• Published 1st May 2021
  • 9,037 Views, 79 Comments

World War 2 in Colour - TheFrozenWarrior

The Young Six learn about world war 2 thanks to a documentary from 2009 with coloured war footage.

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The Gathering Storm

Author's Note:

Sry for the long wait.
It took a lot more words than I was expecting.
But here it is! I hope you like it. If you notice that Yona doesn't speak much it's because I'm not very good at writing her third-person broken English way of speaking.
Anyways, see you in the next chapter!
5th May, 2021

“World… War… Two!!!??” yelled Silverstream. “These ‘humans’ have had a world war and are having a second one??!!”

“Yeah, I find that hard to believe.” Said Smolder.

“There hasn’t been a war for centuries here,” said Sandbar.

“How many could’ve died?” asked Ocellus.

I don’t wanna know.” Gallus said with a scowl, “But it’s probably deadlier than the first one.”

Their attention was turned back to the screen as they heard what they thought was a siren. Text soon appeared which read:

The Gathering Storm

The sentence reminded Silverstream of the Storm King. Some time ago, she had trouble hearing the word ‘storm’ due to her PTSD with the Storm King. But, she managed to get over her fear because of a trip to a certain cave system.

The screen showed a flying creature turning to its right and it cut to another angle showing it diving towards the ground. They then heard several bangs and on the screen showed a cloud of smoke next to a house.

It then cut to a human on a tank as a voice (They assumed to be the narrator) talked about September 1st, 1939, and how ‘German’ troops went deep into ‘Poland’ to win a swift and absolute victory.

“Oh my!” exclaimed Silverstream.

The voice then talked about how 20 years earlier their forefathers were also on the march, but back into their homeland as a defeated army, and it showed people riding on carriages with horses pulling them.

“What!?” yelled Sandbar, “Why are they doing that?”

“This must be what Starswirl was talking about, he said that all of the sentient creatures on our world either don’t exist, are myths, or are non-sentient in their world.” Answered Ocellus.

“Okay, that’s something I don’t wanna think about.” Replied Sandbar.

The voice soon talked about how the Emperor of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II, in November 1918, nearly four years after World War 1, had been forced to abdicate.

“What does that mean?” asked Smolder.

“‘Abdicate’ means ‘when a monarch of a country gives up his or her crown'. That's from the dictionary." stated Ocellus.

“Wow,” answered Gallus, “That must be a bummer.”

“Yaks would hate if Prince Rutherford be forced to abdicate,” Yona said while frowning.

“Yeah, we know that Yona,” Gallus said rolling his eyes.

The young six continued to watch and the narrator explained how a remorseless offensive by ‘British’, ‘French’ and ‘US’ troops was underway, and how his ‘people’ were starving.

“Starving? That’s terrible!” cried Silverstream.

“I know Silverstream, lots of griffons starve in Griffonstone.” Said, Gallus.

Ocellus meanwhile was furiously scribbling down notes about what she was hearing.

The narrator soon began talking about how a dangerous myth was ticking from German troops. He said that the German Generals and troops claimed how they had not been defeated in battle–

“That’s unlikely.” Said Smolder.

But had been betrayed by their cowardly politicians.

The narrator then continued saying how despite this, on November 11th, 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, World war 1 came to an end.

“They have no idea a second one though.” Said, Gallus.

The screen then showed a huge crowd of humans waving flags and cheering, all of them seemed happy that the war was at an end.

“Yona think they be glad conflict over,” Yona said.

“I agree with you Yona.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator began talking again, saying that in the following month, ‘President’ Woodrow Wilson of the ‘United States’ arrived in Europe, promising to create a new world order.

“I think that this ‘US’ and ‘United States’ are the same thing.” Ocellus said.

“Why do you think that?” Silverstream asked.

“Well, US could be an abbreviation of United States.” Ocellus answered.

“What’s an abbreviation?” asked Gallus.

“It is a shortened form of a word or phrase, usually in a phrase, consisting of the first letter in every word of the phrase, again, from the dictionary guys,” Ocellus told everyone.

“Ok let’s just keep watching,” Gallus said.

“Agreed.” Replied Smolder.

The narrator stated that President Woodrow Wilson persuaded the world’s leaders to sign up to a new ‘league of nations’, and with the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ they agreed that disputes between countries would be resolved not by fighting, but by debate in the league.

“That’s quite smart.” Ocellus said, “This way, there won’t be any wars.”

“Well, it’s clear this League of Nations failed, because there was a second world war,” Smolder stated.

“I agree with you Smolder.” Replied Gallus.

It then cut to a map of a strange landmass that fascinated the group, and it highlighted two places that appeared to be countries, one was orange and one was red. One had text over it which read ‘Germany’, the other had text which read ‘Austria–Hungary’. The narrator said that Germany’s ally, the Austria–Hungary Empire was dismantled. He said that new nations were created such as Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, and a few more. It then stated that Germany itself was greatly reduced in size.

The narrator then said that this process contained a tiny problem. He said that not everyone celebrated the birth of new countries like[AP1] Czechoslovakia, several of the new countries contained substantial German minorities. The narrator stated that one day, the desire to reunite German peoples would haunt Europe.

The six friends shuddered at this remark.

The narrator continued saying the war-torn people of Germany would have one final indignity. They were forced to pay a massive 6.6 billion pounds for reparations to France and Britain. Something the narrator said they could ill afford.

“Yona doesn’t what pounds means,” Yona said.

“It must be a currency of this world, and it has to be a lot of money” Replied Ocellus.

The narrator said that when President Wilson returned to America, his world order immediately fell apart. He said that the US Congress decided it could not risk being sucked into another war in Europe.

“I can see how they wouldn’t want that.” Said Sandbar, “War is terrible.”

The narrator said that the Us Congress refused to join his league and the US withdrew into isolationism.

The narrator continued, saying that Germany was a very different nation. It was still Europes biggest nation but its militaristic monarchy was gone.

“Equestria is just a monarchy.” Commented Sandbar.

“And a huge softie.” Smolder joked, smirking while Sandbar glared at him.

The narrator said that Germany had become a democracy. But its government, the so-called Weimar Republic soon was struck by a series of hammerheads. The moving image cut to what appeared to be a riot. The narrator said that street battles erupted between ‘right-wing nationalists’ and ‘communists’ trying to start a revolution.

“How come they aren't happy with the government that’s already there?” asked Silverstream.

“They’re probably trying to seize power and enforce their own rules.” Answered Gallus.

The narrator then said in 1923 the country was devastated by hyperinflation, which reached hundreds of percent a month.

“What’s hyperinflation?” asked Sandbar.

“Well, regular inflation is just the steady rise of the prices of goods and services.” Replied Ocellus, “Hyperinflation is when the prices of goods and services skyrocket, usually by 50% a month, and it really can cause devastation.”

The narrator continued, saying that ordinary people's savings were wiped out.

