• Member Since 3rd May, 2021
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Nai hiruvalye Valimar, nai elye hiruva; namarie!



This story is a sequel to Domesticity

Starlight Glimmer and her Unmarked have arrived in Castellot, coming to declare their grievances before the capitol. They will be heard, either through word or deed. Principal Celestia, Rarity Belle, and several others have come to give their replies to the Unmarked, while Shining Armor and the Royal Guards try their best to keep things civil. But when politics becomes a choice between revolution or resistance, civility rapidly becomes untenable, people fighting either to create what they hope for or preserve what they love.

The center cannot hold for long; the storm comes, and all must either weather it or be swept away.

Continuity: The Song of the Spheres
Branch: The Seekers of the Stars

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 41 )

This seems like a false-flag operation by Starlight.

Starlight had arrived before the dawn, a mighty host arrayed in grey and black following her. One of Sassy's contacts in the capitol let her know, and she told Rarity in turn, dragging her out of sleep and into a waking nightmare. As quickly as she could, she made ready to leave, forgoing much of her makeup and taking a simple protein bar with her to eat along the way in lieu of breakfast. She picked out her outfit quickly, for once letting function overmatch form due to the need for haste, the only jewelry she wore her geode. Starlight had said that the Unmarked would be peaceful, yes, but she said a lot of things, most of which Rarity doubted highly.

We about to fight? Because, rarity has never done this.

She smiled and shook her head; her magic was a tool and defensive implement, not a weapon, a point Twilight had argued with Sunset about exhaustively. Legally speaking, her geode was nothing more than a senior's cane, and who would deprive an old lady of her stick simply because it might be used in self-defense?

You know, I wish they would have told that to the trio of drama queens.

Rarity deposited them in the Guard's outstretched hand, took everything she needed out of the vehicle, then walked into the city while they called for someone to come pick the auto up. She glanced at the receipt, confirming that it was in proper order, then stowed it in her purse. She took a deep breath and released it; there would be no turning back, now, at least not without considerable difficulty. The road from Castellot back to Crystal City wasn't an unthinkable walk, but she wouldn't be able to outrun the Unmarked should they turn violent, and with her auto currently in the Guard's care regaining it would take too much time between processing her receipt, confirming her registration and possession of it in the first place, and actually taking her to it. No, the only way home lay ahead of her, though the Unmarked.

Fight Back.

"You shan't lose me, sweetness," she promised her sister, ignoring the many physical kilometers between them. "And even if you do," she set her jaw. "I'll make sure that you lose several enemies in the process."

Damn, this girl is ready for any outcome.

Fools , she curled her lip as she looked at the Unmarked. You prattle on about overthrowing tyranny, not realizing that your leader intends to make the thrones of those you overthrow her own. She is as committed to equality as Rainbow Dash is to fashion, and you would see as much if you but thought to look .

Ok, that’s actually pretty hilarious.

She cast a baleful glance at the woman who had misled so many. Talking amongst those who Rarity took for her chief advisors, she resembled a queen holding court more than a revolutionary trying to lift up the downtrodden. Her behavior, her location, her role, even her clothes, more ornamented than those of those she called her equals, belied the nonsense she spewed. Following her was an action only explicable by having one's ears covered and eyes closed; anyone else would realize how hypocritical she was in a heartbeat. Before, Rarity had merely disliked her policies; now, she loathed the woman herself.

Well, at least I’m not the only one that thought it.

More people trickled in, Sassy and the others among them. She smiled at them as they drew up alongside her, then turned back to Starlight with determination in her gaze; whenever she tried to sway them with her hypocritical folly, they would be ready to reply.

Wait, they’re gonna ask questions or something?

The silence stayed for several moments, before being broken by Starlight. "When I was a girl," she said, her voice ringing across the plaza. "my dad taught me a funny word; dodecahedron." Some laughter that was so forced it seemed to come out of a can rose out of the Unmarked. "It means a shape with twenty sides. He showed me one, too, a little die with twenty faces. All of them looked different, but they were all part of the same thing. One shape, many faces. Hierarchicalism is the same; concentration of economic power looks different from concentration of social power, and both look different from concentration of political power, but that's only on the surface. Once you look beneath the surface, you see the truth; concentration of economic power comes from a desire to control others' money, concentration of social power comes from a desire to control others' friendships, concentration of political power comes from a desire to control others' relationships with the community. And what's the source for these desires? The thought that we're better than those others in some way. Or, to put it another way, we think we should be above them in the hierarchy. Concentration of economic power, of social power, of political power, they're all connected, all different sides of the same shape, the cursed diamond of hierarchicalism. One shape, many faces; many symptoms, one poison.

