• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 3,695 Views, 44 Comments

Savior - Sparrow9642

After being saved from assured death, Twilight Sparkle is opened up to a whole new life.

  • ...

Reassurance in Darkness

Nothing but silence followed, the teardrops from Sunset's eyes being audible upon their collision with the wooden floor. It was dead, a broken Sunset and terrified Twilight unable to catch their breath, and the world seeming to be going in slow motion.

When Sunset finally managed to recollect her thoughts, her only response was anger.

"Absolutely not!" she barked. "I will not curse Twilight to an eternal life as a vampire! She deserves better!"

The same fiery aura from before had manifested yet again, her eyes and hair burning like the flames of a raging fire, and all her grandmother could do was look in wonder. She'd never seen something so intense and destructive, and fearing it could lead to a higher level of intensity, she quickly resolved to calming her granddaughter.

"Calm down, Sunset!" she commanded "I only suggested it; I'm not forcing you to do it to her!"

Sunset snapped out of her daze of rage, quickly recoiling from her grandmother in sorrow. She hadn't meant to snap so extremely, but something just sent her over the edge beyond her control. She guessed it to be because it was in relation to her beloved, bringing her rage down and regaining her self control.

Once she came back, she buried her face in her hands, a mix of sadness over the situation at hand and disgust towards herself at her actions. So much was happening too fast for her to comprehend, and as much as Molsken was a big enough problem, now her beloved was cursed with some ancient torture method that was performed centuries ago, and the only solutions were to practically move in together or convert Twilight into one of her own.

She was sick to her stomach.

"I-I'm sorry, grandma," she apologized. "I-I didn't m-mean-

She was cut off by one of her grandmother's large hands motioning her to halt.

"It's okay, dear," her grandmother spoke sympathetically. "I understand."

Sunset nodded as an assurance, but her head remained hung toward the floor.

"I-I'd like to be alone for awhile," she stated in a near whisper.

Twilight jumped at those words, her eyes puffy and soaked from her tears.

"Sunset," she attempted, sorrow in her tone.

Sunset only kept her head hung low.

"I just need time," she spoke in the same low voice. "Time to think hard about things."

She paused, shifting her head toward Twilight, nothing but sorrow and regret pasted on her face.

"I'm sorry, Twilight," she stated, choking through tears rising to the surface, then she ran off in a flash of incomprehensible speed.

Twilight immediately started to run after her, but was stopped by the elderly voice of Sunset's grandmother.

"Let her go, dear," she said directly. "She needs this, and so do you."

Twilight wasn't sure what to think about that, but she didn't object and just collapsed onto the couch, her face buried in her hands and another wave of sorrow coming over her again.

"This is all my fault!" she blamed. "If I'd just never went with her, I'd be dead and none of this would be happening! She'd be safe and things would be normal, but no, I had to put my life in danger so she'd always have to save me when things got ugly! I should just jump off a cliff at this point! I've only caused her pain and near death! I'd be better off dead!"

She fell to tears, her sorrow peaking and her emotions deteriorating to nothing but hopelessness. She cried massively, up until Sunset's grandmother finally spoke out.

"Nobody is to blame here, child," she stated sweetly. "You have done nothing but great things for my granddaughter, and for that reason alone, you should be proud of yourself."

Twilight pulled her head from the comfort of her hands and looked towards Sunset's grandmother. The words that the elderly vampire had spoken had broken her from some of her doubt, but she was far from back to emotionally stable. She continued to listen.

"You have shown my granddaughter things that most vampires wouldn't even believe true, and it's not just that vampires and humans can love one another, but that we are not so different from one another. Just like you, vampires have fears, weaknesses, and emotions alike, and aren't just bloodthirsty monsters of darkness.

I have never seen my granddaughter as open to humans as she is with you, and while that is something that I am grateful for, the one thing that I am most grateful of you for, is that you've given her true happiness. Never before have I seen Sunny so happy and whole in my life.

She had such a rough time growing up, always being labelled an outcast, judged by the royals over her advanced abilities, and always ending up getting the short end of the deal; being used and abused over and over again. She has never had a true friend to experience life with from a different perspective, making her devoid of happiness in a cruel reality.

