• Published 28th Mar 2021
  • 16,084 Views, 988 Comments

Fallen - Rated Ponystar

Fluttershy is captured by Equestria to use her element one last time to help save them from Humanity-NegotationsVerse AU

  • ...

Ending 3: Harmony's Chosen Part 2

The past few weeks have been perhaps the most hectic moments in my life. I'm starting to see why Twilight had stressed out a lot when she was a princess because I feel ready to fall asleep every night and not want to wake up for days. Only I have to drag myself out there to keep Equestria from falling into chaos and do everything I can to ensure we can fix what has been broken. I am grateful that Sunnyvale (I refuse to call her Celestia except when needed) had the entire incident at the stadium broadcast via radio to all corners of Equestria. It made my official degree as the new ruler of Equestria a lot easier as my transformation, not to mention the Elements of Harmony speaking themselves, solidified my claim. Even if I still am hesitant about being an actual royal leader, I've come too far now to stop.

The good news was that most of the population had fallen in line rather quickly. Our society's near worship of Alicorns had worked in my favor. That or everypony was afraid of me because I had assisted in killing Sunnyvale. Or both. The army quickly stood by my side as I dismissed the more radical officers, with General Valkyrie helping tell me who could be trusted with orders and who couldn't. A few smaller groups refused to acknowledge me as the true princess of Equestria, so we had to reign them in. I was not too fond of using more violence, but Spike and Valkyrie assured me it was for the best, as I couldn't have anyone hindering my efforts to bring peace.

The Church of Harmony was also quick to be reigned in, but that was because it was trying to get into my good graces by proclaiming me the "true" goddess of Equestria chosen by Harmony itself while declaring the others false idols. Even though they had been worshiping Celestia and Luna for a thousand years, I was suddenly the "real goddess" that was supposed to be worshiped. I tried to get them to stop and even publicly stated I was not a God. Thankfully, nopony was buying the Church's proclamations, and while most were still unsure of what to believe, the Church was losing power, and they knew it. Playing nice with me was the only reason I didn't outright demand the dissolution of their organization.

The nobles were more complex. Many didn't like the idea of me, a non-noble pony, being their new leader. Twilight, at the very least, had come from a middle-noble family with a history of involvement in Canterlot society, so she didn't have to worry about such things when she ascended. Not the same for me. It didn't matter that I was a former hero of the nation. I was commoner blood. This is why I took Spike's advice and summoned Fancy Pants back to Canterlot along with other powerful nobles that exiled themselves because they disagreed with Celestia. They still had a powerful influence in Equestria, even during their exile. Once I managed to get my message out to the world that I had taken over and was now the leader of Equestria, a ceasefire was quickly declared, and plans for the invasion were halted. Once Fancy Pants and his group arrived, they were quick to help me reign the nobility in, though a few tried to hire assassins to kill me, and I had those arrested before they could do anything.

This is the only reason I'm even talking to this E.S.S. agent before me. His name is Silent Step, and he is the one who gave me the information about the nobles and their assassins seeking to kill me. He is a brown stallion with a black trenchcoat, pants, and dark blue eyes like ice. His mane is a lighter black covering one part of his face, heavily scarred with red burn marks.

I sit on my throne with the Royal Guards prepared to do anything should this E.S.S. agent try anything. The staff had wanted to change the decoration of the throne room to suit me as the new ruler, but I told them they could wait. There were more pressing issues to worry about than the imagery of the castle. Though I did order them to start taking down anything resembling the princesses. All five of them.

Spike is also by my side, having been named my Royal Advisor, and looks just as ready to attack as they are. The E.S.S. was infamous even among those who supported Sunnyvale. They were known for being beyond ruthless in their actions. When I was part of the resistance, we rescued what ponies we could from their prisoner camps, detention centers, torture sites, and even one or two experimental labs.

I hate the E.S.S. The things they did were abysmal and evil to ponies. All in the name of national security and praise for the princesses.

"So, Agent Silent Step," I state calmly but deep down, I'm in a mix of fear and rage. "Why would the E.S.S. send one of their agents here when I ordered the entire organization to be dismantled, and its members hunted down for judgment for the crimes it has done against pony kind?"

"First of all, those crimes were orders from the Princesses at the time," Silent Step says, sighing. "I don't deny that we went above and beyond in our methods to obey the Princesses' will and protect Equestria from traitors, but the ironic thing is that the real traitors were those we took orders from. If there really is a Hell, I'm sure most of us are going there."

He pauses for a bit before I motion him to continue. "I'm here because some of us wish to offer our services to you in helping restore Equestria back to an honorable nation."