What is she talking about?

"That's why the revolution must be total, must touch everywhere and everything; everywhere and everything is infected, poisoned by the same evil of hierarchicalism. From Cloudsdale in the west to Manehattan in the east, all of Homestria groans under the yoke of hierarchy. All, save us. We are the Unmarked, the free, the heralds of a new age. We've come here today, flying our markless banner and bearing a message, a ray of hope for those in darkness; 'All the darkness is the same,' we call out, 'and equalism is the light which will banish it away.'"

I just realized, where is starlight even from?

"The scourge of magic is the peak of hierarchicalism, the ultimate end of its philosophy of control. Magic attempts to enforce the user's will on those around them directly, not indirectly like with economic concentration. Magic is hierarchicalism without mask or disguise, commanding others with the only justification being, 'Because I'm magically stronger than you.' People claim there are hundreds of different kinds of it, from blood magic to runes to magic songs, but those are all just different sides of the same shape, the shape of tyranny. Some might say otherwise, say that magic's just a tool or a gift, and they're right; if you're willing to ignore whether something's right or wrong, magic is a useful tool, a gift to those who love forcing others to do what they say. Magic is no gift, it's a poison, a weapon, the ultimate expression of the hierarchy. Magic is tyranny, pure and simple. Of course," she shrugged. "words like these require evidence. Evidence," she pointed at the sack. "which we will now provide."

Ok, this concept has been used multiple and she right to a certain extent, but it’s not that simple.

There had been a woman inside of it, a woman who collapsed to the ground as her support was removed. She was forced to her feet again by the two who'd taken her out, each of them grabbing one arm and hoisting her up before carrying her to the edge of the platform, beside Starlight. She looked horrible, stick-thin and pallid-skinned, her limbs withered branches that looked like they would snap in a strong breeze. Her nose and lips were broken, her fingernails claws, her cheeks sunken cliffs; beneath her sackcloth uniform, Rarity didn't doubt that she would see glaring ribs. A frizz of stubble was all that remained of her hair. But her eyes were unbroken, cruel gleaming carnelians sunken into her skull that danced around like embers in a fire. The light of intelligence still glinted in those eyes, an intelligence she had faced before.

God damn. Kill it with fire.

"Adagio Dazzle is the hierarchical ideal," Starlight said as her captive fell quiet. "She attempted to enslave us using the most hierarchical of methods, magic, attempting to force her choices on us because she thought she was better than us. She failed, yes, but she still tried, and she didn't fail due to any effort on the government's part. When she struck Canterlot High, where was the Royal Guard? Where was the government's response to this would-be warlord? Nothing. And what was the government's response when disaster struck that same place again, during the Friendship Games? Nothing. What did the government do when we cried out for protection from those who used magic? Nothing.

Where were you at?

"Should we destroy magic before it destroys us?" the Siren asked, her shaky voice somehow overpowering the roar of the crowd. "Or before it can oppose you?"

Oh snap.

But it went unheeded this time, Adagio continuing, "Have you told them about your studies in magic, Starlight? I have a feeling they'd find that interesting. Or what about that suit of deepstone amor you bought? That ought to raise a few eyebrows."

Expose her a**.

"Ignorance is no defense against an enemy," Starlight replied, her face stern as stone. "I study the arts of the enemy so that I can better counter them. Be quiet; just because I have to read what my enemies have written doesn't mean I need to hear their voices."

Someone getting defensive?

"And here we come to the heart of the matter," Adagio darkly chuckled. "The idea that, if you fight monsters, you're free to be a monster." She turned to the crowd of Unmarked. "What pity or mercy does a monster deserve, after all? Why should you grant them what they are not themselves willing to give? What do the hateful deserve but hate, what do the violent deserve but violence, what do the destructive deserve but destruction? What do I, who attempted to put you all in chains, deserve but chains of my own? An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, the law of nature. Fair, and just. But if you're going to give chains for chains, then be honest about it, and if you say that you'll grant mercy stand behind your word. All of you, all Homestria, prattle endlessly about mercy and kindness, turning the other cheek and being compassionate to your foes. But when I come along to test your words, you prove as false as her," she jerked her head at Starlight. "and I find mercy as sweet as lemons. You all keep going on and on about how all are equal, then turn right around and claim that you're morally superior to me, despite having acted not so differently. You chain the one you call slaver, torture the one you call injurer, act monstrous towards the one you call monster, and still you dare to call yourselves better than me. Chain me, torture me, act monstrous towards me if you wish, but at least have the courtesy, the courage, to do so openly, to acknowledge what you're doing. I will call it justice, but I will not call it 'mercy' or 'compassion.' You call yourselves 'merciful' and 'kind;' I call you hypocrites and liars."