Tell me, dear, how did she act toward you in your first meeting?"

Twilight wiped her eyes, starting to feel a little better.

"Well, honestly, she was very bossy and rude, acting like she owned me and could force me to do anything she said," Twilight confirmed.

Sunset's grandmother chuckled.

"Sounds about right. Prior to you coming into her life, she always acted high of herself, thinking she ruled the world. I think her mother's death really opened her eyes to just how vulnerable we are to death, but also sparked an undying rage for vengeance.

Sunny was never one to stop and think before striking, and I believe that if you hadn't come into her life, she would've done something beyond reckless that would've most likely killed her. Coming into my granddaughter's life was probably the best thing that could've happened to her, because you helped her to change and see life more openly, as much as how reckless actions can affect your loved ones.

She loves you greatly; so much that she'd put herself before you, and from what I've heard, she's protected you with unlimited devotion. Which is why she acted the way she did when I suggested she convert you into one of us."

Twilight winced at that, speaking up quickly.

"That's one thing I wanted to talk more about," Twilight stated. "Do you think Sunset would ever do that if it came down to a point where she'd have no choice?"

Sunset's grandmother closed her eyes, letting out a long sigh.

"I don't know, child; it's a heavy choice to convert someone you love into one of our kind. The life of a vampire is one I'd not wish on any human; an eternal life is a life that comes with much to bear. Yes, you'd never have to worry about passing away and leaving your beloved, but at the same time, you'd have to witness the losses of friends, family, and bear whatever eternity has to offer until this world's end comes.

It's a blessing and a curse, and for someone to curse one with a life as such is an undying burden to carry for eternity. Sunset may love you dearly, but in the end, she would be the one to decide what to do. I don't believe she would do so in the case of natural death, but in the case of being taken unnaturally and so young, she may or may not.

You have your whole life to decide, but in the end, Sunset must do the deed, so please think hard before deciding to endure an eternal life, child."

Twilight nodded as an answer, Sunset's grandmother smiling in return.

"All of this tension has made me thirsty," the elderly vampire said, getting up. "Would you like some tea as well, dear? I can't imagine you going to sleep anytime soon after all of that, so may as well join me in company, right?"

Twilight giggled lightly.

"Sure. I'd be happy to join you," she assured.

"Very well, I'll be back soon," Sunset's grandmother replied sweetly. "Should be interesting hearing stories from a human."

Twilight only smiled, turning her gaze to her lap. While Sunset's grandmother prepared the tea, she just thought about everything that had just happened. While her emotions were tamed for the most part, her stress and fear hadn't faltered entirely. She was cursed with something inevitable, and the only escapes were death or becoming a vampire.

The latter option made her heart race, unsure if she could even fathom the thought of eternal life, drinking blood as a meal, and never having to fear death, but as Sunset's grandmother had stated, she had her whole life to decide on such a fate. She just exhaled a long breath of conflicted feelings as she engaged for what would be a long night of drinking tea and a rollercoaster of emotional confliction.

Sunset had cried for what had felt like hours, her eye sockets puffy and drained of tears to produce. All she had done was grieve at her unintentional act that had cursed Twilight for the rest of her mortal life, and while it hadn't been something she had intended, she blamed herself for it to the point of never forgiving herself.

Her provided pillow was soaked with her tears and sorrow, seeming like a singular extraction of all of the emotions that had compiled upon her sanity over the past days of outrunning multiple threats of different kinds. Less to say, it wasn't relieving in the slightest, and, aside from her current reasoning of being an emotional mess, she still was clueless on what to do next.

She didn't want to endanger her grandmother by staying in one spot for too long, and now, knowing Molsken was somehow managing to keep up, no matter how fast she drove or ran, she was at a loss.

She tossed and turned in the bed, thinking and raging in her mind at the grim truth she had to accept, feeling as if she were in a whiplash, going in a nonstop circle that had no end. While she refused to accept what she had done unintentionally, somewhere in her mind, she knew she had no choice.

She thought back to the best night of her life, now wanting to take it all back, but at the same time, not wanting to. While it was a night of omens and dread, it was also one she'd never forget; an act of true love between two different beings that were supposed to be enemies.

