• Published 28th Mar 2021
  • 16,183 Views, 988 Comments

Fallen - Rated Ponystar

Fluttershy is captured by Equestria to use her element one last time to help save them from Humanity-NegotationsVerse AU

  • ...

Naive Magic

Special Thanks to Shadowsaint007 and Alphamon_Ouryuken for helping pre-read this chapter


Everything in my life changed the moment Twilight Sparkle arrived in Ponyville. Destiny had taken hold, and there was no stopping it from making me one of Equestria's heroes from that day forward. I never once pictured myself to be a paragon and defender of the world, but I guess fate is strange that way. Do I regret it? No. Those days and adventures I had when I was with my friends were scary, but I would never trade them for anything.

Twilight, in many ways, was a friend anyone could get along with. She might have been the Element of Magic, but she represented all of our Elements as one. It wasn't a surprise to me that she became an Alicorn. In fact, I couldn't think of a pony who deserved it more than her at the time. If there is one good thing I can say about Celestia, she trained Twilight to be a good pony. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking and disappointing to see her like this.

Twilight loves Celestia. Maybe more than her own mother and father. After all, she practically raised Twilight and taught her everything she knew. Yet, I had hoped, really hoped, that Twilight was intelligent and wise enough to see through her love of Celestia for the monster she had become since we arrived on Earth, but sadly she didn't. Twilight is too close to Celestia and believes in her so much that there is nothing I can think of that can break the bond they have.

Yet just because I do not hate her doesn't mean that I don't blame her, in part, for what has happened. Twilight helped engineered that horrible potion that has turned humans against their very selves into something monstrous. The Newfoals are just...wrong. I do not know what to even call them, but I refuse to call them ponies. It's like looking at a soulless creature programmed to do what is told and never refuse a request. I've heard...stories about ponies even asking them for sex, and they do it. One rumor was that one pony soldier joked about ordering the Newfoal to kill herself, and she did much to her horror. I don't know if that's true or not, it may just be a lie, but it begs the question of just how flawed this potion is if it can take away basic survival instincts? I can't think Celestia or Twilight made such a thing intentionally. Not even Lyra believes that for all her hatred for the two. But even if they didn't, the fact that they still use it is wrong.

"What do you want, Twilight?" I ask while trying to wipe away the last of the sleep spell forced onto me.

"...I honestly do not know," Twilight whispers with both sorrow and anger in her tone. She closes her eyes and lowers her head while her wings flap gently behind her. "...I still can't believe that out of everypony I knew in my life, Fluttershy, that you would be the one that betrayed us. We were supposed to be best friends forever. The six of us to the very end. And you...you ruined that."

I sigh before getting off my bed and facing her with as much bravery as I can muster. Out of everypony I feared coming across, Twilight was on the top of my list. I've seen how she can fight even long before the war, and I know how dangerous she can be. It's hard to imagine that the gentle and socially awkward bookworm I knew living in Ponyville was a fierce as a dragon when enraged. There was a reason the human soldiers called her "The Purple Angel of Death." If there is one thing that Twilight holds dear, if you hurt anyone she cares about, she will destroy you.

"You don't think I wish it could have been different? That I didn't have to leave behind my home, my family, and my friends? But I couldn't just sit on my flank doing nothing, Twilight. Not when we were hurting, killing, and outright assimilating a species out of existence when they asked just to be left alone."

"How can you say that after everything we've seen from them, Fluttershy?" Twilight asks, stunned by my response. "You've seen the damage they can cause! The ruin they bring! I'm not saying all of them are evil, but we couldn't let them continue the path they were going! For Equestria's sake, Fluttershy, we were all almost killed by them during our Friendship Tour by those terrorists who thought we were demons!"

"I know, believe me, it almost made me never want to step into human lands again," I say with a shiver. The tour idea was all Twilight's brainchild. During our second year on Earth, Twilight thought to bring us and a few others around for a world tour to promote the teachings of friendship and harmony. It was about us telling our tales, showing examples of friendship, and teaching humans to be better. Some places took it well. Others didn't. Kuwait was one of them where some religious radicals believed we were demons that needed to be killed before we bring ruin to them all, and so they tried to bomb the place with suicide bombers, but security stopped them.

I wonder if they feel justified knowing what has happened since?

Needless to say, the Tour didn't do as well as we hoped, but I received letters from those who attended who liked it. It made me feel that there was a home for the humans. I guess it just wasn't enough for the others.