Talk your sh*t, adagio. She is on her a**.

"Look!" he laughed, pointing accusingly at the dead Siren on the abandoned platform. "Not only can the elite not protect us, they can't protect their own! Their champion was killed in the center of their power; how can we trust them to protect us on the periphery? Enough is enough! Unprotectors out!"

"He's right," another Unmarked mumbled. "She was the elite's elite and they still let her die."

Y’all couldn’t protect her, either.

Rarity bit her lip; there was a tension in the air, like the calm before a storm. Turning to the person on her left, she tapped them on the shoulder and whispered, "I think now would be a wise time to withdraw."

Withdraw what?

"Does it matter?" the laughing boy asked. "Either through action or inaction, the elite killed her, one of their own; why does it matter which one it was? Unprotectors out!"

How would they know that? What proof do they have?

"Unprotectors out!" the Unmarked roared as they pushed against the Guards' barricade. "Unprotectors out! Unprotectors out! Unprotectors-"

Did something happen?


From Wikipedia:

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.

Essentially, I think Starlight killed Dagi and blamed the government.

Then one of them charged her, teeth glinting like fangs in the light, and she let him come. Once he was within reach, she showed him the mistake he'd made, easily using his momentum to flip him over her shoulder. He spiraled away into the crowd, eventually slamming into one of his comrades and knocking them down.

LET’S GO! So far rarity has been proven to be the best fighter out of all the rainbooms.

Pin ducked under a punch from an Unmarked before retaliating with one of his own. "And how do you propose we do that?" he asked, voice sharp.

For some fashion designers they know how to fight.

She took a breath as she put a hand on her geode. Exhaling, she felt the familiar tingle of her magic, and gently smiled at her slack-jawed friends as they saw the construct gems dancing among her fingers.

"I already know what I need to do," she replied. "Give the Unmarked even more of a reason to hate me."

Ok, I think out of all the rainbooms rarity might be my favorite.

They were slowed almost to a halt at the eight meter mark, two more joining the fallen in the process. The woman who'd initially found Rarity would have joined them if not for a well-timed construct, a feat the spike of pain in her brain would make difficult to repeat.

What women?

The energy behind her command gave out as it approached the edges, but it was the center that was most important for it to strike, and there it struck with self-sacrificial desperation. The Unmarked between them and Shining were cast aside as if by a whirlwind, while those on the edges of the avenue so cleared were either themselves unbalanced by Rarity's gambit or the other victims of it. The way was open, but not for long.

Wait, what did she do?

Thank god. I thought I was the only one thinking that.


You know, I wish they would have told that to the trio of drama queens.

They did...sadly, while they were distracted (AJ and Platinum by fighting about a game, Flutters by trying to break up that fight).

Fight Back.


This girl is ready for any outcome.

Whether protecting Sweetie Belle requires her life or her death, she shall provide it.

Wait, they’re gonna ask questions or something?

Nope. She just means that, if Starlight does press ahead with her petitioning, she and her friends will be ready to tell the government why they should refuse her.

What is she talking about?

She's saying that all the evils that afflict Homestria are really just variants of the root evil of hierarchicalism, despite possibly appearing different. Economic, social, and political oppression are all different sides, but of the same shape, different expressions of the same evil.

I just realized, where is starlight even from?

An excellent question.

Ok, this concept has been used multiple and she's right to a certain extent, but it’s not that simple.

Exactly. Magic isn't just a force for good or evil; it is what its wielder makes of it.

Kill it with fire.

Hasn't the poor woman suffered enough?

Where were you at?

She was in Our Town, but thanks to the internet it was as if she was there at those events.

Oh snap.

Oh, yes.

Expose her.
Someone getting defensive?

Certainly seems that way. Shame that she turned away from her expose to deliver that ending speech.

Say your piece, adagio.

