• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 485 Views, 23 Comments

Hero for justice. - Georgdoza

I continue my adventure as Saitama and continue to defend Canterlot from new threats.

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Numero 4) Talking sense

I put down another card on the table and then Arctic Ace puts down all his cards in a flush. An ace flush of course.
“Looks like I win again” He said.

“Ah, even with all my strength I cannot win a card game” I replied and I put my cards on the table.

“Its ok we are all good at different things” Ace said.

“That’s true” I answered.

“Hey do you think their will be monsters to attack us here? With the Defenders at there base you think they would focus on them?” Ace asked.

“I would think so” I replied. But I am not sure. I don’t know how bad guys operate and they will surely send Monsters to attack the town because, their evil. “We must be ready for anything”

“Yeah ok” Ace answers.

Just as he said those words their is an explosion and I hear screams from outside. Someone is in trouble. And we left the cafeteria table to go have a look and see who needs saving. Their are people running away on the street and on the other end I see Metal Bat has already beaten us their and he is facing off against some kind of pig monster that is big and has tusks and big arms.

“Your bat can break my bones? How” He asked. “I am Pigskin and I am the mighty warrior who was once a wrestler but, then Doctor Genus combined me with pig DNA and now I am here as a powerful Monster, who shouldn’t be able to have his bones, broken by your bat”

“My bat is special at beating Monsters” Metal Bat replied.
He smashed his bat at Pigskin and his whole head caved in and he is dead.

“Wow Metal Bat is strong” Ace said.

“What do you expect, from a S rank hero?” I told him.

Then their are more Monsters from the corner, their is a buffal, a tiger and a snake hybrid Monsters. The bufallo has the head of a bull and then a humanish body and the tiger is all body tiger but, he has thumbs and wearing a vest, the snake is a snake and a man but, his neck is very long and he has blonde hair from his head.

“We are all here to teach you humans a lesson on who is more powerful!” The tiger said.

“Time to move in” I told Ace.

He agreed and we both put our super suits on and we went their to face them. Then from above, I see the Crusaders on the building and, they are holding their special machines.

“Crusaders to the rescue!” Applebloom said and she was the first to jump.
She put her piece in front and she combined it with Sweaty Belle’s piece and then Scootaloo put hers on top and their weapons turned into a giant mechanical horse and they are now inside it in three pieces which opens around them to make it so they are now piloting their weapon.

“Horse centurion mode” They said at once.

“Good to have more help I guess” I said.

“Georg, Arctic Ace good to see you these Monsters have been causing trouble on the street” Metal Bat said when he saw us. “I’ve already killed two. Now their are three more”

“Its ok their are not many, we can take them” I replied. I raise my fist.

“Look at them thinking they can beat us” The Bufalo said. “I am McHorns and I was once a tax payer in the city and I was captured and given a lot of power, now look at me”

“And I am Tiger Menace” The Tiger said. “I was a plumber but now I am changed by Doctor Genus”

“And I am Sneck” The Snake said, “And my neck can extend very far and I used to have a long neck when I was a human and people always made fun of me, look who is making fun now?”

“Either way we cannot let you do this we will stop you” Ace answered.

“Good we will see just how strong you are so that Doctor Genus will know his creations are the Most powerful” Tiger Menace said.

McHorns immediately ran at the Crusaders and he hit their metal horse and began to push at them and they are dragging they’re hoofs on the floor to try and stop him. Tiger Menace slashed at Metal Bat and he raised his bat but, the force sent him flying into a building and he broke the wall a bit. Sneck was our fight and he first moved by extending his neck and trying to bite Ace. Ace jumped away and used his ice powers to freeze the snake’s neck. Because he is a cold blooded animal, now he is super cold and he begins to shiver. He cannot move his neck because, cold makes you contract and he cannot do anything.

“How dare you beat me so fast” He said.

“It wasn’t hard” I answer, then I look at Ace. And he nods. We both ready our fists and his now has ice frozen over it like a glove and we punch together and Sneck explodes into ice shards as his body freezes from the contact and from the freeze earlier. “It really wasn’t hard”

I high five Ace then we go help Metal Bat, who is still somewhere in the building and Tiger Menace is waiting for him. The Crusaders stop McHorn’s charge and then he kick at him with they’re front hoofs and McHorns flinches from each blow and steps back. Then they blow steam in his face from the horse mouth and then at the end of the steam their is fire and his head is burned now.

“Fire!” He yells and he tries to beat it out.

The Crusaders use that time to transform the horse hoofs into boxing gloves and they punch at him more but, then he catches their hands and he rams his horns into them. The horse sparks electric and they fall apart into three pieces and the Crusaders are lying on the ground and they look in pain.

“You put up a fight but, I am superior” McHorns said. He patted out his head fire and his hair is gone from the top.

“I will help them you help Metal Bat” I said to Ace.

“Ok” He answered.

