• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 1,108 Views, 42 Comments

Got Your Six - Revel Montaro

Tempest Shadow has returned to Canterlot to serve as Twilight Sparkle's new Captain of the Guard, but not everyone is happy about it. Now she must fight a new battle to prove she belongs.

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Chapter 9

Tempest Shadow sat at her paperwork covered desk with a large cup of coffee and a field ration honey coated oat bar. The only two things the mulberry mare felt she could choke down without vomiting from her insides twisting up. The events of night before were once again playing in her head as they had throughout the evening and into the dawn. There had been no rest for the new captain. If Luna had been trying to help ease her restless night, Tempest did not remember it. Most likely because she was never in a deep enough sleep to have been visited by the alicorn of dreams.

Tempest, after having blasted a hole in the wall of the prisoner holding area, interrogated the frightened old guard who had been working the storage room for prisoner personal effects. While no other ponies needed to have access to the storage room he did admit it would not be hard for almost any guard to sneak in while he was distracted and steal something. As he recalled, a guard named Green Hill had come to chat him up for more than a few minutes, even going as far as to ask him to examine a bump on his hindleg that Green claimed he had trouble seeing.

While Tempest’s first instinct was to go run down Flag Staff and corner him for questioning, the timeline gave the lieutenant an alibi that, though likely involved in the theft, he would not have had the time to make off with the armor himself. Tempest once again reminded herself she needed to make sure she was calm and awake before trying to take on Flag Staff for questions about the false arrest, the tainted crime scene, and where and how he got his information. Her enemies were toying with her, trying to get under her fur and skin so she would do something more foolish than just scary property damage. They wanted her gone and all they needed was a good excuse to get rid of her. She would not let them win.

And so Tempest sat, trying to gather her wits and steady the burning fury in her heart. The conspirators or rouges or whatever they were had stolen something more precious than the armor from her. They stole a piece of Tempest’s very identity. She loved her armor not just for how it protected her, but also because it had been given to her no strings attached by a being who was as close to a friend as she had dared accept from those dark days. The enemy had in a way violated her very being and heads would roll before it was all said and done.

Tempest checked the clock again. She needed to go visit the armorer first thing before she planned to meet up with Spike to send her transfer request orders. Sour Sweet had been right. They were out numbered and had no idea who was friend or foe among the guard and most of the nobility as well. It was a dangerous situation to be in and Tempest shuddered at the bad memories it invoked. Worse than her own personal scars, such a schism put Twilight at risk as well.

Enough balling up and crying about it, girl. Tighten your hoofstraps, clean your face, and hold your head high so they can’t see they’re getting to you. Twilight’s safety is all that matters. She has faith in you, don't fail her.

Tempest downed the last of her oat brick and coffee and slipped back into her black body suit. At least that brought a small measure of comfort, especially for what came next.


“You sure about this?” said Dusty Canyon, making the last of the adjustments on the Captain’s armor that had been set aside for Tempest. “You seemed unimpressed the other day.”

Tempest rolled her eyes then stepped down off the platform and gave the armor a few shakes. It definitely felt and moved differently than her black ferronite, but Dusty was a good armorer and got it to fit snug without pinching. “I’m not impressed with it. No offense, but I’ve got another armorer coming in a few weeks to make me a new custom set of dress armor, but in the mean time I need something to cover my backside since my preferred armor has been stolen.”

Dusty spat on the ground and growled, his reaction caught Tempest a bit off guard as she stepped back from the fuming armorer. “Sorry for that, captain. I just hate bullies and them sideways bully tactics. Somepony don’t like you they need to grow a pair and come at you face to face.”

Tempest smiled. “I appreciate that sentiment. I think you and Vector will get along great, especially talking shop. Just between the two of us, I’m having a hard time trusting the guard. There are a few I feel I can be comfortable around and trust, but not many. I’ll admit I was not expecting the backstabbing on such a grand and organized scale.”

Dusty nodded. “Shining Armor felt the same way, told me more than once. Felt like he was an island of one, the last good pony in a sea of sharks. The dirty guards respected him enough to do their dealin' away from him, but it’s only gotten worse since then. They don’t got no respect for no pony no more and with Celestia gone… well, glad I don’t got your job, ma’am.”

Tempest understood and nodded her appreciation. The rot was deep and those that had been around knew it. She looked at the old armorer, and asked, “If it were you, how would you deal with the dirty guards?”