Yes. A fine speech it was, if a bit of a missed opportunity. While the speech was important, who knows how important the other secrets of Starlight she could've exposed would have been?

Y’all couldn’t protect her, either.

Good point. That's not what they want to focus on, though; it makes them look worse, while focusing on the failures of the elite makes them look better.

Withdraw what?

Withdraw oneself away from what seems to be devolving into an angry mob.

How would they know that? What proof do they have?

It makes a good story, one that they already want to hear, and it furthers their goals. Why would they care about proof or reason given that?

Did something happen?

Find out next chapter. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh brother.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Is she right?

The reason I ask is because she’s saying they’re currupt and poisoned, but how would she know? Different places have different rules.

Didn’t that old man say something similar?

Ok, I’m my defense I said that before I knew who/what it was.

I mean where was she at when they were in danger? Because, she’s talking down to the government like she would have been able to do anything.

Is that where the shot came from?

I don’t remember saying that. Did you edit it or something?

Too bad the elites aren’t doing the same thing.

Maybe so they could get more people on their side? Because, I doubt blaming the elites without evidence is going to help.


Oh brother.

Indeed. :ajsleepy:

Is she right?

Just for future reference, if you could quote what you're responding to directly it would be quite helpful. I'm going to assume you mean "Is Starlight right?" and answer that she is and she isn't. There is a root evil in the world, yes, but it isn't hierarchicalism, and equalism is (most emphatically) not the cure for it.

The reason I ask is because she’s saying they’re currupt and poisoned, but how would she know? Different places have different rules.

Where she came from had some differences in rules, but nowhere near enough to lead to this big of a misunderstanding. It's like the difference between Rhode Island and California, not Rhode Island and Qatar.

Didn’t that old man say something similar?


Ok, I’m my defense I said that before I knew who/what it was.

I assumed as much, don't know why I didn't let that affect my response. :rainbowhuh: Sometimes, my behavior confuses even me.

I mean where was she at when they were in danger? Because, she’s talking down to the government like she would have been able to do anything.

Everyone says that they can handle a situation better when they're not the ones dealing with it.

Is that where the shot came from?

I'm going to assume you mean "Is her exposé where the shot came from?" (Again, in future quotes would be highly appreciated.) No, it was not, but thank you for the correction; I'll add in the necessary accent mark (to change it from expose to exposé) as soon as I can.

I don’t remember saying that. Did you edit it or something?

Yes, apologies. I'm a puritan when it comes to my language, even for typing. I try to make it more subtle, but I failed in that regard this time.

Too bad the elites aren’t doing the same thing.

The elites were largely already safe from the mob, with two main exceptions as we'll see in the epilogue.

Maybe so they could get more people on their side? Because, I doubt blaming the elites without evidence is going to help.

If someone came up to you and said that someone else who you already disliked did something bad, and gave you a compelling idea of how they did it, would a lack of evidence stop you from assuming that they did it?


LET’S GO! So far rarity has been proven to be the best fighter out of all the rainbooms.

So far. :raritywink:

For some fashion designers they know how to fight.

Rarity took some self-defense classes after Camp Everfree, and I'm pretty sure dodging and punching are almost instinctual.

Ok, I think out of all the rainbooms rarity might be my favorite.

Glad to hear it! She's one of my favorite characters, either as human or pony, and I actually have barely any clue why.

What women?

The Guard who put her hand on Rarity's shoulder.

Wait, what did she do?

Used her magic to generate thin crystals under the Unmarked's feet, then basically tried to flip them into the air. She ran out of steam before she could do so to all of them, but it did manage to clear the way.


Did she kill anyone?

Well, that’s a shame.

"No, ma'am," Razzaroo sighed. "Most of us are still stumped by what killed her. That stone thing's like nothing we've ever seen before. We have no idea where it came from, who used it, or how they made it. We barely know how it works. The only lead forensics has been able to give us is that it was probably thrown from a high point, though there's no lack of those here."

So it wasn’t a bullet?

"Silver Blaze," Sunset sniffled. "Setting Star. Uncle Lightburst. Rar-" She smacked herself. No. She had to remember what she'd told Razzaroo; Rarity wasn't dead. She didn't know how, but she knew that she was still alive, somehow.

Uncle Lightburst? Why is he called that?

"She's not dead," Sunset snapped. "You hear me? Rarity's not dead. I know she isn't. Until you show me a body, she's not dead."

