• Published 9th Jul 2021
  • 372 Views, 6 Comments

High Fantasy, Low Budget - The REAL Seth Standmore

When the Great and Powerful Trixie runs out of drugs, she fantasizes about the drugs she would buy if she had more money to buy drugs. Rated drugs for drugs and talking about them too.

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Trixie: If Only I Had Money To Buy Drugs

Author's Note:

Authorsnose Seth Standmore here with a new story that I wrote to get into a Discord writing server by two people who I don't know, they promised me candy too and a video tape of Madonna, the prompt for the story writing was High Fantasy Low Budget and when I thought about it that meant to me that it was a person fantasizing about having drug's and being on drug's even though they do not have money and drug's are expensive, now I ahve already wriutten one story about drug's and also another about alcohol (that was Dark Scootaloo) so this is my second attempt at writing about these serious issue's, as you can see Trixe need's help and should go to rehash to get cleansed, or at least do a juice cleanse like my uncle's cool friend Pork Chop when he had cancer and also addiction to heroine

Anyway this story has three blue tag's, I chose them because Trixie is the Cerulean Unicorn Mage and the tag's are the same color as her. That mean's there are three genres for the story witch I will explain to you now.

Sad. This refer's to story's that are sad. They have event's and character's that make the reader's weep tear's of bitter and regency. Sad story's go all the way back to William Shatner in 1492 when he wrote his great play The Two Gentlemen of Veronica, in it there were two men who both wanted to get marry'd to Veronica but, Veronica jumped out of a window and drowned, the two gentlemen then cried and one of them was named Montague and the other was named Capsule, it was a prequel to Romeo and Julian. For more information on sad story's go to wikipedia https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9DuzjvOdg3aQAQLxXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZANDMjAwM18xBHNlYwNzYw--/RV=2/RE=1625828708/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fSeasonal_affective_disorder%23%3a~%3atext%3dFrom%2520Wikipedia%252C%2520the%2520free%2520encyclopedia%2520Not%2520to%2520be%2csame%2520time%2520each%2520year%252C%2520most%2520commonly%2520in%2520winter./RK=2/RS=53G3ljmWZILoy6J_jI5mmVOfbW4-

Drama. This refer's to story's that have Drama in them, the drama is a word for thing's that happen which make the reader's go GASP and OHHHHH, these thing's include when there is sex, when there is death, and when there is a secret that nobody know's that one person does know. Drama story's have there origin in Don Quixote's famous book Miguel de Cervantes when the hero Carvantes the Pirate searched for the cursed sword Soul Edge, they later made a video game out of it it was called Undertale. For more information about drama story's go to here https://dramakids.com/

Sluice of Life I dont know what this mean's I think its like it's Lucky Star, for more information on slice of lice go watch Lucky Star.

Anyway I hope this story satisfy's Mister Beans and TheSmockingGay, allow me into your discard server so that I may STAND MORE WITH YOU.

edidcated to my uncles friend pork chop who died of old man caner and in a car accident

Trixie was rolling around on the floor of her trailer, she was moaning and howling. "Ohhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" she groaned, as she rolled she bumped into the discarded can's of Beer and Wine, the bottle's of Martinelli's hard cider and, of course the used pile's of drug's. That's right, Trixie is a drug's addiction, she has been addiction to drug's ever since the first season when Twilight defeted her in a magic cumflict.

The drug's Trixie was on was mostly Weed, she had a lot of USed Weed Needle's for putting Weed into her body, she also had many Weed Cigarettes that she had smoked all the way (authorsnote, if you r confused look at the story image, that is what a weed cigarette looks like when Trixie smoke's one), and of course her bung with the weed juice, however she was out of weed juice after drinking it all, she even try'd mixing it into the Apple Cider to make a Cock Tale, and it was great however, it also made her run out of weed faster.

Trixie rolled onto her Belly and clumbed onto her Hoofs, she said "Well if Trixie can't do drug's then she might as well go to Ponyville to see if she can afford more drug's." She trotted out the door and to Ponyville, as she traveled she looked around at all the happy pony's doing there normal pony activity's. She snerffled and sighed, "they dont know Im on drugs, and they dont know what it is like to have drug's."