"I just...I get why you feel uncomfortable with what we did. I know you didn't like the idea of going to war. I didn't either!" Twilight says as she points to herself. "The Princesses and I didn't go through with the decision that easily. We thought about it for months! But we realized that there was no other choice!"

"Did you realize that? Or did Celestia realize that?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Twilight didn't answer. She just turned her eyes away and rubbed the back of her hooves. Sometimes I think some of the resistance members all had the right nickname for Twilight: "Toollight Suckup" Because despite Twilight's ability to think for herself, she cannot resist obeying Celestia no matter what. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, Twilight. We cannot take back our choices. And even if I knew where I would end up in the end, I would still do it."

"So even the pain of your friends means nothing to you? What we've all had to go through? As well as all of Equestria?" Twilight demands as she stomps her hoof down, and sparks come out of her horn. "Do you have any idea...what I've lost?"

"I do," I answer before shaking my head. "And my answer to you is the same as it was to Rarity. I am sorry you lost your brother, Cadence, and Flurry Heart, Twilight. In fact, the nuclear bomb was something a lot of us hated happened, and that's the one thing in the war that I really hate what humanity has done, but keep in mind you pretty much nuked their cities as well. You couldn't expect them to just not retaliate, any of them, by how you killed billions of their own people."

"Flurry Heart was just a child," Twilight sobs as she closed her eyes. Despite her angry face, tears come down in mass. "So we're so many others..."

"And you don't think there weren't children in Rome or Mecca? Or what about all those who were unable to escape the barrier as it took over their homes and fields before wiping them out in a brutal death? All those children in places like Australia, China, India, South Africa, Guam, and many more. All of them crying for their parents just before being melted into nothing but gloop? Not to mention all orphans who had to walk miles and miles for food, shelter, help, and many didn't survive halfway across the journey. What about them?" I ask with sorrow in my heart. All these souls, especially the little ones...I can only hope that they are at peace in heaven. "This war has hurt everyone, Twilight. We've all lost someone—even me. I lost...I lost Discord."

"I know..." Twilight says before glaring at me again. "But if you think I'm going to mourn him, you're mistaken. I was willing to give him a second chance after Tirek, but after he betrayed us as well? No, Discord, I realize now could never be reformed, and we should have kept him in stone all this time. Besides, if Discord hadn't sabotaged the Crystal Cannon, then Princess Luna and I wouldn't have needed to fight in Jerusalem, and she wouldn't have been killed there thanks to those damn Thalmann Generators."

"Discord was more of a hero than you will ever know," I reply back with a snarl. "Almost every human in the world loved him. Ottawa even has a statue of him back in Canada after saving them from your assault. He has saved countless soldiers' lives and helped other ponies that hated the war escape before your secret police would have imprisoned or eliminated them."

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asks in confusion. "The secret police just isolate the dissenters and keep them safe while educating them on what's right."

"...you really don't know what happens, do you?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?"

I snorted. "Wow. For such a smart pony, Twilight, you sure are dumb."

"And for such a pony who used to be so kind, you've become a bitch," Twilight snarks as she shakes her head. "Did you really have to hurt her, Fluttershy?" Twilight asks while glaring at me. "She was your friend."

"Rarity told me she was glad that Discord was dead. The only thing I regret is now breaking her face more," I said, shaking my head. "Relax, I'm not going to attack you. It would do no good."

"Believe me, I'm almost tempted for you to let you try," Twilight answered, shaking her head. "Listen, Fluttershy. We want the war to be over too. We're not stupid. We know that without the barrier, the humans will come for us. There is no point to the war anymore. We want a ceasefire on equal terms."

"A ceasefire on equal terms?" I ask in disbelief. "Last time I checked, Twilight, you had lost all the territory you ever took from the humans. Most of the New foals are in their hands now after you abandoned them. The Crystal Empire is gone. All that's left is Equestria itself, and both of us know the humans are gearing up for an invasion unless you agree to an unconditional surrender. What equal terms do you even have?"

"That's why we need the Elements of Harmony!" Twilight explained before taking a few deep breaths to calm down. "Listen, originally, we had just planned on using the Elements to escape this world and go to a different one."

"Why not go back to our world?" I ask. That didn't make any sense. Why not retreat back to our world where they could be safe? Then again, it had been nearly fifteen years since we left. How much had changed?

