• Member Since 20th Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Just a teen with a big imagination and a desire to write!!! (Note: I have a lot of changes of heart so please don't mind if I keep changing some things in stories and maybe change the titles)


I was just wondering, wasn't jealousy just too petty of a reason for Princess Luna to become Nightmare Moon.
BONUS : Her first encounter with Princess Cadance.

This story is just something that occurred to me while rewatching frozen. It's not in the same universe as any of my other stories.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )
Comment posted by sapphireStarzzzz deleted Jul 3rd, 2021

I liked the ending. I want to explore similar ideas in a long form idea. Of a Luna that rejects princesshood and the mantles of royalty. Looking for a life that truly fufillls her? After all why go back to the thing that caused such strife for three millenia? Even for a sister?

Next chapter.

Ps. I am glad to see someone explore rhis idea. :twilightsmile:

Thank You!! This is my first fic so I was worried whether people would like it or not.

Comment posted by sapphireStarzzzz deleted Aug 19th, 2022

I understand well. Its so thrilling and exciting, no? Then ..the first like? I squed. Lol!

Have a fun time on fimfiction. It can be pretty cool!

Hello. Well-done. I like stories where royal sisters dealing with evil thoughts. And how they directly handling that. It's quite nice short story to start with.

I'm looking forward to new stories. :derpytongue2:

I've already started writing another fic. However, I won't be submitting it until I'm done writing cause leaving things incomplete is not how I roll.

Please give feedback to help me improve my story.

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