“The guards ain’t the problem, they just the end of the chain. Fire them sure, but then just new guards get on the take. They see others take and figure, sure, why not, everypony else is, right? You gotta take rot like that out at the source. And that be rooted deep.”

“I hear you.” Tempest took one last look at herself in the mirror in the gold, white, and purple and let out a grunt of approval. It was not what she wanted, but it would do. At least Flash had been right, she wore it well. Dusty held up the plumed helm and Tempest snorted. “Not happening. Save it for the museum.”


Tempest had to ask around, but found Spike in the hotel kitchen of all places. The young dragon was busy making pancakes while the palace kitchen staff was setting the main plate that his creations would be placed upon. If the head chef was annoyed they did not show it. Perhaps they understood that he had been making food for Princess Twilight for so long that it was as comforting to him as it was to her. At least they did not have to worry about a professional taste tester to filter out any poisons. Spike did a double take when he spotted Tempest, but smiled when he saw her in the official captain’s armor. She rolled her eyes, but gave him a tiny smirk. “Go on, you’ve earned your right to poke fun.”

“Are you kidding, you look great!” said Spike, wiping his claws on his frilly apron. "Shining Armor would be pleased and I know Twilight will like it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind when my armorer arrives to craft my new set. Maybe I will have him borrow some from this set for his design. Anyhow, I hunted you down for a reason.”

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes, his claws on his hips in a pose that was just ridiculously sassy. “Let me guess, another dragon fire letter? I’m starting to feel a bit used and may have to start charging you gems for my services.”

Tempest reached into her one pouch and retrieved the rolled letter. “That’s fair if want something in return, but this one is official guard business. I need to send this to a thestral named Sugarcoat on duty at Silver Shoals watching over Celestia and Luna.”

Spike shrugged. He knew that location well having already sent several letters to the former rulers on Twilight’s behalf. He concentrated on the name and location and then exhaled sparkling green fire that turned the scroll into a purple cloud that faded away into the nothing.


“Next time I come find you I’ll have some gems as a thank you.”

He shrugged. “I won't say no, but you don't have to. You sure you’re doing okay? You look a bit ragged around the edges.”

Tempest ran a hoof through her mane and straightened her posture. His blunt observation was said in kindness, others would not be so forthcoming and try to use that against her. “It’s been a rough week, but I’ll manage. Do me a favor and don’t mention it to Twilight, she’ll worry herself into a panic and she had enough to worry about.”

“Sure, but only for now. I know you have a tough job, but take care of yourself, too.” Tempest nodded before exiting to move to the next objective on her mental checklist for the day.

The captain made it most of the way back to the barracks when she heard the familiar swooping sound from above that was the telltale sign of a pegasus. She was unsurprised to find Flash Sentry land and trot up to her.

“Hey, I stopped by your office this morning and got worried when I found you were gone.”

“Adorable, but you are supposed to salute first and then address my rank, lieutenant.”

Flash winced at his breach of protocol and her icy greeting, moving quickly to correct the mistake by saluting. “Apologies, captain. I was just not expecting you to get such an early start. I am still assigned to you as your assistant unless you have a replacement or found somepony better to do the job.”

“Didn’t have time to wait for you and didn't sleep so I got to work. Thanks to dirty guards who have a future date with my armored hoof I needed new armor, so I corrected it as soon as I could.” Tempest stopped and Flash stopped as well. She did a double check to make sure no others were in ear shot or line of sight before she sighed and stepped closer, taking a moment to let her vulnerability show and leaning into the stallion. She rested her head along his neck and breathing in his alluring, masculine scent. It both calmed her anxiety and caused heart to beat just a bit faster with desire. After a moment Tempest stepped back. She met Flash’s concerned blue eyes, her jade orbs glassy and on the brink of shedding tears, but she fought them down.

“I’m sorry, you’ve been a good, loyal soldier and... a friend and I know you meant well. I just… I didn’t want to look at you yet. I felt so naked, in more than one way and I didn’t want… I didn’t want pity for what you saw yesterday.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have scars, I have scars. It comes with the job and line of work we have done. Admittedly, there were more than I was expecting I ju-”

Tempest snarled and huffed, beginning to storm away from the pegasus.