A mark in history that denied the laws of mortals and immortals alike; evidence that two different kinds could be one.

It was why her eyes were now golden and her bond to Twilight gave her the strength of a god. Something that hadn't occurred in centuries, because of the manipulation and corruption that had been forged to prevent any potential threats from ending it all.

From bringing peace, harmony, and equality between humans and vampires.

She was a symbol of hope for her kind, but the cost of true love didn't come without consequence or challenges.

A cost that she didn't know if she could pay, knowing how dreadful the life of a vampire was. Did she really want Twilight to endure the cost for her mistake?

She rolled again, this time facing the wall of the room, her glistening gold irises glowing like beacons in the dark shadows of the room.

"Why me…

Her voice was of sorrow and pain, as quiet as a terrified child's whisper.

"Why am I the one chosen to do all of this? I'm just a girl looking for a life, and here I am, caught between a romance with my kind's enemy and an enclosing war that could potentially end the world.

I-I can't do all of this… I just want a normal life ridden of all this pain and torture… One where Twilight can live her own happy life and I don't have to put anyone in danger for the sake of my own needs…

She paused briefly, curling up into a ball as if she were a child attempting to find protection in her own embrace. She was truly at her lowest point, and all she could do was just try.

"But now, because of me, the one I love is cursed to either one of always being at my side, or… the life of a vampire. A life I'd never wish upon anybody…

Is this my punishment? For basically killing my mother and getting into business I should've just stayed out of in the first place!?"

Another pause went by.

"I never wanted to get my mom killed! I just...just... wanted to do the right thing! Is that really such a bad thing?! I thought that's what we were raised to do, so why am I being cursed for doing the right things!?"

She started to sob again, but no tears came out of her eyes, dried up from crying earlier.

Those were good questions, and she had the right to ask some deity above for the answers to why she was being punished for doing the right things.

She saved Twilight, kept her out of harm's way, prolonged an approaching war between mortals and immortals, and did her best to give mercy to those she had no choice but to kill in the end.

Was that wrong?

"No, it isn't, and you shouldn't be ashamed of anything you've done, my little Sunny."

Sunset jumped instantly.

That voice was unmistakable to her ears, and she knew it too well to even deny what she had just heard loud and clear.

"M-mom?" she stuttered with absolute emotion.

There was a short pause that followed, but Sunset suddenly felt a warmth within the room. A comfort that matched that of a mother's love and touch.

"Yes. It's me, my dear," the soft and delicate voice comforted. "I've always been with you, from the moment I left you and your father."

Sunset's sobs grew wildly. While there was no physical way to embrace her mother, she knew she was there with her, and all she could do was let out all of her emotions.

"I'm so sorry, mom! I never wanted to get you killed! I was just-

"Shhh," her mother calmed. "I know, honey, and you don't have to be sorry for anything. I chose to give my life for yours, because that's a mother's duty. I swore to do all I could to protect you from harm from the moment you were born, and I did by giving you a life to live."

"I just feel so guilty, and now, I'm stuck in something I'm not sure I can even win… What do I do, mom?! I'm just one girl...I can't do this on my own…

"I know you can't, but you aren't alone, Sunset. The girl you love has sworn to be by your side to the end."

"But I've already put her through so much! I love her, but I don't want to get her killed like you! I can't lose someone I love again!"

"Sunny, listen to me. Love isn't just a one person job; it takes both of the lovers to make a relationship work, and if you don't allow the girl to assist you in this fight, you're never going to win. You are letting your past consume what you need to do in order to succeed in this fight, and you have to let that grief go.

All that you've done and earned was not out of luck or chance; it happened for a reason, and that specific reason is what you and your lover are destined to do. You can stop Molsken, bring peace back to humans and our kind, and prevent history from repeating, but to do it, you must let your past go."

Her mother's advice and guidance was the truth, and Sunset knew it, taking it all in with might and acceptance.

She needed to stop blaming herself over the past and move on. Only then could she find an answer and defeat Molsken with Twilight by her side in the final confrontation.

"Thank you, mom," she said with a smile. "But what do I do next? I'm making no advantages against Molsken no matter how hard I try, and there's not much I can do, now that Twilight and I are sitting ducks on open roads."