All of them gasped, and Gallus had a horrible thought of what would happen if his savings were wiped out.

It soon cut to what appeared to be a man giving a speech. The narrator said that the situation was fertile ground for a new breed of ravel-rousing right-wing politicians.

It soon cut to a close-up of the man giving the speech and the group saw that it was the mustache man from the intro.

The narrator said that among them was Adolf Hitler.

“So that’s the name of the guy with the weird mustache.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator explained that Hitler had been born in Austria, and had fought bravely as a soldier in World War 1, and he had been awarded the Iron cross.

“Yona asks what Iron Cross is,” Yona said.

“It's probably a reward they give to soldiers who show bravery on the battlefield.” Ocellus replied.

The narrator continued saying that after returning to Germany, Hitler settled in Munich, while showing a picture of Hitler in a snowy surrounding. He then said that Hitler's fiery oratory enabled him to seize control of the small National Socialist or Nazi party.

“What’s ‘Oratory’?” asked Sandbar.

“Hmm, well, oratory speech is usually a long and formal speech that’s puffy and overblown making you think the speaker likes his voice, from the dictionary too” Answered Ocellus.

“Huh, this Hitler guy must love his voice,” Gallus commented. This remark made all his friends snicker.

It then cut to another image with the narrator saying that in October 1923, Hitler and his henchmen, attempted an armed coup against Weimar Government, it failed, and he was sentenced to nine months.

“Hah! Sucker.” Smolder said while snickering with Gallus.

It soon showed a picture of Hitler while the narrator talked about how he wrote a book called Mein Kampf or, My struggle, in which he blamed Germany’s ills on the ‘jews’ and he demanded that it seek new territories in the east.

“But the east is probably already occupied.” Commented Sandbar.

“He must’ve started the second world war to expand and take over.” Replied Ocellus.

They continued watching, and it showed Hitler leaving a building while the narrator said that after his release (most likely his release from prison) he set about building the Nazis into a proper, disciplined political party. The narrator stated that from then on he would use the democratic system to achieve power.

The narrator soon said that for the next 5 years, Weimar Germany prospered, support for extremist parties left and right dwindled, but suddenly, Hitler’s opportunity arrived.

The image cut from one street to a different one, this one had huge buildings around it.

The narrator said that in October 1929, the US stock market crashed. Billions of dollars were lost and economic depression swept across the world. Unemployment in Germany soared to over 6 million.

“6 MILLION??!!” all six exclaimed.

“What is the population of their country??!!”Gallus Yelled.

“I don’t know Gallus, the narrator never mentioned it.” Replied Ocellus

“It's terrible how many don’t have jobs to support themselves or their families,” Silverstream said with sadness.

The Young Six continued watching, flabbergasted by how large the number was.

The narrator said that only extremist politicians seemed to offer a solution, politicians like Hitler. It soon cut to the mustache man giving another speech on a podium with a microphone. The narrator said that by 1931, the Nazis were a true mass movement. It cut again, showing humans in uniforms on the street marching. The narrator said they had their brand-shirted thugs, the SA Storm Troops, who numbered in almost 3 million.

“3 MILLION??!! What is it with these huge numbers of people??!!” yelled Gallus.

“The population of their kind must be very large.” Replied Ocellus.

The narrator continued saying that in the 1932 elections the Nazis became the largest party in the German Parliament, the Reichstag.

“Hey! Equestria also has a parliament!” Sandbar exclaimed.

The narrator soon continued saying that Hitler refused to join a coalition, leaving the Parliament paralyzed. To break the impasse, President Hindenburg made Hitler Chancler in January 1933, head of the government.

“What is impasse?” asked Gallus.

“It means ‘A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement’ I read that in a dictionary." Answered Ocellus.

“Like when Yona get stuck in snow on way to school from Yakyakistan!” Replied Yona.

The narrator said within a month, the Reichstag burned down.–

“Oh no!” exclaimed Silverstream.

Hitler accused the Communists and demanded emergency powers. He then used the emergency powers to ban all other political parties. The screen cut to what appeared to be a funeral procession, and the narrator said in August 1934, President Hindenburg died.

“Wow, that’s a bummer.” Said Sandbar.

“Imagine if Princess Celestia died Sandbar,” Gallus said.

The thought was horrible to Sandbar and he stopped thinking about it almost immediately.

The screen cut to Hitler who looked like he was giving a speech and the narrator soon said that Hitler had declared himself president. He was now the absolute leader, the Führer of Germany. Hitler soon finished and the people soon began chanting. It cut to show a huge crowd.

The narrator then said that at first there was little sign of what was to come, in the next 3 years, the führer concentrated on rebuilding Germany’s economy. He said Hilter spent millions on public works, including the 5000 mile Auto Barnes system, to soak up the unemployed.–

“That sounds alright.” Said Silverstream.

The screen cut from a road to a dark place as a human began lifting items with the same strange shape. The narrator said that in secret, he was also spending lavishly on a huge rearmament program.

This confused most of the six as they did not know what that meant, except Ocellus.

“That means he’s Building weapons for his army!” Ocellus cried out.

“Weapons?!” the others also cried out.

“What does Hitler need weapons for?” Silverstream asked.

“He’s probably going to use them on his invasion of Poland.” Answered Ocellus.

“That’s terrible!” Silverstream cried.

“This guy just wants to watch the world burn.” Stated Gallus.

“Yona know.” Replied Yona.

The narrator continued saying that the country was limited to having only 100,000 men.–

“100,000 men?! In what?!” asked Gallus.

“That must be the number of men allowed in the army.” Answered Ocellus.

“Okay, if the countries in the Versailles Treaty think 100,000 is a small number of soldiers for an army, I fear the number of soldiers in THEIR armies.” Sandbar said.

All of them nodded their heads in agreement and they continued watching.

The narrator then said Germany had been forbidden to have an air force, tanks or submarines.

“What are submarines?” asked Silverstream.

“I don’t know,” replied Ocellus, “But tank usually means something or someone very strong.”

“And how can these humans have an ‘air force’? They don’t look to have wings.” Said, Gallus.

“Maybe it comprised of airships?” Sandbar suggested.

“Huh, well, that’s an idea.” Replied Gallus.

“Yona think it might be full of flying creatures like ones friends saw before.” Suggested Yona.

“You might be right Yona, those things also looked to be made of metal.” Ocellus replied.

The narrator then said that in 1939, Hitler came out into the open, and how he unveiled a brand new air force, the Luftwaffe. It showed on the screen several flying creatures that resembled the creature from the intro. The narrator said that the Luftwaffe had two and a half thousand planes, far more than Britain or France.

“So that’s what they’re called.” Said Ocellus.

“Well, the more you know.” Replied Gallus.

It cut to show humans cheering and the narrator said that unemployment plunged and the Nazis became extremely popular. It cut again to soldiers marching and the narrator explained that the Führer, now emboldened, made his first expansionist move.

