• Member Since 3rd May, 2021
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Nai hiruvalye Valimar, nai elye hiruva; namarie!



This story is a sequel to Where Shining Fall the Years

Cloudsdale state, encircled by the eponymous mountains, home of the Vingols and the Stormings, the Children of the Storm. Provider of countless Royal Guards to the rest of the kingdom, with an environment necessitating early development of survival skills, and where a teenager untrained in riding a horse is viewed as strange, Cloudsdale is both home to the Children of the Storm and well-prepared to meet their parent.

And this is good, for their parent comes to meet it.

Continuity: The Song of the Spheres
Branch: The Children of the Storm

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 71 )

The idea of an entire state in this day and age that is inaccessible by motor vehicles feels somewhere between bizarre and outright absurd. Of course, I'm on the wrong end of the country to know what the Rockies do to interstates, so there's that. :derpytongue2:

Who are the elite?

That's the key. With some schools of thought, one of the most damning ways you can press them is by forcing them to clearly define their terms. Who are you condemning? How will you fix things? What will it cost?

Hopefully Fluttershy gave this fellow something to think about. Eagerly looking forward to seeing this mission as it unfolds.


Yeah, it is extremely contrived. :twilightblush: Curse you, personal inability to not see Cloudsdale as a horse riding culture!

Yes. Actually forcing schools of thought to define their ideas and follow them to their logical conclusion is a great way to separate the good ideas from the not-so-good ones. Hopefully the mission (and my writing of it) unfolds better than Starlight's ideas did!

10839791 10839952

clearly define their terms

See also, how to drive your parents and teachers to distraction in ten words or less. If only it worked that well on anti-vaxxers... :ajsleepy:

I like your songs/poems for the most part, but the meter is a bit inconsistent and it's throwing me off. Speaking of which:

By the bier her station keeping
Sits the Vingols' mother weeping

Was this an intentional reference to the hymn Stabat Mater Dolorosa?

"What news from the west, riders of Flatmarch?"

I'll take "Obvious Tolkien References" for $200, Alex.


I like your songs/poems for the most part, but the meter is a bit inconsistent and it's throwing me off.

That's right, rhyme scheme and beats per line aren't the only important qualities of a song/poem. Excuse me while I find a pillow to scream into.

Was this an intentional reference to the hymn Stabat Mater Dolorosa?

As was the ending. Glad to see you caught it! :twilightsmile:

I'll take "Obvious Tolkien References" for $200, Alex.

* + $200 to Eroraf86's bank account *

"The only way? No," Rainbow shook her head. "The best way? Yes. Horses'll be able to get us in and make getting around inside a lot easier. Besides, the place we're going through has a tradition of horse-riding; seeing me and Flutters on horseback should help calm them down."

Sure it will.

Rainbow put on a winning smile and walked up to the counter. "How much for three horses, saddles, bridles, and bits?" she asked.

Why would they need all that?

The shopkeeper flashed a bored glance at her. "120,000," he yawned in reply.

AJ hacked in shock; she could buy a decent auto for that much!

Thank you, AJ.

"I've had it up to here," the shopkeeper savagely gestured at their throat. "with outsiders telling me what I can and can't do. First how much my horses are worth, then how much my equipment's worth, then how I'm supposed to accept my payment; I've had it. No more. Either 95,000 in notes, now, or we're done here."

He does kinda have a point.

"My parents own some properties," she murmured. "I thought we might need access to hard money, so I tapped into my savings before we left."

"She's being modest," Rainbow bragged. "Her parents own more land than Sweet Apple Acres, and they're loaded. Like, more loaded than Twilight."

"And I've told you, Rainbow," Fluttershy frowned. "it's not just my money. Mother and father give me an allowance-"

"Of, what, 5,000 bits a month?" Rainbow snorted. "And you use like a quarter of that, stuffing the rest in that bank of a savings account?"

Fluttershy, you better either know karate or have pepper spray.

"Farm?" the shopkeeper snorted, taking out a saddle and walking over to Klartake. "You mean one of those overglorified gardens where robots and computers do all the work?"

What is he talking about?

"You'd be surprised," AJ answered. "One of our friends, she's a real city-slicker, seems kinda frou-frou most of the time. Once it gets down to the nitty-gritty, though, she's just as tough as me'n' Rainbow. Underneath all those dresses an' glitter's some real tough steel."

She better not be talking about rarity.

"Does it?" Fluttershy quietly asked. "Private Pansy fled from countless fights, and she was still one of Cloudsdale's greatest leaders. It's not how many fights someone's in that shows their quality, it's how they fight in those battles they take part in."

That’s true.

"Yeah," the shopkeeper snorted. "The wrong war. One of them came out here, railing against the government, but they ignored the real problem to focus on stuff like some incident at an amusement park, 'magic' they called it. Look," he sighed. "I understand, there does seem to be magic popping up, it does seem dangerous, and we should probably look into it, but magic's a tool, no different than a hammer. A hammer can be mighty dangerous if you use it wrong, but it's great if you use it right. The Unmarked hate magic, call it 'the tool of the oppressive elite,' but that's like hating a hammer 'cause someone's attacking you with one; don't focus on the tool, focus on your attacker. If the elite are using magic to oppress people, don't try to stop magic, they'll find some other way to squeeze us, focus on stopping them; stop the criminals, not the tools they use to commit their crimes. If their Starlight Glimmer focused on that instead of trying to stop magic, I'd be the first to vote for her."

This man spitting facts.