“I’m sorry! That came out wrong! I just…” Flash quickly trotted into Tempest’s path and held up a foreleg to force her to stop as well as look at the limb. Flash also partly hoped she would not just twist it to force him to move. When she did not attack he continued. “See this? This is from a spear, stone tip, believe it or not. I deflected a strike to keep the enemy off one of my comrades and this damn zebra pirate took advantage of my off position and stabbed me with it. Nicked the bone and went messily through to the other side.” Flash lifted a wing and pulled part of a chest plate away near his neck where three faint scars were hidden that she had not noticed before. “This was from a griffon who tried to go for my jugular, damn near got it too.”

Tempest sighed, she understood what he was trying to do, but it was different for him, he could never truly understand. “Thanks, Flash, but you don-”

“I know this is inappropriate and out of line, but I’m going to say it anyway and if you need to reassign me afterwards then so be it. You are beautiful, Tempest Shadow. You have, powerful, majestic curves that honestly give the princess of love a run for her bits and a sharp, witty personality. Truthfully, what is most attractive to me is that you care as much about your troops as you do about doing the right thing. You have seen the depths of darkness and how far a pony or any creature can fall and climbed out from it. Yes, it scarred you along the way, but you came through and you are more mare than many will ever be. If you choose to hide those scars then do so for choice because the civies won't understand ponies like us. Don't hide for shame.”

Tempest eyed the pegasus for a good ten seconds before finally letting a small smile split her features. She let out a deep breath and finally said, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” replied Flash with a smile of his own.

“If we’re done with show and tell it’s time to get back to work.”

“Duty roster for the week has already been posted and other than more barreling drills I don’t know what else you had planned for today.”

The dark scowl returned to Tempest and she continued to walk, Flash falling into step beside her. “We have a dirty guard problem and everyone knows it including the observers like Dusty Canyon. I’ve been so focused on trying to get the troops retrained I’ve let that fact fester and I let them and those pulling their strings make the first move. It’s time to hit back.”


Tempest was admittedly a little surprised she found Lieutenant Flag Staff where his schedule stated he should be. She was not sure if that showed more balls than brains or if he was just that confident that his alibi and logic would hold. Either way, he was her hoof in the door and he would give Tempest what she wanted whether he knew it or not.

Tempest had currently left the development of the duty roster up to Lieutenant Day Riser who had been doing the roster since before Shining Armor had been captain. Her only interaction with the white pegasus thus far had be in the training sessions, but from what Flash had said the stocky stallion was unusual and had a razor sharp memory, able to remember the name of every guard in Canterlot. He was machine like punctual, and apparently functioned just fine on only a few hours of sleep. It was not unusual to find him up before his shift and out past it. Granted, he usually just assigned himself to kitchen watch, but Tempest supposed there had to be some perk to the position.

Day was just one of those type that just stayed wired even without the assistance of tea or coffee. He was also apparently a neat freak and obsessive compulsive about schedule details and clock works. A mischievous part of Tempest thought about suggesting he and Twilight go out on a date just so she could watch them both fumble and twitch about the details. The thought soon passed after she remembered the stallion was old enough to be Twilight’s father and her target quarry came into view.

Canterlot, like any major city, had good parts, where most ponies and creatures ventured, bad parts that had fallen into disuse or were just consider an eye sore, and exclusive parts where entry was restricted by social rank, money, or status. It was a fact of how societies were built that created these divides, the social ladder as it was sometimes called. Some cultures were more cut throat than others, but a ladder just the same.

Flag Staff had been assigned to supervise the patrol of the Embassy District. As the name suggested it was home to the international offices for the nations that surrounded Equestria and had grown exponentially over the last several years. It was also one of the most valuable pieces of real estate in the entire city given how close it was to the palace grounds and all the most wealthy and influential families had homes in the district making it easier to ‘shamooze’ the dignitaries as Tempest had heard it called once.

Because it was a high profile target the number of guards in the district was just as concentrated as that around the princess herself. Tempest had little doubt the cushy posting was a ‘gift’ to an obedient tool. Whether Day Riser was in on it was difficult to say. A conversation and inquiry for another day.

“Lieutenant Flag Staff,” said Tempest, doing her best to keep the undertones of frustration and anger out of her voice. She needed practice with her diplomatic skills anyhow since being diplomatic to the Storm Guard was the difference between a hoof to the face or a sword to the abdomen. Flag Staff flinched and looked about. He was clearly searching for an ambush or the nearest escape route. “At ease, lieutenant, you and I need to talk.”