"You wish to offer your services to me?" I growl in frustration. "After everything you did? The lives you ruined? The families you separated? The horrible things you did to our people? Why should I even consider this."

"Because we were wrong, and we want redemption," Silent Step answers. "I won't deny that a majority of us are zealots. However, some of us joined because we thought we were doing the right thing. We were raised to believe Celestia and Luna as our goddesses and that we were doing what was right for our nation. We thought we would all die at the hands of humans if we did nothing. That's what I and many others believed until you proved everything wrong. Nopony can deny the will of the Elements of Harmony. Harmony is what made Equestria, and if the living embodiment says you are right, what other proof do we need that we were the bad guys? Do you know how many of us have already taken our lives out of guilt or shame? Most of us are even worried about our families and how they will be treated if news comes out about us. Our sins shouldn't have to be reflected in our families, even if we deserve to be mistreated."

"Feeling sorry is one thing, but you still have yet to tell me why I should even take you in?" I point out.

"You are going to have a lot of enemies," Silent Step counters with a severe expression. "Not just those nobles, but business ponies, religious ponies, commoners who were radicalized, and other members of the E.S.S. who refuse to think you are right."

"I thought you said that you wanted to work for Fluttershy?" Spike points out in suspicion.

"I said that some of us do," Agent Silent Step repeats. "The truth is the E.S.S. is divided thanks to the deaths of all the Princesses save for Twilight Sparkle, whose no longer even one. When the truth about what Celestia did to our world came out, many agents committed suicide either in despair of what we had done or believed that Equestria had fallen and refused to be without Celestia in life, so they joined her in death. Others are on the run, fleeing to avoid persecution or face punishment for their actions. The rest are split between two groups: Those ready to place their lives in your hooves and those who wish to see you dead."

"I take it you're leading the ones wanting to work with me?" I ask.

"Yes, my opposite is Agent Sweetie Drops. She has already taken what followers she can to start a rebellion against you. She would go underground and try to restart the war or overthrow you to continue fighting for Equestria in a dead tyrant's name. I'm trying to prevent Equestria from falling into further despair than it already is," Agent Silent Step answers. "The truth is, Princess Fluttershy, is that you changed everything in a single day, but Equestria won't just become united just because of what you did. There will be those in denial and those who will hate you because you cut away the power and privilege they had. They will come at you with smiles and stab you in the back. Do you really want to risk a thousand knives in the dark coming after you, your friends, and those you love? We can be that shield for you. We're not asking for forgiveness but for redemption. We're asking for a chance to work for the right side this time."


He's right.

I look at Spike, he's already telling me with his expression that Silent Step is right. Much as I wish he wasn't, his words had a truth. Despite being held quickly, my rule is still fragile and needs to be solid if I am to bring real peace between us and humanity. My death could start the war all over again, or any group of radicals could do something to start it again out of fanaticism. Plus, if I knew this Agent Sweetie Drops by reputation, she was the best they had and the most devoted to the E.S.S.'s original mission.

"You make a fair point," I mutter hesitantly before thinking about this more. "I will consider your proposal but want something in return in good faith."

"Anything," Silent Step replied.

"I want the names of every single E.S.S. agent and their actions. Living or dead. I want all the locations of E.S.S. activity, including the prisoner camps, so we can start freeing these ponies-"

"We've already started doing so," Silent Step added with a nod. "They need better medical treatment than we can give them, but we've started freeing them and helping them. It helps that they're really too weak to hurt us anyway..."

"Tell us where they are, and I'll see if they get proper treatment," I reply before continuing. "I also want the names of every pony who provided names to the E.S.S. to be arrested because I'm sure there are many innocent ponies betrayed by those they trusted. Furthermore, I want a list of all willing to seek redemption, as you put it, and those who have already decided I am their enemy."

"Everything will be provided for, I promise," Silent Step vowed as he bowed.

"One last thing," Spike interrupts as he looks at me. "I suggest we assign guards we can trust to watch Silent Step at all times to ensure that he stays true to his word."

"I don't object to this," Silent Step second. "Whatever it takes to earn your trust."

"Very well, we'll see to it," I say before pointing to the door. "Wait outside, for now, Silent Step."

He bows before me one last time before being escorted out of the throne room. Once he's gone, I sigh and turn to Spike. "Thoughts?"

"You're the one with the Element of Honesty," Spike points out with a smirk.

"Yes, and I have a feeling he's telling the truth, but I want to know your thoughts as well," I reply.

"He seems genuine," Spike answers while crossing his arms. "Plus, he has a point. It's a miracle we've managed to keep order this well for the nation despite a few riots and violence here and there. General Valkrine is doing a good job of keeping the peace, but it will take more. Not to mention this is just the problem in public. If E.S.S agents or other splinter groups are out there seeking to kill you and restart the war as those nobles tried, then we will need some spy and information service at our disposal."