"The high horses," the shopkeeper replied, pulling the saddle taut across the muddy mare's belly. "The high-risers in the city who think that, just because they hoard more bits than I see in a year, they're worth more than I am. Once bits become more important to you than people, that's when you know you're an elite."


"Huh?" the shopkeeper turned around in confusion, Morkhest whinnying as his anger-driven fitting paused.

Why is morkhest angry?

Fluttershy looked at him curiously. "Maybe low enough," she murmured. "to include you by mistake? All have more than a beggar, at least to the beggar's eyes, and those eyes might look at your business, your supplies, your horses, and think them very much, and what are the elite but those who possess very much?"

Is she basically saying that a begged would see him as an elite?

The shopkeeper swallowed, then finished fitting Morkhest's saddle. "I think," he said, obviously fighting to keep his voice level. "it might be best if we were to finish this quickly. Don't want to delay you for too long, after all."

What’s up with him?

"Oh, yes," Fluttershy nodded. "We have a long road ahead of us."

"And a dark one, I don't doubt," he mumbled, almost too low to hear.

What is that supposed to mean?

"If the Spear Gate's closed, I'm not going to be able to open it," she called back. "When that thing locks down, it locks down; it'd pretty much take an order from the governor to open it, and even that might not work."


"Hardly a secret," she replied. "People've known about Flatmarch for thousands of years, the Spear Gate's just quicker, closer to Castellot and the South. Here's hoping Swift hasn't gotten the same idea as them."


"And a lot more people keeping eyes on those holes," Rainbow replied. "Houses Thunder and Hail keep watch on the Northern Gap, Storm's Pass goes right past House Rider, Houses Zap, Storm, and Mist guard Boulder Pass, and House Mist is the only group of people who know their way through the Marsh."

Those are a lot of houses.

"It's our home, AJ," Fluttershy replied. "Every child in Cloudsdale grows up learning these things, about the different parts of the state and the twelve great houses. We were taught to be proud of our home, as well as what exactly we were to be proud of. Though," her face fell. "I'm not proud of all of it."

What parts is she not proud of?

"Don't forget what you told that shopkeeper, Flutters," Rainbow called in uplift. "Cloudsdale needs Private Pansies as much as it needs Commander Hurricanes."

Did she say that?

"No," came the quiet reply. "We're middle-class, nothing more."

"Dash?" AJ frowned. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she blatantly lied. "Come on, I want us to get a little farther before we stop for the night." Digging her heels into Morkhest's side, she drove him into a gallop, pulling away from the others.

Why is she lying?

"It's okay," she murmured in reply. "If it's alright, though, I'd prefer it if you didn't ask about them again. Also," she shifted uncomfortably. "I'm going to have to ask you two not to call me Rainbow Dash once we're in Cloudsdale. Don't want to attract too much attention."


"If you have to name me," she continued. "call me Platinum-" (AJ noticed Flutters' eyes widen at the name choice) "-and hope that that's enough. And, AJ, before you start worrying that I'm making you lie, don't worry, I'm not; my parents call me Platinum, sometimes. It is a name for me, just...not one I use that much."

Platinum? Why?

"The funeral of Hurricane," Rainbow murmured sadly. "The passing of the father of five great houses, and the greatest leader Cloudsdale's ever seen. Lion had died years before, and Private Pansy quickly followed Hurricane, dying of a broken heart. Thus did the Vingols learn to do great deeds, that they might not be forgotten, and to do them soon, because no one knows when they will die."

What does that mean?

"There's a lot you don't know about me," she mumbled back.

AJ scowled. "I'd be glad to learn."

Silence. Then, "We should get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."

How the f*ck are you gonna drop that bomb and then give no context?

Before she could explain why, AJ brushed over the grass, a movement Fluttershy's quick ears picked up. She turned around and smiled at the last member of their party. "Good morning, Applejack," she greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

You suck at sneaking, AJ.

Fluttershy pulled up alongside them, and they waited and watched as the patrol drew nearer. Applejack could count them now, a little over two-dozen, all armed and mounted. Sunlight faintly glinted off of their staffs, and she shivered at the thought of them switching to their spears; Homestrian killing Homestrian was wrong, a relic of the past, something she had no desire to think of as tradition. Hopefully, even the famously-militant Cloudsdalers felt the same way.

You’re gonna have to give up on that sooner or later.

Time passed. The patrol was within shouting distance now, a fact Rainbow took advantage of. Cupping her free hand to her mouth, she called out, "What news from the west, riders of Flatmarch?"


If worst comes to worst, we can try the Whispering Marsh, though I don't think bringing the horses through there would be a good idea.

Cloudsdale's Artax Memorial Airport would agree.
(Also, add air travel to the list of viable alternatives to horses.)

Our lands are in the Rainbow Vale, just a bit southwest of the gate.

Well, it's House Flutter's land at the moment. Darn place has a tendency to change hands. :derpytongue2:

Fascinating look at Cloudsdale culture. It really does feel like these three have ridden into an entirely different genre... which, again, isn't doing the best job of meshing with the urban fantasy "Americanada" feel one gets from the source material. I'm still enjoying this, don't get me wrong, but this particular world building marks a sharp pivot from my expectations.


(Also, add air travel to the list of viable alternatives to horses.)

Thank you for your vigilance and advice. I'll try to hand-wave away explain why this wasn't an option later on.

Fascinating look at Cloudsdale culture. It really does feel like these three have ridden into an entirely different genre... which, again, isn't doing the best job of meshing with the urban fantasy "Americanada" feel one gets from the source material. I'm still enjoying this, don't get me wrong, but this particular world building marks a sharp pivot from my expectations.