“What does he do?” asked Silverstream.

The narrator said that in 1935, Hitler reoccupied the Saarland district on the French border, after it voted to return from the League of Nations to German rule. The narrator continued saying a year later Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland, part of Germany that had been demilitarized under Versailles. The narrator said that at the time, people thought that Hitler was only taking back what was rightfully Germany’s, neither Britain nor France objected.

It cut to what looked like an absolutely huge stadium the narrator said that when Berlin hosted the 1936 Olympic Games, the Nazis were seen by many as firm but fair, a government that was restoring the nation’s pride.

“Yona say Führer want more than that.” Yona said.

“I agree Yona.” Replied Gallus.

“These Olympic Games must be like the Equestrian Games.” Said Sandbar.

It soon cut to a different scene and the narrator said that of course there were signs.

“Signs of what?” asked Silverstream.

The narrator said that the 1935 Nuremberg Laws forbade Jews to marry true Arian Germans and deprived them of their citizenship.

The six gasped at this.

“Why would they do that?” asked Silverstream.

“They’re probably being racist,” said Ocellus, “It’s still a problem in Equestria even today, even though it's very small. This government itself is being racist and making racist laws.”

This made the other five very angry.

“What the hay?!” cried Sandbar.

“That’s so mean!” Silverstream exclaimed.

The narrator soon continued drawing the attention of all six. The narrator said that when the first threats came to world peace, they weren’t from Hitler at all.–

“Then who was it?” asked Smolder.

But from somewhere else entirely.

The screen faded to black, and it came back to show more army men, but with different music.

The narrator said that ‘Japan’ at the start of the 20th Century was already a military power. The screen cut to a ship and the narrator continued saying that it had won a war with Russia in 1905, and it had fought along with the allies in World War 1. He said that after the war, Japan was an acknowledged world power and it signed up to the League of Nations.–

“Oh, that’s cool.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator continued saying that it was a mess of contradictions.

“Oh, well, that’s a bummer,” Gallus said.

The narrator said that nominally it was a democracy, but the feudal tradition was still strong. It cut to a scene that showed multiple men in uniforms and was riding horses. Sandbar winced in unease at this scene.

The narrator soon said that the Japanese revered their Emperor as a living god and regarded him as their true leader.

“Don’t you do that with Princess Celestia?” Gallus asked Sandbar.

“It’s because she is!” yelled Sandbar to Gallus.

“Okay! I’m sorry, that was a joke, I know she is!” replied Gallus.

They continued watching and the screen cut showing what appeared to be a train and people getting in and out. The narrator said that the country was facing economic problems, its population was exploding, and it had no natural resources to fuel its rapidly expanding industries.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Ocellus said while taking more notes.

The narrator said that its leaders needed solutions, and they saw them in Chinese Manchuria. The narrator explained that Manchuria was a land of rich grain fields, with plenty of coal and minerals. The narrator said that it was a perfect target and that Japanese troops were already stationed there.

“Oh no,” said Silverstream

The screen cut to a map with the narrator talking about how there were other possible powers such as the colonies ruled by the European powers, Burma, Malaya, and Hong Kong Controlled by Britain, Indochina, ruled by France, and the Dutch East Indies.

“Yona say that be a lot of places targeted,” Yona said.

“I agree Yona.” Said Ocellus.

The screen cut to soldiers marching and the narrator continued, saying that it had to be careful at this stage because it didn’t want to rouse the other great power in the Pacific–

“What other ‘Great Power’?” asked Smolder.

The United States

“Huh?” everycreature said.

The screen cut back to a map and the narrator explained that for all its anti-imperialistic slogans, the US ran an unofficial Empire in the Pacific. He said that ‘The Philippines, ‘Guam’, and several islands were under its direct rule. The image cut to a ship with its horn blaring, which made all six of the students jump. The narrator said that the US undoubtedly had the strength to take on Japan, but since the end of World War 1, it had had other distractions.

It soon cut to a human with brown skin and was playing piano, as music played in the background. The narrator said that this was America’s ‘Jazz Age. It showed what appeared to be a female human, dancing to the music. The narrator said that throughout the 1920s the nation concentrated on exploiting its vast resources. He said that it was an economic boom that seemed without end. Fortunes were made in both industry and the stock market, America seemed lost in the increasing pursuit of pleasure.

“That sounds like a great life.” Said Gallus when he heard that fortunes were made.

The narrator explained that with distractions like these, Japan’s growing pains in the Pacific seemed very far away. The narrator told the six that America had slashed its army after World War 1 and agreed to a Naval reduction Treaty with Britain, France, and Japan. This gave Japan Naval superiority in the Pacific.

“Oh no,” said Silverstream.

The image changed from a fleet of ships to a building and the narrator soon said that the Great Depression then came. The narrator explained that when the economic devastation spread, a quarter of the population lost their jobs. He said that tens of thousands were made homeless, and were living in shantytowns. The narrator stated that whereas America was at first distracted by pleasure, it was now distracted by pain.

“That’s a bummer,” Gallus said with disappointment.

The narrator said that it was time for Japan to make its move. The screen cut to a different location showing multiple humans around what appeared to be a cannon, and they were firing it at an unseen target. The screen cut showing an explosion sending dirt in the air, and it then showed multiple humans charging forward.

The narrator explained that the Japanese forces in Manchuria, without even informing their own elected government, seized the Capital ‘Mukden’, and then overran the rest of the territory. He said that a puppet state, Manchukuo, was proclaimed under a puppet ruler. Henry Puyi, the last Emperor of China, being deposed in 1911, was pulled out of retirement. The screen cut to a room full of people, and the narrator said that at its headquarters in Geneva, The League of Nations now faced its first great test, Japan was universally condemned.–

“Does that mean the entire universe condemns Japan?” asked Sandbar.

“No, it just means a lot of countries condemn Japan.” Replied Ocellus.

But her response was blunt.

A human walked onto a podium and began to speak

“Japan, however, finds it impossible to accept, the report of the assembly.” He said.

The narrator said that the Japanese just walked out, and the league suddenly realized, there was nothing it could do about Manchuria.

The screen cut again, to show tanks, moving forwards.

The narrator said that Japan was declared an international pariah, but it didn’t care, its leaders had turned their eyes to further conquests, in China.

The narrator explained that these were easy pickings, China was in a state of chaos.

“I think Discord would like to see that.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator said that the government of ‘Chiang Kai-shek’ was locked in conflict with the communist party under ‘Mao Tse-Tung’, there was a civil war.

“That’s awful!” cried Silverstream.

The screen cut, showing the Nazi flag and the Japanese flag together. The narrator continued to say that in 1936, as a precursor to invasion, the Japanese signed a pact with Hitler, the aim was to guard any attack by Soviet Russia, were it to move on China.