"I hate that we didn't need one. You are right. I wish it wasn't the E.S.S."

"You can find out which agents to punish, pardon, or put into service after we get all the necessary information." Spike then pulls out a small list near his seat and looks at it. "Right now, there are a few other things we need to worry about."

I can see why Twilight always had him around to help with her duties. How Spike can do this so well, I'll never know. "Such as?"

"Well, we finally caught the last scientists working on the Conversion Potion. The ones that didn't kill themselves anyway," Spike mutters before continuing. "Most of Celestia's hidden chambers have been found, but some are still magically locked and require a special means to get into. We don't know yet what is required, but hopefully, it doesn't need her magical signature, or we're screwed. As you requested, most of our funds and what's left in the treasury are being used to help refugees and distribute emergency food, but we really need to find a way to fix the pollution and damaged lands to start growing stuff again. Economics-wise, things are bad, but that's not your fault. The war was killing the economy slowly."

"Can the fortunes of the traitor nobles be used to help?" I ask.

"Considering that any noble caught committing treason forfeits their fortune to the Crown, we can do that to help. All their assets, lands, and such can be liquidated, but that would leave their families with nothing."

"Hmm, I don't want them to pay for the sins of their other family members if they had nothing to do with their actions," I whisper. I also fear breeding more hatred between them and me which could cause problems down the road. However, I couldn't just let this go unpunished. "Silent Step can help us if he's genuine, we can have him, and those siding with him in the E.S.S. find out how involved their families were, and we'll deduct their fortunes in a certain percentage based on involvement. But no higher than seventy percent. That way, they still have something. What we gain can be used to help the economy."

"I also suggest getting Fancy Pants to help us. Maybe even make him officially the Minister of Commerce and Coin," Spike suggests as he writes things down. "Not only is he trusted and loyal, but he's brilliant with money. If anyone can help us bring the economy back, even if it might take years, it's him. However, that's just one thing. We'll also have to focus on rebuilding our towns, homes, farms, and other areas damaged by the war and the productions we used to make those weapons. In many locations, we got poisoned rivers, dried-up farms, and polluted skies. The only reason Canterlot isn't like that is that is because the nobles protested having their capital damaged in any way."

"Don't worry, I can fix all that," I reply confidently.

"Yeah, you still haven't said how you're going to do that," Spike points out with a confused expression.

"Because I need to show Equestria and Humanity this simultaneously," I reply with a nod. "Trust me. As soon as the U.N. representative comes to discuss peace, I'll be able to show everyone what I can really do."

"Well, he's coming in two days, so I hope you have something planned," Spike says.

"I do. Trust me. The Elements and I will make sure that peace can be achieved by offering both sides something they desperately want."

"What's that?"

"A healing of old wounds."


Even though Sunnyvale was done and I was in control of Equestria, the U.N. was still on edge just in case the war started again. It took Lyra and the rest of the resistance, plus a few human delegates, to come over and see that things were mostly in control save for a few issues. Lyra was happy to see me, as were the others, and she agreed to be by my side when the U.N.'s official ambassador came to visit Canterlot. It would be the first time a human of representative power would be in our nation, and I ensured that security was top-notch. I didn't want anypony doing anything that could jeopardize the talks.

Of course, I had to make a show of it and prepare a formal diplomatic ceremony in which the human ambassador, and his armed security, all came in an Osprey and landed on one of the large helipads commonly used for airships. There was a band, reporters, and a few questions taken, but mostly we kept things quick and straightforward. The ambassador, Anthony Doyle, had agreed to do this to show a means of unity as a majority of humans wanted peace as well, but only if it was assured that Equestria was serious. After all, Sunnyvale had deceived them before, and while I was more trusted, they didn't want to be played for again.

Once the ceremony was over, and we had a short speech about seeking to end hostilities and move to a brighter future, I had us all escorted back to the castle. I had refreshments set up in the meeting room with me, Spike, Lyra, General Valkyrie, Anthony Doyle, and his bodyguards all in the room, ready to finally get through the severe discussions.

"Before we begin, I'd like to say that, on behalf of all of humanity, we are grateful that you ended the reign of the worst mass murderer Earth has ever seen in her history," Anthony Doyle says as he holds out his hand, and I shake it. "While we would have loved to judge Celestia before the world court and hold her accountable for her crimes, we are happy to know that all the lives lost from her madness have been avenged and that justice is done."