Trixie trotted all the way to Ponyville to the castle where Twilight Sparkle was at, she knew that Twilight had a mirror to go to the world of Equestria Girl's (Authorsnote since Equestria is the name of the Pony world I think that the human world is called Girls) and she had gotten a flyer for the new Drug's Store that opened in Girls just the other day.


Trixie was drinking weed juice out of her bung when all of a sudden someone came up to her, she was Homura Johnson a girl from theworld of Girls but, Trixie did not know that. Homura Johnson handed Trixie a flyer and smacked her hoof making the bung crash and break on the floor.

"Hey what the BEEP was that for? Trixie is gonna mess you up now, she'll rough and tumble you!"

The girl who was Homura Johnson but Trixie ddint' know that flipped her hare and put a flyer into Trixie's hoof, she said "don't do drug's, especially not weed juice it kill's you, here take this flyer for a drug store don't ever go there, they sell weed juice weed needle's and weed cigarettes."

Trixie looked at the flyer for the drug store in the world of Girls and smuckered wickingly, "Hmmm hmm hmm Trixie know's where she's going to next time she need's more drug's.

End flashback

But Trixie then just now remembered that to get drug's you need money and she spent all her money on other thing's like drug's and abalone for her ex wife Starlight Clammer! She dropped to her pony butt cheek's, her butt cheek's squished when they touched the floor, and she started to warp. She thought, "what would happen if I did have money, well then I could go to Girls to this new Drug Store to get drug's!" She fantasyd about what that would be like.


Authors note the story is now going to be in first person because it is a fantasy from Trixe's PVO (point of view)

Trixie thought, "if I had money to buy drug's I would walk right in there." She could see it all now, the wall's and wall's of drug's lining the shelfs, the many new bong's shaped like private part's and also gun's, and of course the glimmering Weed Noodles for injunction weed, she cackled gleefilly as she thought about it all.

"I would walk right up to the counter and say One bottle of weed juice," she thought to herself. The person behind the counter, who she decided was probably looked like Twilight Sparkle said "that will be twenty dollar's." Unfortunately Trixie only had bit's not dollar's.

"Truck" she sweared (authors note she can't say the F word because this story is wrated T not F, so that is the F word but with a T in front of it because she is Trixie and thats how she talks," she said "Well can't we work out some kind of arrangement?"

The pony who looked like Twilight Sparkle said "Well if yuou give me that hat, I will give you one Bung and three can's of Weed Beer to put in the bung."

Trixie knew that the hat had been in her family for Generationals and was recalcitrant to part with it, but she knew her addicted to Weed was too powerful to resist for lung, she tearingly said "Yes darnit I agree!" She sold her hat for the weed, and took it into the back alley where she poured the weed into her bung.

"Tamn Trixie's godtamn addicted to weed!" (Authors note just like the F word I have put the T in front of the D word so that she isnt saying the actual swear word, swear word's are not a genre that Fimfiction allow's). She knew that she had lost her hat for good....... and more impotently............. a major part of her Soul.

End fishblack

When trixie finished Fanta ing she got up off the floor, her butt cheek's were not squashed any more. "Well crying about it won't do, I'd better get to Rehab and fast!" So she dusted herself off and marched her way to the rehab clinic where Bo Jackson and Sara Lynn Spears went, at the front desk she said "Hello this is Trixie, the great and powerful obviously, and I need help." And that was how Trixie went to rehab.


"Wow so thats what it would be like if I went to rehab..................." Said Trixie gormingly. "But that will never happen."

Surrendering to despair she fell asleep among her cans, her bottles, her weed cigarettes, and of course, her bung.......... consumed by the addicted to Weed.

Comments ( 5 )

oh god you didn't have to do this man


Yes he did. And we are all better people for it.

You had me at "cumflict".

Truth: the author's note is the best part of the story. Best of luck getting into the drugscord.

Whew. Breathtaking. ♥♥♥♥♥

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