I wasn’t going to let them hurt my friends further and being a hero I had to protect them, so I went to McHorns and I wave my fists, I know he cannot resist it because, my gloves are red and when a buffal sees red, he knows.

“Oh you tempt me” He said. “I have no choice but, to charge at you”

“Yes, now come” I replied. I wave my fists more and he begins to slide one foot on the ground. Then he ran at me with his head and he wanted to stab me with his horns but, I step forward one step and I punch and my fist connects with his head first and then his whole body exploded into a mess. He was completely gone.

“You girls ok?” I asked the Crusaders and I helped them up.

“Thanks Georg I thought we had them” Scootaloo thanked.

“Back to the drawing board for stronger metal” Applebloom said.

“If only you girls had vibranium” I told them. “It’s the strongest metal in the Marvel universe and Captain America uses it for his shield”

“Ok, cool” Sweaty Belle said. “Let’s go see if we can find vibranium”

The three girls went away and I look to see what Ace is up to now with Tiger Menace.
Unfortunately it wasn’t so good and he was freezing the tiger but, the Tiger Menace was cutting through his ice with his claws and he looked angry but, not hurt enough to die yet

“Your ice cannot beat me” Tiger Menace said. “Now you will die. Animal Claw Buzzsaaaaw”

And he spun his arms forward very fast and they became almost like windmills and Ace brought up a lot of ice in between but, then one cut him but, he wasn’t their anymore and it was just an ice sculpter version of him and he was now next to me away from harm but, Tiger Menace was getting closer.

“He doesn’t freeze easily” Ace said.

“Seems so. I got this” I replied.

As the claws got closer I put both arms out and when they came down to cut me, they stopped against my arms and they stopped so hard that the arms broke instantly and his arms are now in a weird shape with the bones inside in zig zags.

“Ah my arms!” Tiger Menace said and he drop to his knees.

“Now we can finish this” I wave at Ace.

He nodded and he began to freeze Tiger Menace, now without his claws he was getting turned into a block of ice and soon it was like he was some cave man that we found in the arctic. He was frozen solid. I high five Ace again and we help Metal Bat from inside the building.

“Your quite strong yourself Arctic Ace” He told Ace. “You should be in S rank too”

“It’s ok, A rank is still ok for me, I’ll just keep trying” Ace replied.

“That’s another situation solved” I said. “I wonder what Doctor Genus is going to do next”

“He is going to send more help” Their is a woman’s voice above us.

We all look up and I recognize her immediately, it is Mosquito Girl from One Punch Man and she looks exactly the same which is incredibly hot for a Monster and she has a lot of mosquitos flying around her.

“Wow who is she, she’s hot” Ace said.

“I know right” I replied, then I breath. “That’s Mosquito Girl, she’s also from One Punch Man, where Metal Bat is from, she can control mosquitos to suck blood for her and then she gets more powerful and if she takes all of it she turns into her red speed form and she becomes quite strong to even beat a S rank hero with her speed and power”

“Do we need to beat her, she’s so attractive” Ace said. He seemed in love now with how she looked. I cannot blame him. When I first saw Mosquito Girl in the manga as well, I thought she looked so pretty it was a waste to kill her off, she could come back again maybe as a good guy, wait a minute, maybe we can actually do That.

“We can try and get her to join us” I said, Then their are arms that grab my feet and I am pulled underground. “Wait this is familiar too. Ground Dragon?”

“How do you know my name” Ground Dragon pops up next to me.. He is taller than the manga.

I breath. Here we go again. “You are all from a manga that I read, One Punch Man, and for some reason all of you are being sent here from another world by someone called Phantom Wizard, or at least, Doctor Genus was sent here, all you are is his creations so you were from here but, he made you into something that he made before and now here you are almost the same but, taller”

“Yes he said he perfected his creations this time with magic” Ground Dragon showed me his claws, they are longer and look stronger “We are more powerful than his old creations and we will kill you all”

“Ok you can try” I said. Then I see Armored Gorilla, he is also here and he is standing behind Metal Bat. Metal Bat tries to swing his bat at him but, Armored Gorilla hit him with his arm and he is flung back into the same window of the building. Armored Gorilla looks more armored and has more metal parts all over him now. They all looked more powerful than before.

“In the name of Doctor Genus you will all be tested today” Armored Gorilla told us.

“Sounds neat” I replied. Then I walk out of the hole in the ground. Ground Dragon is surprised but, I am not. Saitama also did it. “Come and fight then”

Armored Gorilla threw a punch at me but, I avoided it and it slammed into the sidewalk and Arctic Ace used his ice to slide up to face Mosquito Girl in the air. She sends her mosquitos after him and he dodges on his ice slide by jumping, then he makes another one under him as he uses to travel up closer towards her.

“Face my mosquitos” Mosquito Girl said.
She shot more mosquitos at Ace but, he dodged them some more and he kept jumping around and creating new ice under his feet to get him further. He also freezed some mosquitos as they flew at him and they were in balls of ice that crashed to the road below and killed some mosquitos.