The narrator then said that in July 1937, the Japanese provoked an incident with Chinese troops, and invaded. It cut from soldiers being cheered at, to what the group thought was a tank, making a strange rata-tata-ta noise, surrounded by rubble. The screen cut to human soldiers running forward, while the narrator explained that at first the Chinese were caught by surprise, but they soon fought back fiercely. The narrator said that the communists even joined the Kuomintang, in a united fight.

“They may be fighting with each other, but when threatened from the outside, they join forces.” Commented Ocellus.

The narrator said that the Japanese responded with amphibious landings. The image showed soldiers walking on a beach with boats behind them. The image cut to what looked like soldiers standing next to cannons, the narrator said that by the end of 1937, the Japanese said they had overrun most of Northern China, and the coast. It cut to show what looked like a city with smoke coming from one place, and two humans were carrying one human away with their appendages. It cut again to show a cart broken in pieces and a body lying on the ground. The narrator said that the Japanese fought this war with exceptional brutality, bombing cities indiscriminately.

The six gasped with shock when they heard this.

“That’s terrible! Don’t they know they’re killing civilians?!” yelled Silverstream

The narrator continued to say that westerners living in the commercial center, the port of Shanghai, were evacuated. He continued saying that the city was besieged for 3 weeks.

The screen began showing what looked like cannons firing, explosions, and people running. It showed planes flying above, and all six heard a strange whistling noise and an explosion was shown onscreen. It showed two people pulling a cart and an injured man on the cart being dragged away. The narrator said that the city suffered widespread damage, with the Japanese forces showing no pity or concern for the native population. The narrator said that it was after the capture of Nanjing, then the Chinese capital, that the Japanese forces ran amok.

The screen showed what appeared to be Japanese soldiers and Chinese civilians fighting, the narrator said that over 300,000 civilians were estimated to have been massacred, during the six-week ordeal of rape, and indiscriminate killing.

The group of six was in a state of shock. They could not believe that anyone would do this, even Equestria’s most evil or vile villains.

“These Japanese are… Monsters!” Silverstream said angrily.

“They deserve to go to Tartarus!” said Sandbar, with matching anger.

“I hope they lose this war, and that they get bombed to oblivion.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator continued, saying that the Japanese attacked British and US warships that had been sent to protect their shipping and trade.

This angered the six, even more, when they heard this.

The worst incident came on December 12th, 1937, the American Gunboat Panay, was sunk by Japanese bombers, 50 crewmen died.

“Okay, they HAVE to declare war on them for that.” Said, Gallus

The narrator said that despite this, the western powers refused to intervene,–

“Oh, you gotta be kidding me,” Gallus said with disappointment.

So the League of Nations could do nothing.

The screen cut showing a white building with a dome in the middle and a flagpole next to the dome.

The narrator said that in the United States, President Roosevelt wanted to impose a naval blockade of Japan.

“Yes!” shouted Sandbar.

A man (They assumed was this Roosevelt) was on a podium and began speaking.

“It has become clear that acts and policies, in other parts of the world, have far-reaching effects on us.” He said.

The narrator said that the British would have none of it, fearing it might provoke a war, so, all Roosevelt could offer was a 25,000,000 dollar loan to Chiang Kai-shek, to buy arms.

“No!” shouterd Silverstream.

The narrator continued saying that even though the communists were fighting alongside the Kuomintang, the Soviet Union did little to help either. He said that its only involvement was a series of clashes along with its borders in Manchuria.

“Oh come on! Give them a bit of help!” shouted Gallus.

The narrator continued, saying that China itself received nothing, and it had to fight on its own.

“Oh no!” cried Silverstream.

The narrator then said that in 1938, the Japanese forces overran Canton and pushed the Chinese forces deeper into the west of the country.

The narrator said, that all the rhetoric of the League of Nations, all those promises to stop international aggression, had come to nothing,–

“Yeah, it did.” Said, Gallus.

–And by now the western powers were facing a threat much closer to home.

“Now what?” asked Smolder.

The screen cut to show a human on a podium who appeared to be giving a speech. He was making many postures with his arms, and he was speaking the third new language they’d heard (the first two being German and French). He finished talking, and a crowd began cheering for him. The screen cut again showing the same man giving another speech, still posturing his arms a lot.

The narrator began talking, saying that today, it was easy to laugh at the image of Benito Mussolini, the Fascist Dictator of Italy. He said that all that posturing seems frankly ridiculous now, but it didn’t seem that way in 1922.

“Yona also think his posturing stupid,” Yona said with a frown.

“I agree with Yona, but I also find it a bit funny,” replied Gallus, chuckling.

“Same here,” Smolder said, trying to hold back her chuckles.

The narrator continued, saying that back then, Italy seemed on the edge of anarchy,–

“Oh no,” said Silverstream.

The country was writhen by strikes and land seizes.

The screen cut back to the same man, but this time he was in a suit and wearing a hat, the six thought him to be a younger Mussolini, the narrator continued, saying that Benito Mussolini, who was a war veteran, and journalist, decided to take a stand. Mussolini organized a right-wing nationalists party, the Fascists. The narrator said that with the country paralyzed by a general strike, Mussolini ordered his followers to march on row. Fearing a civil war, Italy's king, Victory Manuel, asked Mussolini to form a government.

It showed a scene, where Mussolini was again, giving a speech. The narrator said that Mussolini quickly stamped out any political opposition, and assumed dictatorial powers.–

The six friends did not like the sound of this.

By 1928 Mussolini’s position seemed secure, parliament was appointed rather than elected and all power was in the hands of The Fascist Grand Council.

“Just like Hitler.” Said Ocellus.

The narrator continued and said that like Hitler, Mussolini’s first acts made him immensely popular. Massive programs of public works provided employment and transformed Italy's infrastructure. The narrator said that corruption was rooted out, and the mafia was more or less eliminated. Italy’s armed forces were built up, including an advanced modern air force. The screen cut to a fleet of ships and the narrator continued, saying that in the Mediterranean, Mussolini launched a powerful navy, bigger than the combined might of the British and French Mediterranean fleets, and when the great depression came Italy seemed to weather it better than most.

The narrator continued, saying that Mussolini had become a source of worldwide inspiration, Political leaders, not least Adolf Hitler in Germany, saw the Fascist System as a role model, strong and purposeful, in contrast to the democracies of Britain and France.

The narrator then said that Mussolini wanted more than admiration, he wanted to recreate the Roman Empire, and he already had a target in mind for his first Imperial land grab.

The screen changed to a map and the narrator said that his target was Abyssinia, today’s Ethiopia, and it highlighted the area of the country. The narrator said that Italy already had colonies on its borders, in Eritrea and Italian Somaliland. The narrator said that in December 1934, Italian forces provoked a clash with Abyssinian troops at an oasis in the Ogaden region, well inside the territory of Abyssinia.

“Ugh!” Silverstream yelled in a frustrated tone, “Why can’t they just have peace?”