Yeah, to be honest I pretty sharply diverge from canon a lot of the time; Genericanada isn't that interesting to me, while worldbuilding is a bit of an obsession interest of mine. Genericanadan trappings might be helpful for giving at least some readers a point of reference (high school, the economic structure, some governmental functions), but I like to include something more creative underneath those trappings. I simply hope that, even when I part from the source material, I still manage to capture some part of its magic.

Well, it's House Flutter's land at the moment. Darn place has a tendency to change hands. :derpytongue2:

Heh. Now I really want to include a reference to this in House Flutter's history.


Because the houses guarding the Spear Gate have at least 2800 soldiers between them, and it's an open question whether their numbers will stand with them or the governor. A monopoly on force is a critical part of government, one that Cloudsdale's governor lacks.

The capitol.

Indeed. There are twelve in total, and that's just the great houses. The nobility is not diminished in Cloudsdale as it has been in our world.

The militarism, for one.

Not exactly, but she did point out how Private Pansy wasn't a coward for avoiding battle when she could. Rainbow simply made a reasonable deduction based off of that.

Why is she lying? What? Platinum? Why?

We shall have to see what answers she gives. :raritywink:

Apologies, what part did I write unclearly?

Just like that, apparently.

She really does. :rainbowlaugh:

Does she, though?

Like she said, they'd already been seen, and doing this might give them quicker access to what they seek, information.


We shall have to see.

To guide and ride the horses.

Yes, thank you very much, AJ.

He does, as well as some areas where he misses the point.

Oh, don't worry, she can take care of herself. :twilightsmile:

Mechanized farming, where it's more the equipment that works the land than the farmers themselves.

Why not? It seems like a compliment.

"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." Faramir, the Two Towers.

As well as some misunderstandings, but yes, many important facts.

Yes. As the YouTube group Clamavi de Profundis sang in Boic Bravesoul, wealth is meant to serve people, not the other way around. If you forget that, then you become both a tyrant, strangling those under you for a few small coins, as well as a slave, helpless before the false idol of gold. Those the shopkeeper is describing are thus both objects of righteous anger and pity, monstrous and pathetic in equal measure.

Sorry, I meant that the shopkeeper's actions were angry. I'll try to rewrite it so it's clearer.

Yes. This is where Starlight's ideas really break down; everyone sees the elite differently, making her campaign of revolution against them meaningless. She would have the people rebel against an ill-defined idea, against an enemy so nebulous anyone could be considered one. There is no real objective enemy she's fighting against; 'the elite' is smoke, a term so subjective it is almost meaningless.

He's clearly disturbed by Fluttershy's point, though whether because he disagrees with them or they're causing him to question his own views is unknown.

The shopkeeper's saying that, wherever Fluttershy and the others are going, it's almost certainly not happy, or at least it won't be when they arrive and start stirring up trouble.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Jun 2nd, 2021

What points did he miss?

Hopefully she does.

It sounds like a compliment, but I keep imagining rarity fainting if mud gets on her.

Not bad of a quote.

What misunderstandings?

Wow, I may have to check YouTube for that.

And that’s a bad thing, right?

I guess that makes sense.

Are they going to stir up trouble?


Namely that, just because he's tired of how outsiders treat him, his hostile behavior towards AJ remains unexcused. He's livid at others for treating him wrongly, but treats AJ wrongly in turn. His personal grudges have almost blinded him in terms of empathy, something Fluttershy pointed out in her question regarding the elite (her questioning revealed that he was having trouble imagining how people other than him might view a situation, demonstrating a lack of empathy in the sense of not understanding other's perspectives).

Oh, don't worry, she does. And, even if something gets to be too much for her, she has her friends to help! And Mr. Magpie can call in his friends, too! (My, he has a lot of them!) Did you know that some of her bird friends are film enthusiasts? They especially like the works of Alfred Hitchup; namely, The Birds. And, what's this? Someone's bullying Fluttershy, the Carer, the giver of bread and toast? This shall not stand...and neither shall the bully, once Fluttershy's bird friends are done with their reenactment.

She also selflessly cut off her tail to help Stephen Magnet in the pilot. She can be dainty a lot of the time, but when the chips are down there's a streak of steel through her. Think of Merry from the Lord of the Rings; worried about creature comforts near the start of the journey, when the stakes were lower, but when it came down to the wire he helped slay one of the greatest terrors Middle-Earth had ever known.

Indeed. Faramir provides some wonderful anti-war commentary.

Has Starlight actually managed to provide definitive proof of malicious oppression on the part of the elite? Has the shopkeeper? While he may rail against visitors (read: outsiders) and have some valid points, the fact is most of his complaints are explainable by stupidity or ignorance, not malice. He's creating a conspiracy and enemies where there's just ignorance, imperfection, and stupidity.

Yes, their stuff is amazing.

Starlight effectively has the power to define any group of people as 'the elite' due to the nebulousness of the phrase, making her able to declare anyone an 'enemy of the people' and give the accusation at least a shred of credibility. This is extremely bad; if she gains power, she can define any political opponents as 'the elite,' forcing the entire political establishment to make a choice; support her or face the wrath of the revolution.

Are they going to stir up trouble? Perhaps. Even if they don't, though, trouble has a history of stirring itself up around them.

I guess that might be true.

Was that meant to be a reference to something? Because, I didn’t understand most of it.

Wasn’t that pony rarity? Also, I don’t know much about lord of the rings, sorry.