Nodding, I motion for everyone to sit around the table. Clearing my throat, I begin. "Ambassador Doyle, as the new Princess of Equestria, I hereby formally announce that Equestria wishes to end the unjust war that was started on your people by my predecessors. We seek a complete end of hostilities and wish to develop a peaceful co-existence like there should have been at the start. I know that we ponies have a lot to make up for based on our past actions and that it will take years, maybe generations, to be forgiven for our mistakes. However, we have to start somewhere, and I assure you that we will do what we can to earn that forgiveness."

"I thank you for your words, Princess Fluttershy," Anthony Doyle nods while sipping some of his water before clearing his throat. "Most of the human race does want peace, but you must understand that there will need to be consequences for what Equestria has done. Thankfully, a large enough group of our leaders have also come to recognize that your people were victims of a lie caused by Princess Celestia. She deceived you all into abandoning your homeworld, where billions are now dead from her actions. You were manipulated into war, but there still is a responsibility on your part, regardless. What the means to do to make up for it is what we will discuss."

I made a quick glance toward Lyra, who was smirking at me. Lyra had convinced the U.N. members that Equestria was just as much a victim in Sunnyvale's actions to help lighten the consequences of our actions in the war. She pointed out that such activities were similar to their political leaders in the 2020s, who had manipulated and lied to their populations to cause chaos for their political and financial gain until they were overthrown, voted out of office, or killed by various groups seeking retribution. While we would still have to pay reparations for the war, they wouldn't be as harsh as they were initially planned.

Nobody wanted to see Equestria become another Weimar Germany and give possible rise to something worse later on.

"Yes, we will do what we can, but also, please understand that our nation needs to heal and change due to all that has happened," I say firmly, but deep inside, I'm sweating my heart out. What is decided here will decide how well off Equestria recovers. I wish Martin was here, but he was still recovering from the time he was in prison. "This conversation is to find a middle ground that suits both of us."

"Indeed," Anthony Doyle says as he puts his hands together on the table. "Let's start with the biggest one. We want a cure for the Conversation Potion. We want our people to be human again. I understand you already have a good portion of the scientists who worked on it captured and a good portion of their notes and data?"

"Yes, some killed themselves to avoid prosecution, and some of Celestia's hidden storages are magically sealed, but we're working on that," I answer.

"The scientists can be handed over to us," Anthony says with a darkened look. "We have ways of making them talk."

I didn't pity the scientists after this conversation.

"As for the data, our scientists and ponies working with us look at it. One of our unicorns, Moon Dancer, has been valuable in helping us combine magic and science to solve issues that have plagued us for a long time. She and her team have wanted to try and solve the issue of the Conversion Potions for some time, and they believe the information from the original team that made it will be helpful."

"Of course," I say without hesitation. "However, I also wish a request about the Newfoals. We need to keep them in a safe location and make sure no harm comes to them. I propose we keep them in Australia for now, if that is okay?"

"That's up to the remains of the Australian government, but I don't see where else we can put them until they are cured," Anthony Doyle said with a shrug.

Now it was my turn to make a demand. "We'll need food and resources to assist our ponies in Equestria. Our economy is damaged, and it will take time to restart our businesses, including farming. Though there is a means I have to start that up again, I request that we get shipments of food, clothing, medical items, and other necessary goods that the human nations can provide for us."

"How do you intend to pay for that?" Anthony Doyle asks with a raised eyebrow. "We also suffered losses in our economies thanks to the war."

I nod to Spike, who takes out a series of maps and lays them down on the table. Anthony Doyle and the other humans look at them with interest. Pointing to them, I say, "These are all hidden locations of various rare earth minerals, oil deposits, gold and silver veins, and other resources that Equestria found while taking over the lands occupied by us thanks to the shield. You missed finding them, but we have spells that can help us find these valuable locations, and Celestia marked them all. We believe she had plans to use those resources during and after the war. We can give you these locations to help pay for your services, but we also request twenty-five percent of the resources as payment."

"...Ten percent."





I really am thankful I took actual bargaining classes after that whole Iron Will incident.

We shook on that agreement, and Spike started getting to writing more deals that were made. We agreed to start refugee camps and accept charity aid from both sides. We also agreed to have humans have a military presence in our nation, but we were still allowed to have our military in cooperation. We decided in what circumstances whose authority reigned over the other in particular manners. Any incident involving ponies only would be Equestria's to handle, while anything involving humans would be theirs. Incidents involving our kind must be investigated before deciding the next course of action correctly. With the threat of the remaining E.S.S. in play, General Valkyrie proposed a joint task force of both Ponies and Humans to deal with them and bring further cooperation between our races as a means to heal. According to her, friendship on the battlefield is fastly made. Ambassador Doyle stated it would have to be decided by the military, but he didn't see the harm in it, provided the ponies were all cleared by their personnel first.