“The narrator said that Mussolini wanted to recreate the Roman Empire, he probably needs this country to do so. Plus, we've had wars in the past too.” Replied Ocellus.

"Alright, yeah, we did," said Silverstream.

The narrator continued, saying that Mussolini sent reinforcements to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, and demanded that Abyssinia pay reparations.

“Why should they? Italy struck first!” Gallus said.

"This Mussolini guy needs it to make this Roman empire," replied Ocellus.

The narrator then said that the Emperor of Abyssinia, Haile Selassie, appealed in person to the League of Nations. It showed a human walking towards a podium, the screen cut to a closer angle, and they heard him speak in a foreign language they didn’t understand.

The narrator soon translated what he had said, the Emperor had called on the league to live up to its ideals, here was a small nation under threat from another member of the league. The narrator said that this was the supreme test, but the league did nothing.

The narrator then said that Anthony Eden, Britain’s foreign minister, at least tried to broker a peace deal, but Mussolini would have none of it.

“He’s very mean,” stated Silverstream.

The narrator said that in early October 1935, the Italian army invaded Abyssinia from Eritrea and Italian Somaliland. He said that the primitive Abyssinian forces stood no chance against a modern army with tanks and artillery.

“Yona don’t know what artillery be.” Said Yona.

“It’s sort of like a cannon Yona, but with longer range. Equestria stopped using them ever since the last war 500 years ago.” Answered Ocellus.

The screen cut from the Abyssinian forces to what the six assumed were Italian forces, and they were firing what looked like cannons (but was probably this ‘artillery’ Ocellus explained).

The screen cut showing an explosion, and the screen then showed a human on a stretcher. The screen then cut showing planes taking off. The narrator then explained that the Italian air force had total command of the air and harried the Abyssinians, on occasions dropping gas bombs, even though gas had to been outlawed in Versailles, as a crime against humanity.

Most of the group was confused by this, except Ocellus.

“The gas bombs they’re dropping are poison gas! ” exclaimed Ocellus.

“What!!??” the other five shouted.

"I read it in a history lesson on the last war Equestria fought, 500 years ago, they're no banned though." Ocellus explained.

“That’s terrible! The Storm King also used similar weapons.” cried out Silverstream.

“All those soldiers will die!” Sandbar also cried.

“Yona think humans who made gas bombs terrible and evil,” Yona remarked.

“I agree with you Yona.” Said Smolder.

“I wonder what it smells like, is it stinky or does it have no smell at all?” asked Gallus.

The other five looked at Gallus with an expression that said “Really?”.

Gallus looked back at them and said defensively, “Well it was just a thought!”

The narrator then said that after six months, Abyssinia was completely overrun, its Emperor, Haile Selassie, fled into exile in Britain, he said while showing Haile Selassie getting onto a plane. It also showed the plane taking off. The screen cut to show a city next to a river. The narrator began to talk, saying that from its headquarters in Switzerland, The League of Nations run its hands, it did impose economic sanctions, but they had little effect.

The narrator said that Mussolini’s aggression revealed two things, the League of Nations, the great hope of peace, was impotent, and both of Europe’s supposed powers, the democracies Britain and France, no longer had the stomach for a fight.

The screen cuts to a different scene, from Mussolini to a much foggier place, showing huge factories. The narrator said that Britain and France were both shattered by World War 1 and their economies never really recovered. Both had witnessed waves of strikes and unrest, both had suffered from mass unemployment even before the Great Depression, both also faced the cost of controlling empires, now swollen by taking on Germany's former colonies, and the middle eastern territories, originally run by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, and above all, both had been traumatized by the horrific casualties of World War 1. It showed several humans being pushed away on stretchers.

“I can see how someone can be traumatized by that.” Said, Gallus.

The narrator explained that a succession of British Leaders, Lloyd George, Ramsay Macdonald, and above all, Stanley Baldwin, all resolved to keep Britain out of future conflict.

The narrator continued, saying that despite horrific casualties on the western front, Britain had ended the war with a large and effective conscript army, this was immediately run down to a small professional force designed to police its sprawling empire. The narrator soon said that when the Great Depression came, any ideas on modernizing the army were abandoned. This meant that Britain went into the run-up of war, economically and militarily weak.

The screen then began showing dead humans lying on the ground. The narrator said that French casualties were had been even worse than the British. The narrator said that the French, ever mistrustful of Germany, maintained a large conscript army.–

“I don’t know what ‘Conscript’ means but OK!” said Silverstream.

"We had that in the hive during the reign of Chrysalis, it basically means the necessary enlistment of any adult in the army." Ocellus explained to Silverstream.

"Oh, thanks."

The narrator soon continued, saying that throughout the 1920s the birthrate in France declined, and it was clear that there was going to be a manpower shortage by the mid to late 1930s. The narrator then said that France realized that it could never compete with Germany on the size of its army alone. The solution was to adopt an entirely defensive mentality.

The screen changed from showing several soldiers in trenches, to what looked like very long fences.

The narrator then said, the ‘Maginot’ line, a series of fortifications, was begun in 1930 along the German frontier and ran as far as the Belgian border. He said that there the line theoretically linked up with fortifications planned by the Belgians. The narrator continued, saying that this new French military approach meant that France was only capable of waging a defensive war, it just could not launch an attack on Italy, even if the British had the troops to help. And of course, both countries knew that their navies in the Mediterranean were outnumbered by Mussolini’s new fleet.

The narrator said that when Italy conquered Abyssinia, it made sense for both powers to do nothing, it just seemed too remote, too much, someone else’s problem.

The narrator continued, saying that by now both countries had to deal with all the traumas of the Great Depression, which seemed so much more pressing, and above all, they were now facing a military threat far closer to home–. The image changed to show Nazi soldiers marching.– a resurgent, and rearming Germany, and Germany's power, and that of Italy's too, was about to be demonstrated, in supporting the rise of another dictator, in ‘Spain’.

“This must be another country.” Said Silverstream.

The screen cut from showing Hitler to show three men taking cover with the sticks they had seen throughout the documentary, while loud bangs were sounding around them. It then showed one of the men appearing to ‘fire’ the stick, it pushed him back.

“Ever wonder what those things they’re carrying do? Asked Gallus.

“From what we’re seeing, I think that they’re ranged weapons.” Answered Ocellus.

“Why?” replied Gallus.

“The human was holding that stick, it pushed him back, it might’ve fired a small projectile at high speeds to hit its target.” Said Ocellus. “I’ve studied about this, it can work.”

The narrator then said that in 1936, civil war erupted in Spain, it was exceptionally vicious, setting family against family, communist against fascist, believers against atheist.