And that’s the misunderstanding?

Really? What stuff do they do?

But, wouldn’t some some see her as an elite?

Ok, that i can probably agree with.


Sorry for the strange metaphors. Basically, I meant that Fluttershy can defend herself, and, even if something gets to be too much for her to handle alone, she has her friends, including her animals. If you hurt her, her animal friends, including all the birds she feeds (and all the birds they know), will make you regret it, possibly in the style of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.

Yes it was pony Rarity, but I don't doubt that human Rarity would be willing to do the same. Also, it's okay that you don't know that much about the Lord of the Rings; your interests are your own, you have the right to choose what they are (though I would highly recommend giving the books a try).

Oh, yes. Boromir may be the more famous (and memed) brother, but Faramir IMO is the better one; he recognizes that war needs to be viewed as a means, not an end, and a dangerous thing, not simply a method of gaining glory. The quote "War will make corpses of us all" appears to be an invention of the movies, but thematically it fits very well with Faramir's character. More importantly, he doesn't just say "No" to war, he gives a reason to say "Yes" to peace, demonstrating that peace is constructive, not simply the absence of war.


A lot of narrative songs, as well as covers of songs from The Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. Personally, although it is a tragic tale, I love their cover of the greatest rap battle in Middle-Earth's history, and would recommend watching it to get a taste of their style.

Perhaps, right before she calls them an elite and unleashes the revolution on them. So long as she keeps her revolutionaries happy with her rule, she'll basically be able to rule like a tyrant, winning acceptance either through genuine support or brute force.

How bad is it’s militarism?

I think nearly everything was unclear.

Yeah, because if she doesn’t kill them, then they might kill her.

Then, why were they sneaking?

Oh ok.

I guess that may make sense. And I honestly might think about it.

I honestly don’t know what some of that means.

I may have to check that out.

But, wouldn’t some fight back?


Excellent. Hope you enjoy them, should you decide to! :twilightsmile:

War is not the default state of society, with peace simply occurring whenever war exhausts; peace is its own thing, as worthy of desire as other things like food or good company or love. Faramir's anti-war message is rooted in more than just saying "No" to war, it's rooted in recognizing the good things that occur in peace, in recognizing that peace is just as meaningful as the war too many think it's simply the lack of. Or, as Twilight might say, he recognizes that friendship is magic, not simply a lack of conflict with others.

Some of them might fight back, yes, and promptly be crushed by those behind Starlight. So long as Starlight manages to keep her core of revolutionaries satisfied and supportive of her, she will be able to threaten her opponents in the way I've described.


Pretty bad. It's a very strong warrior culture, for good (it will be able to respond to threats better than the likes of Crystal City) and for ill (treating Fluttershy with disdain).

Apologies. Let me try and break it down:

"The funeral of Hurricane," Rainbow murmured sadly. "The passing of the father of five great houses, and the greatest leader Cloudsdale's ever seen."

The song Fluttershy just recited is about the funeral of Commander Hurricane's EG counterpart, who founded five of the great houses of Cloudsdale and was the state's greatest leader.

"Lion had died years before, and Private Pansy quickly followed Hurricane, dying of a broken heart."

I'll get more into Lion later, but for now let it suffice that he was another one of Cloudsdale's founders, as was Private Pansy.

"Thus did the Vingols learn to do great deeds, that they might not be forgotten, and to do them soon, because no one knows when they will die."

The lesson the song taught the Vingols (the main ethnic group in Cloudsdale) is that they should do great deeds, that they might be remembered in song like Hurricane, Lion, and Pansy, and not wait to do them, because death can strike anyone at any time. Basically, YOLO.

But does that mean she has to kill them? Might she be able to subdue them in other ways?

They weren't trying to sneak (avoid detection), they were trying to keep a low profile (avoid unnecessary attention). Sorry if that was unclear.

Wow. He basically represented mlp before mlp was even created.

So even with magic on their side there’s no way to stop starlight?



But, how long would subduing them work?

Oh ok. Because, it seemed like they were avoiding people.


Just great, now I want to try to figure out which LotR characters would work for which Elements of Harmony.

Sorry, I was working under the assumption that it would be other Unmarked or government officials (i.e.; Blue Chip) who fought her. Even without magic, though, there would still be hope to beat her; it just wouldn't be as easy as it might seem.

So faramir is a LOTR character?

Who’s blue chip?

Ohh. So that’s her full name?

And you said that beating starlight is harder then it seems?


Harder than it would seem if one viewed her just as a run-of-the-mill political nutcase. The key to beating her is not playing her game; if you treat her as just another political actor, she stands a good chance of winning.

And what exactly is her game? And how should you treat her?

The patrol galloped the rest of the way over, fanning out to form a wide circle around her and the others. Staffs were leveled, pointing at them, and wary glances looked out from under their helms. Strangely, not all those helms were the same; some were colored a pale green, others a faint sky-blue, with their bearer's plate matching.

They already showing hostility? They better thank god none of the rainbooms are aggressive.

"I'm Platinum," Rainbow nodded, before gesturing at her friends. "these are Fluttershy and Applejack. We're from Crystal City."

What would have happened if she said rainbow?

"Why are you out here?" Fluttershy asked, furrowing her brow. "I'm not wondering because I doubt your courage, but because I don't doubt the distance you'd have to travel. It took us four hours to go around Firehall, and it wouldn't be much shorter for you. And why didn't House Swift send to Firehall for aid? Why isn't House Blaze here helping their neighbors?"

Do we know characters that live in those houses?

