• Published 27th May 2021
  • 852 Views, 6 Comments

Gallus and the Cursed Eyes - Kitsune_Kenshi

When Silverstream was kidnapped by Storm King, who was reanimated and sent by an unknown enemy, Gallus showed his darkest secret...

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Gallus ran through the woods, clashing through trees and bushes, living scratches and bloody scars on him, but he's focus is not on that. They are right behind him, a single hesitation would cost his life. The Griffon had never felt this terrified in his life, what they did to his parents and family were far too cruel for him to handle. He was only six, and yet he faced the bloody slathering of his village of the Wind, which was located far east from Griffonstone.

Gallus remembered his mother's final words, Go north! Go to Griffonstone, do not hesitate to stop! Fly as fastest and hardest you could! GO!!!

The young Griffon wiped a handful of tears, his wings were sour, and his legs felt like they were filled with leads, the scars on his worn out body is beginning to sting, but he puts on a brave face, remembering his father's words, Remember honor, do not bow in front of fear, for you shall overcome them.

"N-No fear, d-dad... mom... I..." Gallus mumbled in a shakily voice, full of fear, "I-I'm... Scared..."

Ten minutes ago, Gallus was having the best dinner yet at his small yet warming nest, his father was a commander at the Royal Palace, while is mother was a regular Gryphoness who's a ex-maid, a rather reckless one. As father always teased mother about that she'd always wreck her head with the bowl. The Gryphoness's name is Silver Beak, while the father is Might Talons. His father would always tell Gallus and his little brother Greene about how stupid yet cute their mother is before he dated her.

Silver Beak is the most beautiful and gentle Gryphoness you could find in the Village of Wind, Gallus guessed that's teh reason why Might Talons decoded to hang out and date her. She's wise, kind, and extremely careful for her beloved ones. Gallus could remember his mother teasing him about finding a marefirend.

"M-Mom! I'm not old enough!" he would complain.

And Silver Beak would always giggle before kissing his forehead, "Oh how my little blue bird had grown up... Remember, if you were to find a mate in the future, she has to be like me... And that's why your father chosen me out of many other Gryphonesses out there..."

Then his happy and joyful family was split apart when suddenly, the howl of beasts raged across the now blood-filled air, Might Talons immediately bolted into action, while Silver Beak quickly drove both Gallus and Greene into the escape route hidden in the backyard of their nest. Silver Beak has never been this serious before, she told both pf her children to fly north, to a town name Griffonstone.

And the main entrance was kicked open, three creatures with masks, werid shaped spears, and white fur covered body came charging at them. Gallus's eyes widened in fear as their mother suddenly blocked in front of their way, at the nasty sound of flesh tearing, Silver Beak laid there, bleeding to death, her last words, to never forget who they are, their clan, their honor, and their eyes.

Gallus flew with his brother, wings flapping as if they were going to break apart, never-mind the sourness coming from them, the brothers flew, panting and crying their way. Suddenly, one of those creatures raised their bow and fired off a single arrow. And its target was Gallus's brother Greene. The arrow shot Greene in his stomach, before death, the younger Griffon smiled one last time before digging into his eyes and ripping them out, "N-Ni-san... Take them... Please..."

Gallus watched as his mind went blank, his title brother who would always call him Ni-san, is now falling through the clouds, dead. He doesn't remember much, but he felt his eyes went sour and painful, then his eyes became bloody red with three toemoes spring rapidly in them. It then formed into a unique yet creepy shape of a six-cornered star, small blood vessels are popping, blood were leaking from the corner of his eyes.

The archer below screamed in pain and horror as he was burned alive by a mysterious yet terrifying black flame, he was soon burned into a pile of ashes, then into nothing. The Amaterasu, according to his father, was the most powerful flame in this mysterious and dangerous world. Gallus felt as if someone had wrapped a plastic bag in front of his eyes, the backfire from overusing the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Remembering his brother's last words, Gallus grunted in pain as he stuffed the two extra Mangekyo Sharingan into his eye sockets, a feeling of cool rushed over his eyes, as the sourness and pain faded away, his six-cornered star Mangekyo is now shifting in shape, it went from star, into shuriken, then into its final shape; the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

(I know it's Sasuke's, but it's so badass and I can't help it!!!)

The only destination of Gallus, currently, is north of his ruined Village; Griffonstone.



The door opened, revealing a heavy armored figure, he placed his armor onto hooks that Lind up against the side off the wall, each where arranged perfectly. After five months of military training, Gallus couldn't help with this habit. Rethinking his past, with his friends, it was nine years ago; he graduated from the Friendship Academy, and the small gang began to waling away from each other due to their jobs and personal lives, although they still test each other.