He never said she was.

"With all due respect, ma'am, your friend isn't the only person missing," Shining replied. "Sir Doseydotes only managed to rescue one of the Majesty sisters, and there are plenty of others who you don't know that still need to be accounted for; Honeydew Hum, Amberlocks, Fade Away... I understand your concern for your friend, but there are others who deserve consideration, too."

One of the principals are missing? How?

"The point is, there are times when you have to choose between giving everything for a friend and completing a mission, and most of the time the best choice, the right choice, is to stick with the mission."

Kakashi would disagree.


So it wasn’t a bullet?


Uncle Lightburst? Why is he called that?

Because he's her uncle.

He never said she was.

She thought he was about to, in her stressed state.

One of the principals are missing? How?

Judging by the use of the word "rescued," it looks like the Unmarked's doing.

Kakashi would disagree.

Perhaps, but is Kakashi right? Is the life of a friend worth the lives of the many?

So it was actually a stone that someone threw?

Sunset has an uncle?

Yeah, but you would think that the principals would carry mace or a taser.

True, but it also depends on what the mission is.


So it was actually a stone that someone threw?

Yes, but

That stone thing's like nothing we've ever seen before

doesn't sound like just any old stone.

Sunset has an uncle?

In my headcanon, yes.

Yeah, but you would think that the principals would carry mace or a taser.

They might, but how effective would that be against a horde?

True, but it also depends on what the mission is.

Yes, it does.

How far away were they in order to chuck that rock?

An uncle in the human world?

I’m not expecting it to work on an entire horde, but at least get three or four people.


How far away were they in order to chuck that rock?

Forensics is still figuring that out.

An uncle in the human world?

Back in Equestria.

I’m not expecting it to work on an entire horde, but at least get three or four people.

That would still leave a good dozen or so free to attack them.

So the uncle is from equestria?

At least it would have gotten some people.


So the uncle is from equestria?


At least it would have gotten some people.

Who would probably be borne away to safety by other Unmarked in the unusually organized retreat.

But, how did he get into the human world?

Yeah, I know that.


But, how did he get into the human world?

Sorry for being unclear, he didn't; he stayed in Equestria his whole life.

Yeah, I know that.


So why is he in the human world?

It would just be an act of defiance.


So why is he in the human world?

He isn't. Where did I say otherwise, if I may ask? It seems I have another thing I need to rewrite clearer.

I think the part about this that most bothers me is that a twenty-sided polyhedron is an icosahedron. Dodecahedrons are twelve-sided. Knowing Starlight, that was intentional.

Well. That definitely could've gone better. I can only imagine how the Guard was allocating everyone if they couldn't afford to reinforce the front line while Starlight was waiting for the crowd to build to critical mass.

I thought that might have been the identity of the captive. As for the one who put the rock in her throat, I doubt they're even human. Far better for every other species with an interest that humanity be divided and squabbling among themselves than united against an even greater threat. (Though Starlight is still a very great threat indeed.)

As for Rarity, I suspect I know where she is. Though I doubt she'll appreciate the local hospitality.

Sunset, meanwhile... the last time she had this much hubris, she had to flee her home universe. I can only hope she gets a sense of perspective sooner rather than later. Maybe if Shining brings in Twilight to knock some sense into her. Either Twilight. Possibly both at once if that's what it takes. And Adagio's final words are all too pertinent. Saving everyone would mean saving even Starlight. Can Sunset find it within herelf to do so, or has she already chosen to answer monstrosity with monstrosity?

But yes, this has definitely demonstrated the devastating power at Starlight's command. And I fear that even the horrors her people have inflicted won't be enough to turn some prospective supporters away from the cause. We'll see what happens from here.

Rattling off a list of the lost after such a climactic scene, especially a list that includes Rarity, implies that all of those losses were incurred in the riot.


Nope, totally accidental on the author's part! :twilightblush:


Well. That definitely could've gone better. I can only imagine how the Guard was allocating everyone if they couldn't afford to reinforce the front line while Starlight was waiting for the crowd to build to critical mass.

The main problem was that the square wasn't the only place the Guard needed to be; just because Starlight was coming to town didn't mean that all burglars or muggers or what-have-you would stop, so Shiny needed to make sure the rest of the city was protected, hence the Guards Rarity saw on the streets. This is actually part of a point I ended up not having Shiny and Sunset talk about, namely how, due to the duty of care they possess towards others, they can't throw everything they have at Starlight; there are other potential threats and problems that they need to protect those under them from, too.