We also agreed to a limit on immigration and travel to and from Equestria. While I knew that many ponies wanted to reunite with their families, we also couldn't risk wanted criminals trying to leave the nation or allow any revenge-driven humans to try to commit acts of terror slip in. Over time, we would open ourselves more, but for now, things needed to be as limited as possible.

And then came to the matter of Twilight.

"While Twilight Sparkle might not have been as zealous or active in the war as her fellow princess, she still was responsible for assisting in creating the Conversion Potion," Anthony points out quickly. "She needs to answer for the creation of that weapon. She is the only living member of the old regime that allowed the war to happen in the first place. Humanity needs someone to judge for the crimes of the previous alicorns, and Twilight needs to be publicly judged."

I look at Spike, who is squirming in his seat. Whenever Twilight's name is spoken, he looks away with sorrow and guilt in his eyes. I know he feels terrible for betraying Twilight, who is practically family to him, but even he knows that arresting her had to be done to end all this madness. With a heavy sigh, I reply, "I understand, but I wish something to be kept in mind. Twilight, despite her crimes, is also more useful alive than dead. She can help find a cure for the Conversion Potion."

"What makes you so sure that she'll do it?" Anthony Doyle asks before I levitate a piece of paper. After reading it, he looks at me with surprise. "She's already pled guilty before the trial?"

"Yes," I answer with a nod. "Twilight has agreed to plead guilty before her trial with the other former Elements. While Pinkie Pie has been declared legally insane and unable to stand trial, only Twilight, out of all my former friends, has agreed to a plea deal. In return for life imprisonment, she agreed to help find a cure for the Conversion Potion. She's even accepted being held prisoner in human lands with only one request."

"Which is?" Anthony Doyle asks.

"That she gets to see her family at least once a year," I reply before shaking my head. "Putting her on a show trial is pointless since she'll just plead guilty again."

"Very well," Anthony concedes with a sigh. "Now I wish to talk about this special event you wish to show me? A means of improving the lives of both Equestria and our lands."

All attention is on me as I nod with a smile. "Yes. As you know, the entire Earth has suffered massive ecological damage due to the war. Entire mass areas of land have been scorched and are practically dead both from battle or from the means on which we were using to sustain ourselves during the war. I can provide a means to fix all that."

"How?" Lyra asks, curious. "How do you intend to do that?"

"First, we need to make a trip."

"To where?" Spike asks.



I remember the first time I came to the city of Rome with Martin. It wasn't that long after I converted to Catholicism. While the religious element was beautiful, it struck me how much the city felt like living history. It was here that so much of the western world had been shaped by a single nation of conquers who would be the blueprint for many other kingdoms and empires long after its downfall. Art, philosophy, architecture, culture, government, virtues, and more were all spoken in every crack of the city's streets. When I saw it again after it had been destroyed by the Crystal Canon, I felt as if the world had lost more than just a city. It lost a part of itself in general.

The place still looks like something out of a doomsday scenario with gray dead soil that was still rotting even after the event. Rubble was everywhere, with only half of it cleared properly for service members to maneuver. They were still finding what was left of bodies, so it wasn't uncommon to see a blackened skeleton bone. All planet life was practically gone, and the rivers and streams that once flowed through the city were dried up or black as sin. Even the clouds were dark as night, with the air full of nothing but the stench of decay and death. By some miracle, the cross from the top of St. Peter's Basilica still stood near where the Vatican once was. Flowers and prayer cards surrounded it; even after all this time, it still stands as a sign of hope.

It was here that I decided to perform the power I had been given by the Elements of Harmony. I stand near the cross, nervous as a ladybug, as various humans and a few ponies surround me. Those from Equestria are some reporters, but most are guards and Spike, who is there for support. Humanity has a bigger group. Not just reporters and soldiers but also politicians of Italy, Europe, and the U.N., plus the new Pope, ordained by the surviving Cardinals after the Catholic Church recovered from the devastation, and his entourage. Ambassador Anthony Doyle is also there, curious and waiting for what I will do next. With one last prayer in my heart to the cross, I turn to the large group and hold my hoof up to let silence reign so I can speak.

"Delegates of the Earth, my fellow ponies, your Excellency, and all other friends who have come today, I greet you on behalf of Equestria," I state, remembering the speech Spike helped me write while on the way here. "Today, I seek to right a wrong done to a great city and its people who suffered under Equestria's cruel and heartless attack during the war. An attack that led millions to die, a religion that suffered a great loss, and the destruction of a city that once had great historical and cultural importance to many. Were it in my power, I would bring those lost back, but I cannot. Not even as an alicorn am I able to do this. However, I can give you, and other lands damaged in similar means, a chance to be reborn and start anew."