The narrator said that in 1931 a left-wing government had come to power, determined to get rid of the centuries-old Spanish monarchy. He continued, saying that the king was forced into exile, and a republic was formed. He then said that in 1936, the parties of the left combined, to form a popular front, to take on the forces of the right in a general election. The narrator continued to say that even though its reform program was modest, the wave of strikes and land seizes led the right to fear a communist takeover was inevitable. Within the Spanish army, long a bastion of conservative and Catholic thinking, senior officers began to think of the possibility of a coup, among them was General Fansisco Frank, former Chief of Staff, who had been effectively exiled to command troops in the Canary Islands.

The screen cut from showing military men in uniforms to military men in combat, firing artillery.

The narrator said that on July 17th, 1936, the units of the army fighting guerillas in Morroco, mutinied. The next day Franco flew to join them, proclaiming a new nationalists movement, which would save Spain from communists. He said that mainland garrisons joined this revolt. The Popular Front responded by calling for volunteers, battle arms had been drawn.

The screen cut to a map and the narrator explained that at first Franco faced problems, he and his troops were in North Africa– it highlighted the territory of Spanish Morroco– he had to get through the Strait of Gibraltar, back to Spain. So he turned to the one man he thought might help, Adolf Hitler.

The screen cut to show planes with humans around them.

The narrator explained that within a month, transport aircraft from Hitler’s new Luftwaffe had begun an airlift, taking Franco’s battle-hardened veterans to southern Spain.

The image cut to show men marching in a city, the narrator then said that at this stage, the republic still seemed to have the advantage, the pro-Franco military uprisings in Madrid and Barcelona, were quickly crushed, leaving it in control of most of the east of Spain.

The narrator said that Franco’s Nationalists were mostly confined to the northwest and part of the south.

The screen cut, showing artillery firing towards an unseen position. It cut again to show many soldiers charging forward. The narrator then said that the Nationalists' situation was transformed, when Hitler and Mussolini started to pour in troops and weapons.

“Oh no!” cried Silverstream.

The narrator said that the German dictator seized the opportunity to test his new equipment, and expanding armed forces. He said that the first Panzer tanks were sent, and along with some 12000 troops–

“Dang, all these countries have such large armies, and Equestria only has the Royal Guard, which numbers in 2000!” said Sandbar.

"Yeah, like, didn't the old Equestrian army disband after the last war?" Gallus asked.

"Pretty much, yeah."

And the Luftwaffe deployed its Condor Legion, with its ultra-modern fighters and bombers. The narrator then said that Mussolini sent a so-called volunteer corp, consisting of 50000 men and more than 700 aircraft.

The screen cut to show artillery firing and a huge cloud of smoke rising from a building.

The narrator then said that in vain, did the Republicans appeal to Britain, France, and the Soviet Union for help, but London and Paris were scared of starting a European war, they declared a policy, of non-intervention.

The narrator then said that cynically, both Germany and Italy signed up to this, but when it became clear that both were still sending arms to the nationalists, Joseph Stalin,– The screen cut to show a man with a mustache different to Hitler’s. – the Soviet leader, announced that he would help the Republic.

“Yes!” shouted Silverstream.

The image cut again to show Nazis marching while holding banners.

The narrator then said that Stalin’s worry was the rise of Fascism in Germany. Hitler had made it abundantly clear that he believed that Communism to be Nazsism's ultimate enemy. Stalin saw the Spanish conflict as a way of keeping Germany and Italy occupied, while building up the Soviet Union’s military strength.

The narrator said that about seven hundred military advisors were sent along with tanks, and fighter aircraft, as the screen showed crates being carried around and it then showed men cheering. The narrator said that it was something, but no match for the support that Franco received. He then said that in fact, the largest source of outside help for the republic didn’t come from a country at all, but from volunteers, The International Brigade.

The narrator said that about 30,000 left-wing Americans, British, French, and Germans, signed up to fight in Spain. The screen cut to show artillery firing. The narrator said that with their new Fascist support, the Nationalists were able to open two fronts. One advancing towards Barcelona from the North, the other led by Franco advancing towards Madrid from the South.

“Oh no,” said Silverstream.

The narrator said that by the end of 1936, Madrid was enveloped on three sides, and virtually under siege. He said that the fighting was intense, and often accompanied by appalling atrocities on civilians. The Republicans hunted down and murdered Roman Catholic priests, the Nationalists slaughtered anyone accused of being communist, German and Italian airpower was used indiscriminately against civilian targets.

“Oh my gosh, these humans are also terrible!” cried out Silverstream, “They’re just like the Japanese!”

"Silverstream the Japanese were worse and you know it.” Said, Gallus.

Silverstream thought for a moment, then, "Ok, You're right Gally," she replied.

The narrator then said that Madrid was heavily bombed, but the worst incident came when the Basque town of Guernica, was virtually obliterated, with 6,000 civilian deaths, as the screen showed men clearing out rubble. The screen cut to show artillery being fired, and the narrator said that the area controlled by the republic was steadily ground down. He said that its forces fought with great gallantry, but undertrained and underequipped amateurs were no match for the professional soldiers led by Franco, or the combined modern weaponry of the Germans and the Italians.

The narrator said that as the war dragged on, the fighting around Madrid symbolized the Left’s determination to not be crushed under a Fascist dictatorship. But behind the scenes, the Republican alliance was falling apart.

“That can’t be good.” Said Smolder.

The narrator said that the communists and socialists wanted to concentrate on winning a military victory. But the more idealistic anarchist and syndicalists saw the war as an opportunity for a mass revolution of the workers. As the narrator said this, the screen showed what looked like female humans.

The screen cut to show men fighting, and the narrator explained that these disagreements broke out into the open in May of 1937, fighting broke out in Barcelona, between Anarchists and Communists, it was a fatal weakening for the Republican corps.

“Oh no,” said Silverstream.

The narrator said that by the end of 1938, the nationalists had pinned their enemy to one enclave around Barcelona, and another stretching Eastwood from Madrid to the coast. The screen cut to show what they believed to be Madrid or Barcelona, as bangs sounded from around. The narrator said that Madrid continued to hold out, but the international brigades were pulled out.

“Why?” asked Silverstream.

“Well, the governments from the countries they come from must’ve been worried about their lives, so they pulled them out of the war.” Replied Ocellus.

"Celestia would do that if there was a war in a land where her citizens were in."

The narrator said that more and more nations began to recognize Franco’s government as his forces began to close in on the final assault on Madrid. The narrator said that at the end of March 1939, its defenders, exhausted after three years of fighting, the capital finally surrendered.

“Oh no!” cried out Silverstream.

The narrator said that a month later, Franco formally declared hostilities to be over.

The screen showed the ruins of buildings and people walking around the rubble.

The narrator said that it took years for the scars of Spain’s civil war to heal, and in some ways they never have. And internationally, Franco’s victory over the republic proved a disaster.

The narrator explained that Hitler and Mussolini were confirmed in their belief that the democracies of Britain and France were impotent to resist any real pressure, while Stalin despaired their willingness to confront Fascism. The narrator said that Hitler, in particular, saw his way open to begin the aggressive policies outlined in ‘Mein Kampfe’, even before the Spanish civil war ended, his armies were on the march. The screen faded to black.