"Because Princess Celestia said that something was blocking us. Some sort of dimensional interference or something that isn't just preventing us from going back to our world, but also to other worlds. So we're stuck here," Twilight answered with a shrug. "She says everything is fine back home, but we just can't go back at the moment. But anyway, I figured out there was a chance to make a new barrier using the Elements of Harmony's power. It would be just like the barrier the Crystal Heart made for the Crystal Empire."

"But it couldn't stop a nuke," I point out. Even with all the Crystal Heart power, it was nothing against the power of nuclear energy. "What makes you think that this would be better?"

"Because the Elements of Harmony are stronger than the Crystal Empire. They are the strongest magic known to us," Twilight explains as if this was a history lesson. "Humans are still susceptible to magic, so it would prevent them from entering our borders and protect us from any range missile attacks. The barrier won't extend itself like the original, but it will be three times as stronger so that not even the Thalmann Generators will be able to stop it...in theory."

"Theory?" I repeat before snorting. "So you don't know if this idea will even work?"

"It will work!" Twilight states firmly. "I've done all the math and magical calculations. This will protect Equestria, and then we can get the humans to negotiate with us!"

"And what do you want? To be left alone?"

Twilight nods her head. "Yes. We end the war with the humans keeping their territory and the Newfoals while keeping our borders and citizens safe. They stick to their side, and we stick to our side. Neither interferes with us, and we just leave each other alone."

"You can't really think that will last forever, right?" I point out in disbelief. "You really think the humans will just give up? Or Celestia? All you are doing is delaying another war, Twilight."

"Is it any better than letting it continue?" Twilight asks with a heavy sigh. "I'm tired of losing friends, family, and subjects, Fluttershy. If humans want to live their lives the way they want to live them, then so be it. They'll destroy themselves anyway or go back to hating each other while we rebuild and grow stronger."

"If you really think that, then you are naive, Twilight," I answer. "The humans will not stop trying to get back at you. One thing we both agree on is that the humans are ruthless, but they aren't dumb. They learn and advance with each struggle, and this will only make them stronger, Twilight. The truth is that Equestria is no longer the big filly in the schoolyard and that it's been outclassed by a race of beings who have done more technologically, socially, and military than we have in the past thousand years."

"That's not true! Equestria has always been the best and brightest nation back in our world! It's discovered the true meaning of friendship and the light of harmony! We've managed to defeat countless enemies and are an example of what it means to be united! And furthermore-"

I know Twilight well enough to know she's going to go on one of her tangents where she sprouts countless knowledge from books that fly over the average pony's head, so I just stop listening to her. However, as I think more and more about it...something doesn't add up. What interference could be preventing Equestria from teleporting back home? Just because Celestia says so? What was the real reason?

Because when you get down to it, the entire history of Equestria can really be summed to as "The Princess said so." In fact, speaking with Twilight makes me wonder why Equestria hasn't advanced so much as humanity did in the last one thousand years.

I know it sounds a bit conspiracy theory, but it was something that the resistance often wondered and discussed when we had free time. When you really looked at the history of Equestria, and compared it to humanity's history, why was it that we didn't advance as far as we could have? I've seen advanced machines like Flim and Flam's work, which is really just steam engine technology with some magic tied to it. The minotaurs discovered numerous mental crafting and smithing techniques that the humans discovered in their ancient times. It was even only in the last few decades that Equestria has recently started using trains, gunpowder, and electricity. The humans had them far longer than we ever did.

And I know that there were once discussions in school about the history of small groups and settlements talking about political philosophies similar to democracy, capitalism, socialism, and communism. However, they were always deemed as cults or threats that were wiped out or exiled. Not to mention that the religion of Equestria, the Church of Harmony, has never once changed its doctrine ever since its foundation. Even the longest-lasting human beliefs today have gone through numerous changes with the various eras of humanity.

Lyra believed that it was because of Celestia. In fearing other nations rising more powerful than us, or even internal ideas that challenged her rule and power, she restricted everything for the sake of her own wellbeing. The idea that she purposefully hindered advancement out of fear of it getting out of control or of her own power did make sense. For over a thousand years, and even longer, she and all other alicorns were worshiped as living gods with absolute authority. Nobody challenged their rule, or else you were seen as a heretic or traitor to the crown because it was generally believed they were the wisest, strongest, and greatest of us all. They had protected us from all the predator races seeking to rule or destroy us, from the griffins to the dragons to the changelings. Did we let our appreciation and love of them go so far that it went to their heads? Or were they so dedicated to protecting Equestria that they genuinely believed that they were the only ones who could do so? Ruling a nation was stressful, but for a thousand or so years? How does that affect someone?

