• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 1,108 Views, 42 Comments

Got Your Six - Revel Montaro

Tempest Shadow has returned to Canterlot to serve as Twilight Sparkle's new Captain of the Guard, but not everyone is happy about it. Now she must fight a new battle to prove she belongs.

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Chapter 2

Even having a suspicion about what Twilight had wanted didn’t change the impact of the statement. If someone had asked Tempest that morning what the princess was going to offer she would have said a position as a military strategist or personal bodyguard. Being Captain of the Royal Guard though? Without having been part of the guard service? Would she do it? Could she do it?

Tempest had been surprised and it was written all over her face. It was a rare expression of surprise on the mulberry mare’s usually stoic face. Twilight began to backpedal almost immediately.

“I know it’s a huge responsibility and you are still trying to find your feeling and place in pony society and I just hit you with it, which you asked me to, and I’m probably rambling. Am I rambling? Never mind, don’t answer that, but you should answer my offer, but if you need a moment or even a day that would be okay too. Yes, you should think about it. Please, consider and think about it.”

“Twilight!” The princess paused mid panic ramble. “Yes, you are rambling, which I have also been warned about. For now, let me see what I have to work with before I make a final decision. If nothing else I can at least pass onto you or one of your subordinates my observations and recommendations. Fair enough?”

“Oh! Oh, that would be great! Yes, I’ll have my royal liaison show you to the guard barracks straight away and grant you access to whatever you need to review so you know exactly what you would be stepping into.” Twilight gave the signal to Raven who had been standing by to open the door.

“They’re ready for you now, lieutenant,” said Raven to someone in the hall.

A moment later, a pale orange pegasus guard stepped into the room, removed his helmet revealing his short and slightly spikey blue mane, and bowed respectfully to the princess. Tempest examined the pegasus carefully. Unlike many of the other guards she had seen thus far he carried himself with sturdy confidence. It was not a confident bluster or spoiled arrogance that she was certain could easily be broken, but the posture and movements of a veteran soldier. Any creature with working eyes could see that his standard issue gold plated armor was up to parade shine along with his new, out of the box lieutenant silver bars, but there were smaller details that only another solider would notice. The polished out scuffs and scratches, the patched, worn buckles, the small personal modifications from what the quartermaster or armorer had handed out. The small, subtle details gave Tempest hope that maybe not all the guards were a lost cause.

“Tempest Shadow, please say hello to Lieutenant Flash Sentry,” said Twilight with a too wide smile that said, ‘please get along’ without a word.

Flash turned his marine blue eyes to Tempest and eyed her up and down while keeping his face neutral. It was not difficult for him to look her in the eye being that he stood only slightly shorter than her. Tall for a pegasus, but still smaller than most stout earth ponies. Most ponies in general were shorter than her. It was something she had grown accustom to over the years. She could only speculate what he was thinking, probably what most guards thought when they looked at her, no doubt. And they were all wrong. Regardless of what silent judgment he had concluded the pegasus held out a hoof for Tempest to shake lightly, which she did. No sense being uncordial before a single word had been spoken.

“The same Tempest Shadow that was part of the Storm King’s invasion force?”

Tempest could not hold in her sigh and rolled her eyes. Yep, he’s already judged me, just like they all have except for Twilight and her friends. “It would be dishonest to deny it.”

Flash nodded. “While obviously I don’t approve of any force invading my country and imprisoning my princesses, I read every report and personal account recorded from that battle. I have to tell you, your strategy and execution were damn near flawless. If not for Twilight’s escape you would have toppled the whole kingdom in a single day. I don't think being proud is the right word to describe it, but it was impressive nonetheless.”

“I… um… thanks? I think?” Nooooot the response I was expecting.

Much to Tempest's surprise he then smiled a pearly, white toothed grin at her. This stallion was sending all kinds of signals she was unaccustomed to dealing with.

“Heh, yeah, I know that probably sounded strange coming from a guard, but unlike most guards I know I also read all the way to the end of the reports on how you turned on the Storm King and saved Twilight and nearly sacrificed your own life doing it. That’s a big deal and should have gotten more attention. It takes guts and courage to fight, but it takes even more to admit when you have made a mistake and act to correct it. You’ll have to forgive me, strategy and combat doctrine are kind of my thing.”

Twilight clapped her hooves happily. “It’s one of the reasons I asked Flash to be my temporary go between for the crown, the guard, and the other royal services. He is a remarkably smart strategist with an eye for military related details not unlike my brother, Shining Armor, really. Have you met my brother?"

