. I would like to know who are you and what are you?” I already know who she is but just to be on the safe side and not freak her out. “I found you in the middle of the forest unconscious”

“Oh, i-i-i-I’m-m-m-m so-o-r-r-r-y my-y-y-y name is Twi-i-ilight spark-k-k-kle” stammered Twilight. Oh great she is stuttering now let me try to calm her down now.

“I am sorry Twilight if I scared you. I mean you no harm” I cooed her into a sense of calmness. “So please calm down and relax.” I guess it is working because her breathing started to decrease and not be in short gasps.

“Thank you mister…”

“Alex. Call me Alex”

“Well that is a weird name.”

“I can say the same for you.”

“Why? Is it weird to have that type of name in this…hey I almost forgot what town am I in?” She asked

“You are in Branchburg.” I replied

“Branchburg?” Twilight questioned, “Where in Equestria is that? Is it filled with trees?”

“What’s Equesteria?” Like I need to ask her that “We are in the United States of America on a planet called Earth.” Okay now I hear her gasp but I think it is a gasp of excitement.

“Oh my Celestia the Spell worked!” Twilight said in an excited tone

“Did you say spell as in magic?”

“Yes I did. Why? Don’t you have magic here?”

“We do but our magic is fake.”

“Well can I talk to you face to face please. It is really hard to hear you through a door and I would like to thank you for helping me.”

“All right but I look different for what you told me about your kind. Just remember that I am friendly and will not hurt you.” I said in a nice calm tone.

“All right but what do you mean by differ…” she started to say but stopped

I open the door and walk in during midsentence. She is gasping and is starting to freak out. What to do, what to do?

I already told that I am friendly and…” I couldn’t finish because she interrupts me and screams

“What the Hay are you!”

“Did I just tell you not to scream!” great now I am screaming.

“That was before you look like a monster!”

Well now I am angry, “Well sorry I look like this but this is how our species look like!” I tried to add sarcasm in the sentence while accenting each syllable in sorry.

“Oh and what species would that be?”

“Oh I don’t know the human race!” Surprisingly she became quiet when I mentioned human.

“Did you say Human?”

“Yes I did,” great now I am worried about what she is going to do next.

“Then Lyra was right the entire time. Humans do exist,” she realized.


“I have a friend back home who is obsessed with Humans. All she does is research on humans and tries to convince the ponies that they exist. She even tries to walk like them. She describes your race as bipedal creatures with hair on your heads and looks similar to monkeys and apes.”

I just realize where Twilight was going with this. I read about what the fan say about Lyra. They depict her as a nut job and in the fan fictions they always make her human crazy driving her best friend Bon Bon up a wall.

Well I decide to ask Twilight if she can trust me after coming to a realization. “Well Twilight now that you know who my species are; now do you trust me?”

She is now pondering about what I asked her and came to a conclusion. “Yea Alex I trust you and besides. If you were bad you would have done something to me in my sleep.”

Time to have some fun now. “Well Twilight I did do something to you in your sleep.” Now she is staring at me with those WTH eyes. “Just kidding.” Now she is relaxed. “Or am I?” Now she is giving me those eyes again. “Yea I am just joking with you. I could never do anything evil to any living being.” She is still giving the “Can I really trust you” look but it just turn into a sigh. She is probably use to this from her crazy friends. Wait how did Twilight get here and is her friends here as well?

“Hey Twilight I have a question to ask you?” I asked.

“Well what is it. Since you saved me, I feel obliged that I have to answer some of your questions.” She smiled

“Well I was just wondering, how did you get here exactly.”

“Well I was working on a spell at my tree house that will let me gazed into different worlds and dimensions. I wanted to show my friends about the spell and…” Oh crap her face is in a panic state and she is freaking out again. After seeing this look and reading about the fan fiction, this can only mean one thing.

“My friends were affected by the spell that sent me here and are trapped here as well!” She panicked.


Author's note. Hey there everyone Yuki Harima here. THis story was the first Fan fiction chapter I ever wrote and this was over six to eight months ago. Anyway leave a like and a favorite if you want. Comment on how aweful it is and what I need to improve, or praise it...if you want. Also I do help people if they are stuck on story ideas or need help with thier writing. I will not do grammatical pre reading but I will help you if you need. it. ALso leave a watch and follow me on my many accounts. Anyway Yuki Harima out!