Others, like Derpy, thought that because we relied so much on magic that it hindered our scientific progress and desire to improve ourselves because everything seemed to be so easy to fix. Magic was a powerful source of energy, and it seemed almost limitless in what it could do. Was our lack of drive and imagination in using it, because we took it for granted, what prevented us from advancing as well? The technology of humanity has matched Equestrian magic in many ways while also doing achievements never thought possible. Sure, there are some things that magic can do better, but Martin once quoted me something from a writer named Arthur C. Clark: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Was magic really just another form of technology? It was energy, after all, and energy can be used in multiple ways. Maybe it had to do with the different physics laws in our dimension? I can see that overusing it might have caused us to take things easy. Even after a thousand years, we were still the most advanced country in the world we lived in. Yet, how long does a golden age truly last?

There was also a third thought, and I know Flash has told me of this one: the lack of an equal challenger. While the griffins and dragons were once some of the most powerful kingdoms of all time, they declined as we grew in strength. They overestimated us and soon fell into ruin and never once achieved the once-great glory they had. For so long, Equestria went unchallenged as the sole superpower. Then we came here, and suddenly we faced multiple powerful nations, and an equally powerful race, that could challenge us in all forms and ways. The humans call this Thucydides Trap. In which a rising superpower and old superpower come into conflict due to the former wanting to surpass the latter and the latter wanting to prevent the former from taking over. The human race has always advanced due to the conflicts they had suffered from, but they slowly learned and got better each time. Was the lack of competition the reason we never reached the potential we could have as well? Until this war, Equestria had never had a major war for over five hundred years.

Maybe it was a combination of all three or others? Who knows. I guess it doesn't really matter right now. The only reason I think sometimes we let Celestia and Luna rule us is that they could control the sun and moon...when...nobody...else...

Oh my god.

Oh my god.



No… she wouldn't.

She wouldn't be that cruel.

For all she has done, there is no way that Celestia did what I think she did.

I have to know. I have to know!

"Twilight? Twilight? Twilight?!" I shout at Twilight, but she still goes on. Growling, I scream, "TWILIGHT SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE AND LISTEN TO ME!"

I don't know if it's because I scream or cursed or both, but she freezes in place with wide eyes. Taking a deep breath, I feel my heart about to stop as I ask one question. One question that, in the last fifteen years, nobody has ever asked throughout this entire time we've been on Earth.

"Who's been controlling the sun and moon in our world since we've been here?"

There is a long silence between us. It seemed like the world had suddenly stopped in time as the question echoes in my mind. I think of every creature that wasn't a pony that we left behind.







Diamond Dogs.

Not to mention all the non-Equestrian ponies like Saddle Arabia.

Or all the creatures we had yet to see or know about.

All of their faces are in my mind as I wait for Twilight to answer.

"I..." Her face scrunches up in thought. "I don't know. I never asked."

And just like that, I break.

I fall to the ground, and I weep. I sob and kick the ground in anger and sorrow because I know what's happened. All those faces I see are now burning in fire and heat as their skin turns to ash and their bones melted into liquids. Others are frozen in place, slowly dying in the darkest of nights with no light or hope as their entire life is sucked out of them.

Millions if not billions of voices scream and curse and plead and beg and pray...and then are silenced for eternity.

The answer was there in front of us all, and not once until now did anyone question it.


Nobody was moving the sun and moon.

Fifteen years we've been on this planet, and for fifteen years, the sun and moon not once have moved from their spot last.


Everyone back home was dead.

We killed them all. I killed them all.

The moment we used the Elements and teleported us to Earth.

What have I done?

What have we done?

God forgive me.

God forgive us all.

Twilight is asking me what's wrong, but I cannot hear her voice over my screaming. My tears and my wails are as loud as can be.

But it's nothing compared to the voices I hear in my head.

The voices of my old world dying in agony.


I don't know how long I cried. I don't even know if I managed to say anything. All I remember was crying myself to sleep until I woke up to a bright smiling pink pony looking down at me.

"Hi, Fluttershy!"


Author's Note:

Remember, that this is an AU from the canon series.

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