I thought that might have been the identity of the captive. As for the one who put the rock in her throat, I doubt they're even human. Far better for every other species with an interest that humanity be divided and squabbling among themselves than united against an even greater threat. (Though Starlight is still a very great threat indeed.)

You're more right than you know with your guess at her killer's identity, as well as the main reason Starlight's arrival is so disastrous; every sign says that the apocalypse is coming, now is not a good time to have to deal with a fringe political cult. (Though she has more up her sleeves than that...)

As for Rarity, I suspect I know where she is. Though I doubt she'll appreciate the local hospitality.

I doubt she will, either.

Sunset, meanwhile... the last time she had this much hubris, she had to flee her home universe. I can only hope she gets a sense of perspective sooner rather than later. Maybe if Shining brings in Twilight to knock some sense into her. Either Twilight. Possibly both at once if that's what it takes.

Indeed. She needs to understand that she isn't the maker or breaker of worlds; she's just a girl, a skilled one and blessed with great gifts and friends but still just a girl. Hopefully someone, maybe Twilight like you said, can show her that, otherwise...

A Turin Turambar turun' ambartanen: master of doom by doom mastered! O happy to be dead!

-The Silmarillion

And Adagio's final words are all too pertinent. Saving everyone would mean saving even Starlight. Can Sunset find it within herself to do so, or has she already chosen to answer monstrosity with monstrosity?

A vital question, one that we shall have to wait and see her answer to.

But yes, this has definitely demonstrated the devastating power at Starlight's command. And I fear that even the horrors her people have inflicted won't be enough to turn some prospective supporters away from the cause. We'll see what happens from here.

What horrors? Their treatment of Adagio? That was okay, she was an enemy of the people. The deaths at the riot? Those were the work of the agents of the elite, falsely ascribed to the Unmarked in an attempt to smear their name. They had no hand in the riot at all, actually; it was really staged by the elite and their agents disguised as the Unmarked! :pinkiecrazy: While the last one is perhaps too fantastical to believe, the others are at least plausible, giving the Unmarked cover to continue to spread. Remember, in politics truth is relative, and reasonable doubt is as good as innocence to your supporters. As for where we go from here, the Unmarked seem set on continuing their spiral into unreason and cruelty. If deaths due to a riot aren't enough to stop them, what could be? What could bring them back to objective reality? We shall have to see.

Rattling off a list of the lost after such a climactic scene, especially a list that includes Rarity, implies that all of those losses were incurred in the riot.

Oh, gotcha. Sorry! If it helps, she listed the first three before, at the end of Ms. Shimmer Goes to Castellot.

If he’s not in the human world, then why did sunset mention him as one of the people that went missing?


If he’s not in the human world, then why did sunset mention him as one of the people that went missing?

She didn't, though I suppose it is a bit unclear; she wasn't listing the people who went missing, she was listing those she herself had lost. She referenced the first three before, in Ms. Shimmer Goes to Castellot:

Setting Star, Silver Blaze, and Uncle Lightburst began dancing behind her eyes as they had when she was younger.

Hope this clears it up a bit.

Ohh. So setting star and silver blaze are her parents, right?


I'm not going to revoke your story over this, but your short description isn't adequate - it doesnt' describe what happens in the story, and is actually skirting the line of acceptable use of copyrighted song lyrics.

For your own sake, it's better if your short description is simply an abridged version of your long description, something that tells readers what to expect about the story and entice them to click on it to read the full thing. This would have failed moderation if you'd submitted to mod queue, and it's definitely in your best interest to fix it as soon as possible.


Okay, thanks for letting me know.


Ohh. So setting star and silver blaze are her parents, right?


Ohh. Ok, you may wanna make things a little more clear so there’s no more misunderstandings.

Oh, like the death of Miraz in Prince Caspian.

"I won't just abandon Rarity like that," Sunset snapped, tearing up. "I'll make it so I don't have to choose; I'll save everyone."

I’m getting some major Shirou Emiya vibes here, and I’m not sure how to feel about it.


Neither am I, namely because I didn't know who that was until you mentioned it. :derpytongue2:

Survivor's guilt, hero complex, wants to save everyone, even the guys trying to kill him. I get wanting to save everyone, but sometimes that's just not a viable option, especially when the person you want to save would happily slit your throat.

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