• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 3,695 Views, 44 Comments

Savior - Sparrow9642

After being saved from assured death, Twilight Sparkle is opened up to a whole new life.

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A Day Straight From Hell

Monday came faster than Twilight could have anticipated. She was released from the ER not long after speaking with the police on the case of her worst party experience ever and was practically back to normal. That wasn’t how Twilight saw it though; she was still noting anything else she could remember with no luck, and was dreading the return to school. If she hadn’t already dreaded it enough, now, she absolutely hated the idea of even going back to school. These were her thoughts as she continued to stare at herself in her mirror, continuing to apply her mascara.

She knew deep down that there was nothing she could do about it, but her thoughts continued to bicker at her to just play sick or do something that she absolutely refused; skip school. For about the hundredth time that morning, she shrugged the negative thoughts away with a shake of her head, messing up her straightened hair yet again. These were the times when Twilight was thankful she wasn’t trying to impress anyone with her beauty. She didn’t even consider herself “pretty,” and would rather stay under that radar than ending up in the ranks of girls like Bella.

Finishing up applying her false mask of powder and goop, she grabbed an apple from the kitchen, her school requirements, car keys, and made her way out the door, locking it. She quickly made her way into the driver seat, setting her heft of school supplies in the passenger seat, and started up the vehicle. The mornings were always cold, so she worked quickly to shift her AC to warm, giving the air blowing out the vents time to shift in temperature before pulling out of the driveway. In that time, Twilight chomped into her makeshift breakfast and turned up her stereo.

Countess Coloratura’s voice embraced Twilight’s eardrums, continuing to eat her breakfast and double-check that she had all of her school supplies with her before leaving. She had eventually found the pit and was relieved to know that she didn’t have to make a second trip back into the house. The music track went dead, so Twilight took that as her cue to leave the driveway, setting the eaten apple in the center console and shifting the car into reverse.

The rusty vehicle rolled out easily, and within ten minutes, Twilight was parked in the school parking lot and collecting her luggage. The sun had started to peek over the horizon upon her arrival, and as she reached for the door handle, she paused, knowing that that day was going to be Hell on wheels. She had even started to move her keys back toward the ignition, but a distant reminder of her perfect record stopped her, and she cussed in her mind at her self-acknowledgement.

“Fuck you, me,” she criticized to herself, opening the door and stepping out of the car, locking it before she left the area.

Walking through the double doors with a push of her right hand, she was met like a spotlight. Even the volume of the hall had seemed to lower upon her arrival as she walked to her locker. The looks were blank and that just made Twilight even more uncomfortable, hurrying to get her required accessories for first period. This is exactly what she had expected to happen, and while she wasn’t surprised, she didn’t like all of this attention.

This day is going to suck

She did her best to just close out all of the attention, grabbed her things, and hurried off to somewhere where she could exist in peace; the library. She had a good half hour before the bell rang, so she’d have some time to recover before being forced into four hours of cycling through classes, a hour of lunch, and three more hours of classes before finally going home. Not exactly Twilight’s definition of a paradise. The library was more her definition of a paradise; it was quiet, she was surrounded by her favorite things in the world, and girls like Bella never went there. It was perfect.

Twilight found her personal abode fast and quickly took refuge, grabbing one of the thousands of books from a shelf and delving into the peace and tranquility of ink, paper, and imagination for the next thirty minutes of what-would-be a day in Hell. Therefore, she took every bit of that time with utmost glee and free will.

Far away from Canterlot High in High Hills National Park in the oldest tree in existence, a whole different type of “Day in Hell” was commencing for a young and deadly girl. She had crossed a line that she had been forced to cross out of self-defense. A line so thin that the end punishment could resort in death. The very line that Sunset Shimmer had crossed the night she had saved Twilight from assured death. While it was three days after the situation, the local news had made the death of Voltere, a vampire lord that had nearly lured Twilight to the feeding grounds that night, all-but-private.

While it was out of self defense, Voltere was one of the royal vampire races, and Sunset had no right in intervening with a royal claiming their dinner. Her actions were out-of-line and against the “natural order” of the vampire race altogether. Now, the punishment of Sunset’s actions were being decided by the other royal vampire lords, and Sunset had no say in it. Less to say, the vampire justice system was corrupted and fixed to favor only the royals. The main reason Sunset wasn’t even trying to fight against the current predicament she was in.