In a blink, Rainbow disappeared, spooking the patrol's horses, before reappearing just as quickly, stretching out the plucked flower to Soarin. He stared at it and the girl holding it, awestruck.

"Like I said," she smiled. "you'd be surprised by what I'm willing to believe."

Why would she do that?

Thunder rumbled to the east. Turning, they saw a sudden storm, squalling towards them out of a previously empty sky.

"Where'd that come from?" AJ asked. "I mean, I'd heard that this place had crazy weather, but that's some'n' else."

"Dark times," Soarin carefully replied. "The weather's taken a strange turn, strange even for us; storms and complex systems coming out of nowhere before quickly vanishing back there. Some say that the wind doesn't love us anymore, that it's taking back the gifts it gave us with interest."

There’s no way someone isn’t controlling that storm.

"I say it's not the wind doing this," he answered. "but something on the wind. I've heard many storms while living at Skyspear, but these newer ones sound different. The rain gallops instead of pouring, and the thunder..." He pursed his lips. "...call me whatever names you want, but to me it's sounded like laughter, great, cruel, booming laughter."

That’s one creepy storm.

"Why not just call him yourself?" Rainbow asked as the two groups parted, the storm thankfully melting away before it reached them. "Does it need to be more official than that?"

"Try calling someone other than your friends," Soarin said.

Puzzled, Rainbow pulled out her phone and tried to do so. She found no signal, and no network to try texting them instead. "This is stupid," she grunted as she shoved it back in her pocket. "I'd've thought two great houses would've been able to scrounge up at least some basic cell service or wifi for out here."

I’ve seen a lot of bullsh*t in mlp canon and fanfics, but that has to be top 10.

"That's why Cloudsdale's seemed so quiet," Fluttershy murmured in understanding. "You haven't been able to talk to us electronically."

"One reason, yes," Soarin nodded, though his tone was guarded.

He’s hiding something, isn’t he?

"Because they're afraid you'll do the same," AJ retorted. "Doesn' matter whether Sun's shinin' or hidin' behind a cloud, trust's a two-way street; if you want someone to trust you, you need to give'm a reason to. If you show'm that they can trust you, rain or shine, then they'll stand with you no matter how dark the sky gets."


"That's why Cloudsdale's seemed so quiet," Fluttershy murmured in understanding. "You haven't been able to talk to us electronically."

Landlines? Presumably they had phone service at some point in the twentieth century, to say nothing of TV cable. Physical media can do wonders when wireless connections are having issues. And if they laid down fiber optics, so much the better.
Of course, if magic's involved, all bets are off.

I can't imagine what it's like to live in Crystal City, so open, so...unprotected. We have our mountains, the wind, and our spears to keep our enemies at bay

And now two of the three have cut you off from the rest of the world in the hour of need you won't admit you're having. How's that working out for you?
(On the other hand, that suspicious, isolationist attitude may be the root of the problem, especially given the equinified storm systems.)

Lovely little debate at the end. Definite false dichotomy at the end; you can absolutely have both personal and interpersonal strength at once. Especially when your entire state isn't transplanted from a fantasy novel and you're actually part of the world. Part of the problem is the Cloudsdalers' perspective and experience... but part is AJ's as well. The girls have been lucky enough to have the option of saving everyone up until now. We'll see how much longer that luck lasts.


Landlines? Presumably they had phone service at some point in the twentieth century, to say nothing of TV cable. Physical media can do wonders when wireless connections are having issues. And if they laid down fiber optics, so much the better.
Of course, if magic's involved, all bets are off.

Yep, magic's involved. Nothing's getting in or out except in person.

And now two of the three have cut you off from the rest of the world in the hour of need you won't admit you're having. How's that working out for you?
(On the other hand, that suspicious, isolationist attitude may be the root of the problem, especially given the equinified storm systems.)

Yeah, that's one of the main roots of the problem; Cloudsdale's isolation (mountain-caused, socially reinforced) renders them more vulnerable, not less. No one realm can stand alone; the storm comes, and all must either meet it together or fall.

Lovely little debate at the end. Definite false dichotomy at the end; you can absolutely have both personal and interpersonal strength at once. Especially when your entire state isn't transplanted from a fantasy novel and you're actually part of the world. Part of the problem is the Cloudsdalers' perspective and experience... but part is AJ's as well. The girls have been lucky enough to have the option of saving everyone up until now. We'll see how much longer that luck lasts.

Ha ha, yeah, Cloudsdale does really feel like a splice from a fantasy novel. :twilightblush: Thankfully, magic provides a reasonable (or at least reasonably doubtful) explanation for why it's in that state, and the problems I'm hoping to confront in it are eternal.

Also, you're right, personal vs. interpersonal strength is a false dichotomy, but the way it's being presented here (either focus all your energy on developing yourself or on developing alliances) isn't, and it's all the stupider for that. (Why not divide your energy between both?) The Cloudsdalers' experiences, namely their ability to control what contact they have with the outside world by controlling the few ways through the mountains, have played a big part in this, creating a cultural divide between those inside the Range and those outside it (us vs. them) that makes pursuing friendship harder and leaves them worse off in the long run (perhaps their isolationism is partly to blame for Cloudsdale's decline since Unification). However, you're right that AJ isn't completely right either; friendship doesn't solve everything, and it demands sacrifice, sometimes of the variety the soldier described. Both of them are wrong, and both of them are right, each in different ways, and for friendship to succeed they need to work together to figure out what each of them is right about.


They already showing hostility? They better be glad none of the rainbooms are aggressive.