I flare my wings up while lowering my head. "I know many out there hate and fear Equestrians like me because of the actions of our past rulers. While we were deceived and suffered by those we once trusted and loved, we must still seek the means to redeem ourselves and bridge a new trusting future for our species. We are stuck here with you, unable to go home, and while it will take many years for us to truly be united, I am here to start that path to unity."

Lighting up my horn, I continue, "Many have wondered what kind of ruler I aim to be for Equestria. I tell you now that I still don't even know if I will be a ruler permanently, but I am to do what I can to help my people and humanity. This planet has been wounded by hatred, fear, and war."

Levitating slightly above, I smile warmly. "Now is the time to heal it."

Closing my eyes, I let the Elements of Harmony take control and feel the power of all six of them coursing through my veins. The means of which to perform the great spell flow through my mind, and instantly I know the means of how to perform the magical feet. Around me, the rainbow colors of the Elements glow like an aura as they lift me higher into the air. Pictures and cameras roll with their lens focused on me while others are even taking their cellphones out. Most are in awe of what I am doing, but some are scared. No doubt afraid of the sight of magic being performed before them, but I am not deterred by this. Once I gather the proper energy needed for the spell, I take a deep breath and fall down with all four hooves glowing.

When I touch the ground, a ring of pink and green energy spreads from my hooves and shoots across the dirt, passing under everyone's feet and hooves. A few jump, gasp or react in other fashions, but soon they calm down. The ring extends past my line of sight as I mentally command it to continue until it has spread to every corner of Rome. Once this is done, I release the energy, and in an instant, the effects begin.

I can already feel the new grass beginning to form under my hooves. It's warm, fresh, and alive. Someone notices it and points it out, but soon everyone can see fresh grass and flowers blooming in all directions. The once dead and gray soil is now a healthy brown and soon popping up fauna of all kinds. Many are gazing in awe before something appears above, narrowing their eyes and covering their faces. It's the sun. The clouds, now turning white, are breaking apart and letting the blue sky appear above the city once again with the bright warm sun shining down upon it. The air is also fresher, as if it was never stained by pollution in the first place.

More and more, I see the surrounding area turning healthier, greener, and even spreading its vines and greens over the ruins. The water of the nearby ruins of the fountains soon flows with water again. Clear blue water as fresh as mother nature intended as the rivers spark with the planet's lifeblood, washing away the past. Everyone's gazing attention is now on the wondrous miracle before them. Some or so shocked they drop their devices as the one dead city of Rome is starting to come back to life as nature returns to its former glory. While I cannot bring back the dead or restore the buildings, I have given humanity a means to rebuild it and the surrounding areas. Tears are running down some of the faces of those watching, and soon we hear cries of shock and jubilee around us. There is cheering and prayers from the refugees still living here as if they have seen hope restored. Their once-great city has started the means to be reborn, and I am proud and happy to have given it to them.

Ambassador Anthony Doyle rushes over to me with a big smile. "This is...This is amazing!"

"Yup," I say with a smile of my own. "Imagine all the farmlands, nature preserves, parks, forests, lakes, and other damaged cities. I can do this too. Both for your lands and Equestria. I can restart agriculture, and other production means to start feeding and supplying people and ponies. I can help start fresh new cities over the ruins of the old ones without worries about side effects from the war's aftermath. I could even fix the ecological damages that were damaged by the war. And only I can do this. This is my power as the Alicorn of Nature."

"Surely, you would want something in return for this?" Anthony Doyle asks.

"The main thing I want is peace and prosperity," I reply. "But I know that's not going to happen overnight. I wish to use this ability as a means of trust and forgiveness."

"I can tell you right now that many are going to trust you because of what you've done," Anthony says before looking above with awe.

I look above two and smile with joy upon seeing something that hasn't been seen in Rome in so long: a bird. Specifically, it's a white dove. It flies over us, chirping with joy as it beats its wings. Many are in awe, and some are even on their knees, praying as it passes above. The latter only increases as it lands on the cross of St. Peter's Basilica itself as if to say God has given his blessing to this occasion. The Pope is already raising his hands and speaking in Latin, his ministers and attendant bowing as he prays while others join. I lower my head in prayer while looking up at the dove that seems to be smiling at me.

It may not be just Harmony looking after me after all.