“You think you can defeat me?” Mosquito Girl asked. “I am now more powerful than I was before you cannot win”

“Well I don’t want to kill you I want you to see the error of your ways and stop this” Arctic Ace replied. “You don’t need to try and kill people, who said you do?”

“Doctor Genus, duh” Mosquito Girl answered.

“Well you don’t need to listen to him none of you do” Ace said. “You are all your own people you don’t need to do his bidding, what is your heart telling you?”

“I want to destroy everything and prove to the world that we are stronger than humans!” Mosquito Girl said.

“What if I beat you? Then you will believe you are not stronger?” Ace asked.

“Of course that is how it works isn’t it, if someone who is not a hybrid beats a hybrid” She said.

“Then game on “ Ace said.

And the fight started. He fired ice at her from his hands but, she moved very quickly and she got out of the way and sent her mosquitos after him. Ace dodged some and then he used a ice attack around himself and it expanded around him and mosquitos were frozen and they fell. He continued to slide up on his ice slope like Ice Man and Each time he would stop a little and jump to avoid mosquitos and freeze them. So far none of them had damaged the other and they almost looked evenly matched but, then, Mosquito Girl disappeared in a zip and she was behind him. Ace was shocked but, he was too late as she grabbed him then attacked him and he fell down and would have hit the ground but, he managed to create a ice tower and he landed on it and he was ok except, he was hurt a bit.

“You are strong” He said.

“Yes I know. I told you” Mosquito girl told. “And you haven’t even seen my full power yet”

“And you also haven’t seen mine and I don’t see I have to use it” Ace replied.

“Very interesting. So we don’t want to use our full powers, I guess we will neither have a win” Mosquito Girl said.

“I will show you that I can win without” Ace replied.
He used his powers and now their is a giant ice globe around them and Mosquito girl didn’t realize he had created it earlier and she is only seeing it now.

“What is your plan?” She asked.

“You will see” Ace replied.

And now that their was a globe around them the mosquitos were trying to fly around but, their is a gust inside the globe and the wind is making them unable to go anywhere and they are having difficulty and soon they are just dropping dead when they are frozen. Insects are not good with the cold that is why they hibernate in the winter and now with this cold in this globe they are dying. Ace is resistant to cold because, Ice is his power. It would be dumb if he was also weak to it.

“No you will stop this” She said.

Mosquito Girl is big enough and she flies at Ace and he has to get out of the way to avoid her. She crashes into the globe and the ice cracks but, now that she has no mosquitos with her, Ace shoots ice at her and it begins to freeze her body. She tries to get away but now, she cannot and she is struggling as her body is being frozen and because she is now part insect, she is freezing faster.

I smile when I see that Ace is about to win his battle already because, I am also about to do it. Armored gorilla has been trying to punch me this whole time and I stood still to let him punch because, I wanted to see if he could do anything but, indeed Saitama’s powers in me has made me very strong and I don’t even feel a thing from his punching and it is not even like wind blowing against me. Ground Dragon is also surprised but, he stands their doing nothing because, he is not sure how to do anything. And Armored Gorilla’s attacks are so furious that if he gets close he could actually die. But I cannot. Now that I see that Ace has won I bring back a hand and I punch at Armored Gorilla’s fist as it comes back to try and punch me. It breaks at the knuckles and then it continues to shatter up his arm and then his whole right arm is destroyed in a explosion and he is so stunned that he falls back a step and I kick his legs out from him and he really falls down because, his legs are completely gone as well.

“No way you are so strong” He said.

“Ground Dragon, get him” Armored Gorilla said that he now cannot move.

Ground Dragon looked at me for a while then, he tried to slash me with his claws and they are longer and they look like metal, which is not the same as the one from the anime. He actually reminded me of Wolverine from Xmen with his adamantium claws. Maybe Ground Dragon’s claw are also made of adamantium. But, it doesn’t matter because, when they hit me they shattered immediately, even the strongest metal cannot harm me.

Ground Dragon tries to claw me again and I aim low and I punch him. Immediately the ground explodes under our feet as I hit him and he is thrown into pieces around the road and he is defeated now and their is only Mosquito Girl and a weakened Armored Gorilla left that I can try to convince to be good like he has become in the manga and like Doctor Genus as well.

“Why do you listen to the doctor?” I asked. “You don’t need to fight”

“I must because, I want to know that I am now stronger thanks to his hybrid science” Armored Gorilla said.

“But I have just beaten you and therefore it is not true that hybrids are better if I can beat you as a normal human” I replied. I made a good point.

“That is true” Armored Gorilla also thinks so. “Ok for now I will not continue to listen to Doctor Genus because, your words are speaking to me”

I smile and I said yes to him. Now all that was left was Mosquito Girl and Ace and I decided to look over to see.