Self defense to the royals was murder, and they never listened to reason. Sunset had tried to blind Voltere to avoid being recognized, but apparently he had caught sight of her and his family had seen the attack through his vision as well. A cruel realization that Sunset had hung her head at upon the royals knocking at her family’s tree.

Her parents had pleaded the royals to kill them instead, but the royals had shaken their heads at that proposition, and apparently had resorted to a solution other than death. Sunset had caught a hint of this, because normally death sentences were summed up in less than a minute, but this had gone on overnight, and had fallen down to a unanimous vote by all of the highest royals to see if the compromise made was suitable as punishment.

Sunset had been locked in her room over the time of the debate, so she could only hear the votes being made, but she knew nothing of what the compromise was. The only royal that had declined the compromise was Voltere's brother, Molsken. It was completely understandable why he had chosen death over the compromise. Who wouldn’t want their brother’s murderer given the same fate?

Sunset personally had no remorse for her actions, despite it being unintentional. She had only aimed to blind Voltere, not kill him. She and Voltere had never gotten along, and being a royal snob, he bended the rules multiple times. Sunset had grown tired of him abusing the rules of their supposed “natural order,” and decided to bend the rules herself by sabotaging his hunt and blinding him for good. The train hitting and killing him was not part of her plan, but she had smiled at the carnage, thinking she had beaten the royals.

Despite her fate being decided, she still smiled at Voltere’s demise proudly, continuing to listen to the debate below her floorboards of ancient wood. The debate was almost over, and she wasn’t even scared. As each hour passed by and she paced her room in boredom, she could only wonder if she had saved that purple-haired girl in time. Normally, she could care less about mortals, but the fact that this involved Voltere made it different. It bothered her that she actually cared for a mortal’s wellbeing, when vice versa probably wouldn’t end the same way.

Humans despised her race, which is why they were occupied in a place that no mortal visited anymore. Rising Hills National Park used to be a place to visit to recognize the history of the now-thriving populace known as, Canterlot City. Now, it was a torn and worn wasteland of cobwebs of fallen trees, decrepit cabins built by the first settlers, and a tangled fence bordering the place with do not enter and no trespassing sunbleached signs. Sunset and her family had settled there not long after Sunset was born, and had lived there undisturbed by human interaction for sixteen years.

This was their own personal populace, hiding amongst a society of husks with beating hearts.

The day had dragged into the late hours, and at long last, it seemed that the debate had closed. Heavy footsteps made their way up the far stairway and down the corridor to Sunset’s room, while Sunset just prepared for the result of whatever compromise had been decided.

The door creaked open, and standing in the doorway was Raz, the top royal of the vampire race. He was dressed in black robes with his face hid away by the top hood. His skin was ancient and crippled like the wood of their current location, he had talons for fingertips that were laced with age, sturdy and unbreakable, and his height was enough to intimidate anyone in his sights.

“Come child, we are awaiting you,” he said calmly.

His voice consisted of the rumble of an earthquake and ancient heritage. It rumbled Sunset’s ears as she followed Raz down, hearing his deep and raspy breathing in-between each separate step.

In the “living room” were five other similarly-dressed royals and Sunset’s mother and father, standing in worry and anxiety. One royal, Molsken, eyed Sunset with a great fury, to which Sunset just ignored and continued to await the result of two-day’s worth of debating. Raz addressed the situation back into session, walking from Sunset and turning to face her again.

“We have come to an agreement that, out of your parent’s greatest pleas for your mercy, has been unanimously decided,” Raz confirmed, continuing. “The debate was decided by a conclusion of 5 to 1. The five being in the favor of Sunset Shimmer to live under the condition that she never intervenes in the company of a royal’s duties as long as she continues to live.”

Sunset was shocked and went to smile at this conclusion, up until Raz spoke further on.

“However, due to the conditions of your actions resulting in death, by order of the Treaty of Vampiric Peace and Order, forged in 1786 by the first vampire lords, a life must be sacrificed in return by vampire law. If no sacrifice is offered, the debate and compromise result will be rendered null in void.”