The unicorn stallion did not relax much, but did stop searching about and sat back, ramrod stiff. “If you are looking for an apology for me fulfilling my duty I won’t give it.”

Tempest and Flash glanced at one another before the mulberry mare began to circle her subordinate like a predator. Flash in turn sat back, waiting to see what the other guard would do. Keeping himself ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Classic Good Guard/Bad Guard.

“You sure about that? Maybe we need to take it from the top then. You come to my residence in the night and arrested me under flimsy pretense, humiliate me by forcing me to strip not only from my armor by my underlayer as well even after I explained there was no reason to, had Sergeant Line try to brow beat me into a fake confession for a murder I had no part of, then had your entire case and evidence blown up in your face because you missed obvious details that even a yak who had never visited a barber could see. Also, let's not forget the judge that signed off on it was supposedly convinced, though he’s up on corruption charges of his own. But you know what the cherry on top of this whole clusterfuck is? Someone then snuck in and stole my armor from the storage room while we were doing this whole song and dance.”

Flag sneered, but gave nothing else away. If he did it himself he would have flinched. He knows it was done and may even know who did it, but the bastard is confident in his innocence. “I was not aware something had been taken. Sounds like you should be talking to the pony in charge of that department. Beyond that it’s not my responsibility.”

“See, that’s where you are once again dead wrong,” said Tempest, all hollow compassion leaving her voice while her scowl became a vicious sneer. Flag glanced between Tempest and Flash, clearly confused. Flash smirked and pulled a scroll from his bag.

Before seeking out Flag Staff, Flash had brought up a point about having something concrete to trap the guard with since they could not pin the armor theft on him. It was at that moment while brain storming Flash Sentry had recalled a clause about guard responsibility when handling a suspect.

Most of the rules had been to limit guard brutality and other forms of mistreatment such as torture and abuse. However, there was also a point about once in custody that all personal items taken at the time of the arrest were also the responsibility of the guard. Specifically, the guard in charge at the time.

“When you formally charged the captain with a crime she became a suspect and was temporarily suspended from her rank and position. Since you were Princess Twilight’s next best choice for captain AND you were the ranking officer at the time of the arrest that means that her safety, well being, and personal possessions were all YOUR responsibility. You assumed command and all the burdens that go along with it. Her armor was not returned. It was stolen on your watch.”

Flag scowled and ground his teeth. Tempest would have relished the sight, but it was not over yet. Time to twist the knife.

“Now, this is going to go one of two ways, lieutenant. You are going to have my armor returned to me in two days or less. Then you are going to give me as many names of guards on the take including who is bankrolling them and then you are going to resign your position and commission. You do that and I let you walk from this city and never return.

“You lie to me, you try to outplay me, you do anything that is a divergence of what I just offered you and losing your job will be only the beginning of what I have planned for you. That armor means more to me than just good cover. It was a gift and I want it back.” Tempest paused and stopped circling, pointing to the direction of the guard barracks. “In the mean time while you consider your life choices of what you want to do you are relieved of your post and confined to quarters... unless you have something you would like to tell me now that is?”

Flag remained silent, which did not surprise Tempest in the least. “Lieutenant Sentry, escort Flag Staff back to the guard barracks. He is to remain confined to the compound unless it is to retrieve my stolen property or give a private confession.
Assign a watch if you feel he is a flight risk. I will assume his post until B company comes on duty.”

“Yes, captain.” Flash gestured and Flag Staff did the only smart thing he could do, he said nothing and walked.

Once the two stallions were gone Tempest took a moment to consider her surroundings. She eyed the front door of the house Flag had been standing in front of. She was not one hundred percent sure whose house it was, but she was in just the right kind of bad mood to go banging on doors.

After several hard knocks with her polished hoof guards a muscular earth pony in a butler’s waistcoat and bowtie opened the door and scowled. “Hi, I want to speak to the lord or lady in charge of this house.”

Author's Note:

Only managed to get about a page of chapter 12 done this weekend, but I have a two week buffer to get caught back up. I'm not sure how bad work is going to be tomorrow, so I figured I would go ahead and post this today. Next week will probably be back on Tuesday unless there is an issue.

Questions? Comments?