Not hostility, no; hostility would be riding them down, or demanding they surrender. Defensiveness would be a better word for this, I think.

What would have happened if she said rainbow?

We shall have to see.

Do we know characters that live in those houses?

Fleetfloot is the current head of House Swift, while a fireball we all know may show up as House Blaze's representative later.

Why would she do that?

To show him and the rest of the patrol that she wouldn't automatically doubt them for saying that the problem was being caused by magic.

There’s no way someone isn’t controlling that storm.

Oh, yeah. The only question is who.

That’s one creepy storm.


I’ve seen a lot of bull in MLP canon and fanfics, but that has to be top 10.

I thank you for the high ranking, but what, specifically, are you talking about?

He’s hiding something, isn’t he?

There's almost no way he isn't.


“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens,' said Gimli.
'Maybe,' said Elrond, 'but let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall.”

-J.R.R. Tolkien

Really? I’m pretty sure surrounding someone and pointing a staff at them counts as hostility.

Oh, well, I’ve watched a few episodes of mlp, watched some of the movies, read a few comics, and read a lot of fanfics. So that results in a lot of bullsh*t.

What does that mean?


Really? I’m pretty sure surrounding someone and pointing a staff at them counts as hostility.

Surrounding a potential intruder and readying (but still holding back) your weapons seems more defensive to me, preparing for potential hostility but without unduly antagonizing the unknowns.

Oh, well, I’ve watched a few episodes of mlp, watched some of the movies, read a few comics, and read a lot of fanfics. So that results in a lot of bull.

Sorry, what I meant was what specific part of this story made it onto your list?

What does that mean?

Basically, Gimli is saying that it's a show of bad faith to leave someone when things start going badly, but Elrond is saying that those who have only seen things go fairly badly aren't ready, and shouldn't assume themselves to be ready, for when things go really, really badly.

I guess that may make sense, but it still might provoke a reaction.

Ohh. The part where the ere was no signal. I can’t speak for all the everyone, but if I’m miles away from civilization and there’s no signal, then use one of those staffs to put me out of my misery.

So basically don’t say you’re ready for the worst when you aren’t?

They meandered through the hills, their path winding up and down and forcing them to move at a slower pace. The drop in speed gave AJ time to mull over what the soldier had said to her. She knew it was wrong, Sunset had shown her, but how could she show the soldier she'd talked with, and any other Cloudsdalers who shared her opinions, that?

Is she talking about from last chapter? Because, I honestly didn’t understand what they were talking about.

She sighed, then looked down at her geode. It made sense that it gave her strength; it was one of the main good things about her, along with her determination.

Is that why she was given super strength?

She could heft a barrel of apples, and do it for the whole day, but that was pretty much the extent of her abilities; she wasn't as smart as Sunset or Twilight, as clever as Rainbow or Rarity, and she definitely wasn't as creative as her or Pinkie. She was a rock, like Pinkie's sister, dependable and sturdy but not much else.

Ok, I’d have to disagree on some of these.

"Uh, yeah," she replied, caught off-guard by how casual he seemed. "Have you heard of someone called Rainbow Dash?"

Strangely, he laughed at that. "Every child in Cloudsdale has," he replied, chuckling. "and nine out of ten of them have played at being her."

If he’s heard of her shouldn’t her know what she looks like?

Soarin bowed his head. "She died," he answered. "She saved Cloudsdale, but she didn't survive to see that."

Feeling sick to her stomach, AJ prepared to tell him about the imposter wearing a dead girl's name, but was preempted by him continuing, "Her niece brought her back to life, though; she put on her aunt's armor, led the charge, and the enemy broke at the sight of Rainbow Dash's shade. She has lived ever since, House Prism providing a new Rainbow Dash every generation to bear her name and post."

Wait what?

Soarin's steed whinnied. Soarin calmed them down, then turned a cautious glance to AJ. "Don't speak that name so loudly," he warned her. "or so darkly. She has her supporters here, though not as many or as strong as she does outside; there is little love for Crystal City, Castellot, or Manehattan in some areas here, though they don't like Starlight's immobile stance on magic any more. Magic is dangerous, they agree, but so is electricity, and those places we've managed to electrify are thriving. Magic is a tool to them, one that can be used for good or evil, but the elite in the cities seem to them only useful for the latter."

So they’re natural?

"But aren't the great houses elites?" AJ asked, confused.

"Not anymore than an older sibling is elite," Soarin shook his head. "They can talk with us, see us, they work alongside us a lot of the time. How could they do that with the elite? We can't be the elite, then. At least, that's how I think they view it. Speaking of viewing," he asked. "why didn't you show us that paper when we first met?"

What does that mean?

Atop the hill from which the call had come, she saw a footprint, or at least what looked like one.

What had made it, though, she had no idea; it was wide and splayed, four thin branches growing out of a small oval, shallowly pressed into a patch of bare mud. Lifting one of her feet out of her stirrup, she measured it with her eyes, which quickly widened; whatever had made that had made it with feet three times larger than her's.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that a sign to watch your back.

"I don't know," she replied. "It could be, but it seemed a bit...I guess 'thick' would be the right word. Even aside from that, it just didn't feel like a bird print for some reason."

I’m pretty sure the right word would be big.

AJ kept her eyes firmly on Soarin as he sang of the Battle of the Gate, of the valiant last stand of the twelve great houses' leaders and the Commander. She tried to listen, but the heat of the glare the other Rainbooms were shooting her made that difficult. She managed to tune them out for bits and pieces, before eventually managing to ignore them entirely as the ending drew near. Reinforcements had poured out of the Spear Gate and driven the enemy back, but a rearguard prevented it from turning into rout, and now Rainbow Dash lay dying in the arms of her niece, dying at their hands:

Applejack, I know you’re a terrible liar, but you gotta play dumb.