Sunset nearly lost her stomach.

“You can’t be serious?! What kind of philosophical nonsense is that?!” Sunset barked in rage.

“It is not, my dear,” Raz obliged. “Unless there is a sacrifice offered, your head will be offered as your punishment.”

“I object to that claim, seeing I know how you royal snobs can be! Show me proof that this “a life for another” nonsense is written in history!”

“While you are in no position to throw objections or demand for historic documentation, I will oblige. Therin, if you would, please provide our young Sunset with the treaty.”

Sunset recognized that name well, and knew that he was Raz’s little right-hand servant. The skinny robed man pulled a tube from his sleeve and handed it to Raz, who untightened one end and slid out a rolled up piece of paper with crinkled edges and base color of a pale beige. It seemed to fit the bill as “historic documentation” well, and Sunset’s confidence had started to dwindle at the sight of the ancient document.

Raz unrolled the ancient parchment, scanned it with his boney finger, then turned the paper to where Sunset could see the fine printed document well.

“Section 6d: If any vampire is to slaughter another of their own kind, they must be executed, or a sacrifice can be offered as a substitute for execution,” Raz read and confirmed.

Sunset eyed the documentation with disgust and hurt, falling to her knees in defeat. Raz retreated the treaty back to safety and resumed the session.

“Now, unless a sacrifice is offered, Sunset will be executed by law,” Raz addressed with might.

The room stood still for the next minute or so, both from the shock and dread of the truth. With no volunteers, Raz proceeded to picking a broken Sunset up by her shirt collar. Only then did Sunset’s fear burst into overdrive, screams escaping her mouth along with tears. She tried to fight against the mighty lord, but her attempts of escape were mere taps to Raz’s rough and ancient flesh. Sunset was pulled into a choke hold, and having given up on even trying to escape Raz’s grasp, she just closed her eyes, ready to meet death.

A pause followed that seemed to last forever, but at the end of it, Sunset felt the grasp loosen, then she heard a shriek, opening her eyes to her mother on her knees.

“Take me! I’ll sacrifice myself for her freedom! Let her go!”

Raz released his grip a little, keeping a good hold on Sunset.

“You are certain about this?” Raz questioned. “You realize your decision is final, and that once it is made, you cannot go back against your word.”

“Yes. I am certain,” Sunset’s mother, Starry Dawn, surrendered.

“Clearly the murderer has made her choice,” Molsken interrupted from across the room. “Let’s do our brother right and let her serve the punishment she deserves!”

“Silence, Molsken,” Raz commanded. “You have no word in this matter. We must follow the order of our race.”

Molsken folded his arms in defeat, continuing to eye Sunset with rage and pure hatred.

“If you are certain, then you are agreeing here and now to falling to certain death. Do you still agree that you are certain of your choice, Starry Dawn?”


“Then by the power invested in me, Sunset Shimmer shall be spared, and you shall be executed in her place as a sacrifice.”

Raz released Sunset and turned his attention to Starry, picking her up in the same manner as Sunset. Still recovering from her lack of breath, Sunset saw the horror unfold before her eyes, her mother gripped tightly in Raz’s grasp.

“I love you both,” Starry said through oncoming tears

Sunset could only mutter out a single word, before she heard a sound that she would never forget for the rest of her eternal life.


A deafening snap filled the room, spelling the end for Starry Dawn.

Raz released Starry to the floor, the husk hitting the floor with a cold thump that sent Sunset and her father in a race to the lifeless corpse. Both collided on top of the body, falling to tears and despair.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” Raz coldly stated. “Remember our agreement, child, and don’t let your mother’s sacrifice have been for nothing.”

Sunset turned away from her mother’s body, and stared at the towering vampire lord with unadulterated anger and rage. She screamed, her fangs gleaming in the light and eyes glowing a fiery crimson red as she attempted to lunge out and attack. Her father stopped her, holding her back between shoves, punches, kicks, and even bites, up until the six royals were gone and her rage turned into exhaustion and mourning over her mother’s corpse as the sun set over the horizon.