The screen came back, with people cheering for Hitler as he rode in a vehicle.

The narrator said that from the moment Hitler became chancellor of Germany, on January 30th, 1933, Hitler had begun to put his long-termed ambitions into action. The screen cut to show soldiers marching. The narrator continued to say that on February 3rd, Hitler told his top commanders that his ultimate aim was to conquer territory in the East and to ruthlessly Germanise it.

“Oh no,” said Silverstream.

“Something’s wrong I can feel it,” Gallus said.

The narrator said that they were instructed to prepare for a massive expansion.

The narrator soon said that although Germany had been forbidden to have tanks, a secret treaty with the Soviet Union was made which allowed tank designs and experimentation with new mobile armored tankers. The narrator said that energetic German officers like Heinz Guderian, read theories of British thinkers like Basil Liddel Hart, and John Wool, they even watched exercises on Salisbury Plain. From these tests, they came up with the idea of fast-moving units, combining tanks, artillery, and infantry, and could thrust fast and deep into enemy territory. The screen cut to show many tanks moving on a dirt road. The narrator said that Hitler adopted their ideas with enthusiasm, the new army, was to have three Panzer Divisions. The narrator also said that similarly, the new airforce, the Luftwaffe, under former World war 1 fighter ace Hermann Göring, had had a framework to build on.

The screen cut to show many small planes lying on the ground. The narrator said that throughout the years, in which its air force was officially banned, Germany had kept up its design skills by building civilian machines, and gliding and flying clubs, provided a reserve of potential airmen. Hitler revealed the existence of the Luftwaffe, in March of 1935.

The narrator then said the Hitler announced that the army was to be increased to 300,000, and conscription was reintroduced.

The narrator said that Britain and France protested feebly, in this flagrant breach in the Versailles Treaty, but soon they reluctantly began to rearm. The narrator continued, saying that until this point, Hitler had been modest with his goals. –

“He had?” asked Silverstream.

He had only taken back what was his, the Rhineland and the Saarland, but now he had a grander target in mind, his homeland Austria.

The narrator said that in 1934, Austrian Nazis had attempted to seize power, and unify the country with Germany, the Austrians after all spoke German, even if they had not been part of a German state. In February of 1938, another Nazi plot was discovered. The Austrian chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg, protested to Hitler. Then the narrator said that Hitler responded by demanding that Austria stop mistreating the Nazis, and unite with Germany. The screen was showing Hitler giving a speech, and when he finished saying something, an unseen crowd cheered. The narrator said that Schuschnigg promptly called a referendum so that the Austrians could vote on whether to remain independent.

“What’s a ‘referendum’?” asked Gallus.

“A referendum is a direct and universal vote, we never had this in the hive during Chrysalis” Answered Ocellus.

The narrator said that on March 12th, on the eve of the referendum, Hitler fearing that it might produce the wrong result, sent in his troops. Complete surprise, and an enthusiastic welcome from Nazi sympathizers, made it a bloodless invasion.

The six made sighs of relief at this remark.

Within hours, Hitler announced Austria’s incorporation into the Third Reich, for the first time, the sovereign nation had for the first time been subsumed into a greater Germany, and once again, the western democracies failed to react. The screen cut to show a map of Europe, and the narrator said that in the summer of 1938, Hitler turned onto his next prey, Czechoslavakia. He said that a substantial German minority lived in the Northwest of the country, an area called the Sudetenland. The screen cut to show horses pulling a plow, and Sandbar looked away at this. The narrator said that these Sudeten Germans had been part of the old Austrian Empire, but had been cut off when Czechoslavakia had been created in 1919, this was the time bomb that had started ticking from the signing of the treaty of Versailles. The narrator said that Hitler encouraged Sudeten German demands for autonomy, and then threatened the Czech government with force if it refused to agree.

The narrator said that undaunted, the Czech Government ordered general mobilization and prepared to resist. The narrator stated that the Czechoslovak army was large and well equipped, with formidable fortifications on its frontier with Germany, Hitler backed off.

The narrator then said that at the beginning of September, concerned that war might be imminent, the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlin, decided to act as a peacemaker. The narrator said that he flew to meet Hitler twice, the Nazi dictator assured him that if he could have the Sudetenland, he would make no more territorial demands in Europe. The narrator said that in Munich, with Mussolini acting as mediator, France and Britain signed an agreement giving the Sudetenland to Germany, in return for a formal declaration by Hitler, saying that he had no more territorial ambitions.

“That ain’t gonna cut it.” Said Smolder.

The narrator said that Chamberlin flew back to Britain, waving a piece of paper that he said ‘Guarantees peace in our time.’, so, on October 1st, German troops occupied the Sudetenland, and seized the Czech frontier fortifications. The narrator said Hitler now began sizing up his next target, Poland. The gain of the Nominal Cause was a German minority marooned because of the Treaty of Versailles. The screen cut to show a map, and the narrator said that Hitler demanded the return of the port of Danzing to German control so that East Prussia could be linked up with the rest of Germany, the Poles refused, and Hitler hesitated, he was not quite ready for all-out war, and he had unfinished business with Czechoslavakia.

The narrator said that in March of 1939, the Eastern part of the country, Slovakia, which was ethnically different from the Czech lands, appealed to Hitler for help in achieving greater independence.

Hitler summoned the Czechoslovak Prime Minister, Emil Hácha, to Berlin, and browbeat him into putting his country under German ‘protection’. German troops now marched into the rest of Czechoslovakia, unopposed. Most of the country was annexed into the Reich, Slovakia was declared a protective.

“That man!” yelled Silverstream, “He’s so evil!”

“Other nations never be able to do this to yaks!” yelled Yona.

"What if the rather nation was more powerful than the yaks?" asked Ocellus.

"No other creatures better than yak! Why you say that?" asked Yona.

Gallus looked at Ocellus, with his face saying "Why did you even ask that?"

The narrator said that for the first time, Hitler had seized non-German speaking territory, and again, there was only a feeble protest from Britain and France. At the end of March, Hitler again repeated his demand for Poland to give up the port of Danzing, this time, France and Britain declared unequivocally, that they would declare war if he attacked Poland.–

“Well finally they're starting to see that these guys are bad news!” said Gallus.

But by then, Hitler cared little, whether they did, or did not, he was sure that they would be weak and indecisive opponents. The narrator said that in Russia, Stalin had become increasingly worried about Hitler’s aggression. In April, Stalin proposed an Alliance with Britain and France, but negotiations made little progress. The narrator said that finally, Stalin despaired, deciding that there was another solution to the German threat.