Technologies began to evolve, a small machine called 'iPhones' was introduced to the world, but Gallus haven't use them much since he's in the military, bit that's the only way tp stay in contact with his friends. Signing, the blue Griffon went into the shower, closing his eyes, his thought went straight back to a certain pink hippogriff with sky blue and cloud white mane. Silverstream, after graduated, decoded to continuing teaching at the Academy, after 3 years, she was needed at her homeland, so she returned. That's when Gallus confessed his feelings towards her, SIlverstream, overjoyed, confirmed her's as well. The two became couples and dated each other. Although now that their relationship is no longer a secret, Gallus barely has time to spend with Silverstream.

Even now, Gallus still remembers his mother's words, to find a mate. Gallus was young and reckless back than, not understanding mothers true meanings, but now he knew. The mare of his life, is Silverstream. This is not only for his true love, but for his fallen clan. Gallus's family originated from a distant land which no one really remembers now. But their clan process a mysterious bloodline power; the Sharingan. Legends passed down from each generation says that their ancestor isn't Griffon, but a bipedal creature with extremely well intelligence, and calls itself 'human', the ancestor is part of another long gone clan called the 'Uchiha', which according to the ancestor, was deceased long ago. This Uchiha ancestor of theirs, arrived thousands of years ago, in a storm, he joined their clan of Griffons and later fallen in love with a Gryponess. They were married and had many children, that's how Gallus's clan originated.

The Sharingan, a powerful dojutsu, has a complicated origin, not even the elders of Gallus's clan could really understand; but one thing is for sure, the evolution path of Sharingan is NOT going to be easy nor peaceful. To evolve a Sharingan, the processor must experience massive emotional states, sadness, anger, and hatred, which were the opposite of harmony. This is also the reason why Gallus's clan were not welcomed. Finally, if this processor KILLED his closest ones or family members, he or she will gain the ultimate version of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo. However, it's known as the 'Cursed Eyes'.

Overusing the Mangekyo would eventually lead to blindness, illness, and even death. Two of his elders who processed teh Mangekyo, died just like that, which is why Gallus's parents refused to let him and his brother evolve their sharingan even further, three toemoe is so far the best they've got. But after witnessing their parents' deaths, Gallus and Greene both awakened their Mangekyo, and before Greene's death, he gave his Mangekyo to Gallus, allowing him to evolve his eyes into the Eternal Mangekyo, which will never fade nor goes out.

Noe that is clan were wiped out, but now he knew, the Storm Creatures, led by the Storm King. Although this warlord is dead, Gallus's anger could not be erased easily, he wanted desperately to rip Storm King's head off himself. Ending the shower, Gallus dried his feathers and sat on the couch, taking out his yearbook, his mind soon fell into the memories of the past, the gang was young back then, everyone was always excited about new things. But time kills everything. They got older, and more mature, knowing that their duty is more important.

They'll never be the same old gang 9 years ago.

Gallus sighed, he lied back and closed his eyes, suddenly, he felt his phone rang, as the sound of message popped. The Griffon grabbed his phone, seeing that the message is from Terramar, Silverstream's brother, he frowned a bit; not that he don't like him, but that Terramar is the current ruler of Mount Aris, he has bunch of business do complete, not much time to chat. But when he does, then it's an emergency.

Immediately going straight into message, Gallus replied, "What is it?"

A minute later, came the reply, "Gallus, have you seen my sis anywhere?"

The Griffon's heart stopped for a second, and uneasy feeling formed in his mind, as his frown deepened, "No, haven't seen her since three weeks ago."

"Oh Celestia no."

"Gallus, I know this is hard to believe, but Storm King is back."

"Tell me about it." Gallus's talons began to press against the screen, as if he's cracking it.

"Someone had used a forbidden magic of ours and reanimated him, unfortunately, us hippogriffs are the first on his list, I afraid... He kidnapped my sister."

The edge of the wooden table were snapped in half, Gallus's face is now dark, he reopened his eyes, now forming into Sharingan, "Where. Is. That. Shit. Hole?"

"Probably at his hideout, I sent spies, and he just returned with teh newest report; Storm King's at his underground basement... Right underneath Canterlot."

"Be right back." Typed the final message before putting on his armor, grabbed a spear, and lunged into the skies, straight towards Canterlot. He felt like it was back when he was six again, desperate, hopeless, and confused. Silverstream is his last string of sense, if she's broken, then Gallus would most likely destroy the entire planet of Equis. No, I won't let someone closest to me die again! Gallus snapped open his eyes, now into his Eternal Mangekyo, "Susanoo!"

His Mangekyo began to spin as a wave of blue magic aura began to leak out, forming a shape of a bipedal figure, fully armored, with a katana weld in its grip, it wore a Tengu mask, a pair of huge wings, flapping slowly yet traveling in Supersonic.


Silverstream has never been this scared since Storm King's invasion on Mt Aris years ago, yet he was back, her nightmare. Her entire body was shaking, both in fear, shock, and rage, the pictures of her friends getting killed by Storm King during that invasion left scars which will most likely never going to heal, she wanted to fight back, to kill him, but fear consumed her.

