• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 485 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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no3 - beary big problems

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy stood in the forests as they looked for any sign of Doctor Genus’s base to stop him. Fluttershy didn’t want to have to go apart from Georg but, the mission asked for it so she had to.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy you’ll be back to Georg again in no time once we find this guy” Rarity told her.

“I know and we will find him and stop him before he hurts more people” Fluttershy answered.

“And I think I see something. Through the trees” Sunset said.
Everyone followed to join her and as they looked through the trees they can see a shiny thing from a metal structure just their and it stood out. They pushed through the trees of the forest and soon they were standing outside a metal structure that was shaped like a tower though it was still in construction, it wasn’t finished.

“I think we found him” Rainbow said. She tapped the metal and it made a sound. “Quite solid, someone took trouble to make this”

“Is their a way in?” Sunset felt the metal but, she cannot read the mind of metal.

“I don’t see any doors” Pinkie ran her hands on it. “What if we clap like in the Arabian Nights?”

“That’s a secret code not a clap” Rarity replied.

“I think it was like don’t eat my sesame cake?” Applejack said.

“That doesn’t sound right” Sunset answers.

“I think its open sesame” Rainbow said, then the door opened in the base. “Wow I was only making things up, let’s go girls”
The Defenders descended into the building which is a staircase leading down. Twilight used her psychic to sense the way to see if their were enemies hiding their to ambush them but, she said their were none so they kept going down. At the bottom of the stairs was a big room with a white light above and at the end of the room is a Monster. It is a bear hybrid and a man and he is hairy but, he stands on two legs and he has thumbs with claws and he is bigger than all of them.

“Welcome I am here to stop you” He said. “I am Bear Commander, I was a human who was made into a human-bear hybrid by Doctor Genus the mad genius and you will not get past me to the lower levels, their are five levels down”

“We will stop you and the doctor so that he will stop making more hybrids” Rainbow said and she powered on her suit.
The other Defenders did the same and there suits come out over their cloths. All of them are skin tight and really bring out their body shape but, with different features, like Rainbow’s motorbike helmet, Fluttershy’s Robin Mask, Rarity had a hairtie that was purple and with tubes in it that glowed, Applejack had a new hat, Twilight had a cape, Pinkie had some armor like a football player, and Sunset had arm blades so that she had a weapon besides just her powers. They all also had quite nice bodies so the suits really worked.

Pinkie threw confetti at the Monster and she detonated them and they blew up around the Monster but, not even his fur was damaged and he walked to them and tried to cut them with his claws and the Defenders avoided him and went around the room to different positions. Rainbow ran fast and punched him all over and Applejack tackled him to try and make him fall but, the Bear Commander shrugged them away and they fell to the ground. Twilight picked up Sunset in her psychic and threw her at Bear Commander. He tried to cut her but, Rarity used her barriers to protect Sunset. When Sunset was close she touched him and she could see his past as he was a man from the mountains and he lived in a log cabin then he was kidnapped by a gorilla and then Doctor Genus did experiments on him and he became Bear Commander.

“I see your memories, you will stop attacking us now” Sunset said when she touched him.

“I will stop attacking you now” Bear Commander replied.

“You will go live your life in the forest” Sunset said.

“Yes I will live my life in the forest” Bear Commander answered then walked out of the base.

“Easy enough” Rainbow said. “We should just keep using your powers on them Sunset. No Empty Alone to defeat you this time”

“Yes your right” Sunset agreed. “Let’s see what else they have down here”

“I hope its ok below” Fluttershy said. “I don’t want to have to harm animals but, they are Monsters now”

“As a team we can do this” Applejack said. And the girls all put their hands together and lifted them.
The Defenders continued down to look for the end and they didn’t know that their was a camera standing in the corner of the ceiling and it was watching them and recording information back to Doctor Genus.

“They made their way through the first floor easily” Doctor Genus said to his clones of himself standing in the corner. They all looked the same but, now they have white cloths as opposed to his labcoat and black cloths. It feels good to have all this again, to find the ultimate lifeform. “I have seen their powers and I will have to work somethings into my creations now that I have found the source of magic in the forest”

In his table was the magical mushrooms he found outside a cave that had a lot of magic and now, he could make his hybrids stronger. The first thing he needed to make sure was the power to resist Sunset’s touch. If she can touch someone she can control them and that would be a big problem if not dealt with.

Now he had made a new injection to give his new creations to have them resist this power. He walks to them who are lined against the wall outside his lab room and they are waiting. Of them is Beast King again, remade with a man and a lion together and he is more powerful than he was before and he can tear a car in half with no effort. Then their is Mosquito Girl as sexy as ever standing their with her feminine body, which was very revealing. She was faster than before thanks to magic and she would be very strong too. Then their was Ground Dragon who was also made before but, now remade with stronger claws and he was taller. Then Armored Gorilla 2.0 also who is more metal than before. Doctor Genus injected all of them and his other creations that included some new hybrids and now they are all immune to mind control magic.

“Now go and destroy the city while these heroes are here” He ordered them. “Let us see what we can find of ultimate lifeforms”

“Yes Doctor Genus” All of them replied.
The Monsters left his lab and went out a secret entrance to the forest to go to the city while he looked at the Heroes coming down the floors. They will have more challenges to face and the further they came to him, the more he will learn and adapt his creations and they will then not be able to stop them anymore. He looked at his secret in the corner of the room which, is a beating heart that is very big in a tank. It was bigger than him and it had tubes that he was putting codes and syrups into to make it the ultimate lifeform. After learning more from everything his Monsters will go out to face, nothing will be able to stop him again, not even Saitama.

“I am Doctor Genus and I am a mad genius” He said out.
His clones agreed with him.