• Published 16th Jul 2021
  • 491 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures Paused - Dragon Shimmer

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Checking ability

---------Next day-------

Sunset teleports to the Guild building. She looks around and only sees Violet and Karen inside. Sunset feels weird about this but she just goes to the wine bar and asks her where they are. Karen says they are going out to do something outside. Sunset hears that and flies back to the magic circle to return home because she feels lazy today. When she returns, she goes to her working room immediately.

Eldaro and Javen come inside the Guild. Eldaro feels weird because Sunset is not here this time. He asks Karen where she is and Karen replies that Sunset is at her house because she feels lazy today. Eldaro asks her where her house is and Karen leads the duo to Sunset's house. Karen nods and leads them to her house. Sunset's house is just a wooden house with some rooms. Javen feels weird about this while Eldaro just steps up and knocks on the door. The door opens and Sunset stands there.

"Okay... why did you come to my house?" Sunset rubs her head, "I thought that your guild is free."

"It is," Eldaro points his thumb outside, "But I heard you are going too lazy so I come here to drag you out." Then the door closes. Eldaro quickly opens the door and comes in, drags Sunset out of the house by her tail, as Sunset struggles to get out.

"No, I want to be lazy today," Sunset holds her claws to stick to the door, "I want a daybreak,"

Eldaro uses a spell on the door, making it extremely slippery, and Sunset's claws are off the door. Sunset sighs and lets Eldaro drag her like he drags a monster. She glances back at Eldaro, "Well, this is for the fight right? Really, I don't think any spot to do though."

"Well... no. Because we have to clean up the board," Karen boops at Sunset's snout, "It's cute to boop your nose though but like I said, we should "clean up" the board because many quests are coming too much and we just got four members."

"Fine, but I deny moving," Sunset rubs her snout, "But anyway, do we have a large quest today?" Karen shakes her head, Sunset sighs, "Well, I will help you to "clean" the board."

"And a battle," Eldaro glances at Sunset, "Don't tell me you forget to do that." Sunset rolls her eyes as Eldaro keeps dragging the dragon to the guild.

After dragging Sunset to the guild, Eldaro puts her down without care. Sunset gets up and glares at him, but she just sits on the chair like usual, and Javen is still outside. After a while, Javen comes back and asks Sunset to go with him. Sunset and the rest follow him. After walking a moment, they come to the spot that has nothing around there.

"Hey, that's the good spot. You manage to find it." Karen looks around the spot, "I will track here for training."

Karen looks around then asks, "Can I train with you then? I don't want to be useless like the times we are in that base." Karen nods in agreement.

Javen claps his hands together, "All right. I came here to test your dragon." Javen points at Sunset, "Come here and we will test you."

Sunset steps up, "All right. Just don't hold back." Javen nods and he takes out his shield, while Sunset takes out her sallet and her staff to wear it. Javen sees that and feels weird when her equipment is not the usual one.

Javen takes out a sword inside the shield and charges at Sunset. Sunset throws "Fireball" at him but he slashes it into two. When Javen comes close, he swings the sword as Sunset dodges the slashes. Javen keeps swinging the sword to the dragon but Sunset keeps dodging all the slashes. Javen jumps backward and throws an ice spiked ball at Sunset. Sunset deflects it back to Javen. He sees that and slashes it away, then he just stands there.

Sunset covers her staff with a fire aura and charges at Javen. Javen raises his shield and prepares for any incoming attack from her. Sunset slides and uses "Fire Slash" at his leg. Javen doesn't have time to react as he takes the hit. His leg armors is a bit hotter. Sunset gets up, forms many lances made of fire, and throws them at him. Javen has to raise the shield and block them. As he blocks, he hears a weird sound from his shield. Javen looks up and sees Sunset's staff above his head and Sunset suddenly appears; she grabs the staff on air and uses "Fire Slash" at him. Javen has to drop the shield to dodge and jumps away from Sunset

Javen looks back at Sunset as she is standing opposite him. She raises her staff at him. Javen laughs at Sunset as he takes out another sword. Sunset tilts her head in confusion.

"Why are you laughing?" Sunset lowers her staff, "We are in a battle right?"

Javen raises his hand, "Sorry, I was so excited because this feeling is not coming back for a long time," then he grabs the sword, "Are you really a "B" rank? This is far more than a "B" rank can do."

Sunset points her thumb at Eldaro, "Well, this man has arranged me as "C" rank though, So... I am still confused though." Eldaro is eating noodle while watching the battle while others' mouths hang in there for the surprise.

Javen nods, "I see. At this stage, you already are an "A" rank. Anyway, can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Can you battle me this time? I am excited," Javen points the sword at Sunset, "I like fighting an opponent like that."

Sunset shrugs, "All right. Shall we go?"