Flash gave Twilight a quirky smile and rubbed the back of his head. "You do remember I transferred in from the Crystal Empire, right?" Twilight facehoofed and groaned with embarrassment.

"Yes, yes I did know that. Forgive me, I've been pulled six ways from Sunday during this whole transition and sometimes forget things I shouldn't. Hence why I need ponies I can rely on to fill the positions I have available! See! I brought the conversation back around to the topic at hoof. Go me!" *ahem* "Anyhow, I think you two are going to enjoy talking shop together. And judging by the look Raven is giving me our time is almost up. Please forward any request or concerns you have to Raven’s office.”

Tempest and Flash both bowed as Twilight walked out with Raven a few steps behind. The pegasus replaced his helmet and gestured like a gentlecolt.

“After you.”

Tempest arched a questioning eyebrow. “That’s cute and all, except I don’t know where I’m going. So, maybe stow the chivalry crap for the swooning mares and just lead on, lieutenant.”

Flash smirked in spite of her retort. “In that case, follow me.”

The pair walked side by side and Tempest took note of their surroundings as they passed back outside and how some of the stationed guards were watching them from their positions. She also noticed Flash sneaking glances in her direction when he thought she was not looking. Years of working for the Storm King and leading his strike forces had given her figurative eyes in the back of her head. Very little escaped her hardened gaze. After the third time she could not hold her silence. The moment they exited the school grounds for the path to the royal barracks Tempest double checked that there were no students around, stop, turned, and snapped at him.

“Why do you keep trying and failing to take sideways glances at me? If there is something you need to say then say it, lieutenant. Would it just be easier if I just throw it all on the table for you? Yes, I am in fact a mare despite my height. Yes, I have a broken horn, but I have learned how to 'mostly' control my mana surges. Yes, I get annoyed when ponies or whoever point my horn out. Anything else on your mind just say it, I don’t have the patience for silly games.”

“I was admiring your armor, actually. It’s seen some action.”

Tempest scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I was commander of a ruthless tyrant’s expeditionary strike force. The largest of the three forces he had at the time of his downfall. The other two forces were mostly for guarding or holding conquered territory. We were the tip of the spear and I was at the front of that. As you are probably aware from what you have read I am a lead from the front type. I don't expect soldiers to do something I am not prepared to do myself.”

Flash’s eyes lit up with curiosity. “For how long?”

“Seven years as commander, four years as a nobody just trying to survive and stand out prior to that. There were a few other ponies in the Storm Guard when I joined, but most of the heavy shock troopers were these yeti creatures from the mountain regions far north east of here, across the ocean. They were one of the first creatures the Storm King brought under his reign because he needed the muscle and most of them were easily wooed by his showboating and speeches.
It worked out well for him. They packed a serious punch like a minotaur and could easily break bones if you were slow during sparring matches. Yeti don't general spar at half speed. Some poor fools were so badly injured that they had to be left behind in occupied territory. I don't imagine they lasted long after that. I learned to be fast early and gave as good as I got.”

Flash nodded. “Sounds brutal. But if you made it to the top then you must have been pretty brutal yourself. If I might be so blunt, I personally hope you take the princess’s offer as captain. The Canterlot guard could really use somepony with real world combat experience to whip them into better shape.”

Tempest glanced over at Flash again, but quickly returned her eyes forward when she felt they were lingering too long on his muscular flanks and trim barrel. Thankfully her darker fur made blushing harder to see. Ugh, get it together, soldier. It’s not like he’s the first stallion you’ve dealt with and it’s too early for me to be going into season again… I think.

She cleared her throat. “It's interesting that you say that. If you are a lieutenant how come you didn’t take the job after the last captain chose to retire? You look like you’ve seen some skirmishes even though I don’t remember seeing you during the siege.”

“Twilight actually did offer me the position first after Quick Strike resigned, but I turned it down. I told her the truth of how I felt, I hadn’t earned it yet being both a fairly new transfer to the Canterlot guard and because I have no experience leading anything bigger than a squad. So, then she offered me the promotion to lieutenant and to act as a go between during the transition of power. The liaison part is only temporary, but hopefully I will get to lead more and earn my place.

“As far as that particular day, I was stationed in the Crystal Empire working with the crystal ponies for my tour during the Canterlot siege. By the time we got word that the empress and all the other princesses had been captured, got ourselves organized, and arrived with a rescue force, Twilight had already set the others free and the Storm King was in pieces.”