It's now late at night, and I am drained. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally. The past week's events play in my head on fast forward as a mix of emotions fumble around in my heart. I practically am ripping off all my regalia before tossing it away and landing on my bed with a sigh. Sighing, I summon a nearby wine bottle and pop the cork open. Usually, I am not one for drinking, but there are times when I need to get relief from it. I had a feeling I would need it when this was all over, and sure enough, I was chugging it down. However, I want to be better than Sunnyvale was rumored to have been during the last year of the war, so I make sure that this will be my only one of the night.

Sitting up, I think about my former friend's final verdict for the trial today.

The trial went on for a week. Save for Twilight and Pinkie Pie, all three of them tried to go for a "Not Guilty" plea. I had Pinkie Pie placed in a proper mental asylum for treatment. The few times I saw her, Pinkie was either dead in the eyes, near void of all color, and staring at the wall without any spark of life or laughing like a mad mare, banging her head against the wall while tears came out of her eyes. It was so bad that her sister Maud, who was always one for not expressing herself, looked horrified and saddened to see her sister in such a state that she was openly crying. Clearly, the revelation that she played a role in eliminating all life on our home planet broke Pinkie and dissolved herself into insanity. I don't know if she'll ever recover, but I hope she does one day.

Meanwhile, Twilight was the only one who agreed to plead "Guilty" and did so long before the trial. She still asked to see the trial to be there for her friends, and she looked defeated when I saw her. It was like looking at a broken puppy that wished it could die. She lost everything and was now seen as a monster instead of the hero she had been for so long. More than one pony or human tried going after her, but I ensured security did its job.

Because of my once close connection to my friends, I dismissed myself as a judge. I couldn't be hampered in my judgment by my emotions, so I watched. I made it so that a group of ponies was selected as a jury with a fair enough judge in charge of the trial. It was hard finding defense attorney's for my friends, but I was able to do so at the last minute. The trial was basically to see if the girls had any significant role or impact in the war that they needed to be judged on or any crimes that could be considered wrong based on what we now know.

The one crime they were all being judged for, even Twilight and Pinkie, was whether the girls or not deserved to be evaluated for delivering us to this world and letting our home world be destroyed. However, they were quickly found "Not Guilty" on that since it was done out of ignorance, and they were able to convince the jury they would never have done the Dimensional Travel Spell if they knew the consequences. It didn't help that all of Equestria was ignorant of the spell, including myself. Sunnyvale lied to us; none of us would have done this if we knew the truth.

In fact, there were very few "war crimes" that the girls could be blamed for. Rarity was a civilian who didn't fight in the war, nor did she really do anything criminal in action. Throughout the trial, Rarity looked drained and embarrassed of her state of being. Her mane was a mess, and her coat looked like it hadn't been to a spa in years. Yet, she was constantly crying silently in shame during the trial. I guess it didn't help that she was also sober for the first time in a long time. You didn't really have access to alcohol in prison. Of all three girls, she got off the easiest: Ten years of community service. However, everyone knew that Rarity's career was done for. Already her shops were raided, ruined, and graffitied. There was very little chance that her outfits would be sold for anything due to her name and reputation being destroyed. Her only comfort was that her family was quickly willing to take her back in, and she sobbed into her arms as they embraced at the end of the trial. When the two of us looked at each other, eye to eye, Rarity muttered the words "I'm sorry" before turning away in despair.

I still cannot forgive her for what she said about Discord.

Maybe one day I will, but I cannot right now.

Rainbow Dash was the next one to get her judgment. She had been a soldier in the war and fought in the battles. Her defense tried to state that, as a soldier, she had followed orders like everypony in the military. Still, the prosecution revealed the mistreatment of ponies captured as POWs who sided with humanity. A few witnesses stated that Rainbow Dash, along with other members of the Wonderbolts (which I plan on reforming later), had beaten them up, denied them meals or bathroom breaks, and even tortured them not for information but as punishment for their disloyalty to Equestria. When put on the stand, Rainbow Dash tried to make it sound like it was a necessary action to win a war for their survival, but the jury didn't buy it and found her guilty. Not only was she fined heavily as compensation for those she had mistreated, but Rainbow Dash would be serving five years in prison while forced into sixteen years of community service afterward.

However, none of that was as damaging to her as what was said afterward. Not only would she be dishonorably discharged, but she was banned from ever entering any military service again, including the Wonderbolts. Her name would be stricken from the records, her accomplishments erased, and she was to also lose the statue made of her in Cloudsdlae. Rainbow Dash's appearance when all this was announced made it seem like her life was over. Her dream of being a great Wonderbolt was forever ruined and destroyed. She would no longer be seen as a hero but as a bully and a disgrace. Rainbow Dash practically collapsed to the ground in tears and had to be dragged out of the courtroom afterward.

However, the one pony who deserved the "Guilty" plea the most was Applejack.