"We weren't lying to you," Fluttershy replied. "We were trying to keep a secret, something you agreed to do. So much for your 'Apple word,' hm?"

Is there a difference?

"Keepin' a secret's one thing," AJ retorted, bristling to her feet. "Lyin' to the person you wanna have help you keep the secret's another. If you wanna trust me, don' turn right around an' give me a reason not to trust you."

Ok, that’s a good point.

Fluttershy prepared to answer again, but was stopped by a weary hand from Rainbow. "Enough, Flutters," she sighed. "Enough." Turning wearily to AJ, she asked, "So you think you know who I am now?"

"I do," she hotly nodded. "An' I know why you didn' want us to use your name, Rainbow Dash ."

I don’t. Can someone explain?

Rainbow winced, then replied, "They've called me that since the day I was born. AJ, I wasn't asking you to lie about my name while we're here." She looked at the ground in shame. "I was asking you to stop lying about my name."

But, why now?

"I'm not Rainbow Dash," she continued. "You never really knew a Rainbow Dash. I've been lying to you about my name for the last five years, I've been lying about it to almost everyone for almost my entire life. But now, I'm going to start telling the truth." She turned to the stunned Applejack with a determined look on her face. "You were right, AJ," she said. "My parents did give me a nickname. But Platinum wasn't it; Platinum's my real name, Platinum Brilliance. Rainbow Dash was the nickname, the persona, the mask." She bowed her head in sorrow. "The lie. I'm sorry, AJ; the Rainbow Dash you thought you knew was fake, a lie. She's as dead," she sniffed. "as the woman who inspired her."

But, what was the goal?

So the original Rainbow Dash is basically Horatius?

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The captain of the gate:
"To every man upon this earth,
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better,
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods?"

Ah. Very interesting mythological roots for Rainbow Dash. Leads to the question of how that may carry over to Equestria.

"Might," she frowned. "might help Starlight get elected."
Soarin's steed whinnied.

I didn't realize Starlight's middle name was Blucher. :raritywink:

Magic is a tool to them, one that can be used for good or evil, but the elite in the cities seem to them only useful for the latter.

When and how did "elite" became such a negative term, anyway? And that applies as much to this world as that one.

"Or any toad I've ever seen," Soarin added. "Amphibian, I mean, any amphibian I've ever seen."

Smooth as Velcro.

Oh, AJ... :facehoof: This is why all six Elements are needed. Any virtue in excess becomes a vice, and Honesty is no exception. This is going to be awkward at best. Here's hoping her friends can find in themselves to forgive themselves. And that she thinks to apologize for tearing off the mask. We'll see what happens from here.


Ah. Very interesting mythological roots for Rainbow Dash. Leads to the question of how that may carry over to Equestria.

Yeah. I don't know why, but something about the idea of there being so many Rainbow Dashes throughout history because it's a title, not a real name, greatly appeals to me. (Also, why does the idea of Pinkie Pie being similar, except more like JoJo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [a family whose names can be consistently reduced to a certain form], crack me up?)

I didn't realize Starlight's middle name was Blucher. :raritywink:

I'm sorry, I don't understand that reference. It sounds like it would incredibly funny if I knew it, would you mind telling me what it is?

When and how did "elite" became such a negative term, anyway? And that applies as much to this world as that one.

I don't know for certain in this world, but my guess would be sometime after the American Revolution, possibly the Second Great Awakening (with its anti-intellectual bent). Stigmatizing 'elite' is basically democracy taken too far, trying to level the playing field by destroying those who get too far ahead as opposed to helping those who fall behind (reduction of positive outliers as opposed to enhancement of negative outliers). In Homestria, there's always been an undercurrent of it through society (the typical dislike of those who seem to have more), but Starlight's movement has really been the crystallizer for this wider, more deliberate stigmatization of 'elite.' She didn't create the impulse, but she did harness it and dramatically strengthen it, much like Trump harnessed and strengthened his base in 2016.

Smooth as Velcro.

Or sandpaper. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, AJ... :facehoof: This is why all six Elements are needed. Any virtue in excess becomes a vice, and Honesty is no exception. This is going to be awkward at best. Here's hoping her friends can find in themselves to forgive themselves. And that she thinks to apologize for tearing off the mask. We'll see what happens from here.

Very good point about an excess of virtue, even non-Elemental ones. Yes, things are going to be super-awkward if Platinum ever tells her friends, and after AJ comes back. Here's hoping awkwardness doesn't manage to stop them from resolving this!

Wariness does not need to mean the end of trust, only a hurdle in its path.

I hope enough people in positions of local power can recognize that.

And yeah, AJ's hypocrisy is pretty darn plain to see. Folks have their reasons, Jackie, and sometimes you need to respect that. As opposed to going around behind their back for intel.

Therefore, just as Platinum Brilliance apologized for lyin' 'bout who she was, so does Applejack the True apologize for bein' Applejack the Backstabber.

:trixieshiftleft: "Pronoun levels dropping. Finally, people speaking properly, as Trixie does!"

"Psst, Platinum," she whispered. "Is there a constellation of Rainbow Dash anywhere?"

This is amusing to me for reasons that are best explained through a hyperlink.