The once fallen warlord is clearly enjoying her expression, he had a wicked grin. At first, he was surprised to be reanimated by an unknown sage he assumed, then, the Sage made a deal; Find and kill the new elements of harmony, which were the student six. Immediately Storm King locked Silverstream on, the hatred of seeing those bird brains is driving him crazy.

"Oh don't worry little bitch, I'll start off with you," Storm King growled like a serial killer, "and then I'll shred them one by one."

Silverstream felt tears began to stream off her face, as Storm King raised his blade; the Staff of Sacanas is kept in safety by Princess Twilight herself in a classified area, which Storm King is considering heading towards after he finishes the Student six. The blade was brought down fiercely, however, just when he was about to pierce her heart, a cold wind blew on his head, causing his blade to shift a little. It sliced off a few feathers, and that's when the attacker snapped.

The wall behind him exploded into millions of pieces, as a sword made of purple aura came right through and towards Storm King, the warlord immediately blocked it with his blades. The Susanoo shattered Storm King's weapon as it slammed the warlord over the ruins.

Silverstream was covered in dust, her head is still ringing from that explosion, as her sight returned to her, a figure she's been hoping for, slowly stepped out from the smoke.

"Say, how do you want to die?" a similar, yet unfamiliar voice sounded from the figure, Silverstream frowned, for a second this isn't the Gallus she knew and loved; he's more cold, and... a bit bloodthirsty. Silverstream's eyes widened when met with his; it was dark bloody red, with a strange pattern on it. Something's wrong.

Storm King was about to charge at the intruder, but frozen in fear as his eyes met with Gallus's. He felt as if he was back on that day, the day he wiped out that small village full of blue Griffons like him.

"Y-You-" he stammered.

"Have come to harvest your dirty fucking life." Gallus finished for him as he stared dead into the shocked warlord's soul, "Tsukuyomi!"

Storm King felt as if he was tied to a cross, and pulled into a different dimension, where the skies were bloody red, and everything else is black & white. He tried to break loose, but for some reason, his body wasn't responding. He began to struggle.

"Useless try you asshole." Gallus's emotionless voice suddenly appeared next to him, "Welcome to my Tsukuyomi Dimension, here you'll feel the pain of the ones you've hurt and killed, enjoy." Then the entire dimension was filled with Storm King's painful, terrified, and desperate screams.

Exiting the Tsukuyomi dimension, Gallus watched coldly as Storm King fell onto his knees, shaking in fear, "Amaterasu!", A creepy and inextinguishable black flame began to cook him alive, Silverstream felt her stomach begging her to throw up, and she did. Gallus on ten other hand, is enjoying this, but he caught sight of Silverstream's reaction, and senses took over.

(Stop music)

Turning off the Amaterasu, Gallus, with ought even blinking, raised the warlord's broken blade and sliced his head clean off, then thrown the dead Warlord into the Kamui Dimension, there the space and matters will slowly tear him apart. He turned off his Susanoo and Mangekyo, then approached his marefriend. Silbverstream, finally unable to hold back the feeling, launched herself into Gallus's warm embrace, crying herself out.

"Shh, he's gone now, Silver, he's gone..." Gallus gently rubbed her back, calming the crying hippogriff princess down. Silversteeam eventually fall asleep in his arms, Gallus sighed, not a frustrated one, but a sigh of relief. Father, mother, Greene, I've done it... I've restored our honor, and avenged our family... Did you saw what I did? I hope you're right here, right now, watching me... Mom, I've got my mare now, and it's all thanks to you... Our clan will not perish...

However, he facepalmed as another really tough thought came into his mind.

"Aw shit, how am I gonna explain that to Silver?"


SIKE! KIDDING! I'll plan a sequel, give some feedback and suggestion below! Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 6 )

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

This was interesting.

Why did you make this story so short?

I wasn't planning to put it into a long story, plus it'd take forever


That was definitely an interesting story! Great work, pal! Can’t wait for the sequel!

This is definitely needs a sequel. I mean, Gallus does has one of Naruto's OP Techniques/Bloodlines ( Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal. ).

And hope that despite being "older". The Young Six are best friends. I mean, if future Twilight and the Original Mane Five/Spike are up still friends. Why not the Young Six??!!

Although, how would everybody ( Including Celestia/Luna, Discord, or the Pillars ) react to Gallus's Naruto Power??!!

And this part:

"Be right back." Typed the final message before putting on his armor, grabbed a spear, and lunged into the skies, straight towards Canterlot. He felt like it was back when he was six again, desperate, hopeless, and confused. Silverstream is his last string of sense, if she's broken, then Gallus would most likely destroy the entire planet of Equis. No, I won't let someone closest to me die again! Gallus snapped open his eyes, now into his Eternal Mangekyo, "Susanoo!"

Hope that will NEVER happen in a Trillion Lifetimes! And you are just over exaggerating, right??!!

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