The narrator said that on August 23rd, the Soviet Union and the Third Reich, who everyone thought were sworn enemies, announced a non-aggression pact. The agreement secretly specified that Poland would be between the two countries, and Stalin would have a free hand to conquer Estonia, Lathlia, and Lithuania. Now free from any Russian threat, Hitler ordered his armed forces to prepare for an immediate invasion. The narrator said that on the evening of August the 31st, the German Wehrmacht prepared for the assault, its Führer had made the decision that would plunge the world into war.

The screen faded into black, soon, the text began rolling on the screen across the black background, like the end credits of a movie.

“Is that it?” asked Silverstream.

“I think it is.” Replied Smolder.

“But it can’t be!” cried Silverstream. “What happens next?!”

“Perhaps it was just one part.” Said Ocellus, “and in the next part, we’ll continue from where we left off.”

“Hold on, how long was this first part?” asked Sandbar.

Gallus looked at the clock and his eyes widened.

“Holy Celestia, it’s almost been an hour!” he cried out.

The others looked at the clock with him and their eyes widened as well.

“Well, time sure seemed to fly by when we watched that thing.” Said Smolder.

“We should watch the second part tomorrow after classes.” Said Ocellus, “And right now we should write about what we learned.”

“Yona agree.” Said Yona.

“Ok then, let’s go!” shouted Silverstream.

As everycreature was about Gallus shouted “Wait!” and everyone stopped to look at him.

“We should hide the orb somewhere!” he said.

“Oh, yeah we should do that.” Said Sandbar.

Gallus went and put the orb under his bed, and everyone left.

Comments ( 59 )

And now they will learn that things are always more complicated than they seem.

Seria epico que mostraran algunas canciones de Sabaton

this was really good

They are going to be horrified by the mass casualties

I'm currently writing it, Please be patient.

You caught my attention, like a fish on a hook.

The screen changed to a map and the narrator said that his target was Abyssinia, today’s Ethiopia, and it highlighted the area of the country. The narrator said that Italy already had colonies on its borders, in Eritrea and Italian Somaliland. The narrator said that in December 1934, Italian forces provoked a clash with Abyssinian troops at an oasis in the Ogaden region, well inside the territory of Abyssinia.

What, no mention of how Abyssinia is the name of an actual nation in MLP canon? It's where cat people, like Capper, come from.

Bro, I had no idea sorry.

This story ded?

Nope, just having school.

Comment posted by AFighterByAnyOtherName deleted Jul 12th, 2021

The narrator then said that in July 1937, the Japanese provoked an incident with Chinese troops, and invaded. It cut from soldiers being cheered at, to what the group thought was a tank, making a strange rata-tata-ta noise, surrounded by rubble. The screen cut to human soldiers running forward, while the narrator explained that at first the Chinese were caught by surprise, but they soon fought back fiercely. The narrator said that the communists even joined the Kuomintang, in a united fight.

I hate it when people phrase it like this. What the communists did was dastardly. Admittedly clever, but still devious and dastardly.

Shortly before they joined forces, the communists managed to capture Chiang Kai-shek due to his own men betraying him and Mao Zedong basically blackmailed him into an alliance where the Kuomintang would fight a more conventional war with the Japanese while the Communists would wage Guerilla-style warfare. Oh it worked alright and the Japanese eventually lost ground from the combined forces of the Chinese and the Americans, but the consequences were dire.

Once WW2 ended, the Communists restarted their war with the Kuomintang. Problem is, the forces of the Kuomintang had borne the brunt of the Japanese artillery and were decimated, while the Communist army had suffered few casualties with their hit-and-run tactics. The end result was a communist victory and the establishment of the PRC while the Kuomintang had to retreat to the island of Taiwan.

if Audie Murphy and Simo Häyhä aren't talked about i'll be rather cross

Sorry man, this is how the documentary said it.

Oh it’s alright. It’s just irritating whenever I see people always talking about how China’s role in the Pacific War is overlooked, they have to remember that the Peoples Republic of China didn’t exist and that the communist fighters of the eighth route and new fourth army, what later became the PLA, spent most of their time consolidating their position and spreading their influence across the mainland in prep for when the civil war would restart, merely performing some guerrilla attacks here and there so that it looked like they were actually doing something against the Japanese. Their total casualties were roughly 500,000.

Meanwhile, the main National Revolutionary Army of the Kuomintang, the forces of the Republic of China who would later on become the Taiwanese/Republic of China Armed Forces, were going head to head with the Imperial Japanese Military, fearlessly throwing themselves into the line of fire and fighting with everything they had to halt the Japanese advance. Their casualties are estimated to be between 3-10 million in total.

It’s true that China’s role in WW2 is often overlooked, but it was the Republic of China who fought. It was the Taiwanese who fought. The PRC deserves little credit.

I am of course, only referring to the militaries. Since Taiwan and China were once one, I cannot start dividing up the civilians and I’m not even going to go there. The Japanese killed far more Chinese civilians than they ever killed Chinese soldiers.

I think you misspelled Lativa.

So...... Next chapter, when?:pinkiesad2:

I find it funny that Ocellus the one with the least schooling at least in my opinion is the one that seems to have all the answers.

“It’s because she is!” yelled Sandbar to Gallus.

No she is not

“Oh my gosh, these humans are also terrible!” cried out Silverstream, “They’re just like the Japanese!”

The Japs were one of the worst in the war. Trust me, the Spaniards compared to them were school kids having a brawl.

“If other nation do this to Yakyakistan, yaks start revolution!” yelled Yona.

And they all would be shot. Something I find funny is that people judge history with modern standards. You can do that with the 20th and 19th century, but before that you have to go by why some people did that, is it purely political or personal.

'Auto barn' and 'kampfe' are a few mistakes I seen.

Otherwise it is quite good.

What's the correct way of saying them?

Isn't it "auto bahn" and "kampf" like how its spelt the other times?

Or did I misread something?

Saying it..."auto bah-n" like "bah, that's a lie!" And "kampf" like "comp-f" like "they will comp you for that expense"? I know how to say them, just not explain how to say them

I don't remember writing 'Kampfe' in the story, But I do remember writing 'Auto Barn'.
I'm gonna look into what the correct way of saying it is.

Ah. I had assumed that they were just spelling mistakes that slipped through.

How's the chapter going as well as your life, hope everything's alright.

It's going well, I got 3300 words done.

That's good, good luck with this and irl.

They are not ready for what comes next

Isn’t this a rip off of the fic student six watch fallout lore

The beginning part seems too similar for it to be inspired from it

I can try to change it a bit.

I don’t know about you but I believe you, or the documentary did, missed the mention of ‘crystal night’ on 38 or the ‘night of long knives’. Either way great story! They are DEFINITELY not ready for what is going to happen especially to the innocent.

Comment posted by Tiber Septim II deleted Nov 27th, 2021

Were waiting for the next episode.

One more here! Waiting your awesome work to be posted!

History is often written by the Victor

Not to mention communist Chinese forces where also back up with military hardware by the soviet union

If you want to learn more about ww2 history look up a guy on YouTube called Mark Felton

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