And yeah, even an oath enforced by friendship magic won't quiet all doubts. But trust isn't the absence of all doubt. It's standing by someone even in the face of it. Applejack and Platinum have both learned a valuable lesson here. (Fluttershy, meanwhile, was never in the wrong. :yay:)
I will say that the tonal contrast before and after the oath is very sharp, and a microcosm of my issues with the story as a whole. But in both cases, it's not a dealbreaker. It's just disorienting at times.

As for the Blucher joke, see here. (It may help to know that Blücher is German for "glue.")

"Dash--Platinum lyin' 'bout her name like that," AJ answered, her scowl giving way to a look of confusion and dismay. "Why? What did she have to gain by lyin' 'bout her name for so long? An' why choose Rainbow Dash of all things? She grew up here, if she didn't like her name why'd she pick some'n' everyone else would know was a lie? If you lie, you lie to hide some'n', not send up a firework sayin', 'Look at me, I'm lyin'!' All that does is make people dig past the lie faster."

She does have a point.

Soarin's face hardened. "The same way I can trust you after you did so to me," he replied, causing AJ to flinch. "I don't appreciate being used, Applejack, and I appreciate being used in treachery even less. Your companions, from the sounds of it, were behaving suspiciously, but that did not give you the right to behave like you feared they did. If treachery should be repaid with treachery, then how can trust ever be regained? Trust, once broken, invites more breaks, until eventually it's destroyed. You were right to be wary of them, just as they're right to be wary of you now. However," he breathed in. "that's only if you accept the invitation of broken trust. You can choose to refuse it, and instead repay treachery with truth. Trust will still be broken, but you'll be working to rebuild it instead of widening the gap. Wariness does not need to mean the end of trust, only a hurdle in its path. For example, I am wary of you now, Applejack, but I do not choose to stop trusting you. My trust will be harder to come by, however; once bitten, twice shy as the saying goes."

Technically, she didn’t use him. Everything else he said was true.

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes, but turned to Platinum and waited for her judgement. It came quickly, as she stammered, "It is forgiven." Though her friend looked displeased at this, she nodded in acceptance, but still kept a wary eye on Applejack.

Fluttershy, you’re not in this.

"Swear it," Fluttershy whispered. She paused as all eyes in the camp turned to her, then grit her teeth and continued. "Swear it," she repeated, louder. "both of you. No more tricks, no more lies, no more breaches of trust, no more snooping on the other's secrets. Swear to be only honest with each other, and to respect when the other says that there's something they need to keep quiet. Swear to trust each other, like you both should have earlier."

I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t know if I could swear that.

"What about you and her?" Open Skies asked, pointing between AJ and Fluttershy. "You two seemed the maddest at each other, don't you wanna patch that up?"

If I was apple I wouldn’t worry about that.

"G'night," she replied, rolling back over and quickly falling asleep. AJ took a while to follow, though, and not simply because her stargazing delayed her; doubts roiled her mind, doubts about Fluttershy, doubts about Soarin, doubts about Platinum. " That's it? " they asked. " She lies to you for years, then after a talk with some stranger and a few words from her you want to be her friend? Do you really think this is going to be the end of her lies? "

"It's not an end," she murmured in answer as she slipped into slumber. "It's a beginnin'."

Do I see some foreshadowing?

Well, that could have gone worse. At least they worked it out.


I hope enough people in positions of local power can recognize that.

Both in this and the real world.

:trixieshiftleft: "Pronoun levels dropping. Finally, people speaking properly, as Trixie does!"

The grand design is unmasked.

And yeah, even an oath enforced by friendship magic won't quiet all doubts. But trust isn't the absence of all doubt. It's standing by someone even in the face of it. Applejack and Platinum have both learned a valuable lesson here. (Fluttershy, meanwhile, was never in the wrong. :yay:)

Yes across the board.

I will say that the tonal contrast before and after the oath is very sharp, and a microcosm of my issues with the story as a whole. But in both cases, it's not a dealbreaker. It's just disorienting at times.

After reading this comment, yeah, I realized I have a bit of a problem with too-frequent tonal shifts. :twilightblush: Any advice for avoiding that?

Blücher is German for "glue."

Oh, my. The worst part is I can't say that reading's wrong for Starlight; as she is in my head (and hopefully when I introduce her, which I hope to do soon), the ends justify the means for her, so if she needs glue and someone can be turned into glue...

IMO, this should also be the core of a heroic Starlight; the constant tension between her goals and her methods of accomplishing them. Her town had harmony, of a sort, but did that justify what she did to enforce it? She could solve several friendship problems with a wave of her horn (and a mind control spell): does that mean she should? This is what I dream a more confident, ambiguously heroic Starlight would be like:

“A monster,” Bran said.

The ranger looked at Bran as if the rest of them did not exist. “Your monster, Brandon Stark.”


She does have a point.

Yes, she does. And, just like countless others, both fictional and real, she goes too far beyond it and draws the wrong conclusion.

Technically, she didn’t use him. Everything else he said was true.

She did use him, though; he didn't know that Platinum wanted AJ not to ask about her past, so AJ tried to pump him for information. She used his lack of knowledge just as Platinum and Fluttershy tried to use her's.

Fluttershy, you’re not in this.

But Platinum is, and where Platinum is Fluttershy goes.

I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t know if I could swear that.

It does seem like a daunting challenge, yes.

If I was apple I wouldn’t worry about that.

We shall see if you keep that opinion as time goes on. :raritywink:

Do I see some foreshadowing?

Perhaps. I do not, though, but many times has my work defied my expectations. Maybe it shall again.

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