The detention center wasn’t the living conditions Bella was used to living in, from the dress code to the disgusting food that she had already thrown up from twice. The beds were like sleeping on concrete floors, and the smell was a mix of body odor, piss, and a damp basement or cellar. The things she could say she was thankful for was a solo cell and the fact that she was getting bailed out tomorrow. While her parents weren’t happy, she didn’t care, not knowing the value of a dollar or credit card. One more night in this concrete trap and that was it.

She got charged with too many things to count; possession of alcohol, drugs, underage drinking, drug use, having drunk minors on her property, multiple noise complaints prior to Twilight and Serena’s arrival, being higher than a kite upon examination, and being over the legal limit of alcohol. Less to say, her parents didn’t want to deal with it and just threw her ass in detention for a few nights as punishment. After one visit and putting on the fakest display of pity imaginable that her parents bought without a second glance, she was bought a bailout and probation.

Now, she sits in her cell unable to sleep over her excitement to go home in about 16 hours. Something she’d come to regret the coming morning. She had top bunk all to herself, so even in young adult jail, she’s somehow getting spoiled. Only true brats are that lucky.

“Out tomorrow, Bella,” she sang to herself. “Then we can go home to our comfy bed and mommy and daddy’s cooking. Not to mention, I’m going to track down whoever made that call and teach them a lesson they’ll never forget. Bet it was that bitch, Twilight; playing it out to intentionally get me in here! No matter, I’ll worry about that when it’s important.”

She finally turned her body and closed her eyes to go to sleep, giving the rest of the block of inmates peace at last. It wasn’t long after though that she heard footsteps approach the outside of her cell and open the door. This surprised Bella, seeing all of the doors were set for lockdown an hour ago, so no guards should’ve been active. She just decided to play along with the situation, not wanting to foil her chances of getting out tomorrow.

“Can I help you?” Bella proposed.

The guard was dressed in casual uniform, which caused Bella no alarm as he stepped into the cell.

“As a matter of fact you can,” he responded, walking further in. “You were part of that case involving Twilight Sparkle, right?”

Bella paused, wondering why the guard hadn’t known that coming here, and more importantly, why he chose to come to her cell for questioning so late at night.

“Yeah, why?” Bella said slowly.

“Oh, my apologies,” the guard started. “It’s regarding a new lead we have on said case. I need to ask you a few things for confirmation.”

“Seems fair enough. Alright, I’ll comply.”

“Very good. First, and this is very critical, do you happen to know Ms. Sparkle’s address?”

That question made Bella stop and think. Why would a guard ask that? Wouldn’t her parents have provided the address in the first questioning session? Everything about this spelled wrong, so she decided to give a somewhat truth, but not enough to give this guard any lead.

“I recall hearing it years ago, but I don’t know exactly where she lives or the exact address,” she somewhat lied.

What followed next clarified that Bella had made a huge mistake in choosing to lie, the guard grabbing the door from the inside and ripping it closed.

“What the…

Bella’s voice had fallen to a mere shiver as the guard turned to face her again.

“If you want to live, I suggest you stop lying!” the guard threatened, causing Bella to fall to full fear.

The guard approached closer and closer, until Bella was held against the wall with inhuman strength and his face was right in her own.

“I will not ask again!” he commanded with a strength that sent Bella into a paralyzed state.

“What do you want from me?!” she shrieked in fear. “I swear! I don’t know! It was a long time ago when I was last there! I don’t know! Please, let me go!”

The guard only muttered a laugh that had turned into a demonic rumble that made Bella’s demeanor only fall deeper into terror.

“You will give me the truth one way or another… Mommy and daddy ain’t here to save you and aren’t coming to save you…

His voice reverberated in her skull, each echo pounding against the inside of her head like a hive of angry bees. Bella could only cower against his strength and dominance over her, so she did what she does best; pleaded and put on a horrid act to escape, only this time, the acting was real.

“I…I want t…to g…go h…home…

Tears escaped her eyes, but the guard only smiled at her suffering, still holding her hostage against the wall.

“Don’t worry…. You’ll be there before you know it…. That is… after I’ve had my meal…

Bella’s screams were the last thing heard that night, until the door was opened again, and the tranquil calm came again after the footsteps of the guard departed.

Author's Note:

It's getting grim 😈