Applejack was always a devoted and patriotic pony. I knew of her hatred for humans since Big Macintosh died fighting them in Osaka. However, I didn't think she would be found guilty of any significant crime since she was a farmer and a civilian like Rarity.

I was wrong.

God above, I wish I was wrong.

Because Applejack's name was on the list of ponies who had sold out members of their community to the E.S.S given to me by Silent Step.

It has always been a mystery to everypony how the Apples were able to keep their farm going despite the hardship the war gave everyone else. Now it was all but revealed to Equestria. Not only was the name of every pony she ever sold to the E.S.S. listed before all, but the reward numbers as well.

Applejack sold out her fellow ponies for cash.

Many of whom she lied about being traitors or spies or even just assumed they were because of their backtalk.

All of that money was paid in blood.

Because every single pony that Applejack sold out died in the prisoner camps.

Everypony, all but innocent save for voicing their opinions, was dead because of her.

It took practically all the guards I had to prevent a rioting group of outraged family members, friends, and regular citizens from running over to a terrified Applejack and tearing her limb from limb. Even Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight looked at her with utter disgust and horror as the reveal of Applejack's crimes were made to light. There was no single pony in the room who wasn't glaring at her or wishing her dead. All Applejack could do was shout out that she was trying to save her family and farm.

That's when Apple Bloom, attending the trial in secret, screamed at her sister. She called her a monster, a whore, and a bunch of other things I never thought I'd hear Apple Bloom shout at Applejack. She wished that Applejack had died and not Big Macintosh because even he wouldn't allow this to happen. At the end of the tears, rage, and insults, Apple Bloom declared Applejack no longer her sister and stormed out. But not before taking Applejack's hat and stating she didn't deserve it.

I felt no pity for Applejack upon seeing how utterly devastated she was upon hearing this. Spike had checked up on Apple Bloom, and she was taking comfort in the hooves of her lover, Scootlaoo. Mostly because she no longer had a home now. The entire town razed the farm when the news of what Applejack did reach Ponyville. They burned every tree, farmhouse, and plot of land they could in a state of anger. Despite some protests, they even passed a law outright banning any Apples from living in their borders, even Apple Bloom. However, Scootaloo already had a house in Clousdale and would take care of Apple Bloom there instead. Even the remaining Apple Family had gone on record stating that Applejack had been kicked out of the family for her actions. The entire family legacy of Ponyville was gone in a single day.

That was perhaps the worst punishment Applejack could have ever gotten. All her efforts to help her family resulted in her being exiled from them permanently. It didn't even matter if she was sentenced to life in prison with no possible means of parole. Her life was already over. The only reason she didn't get a death sentence was the jury thought it was more fitting for her to live with the consequences of her actions.

Finally, Twilight was also sentenced to life imprisonment for her crimes, but unlike Rainbow Dash or Applejack, she would be doing her time in France in a state-of-the-art prison built only for her. It was also where she would help with trying to create a means to cure the Conversion Potion. As promised, she would be given visitor rights from her family once a year, but it would extend if she delivered on her promise to help make the cure. Twilight would never see the light of day again, but as she told us at the trial: "It's what I deserve."

Once the trial was over, I didn't even bother speaking to my former friends. I didn't know what to say. How could I? These were the girls I saw as my sisters once. The ones I saved the world with. The ones where destiny tied us together. I would have died happily by their side in any scenario, and now I want nothing to do with them anymore. Not just because of what they did but what they became over time. The ponies they used to be had died long ago and were replaced by strangers. I could have blamed Sunnyvale, but the truth was the war brought out the worst in my friends and erased the best things about them.

Pinkie Pie had chosen to side with injustice out of fear of being unhappy but was now permanently insane and lost in her mind.

Rarity had focused on her own suffering and placed it above others out of selfishness and now had lost everything, including her good name.

Rainbow Dash became lost in bloodlust and zealotry that saw her dreams crushed and her reputation ruined beyond repair.

Applejack lied, manipulated, and betrayed innocent ponies to their doom for the sake of large amounts of cash to keep her lifestyle.

Twilight had forsaken every Friendship lesson she had ever learned and blindly followed a misguided mare into destroying our home.

Now that beautiful bond we had is dead.

And deep down? I miss it so much.

My door opens, and I look up to see Martin walking toward me with a sad smile. He closes the door and walks over to me without saying a word. Sitting down, he put his arm around my neck and brought me close to his chest before embracing me.

No words need to be said further as I sob my heart out and cry forever into the night.

Author's Note:

Can't talk much. Need to shower and get to work. Part 3 to come sometime in November. Once I finish that I'll continue Regeneration in Choice.

Hope you enjoyed.

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