Javen is in a battle stance, "Thanks for this selfish favor. I won't disappoint you." Javen covers his body with a blue aura and he roars at Sunset. A wind bursts out from there, making Karen fly into the tree. Javen looks at Sunset and charges at Sunset at a high speed. Sunset manages to block the attack but her left claw is tingling. Javen lifts his swords and slams into Sunset but Sunset jumps aside. The ground has a long trail from the slams. Javen smirks and quickly lifts his swords and slashes Sunset, but Sunset disappears from his sight. Javen puts the sword behind his back and manages to block Sunset's "Fire Slash"

Sunset jumps away from Javen but he keeps charging at her, making her have to dodge it. As she is dodging, she is thinking about the way to fight him while Javen keeps slashing at her. Sunset throws her staff away and puts her palms to Javen's armor, then she teleports to the staff. Javen glances at Sunset.

"I like that staff though." Jave raises his swords to Sunset, "allowing the user to teleport. I like that."

Sunset lies, "Yeah, you're right about my staff,"

"Well sorry. But I don't want that stuff though." Javen covers his sword with a blue aura, then he slashes at Sunset. A blue wolf appears and charges at Sunset. Sunset is going to jump aside but a pile of the ground holding her legs makes her can't move. Sunset creates a shield and takes the wolf. The wolf keeps rubbing her shield as Sunset hears the crack of her shield. Sunset opens her mouth and breathes fire at the wolf, making it fade away. Sunset takes a deep breath and looks at Javen.

Sunset sighs, 'Look like I have to do stronger with him,' she thinks and chants a spell. Javen quickly throws a sword at Sunset, wanting to cut her chanting but Sunset steps aside to dodge it and keeps chanting the spell. Javen charges at Sunset but she is finished chanting as she slams the staff to the ground. A wall of ice appears in front of Sunset, blocking Javen's attack. Then three more ice walls appear around Javen, it moves close to him and traps him inside. Javen tries to use a flame spell to melt all the walls but a magic circle appears under him and another one appears in his armor, causing him to stop and look at Sunset.

"We're done right?" A magic circle is spinning on Sunset's claw, "I hope we can stop here."

Javen raises his hand to give up, "You got me. I lose."

The magic circle disappears and so does the ice wall. Javen lies down and laughs while Sunset confuses, "So, go back to our guild?"

"Sure," Javen gets up, "This is a long time I've lost with someone." Javen rubs his head, "Want to join my guild? You will have more treatment than your guild,"

"No, thanks," Sunset is walking back to her guild, "This guild is enough for me."

"Fine, if you insist," Javen asks Sakira to get up and start walking. Sakira is currently "stoned", which makes Javen sigh, and drags her back to Eldaro's guild. Eldaro and Karen get up and walk with Sunset.

After going back to the guild, the group sees Jezz and Violet in there with a lot of dust on them. They say that they just help to slay some "Giant Snails" and bush monsters in Ochna Village. Eldaro nods then he and others take a seat at the table while Javen and Sakira are going upstairs to prepare their staff to come back to Lavita city.

"How did you lose her Javen?" Sakira asks, "You can do more than that, right? I see you still hesitate to use many spells on her."

"So is she." Javen is arranging his stuff, " I used half of my ability but still have not pushed her to the limit, and I feel that she can do more than that."

"..... is she that strong?" Sakira rubs her chin, "Can I stay here for one more day?"

"Sure, I will let you stay here one more day," Javen put his hand to Sakira's shoulder, "Be careful,"

Sakira and Javen organize their stuff then they say goodbye to the guild. Sunset and Eldaro sigh in relief, then Eldaro looks at Sunset, "I hope that you don't get popular from this," Sunset waves her claw and stands up to go to the wooden board. When she looks at the board, she sees an "A" rank quest. She feels weird and picks the paper up. The quest asks for a magic teacher to teach someone's son for one week with a 25000 Mara price.

Sunset rubs her head and turns to Eldaro. "Hey Eldaro, who pinged this quest in our guild? We don't have an "A" rank adventurer."

"Let me see," Eldaro takes the paper quest, "....this is the son of the Aran family in Confetti Town." He rubs his chin, "I visited this family a lot. The host family is a kind guy and many people love him because he always does everything well for them, but his son is like a stubborn boy when he always causes trouble to the village," Eldaro shakes his head, "I got to say many teachers tried to teach him but they gave up." Eldaro gives the paper quest back to Sunset, "I am surprised that he asked this guild to help."

"I see..." Sunset silents for a moment then she nods, "Okay, I take this quest."

"You sure? He is hard to teach." Eldaro facepalms, "Oh right, if this is a normal person, not a dragon that I know." Sunset glares at Eldaro while he turns his head away, "I will tell him that you will come tomorrow, you should prepare the lesson for this stubborn thing," then Eldaro goes near Sunset's ear and whispers, "If you mind, I just ask you to give him a mental break.

Sunset thumbs up, "I will if his attitude is hard to teach." Eldaro nods as he takes the paper quest to see information, then he goes to his room to contract the one who gives this commission while Sunset comes to her home to prepare the lesson for this boy.