Tempest nodded. “If you had been here the guard might have put up a better fight, or at least something. It was pathetic.”

“Yep.” Flash stopped in front of an unassuming building near the entrance to the guard barracks and training grounds. He knocked not expecting an answer and pushed the door open with a wing. “This is the captain’s annex. It connects to the rest of the officer’s quarters through a back door. Right now it’s unlocked, but if you like you can apply your own locking spells or a keystone.”

As the name suggest the annex was a single large room office with minimal furniture, primarily a large desk that looked like an airship could dock next to it and only the bare necessities for doing the job. There were two doors in the back, one along the back wall, no doubt connecting to the officers quarters and a second that was probably a private wash room. Being in charge no doubt had its perks. Tempest pondered for a moment if she had housing also squared away for herself or if the adjacent room also had a sleeping space for the captain. Questions for later.

“Before we start digging into all the paperwork, give me a run down of how the Canterlot guard is organized. I have a rough idea based on our scout reports before the siege. But I want to compare them to what you know.”

Flash removed his helmet and set it on an armor stand near the door. “Well, as you know, Equestria has no real standing army. Beyond Canterlot, most towns are policed by local sheriffs or militias of townsponies when a threat occurs. We do have units that perform long tour border patrols along the badlands and along the coasts near the griffon territories, but they are few and far between and are primarily outfitted for just scouting.

“In Canterlot, where nearly all the guard operates, the units are officially referred to as the Solar Guard, which consist of three companies, A through C. One full company is on duty at all times in and around the entire city. Technically, company D is the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol, but since we only see them once every six months they don't get included in a lot of the day to day concerns. There is also the Lunar Guard made of a few thestrals, but they usually work along side which ever company is pulling third watch that night.

"Even prior to Luna’s retirement the thestrals only numbered about twenty-five. Nearly half of them are on tour of duty in and around Celestia and Luna’s retirement community since Luna is still vulnerable when she is guarding dreams. Or so I’m told. Regardless, the thestrals that currently reside here usually take their orders from Lieutenant Flanker, but as far as chain of command they do answer to the Captain of the Guard just like everypony else when called upon.”

Tempest tapped her chin. That was new information she had not been aware of. “I’m not familiar with the thestrals other than stories from history or legend.”

Flash rubbed the back of his neck and smirked sheepishly. It was more adorable than Tempest wanted to admit, but she was able to keep her stone faced demeanor.

“I haven’t really talked to any of them and done little more than wave or nod when they pass by on patrol. To be honest they… kind of creep me out.” Flash cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment. “What I do know is that Luna uses some sort of magical ritual and a few potions, I think? Yeah, Luna does that to magically transmutate volunteer guards into bat ponies who have these serpent like eyes and leathery wings. The unicorn thestrals lack the wings but their horns are dark and smooth with no spirals. Kind of remind me of old changeling horns. They are an all volunteer force so that’s why their numbers are so few. Supposedly they are bad ass soldiers though. I’m surprised you didn’t have to deal with them during the siege.”

“Yeah, I may ask them sometime about that just to satisfy my curiosity, but that’s not important.” Tempest stepped over the large desk in the center of the office and began opening drawers. Unsurprising, all the drawers were empty.

“So, what’s first?”

Tempest ran a hoof through her magenta, mohawk styled mane. “Now, we do the really boring stuff. Tour and Logistics. I want to see what we have in stock as far as weapons and armor. I want to see where the troops sleep, eat, and train. I want to see everything and then I’ll decide if it’s worth burying myself under a mountain of paperwork for Twilight’s sake.”

Flash’s smile broadened. “Tell me what I can do to help.”

Author's Note:

Annnnnd we're back. So, with six chapters currently under my belt I felt comfortable going ahead and posting this tonight. I will once again try to maintain my once a week post schedule for as long as I can. It shouldn't be a problem, the story is flowing smoothly and I do not predict this the be as long as Gods and Monsters, mostly just because it is not as complex a story. But still enjoyable so don't get discouraged!

So here were are introduced to Flash Sentry! Now, just to point out a few things. While pony Flash and human Flash will have a few crossover similarities they are NOT identical. This is relevant to the story and also because I want to build Flash into a more three dimensional character and not just girl arm candy.

I think that covers it for now. Questions and comments always welcomed.