"Do what you always do," her mother answered simply. "I must go now, but don't worry, I am always with you, watching over you and protecting you. I love you, sweetheart, and I am so proud of and will always be proud of you, no matter how this plays out."

"I love you too, mom," Sunset finished, then like a wave washing over a surfer, the presence of Sunset's mother left, and all Sunset could do was smile.

Once the presence was gone, Sunset returned to her initial thoughts with a higher level of confidence and assurance.

Twilight was absolutely grateful that vampires knew how to cook a human breakfast as she dug into her potatoes and eggs. Her back was a little stiff from falling asleep on the couch after two cups of tea, but the embrace of the delicious food with her tastebuds was enough to cancel out the slight aching.

This was one of her best meals in days, so she made sure to take down the entire plate at a good pace, Sunset's grandmother enjoying a simple cup of tea in-between flipping the pages of her large novel rested in one of her bony hands. Twilight guessed it was her usual breakfast, aside from occasional hunts for a bloody feast, seeing she was still a vampire.

They shared casual conversation as they enjoyed their separate breakfasts, hoping to have Sunset join them shortly after recuperating from last night's dramatic discovery. It wasn't long before the sight of fiery hair and golden yellow eyes met their company and Sunset took a seat next to her beloved on the couch.

She looked like she had been through a war of emotions, her eyes looking swollen and puffy, but her demeanor said otherwise as she poured herself a cup of tea from the pot resting on the table.

"Are you okay, Sunset?" Twilight asked worriedly.

Sunset took a sip of her makeshift breakfast, then turned to Twilight with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, I just had a hard time last night, but I assure you, while I may look like crap, I'm fine."

Twilight smiled as an assurance, feeling all the turmoil of last night fade away.

"Alright, I believe you," Twilight replied, following by resting her right hand on Sunset's left cheek gently. "I'm glad to see you're okay. You scared me for a minute last night."

Sunset followed up with placing both of her hands gently on Twilight's shoulders, her face wearing a look of comfort.

"We'll figure it out, but right now, we just need to focus on what we need to do next," Sunset comforted, following with a nod from Twilight.

Returning their hands to themselves, the conversation resumed.

"So, what do we do next?" Twilight asked.

Sunset let out a long sigh before speaking, her nerves starting to dance a little.

"This is going to sound crazy, but the next move is to just finish this," Sunset answered.

Twilight jumped at the answer, expressing a look of panic and confusion.

"W-what?!" Twilight objected. "You're saying that we just go back and fight this guy?!"

"Yes. We aren't making any progress no matter how far we go, and the threats are only consistently getting harder and harder to defeat, so we need to stop running and endangering ourselves and just fight back. It's going to happen eventually anyways, and we'll be no more prepared than we are now."

"As much as I'm against you fighting that bastard, I'm afraid Sunny is right," Sunset's grandmother added. "I don't have the time or day to teach you proper combat against these monsters, and staying here is only going to end badly for all of us. If you wish to ever defeat the royals, you can't be afraid and must be willing to do whatever it takes."

Sunset nodded in response.

"Plus, we're sitting ducks on the roads anyways," Sunset reminded. "You're a wanted runaway and that makes us prime targets on major roads, which we need to travel to get to the next town. The more we keep running, the more we endanger ourselves, and if you end up in a jail cell, I cannot protect you, and that makes you even more of an easy target."

Twilight calmed, realizing that Sunset was right. Things we're getting harder and harder the more they traveled, and they'd barely escaped their last challenge alive. As much as she was afraid, she knew it would eventually come to pass in time; the final confrontation; a do or die battle that only ended in death or victory.

"You're right, Sunset. We can't keep running, and as much as the idea scares me to death, I'm with you," Twilight agreed, a smile of confidence meeting her lips.

Sunset smiled in return, taking Twilight into a hug. They hugged for what felt like a long time, up until the elderly vampire across from them broke the moment.

"As much as I wish you didn't have to do this, I wish both of you the best of luck and give you my blessing in hopes of making it out alive."

Sunset and Twilight broke the hug and turned to the elder, Sunset speaking one last thing before prepping to leave.

"Any last advice?" she asked.

"Kick his royal ass," Sunset's grandmother spoke with a wide smile.