• Published 16th Jul 2021
  • 491 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures Paused - Dragon Shimmer

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Athew is sitting with the white long hair woman who is currently wearing a green dress. They see their son training with a dragon, which makes the woman feel so nervous while Athew is not worried about him. When they see Sunset is coming to their spot, they feel a little bit uncomfortable about their son because they thought she had given up. Sunset takes a seat opposite the couple.

The woman starts to ask, "So how is our son? I hope you don't give up because of him."

Sunset shakes her head and sighs, "No, he is just annoying when he yells the name of his skill," then she sees Avin is sitting next to his father and glares at her. Sunset notices, "Oh sorry, I don't think we have met before."

"That's okay, my name is July." The woman shakes Sunset's claw, "Nice to meet you, but... Have you ever done a manicure? Your claws look so dreadful."

"Thanks for your caring," Sunset puts her claws down, "I don't know why so many people ask me about make-up."

July grasps, "What, don't tell me you never beautify yourself," Sunset shakes her head, July's face is near Sunset's face, making Sunset feel uncomfortable, "What do you do when you have free time?"

Sunset answers, "EH... Create and experience news magic, study and do magic stuff," Sunset rubs her head. "I always sleep late, sometimes I overslept though. But anyway, don't you come here to ask about your son's problem?" July sits back at her spot and blushes. Sunset shrugs, "Oh right, your son's problem is shouting his skill name, a thing that will lead him to death if he keeps doing that in battle."

Avin slams the table, "Hey, I chose it because it's cool alright? Why is it the problem in battle? I have seen many films. They shout the name of skills in there and can crush the enemy."

Sunset tilts her head, "Really, that will be effective if you can scare them. Or else..." She points at Avin's forehead, "You announce your opponent that you are going to attack, and they will have the time to prepare." Avin stomps his feet and runs away, Athew and July are going to call him but Sunset stops them and shakes her head. She raises her wings and flaps them to fly in the sky.

-------Somewhere in the mountain of the Confetti City------------

"Stupid dragon," Avin punches the tree, "Stupid lesson," Avin punches harder and breathes heavily, "Why is she humiliating me like that?" Avin punches one last time then stops. He kneels and breathes heavily then screams at the sky. After a moment, he stops and stands up to go back to his house.

On the way back to his house. A group of four men is standing on his way to block him, then a man punches at Avin's stomach, making him cough up some of his blood and fall. When he tries to get up, he sees a familiar yellow pigtail hair girl wearing a green dress. She is facing him with a cold face as Avin stands up to face to face with her.

"What do you want now, Beath?" Avin summons his lance, "You bully me like every day in school isn't enough?"

"I want you not to sign up for the competition." Beath smirks at Avin, "You nearly died in last year's competition. If your parents weren't there, I don't think you can stay here to talk to me."

"You can't stop me," Avin points the spear at Beath, "I will join the competition."

Beath snaps her fingers and the group charges at Avin to beat him. Avin tries to fight back but they are too many for him. A man kicks Avin's chest, causing him to cough some blood. Beath kneels at him and asks, "So give up?" Avin shakes his head and Beath just sighs. She stands up and snaps her fingers. "Make sure he won't join the competition." One man of the group nods as they surround Avin and crack their fingers to break his legs. Suddenly, an explosion appears near Avin's spot, causing the groups to jump backward. Beath stands in front of the group, "Who there?" she yells as she sees a dragon landing near Avin.

"No one," Sunset folds her claw, "Just a teacher who teaches this baby boy," Avin glares at Sunset but she ignores him.

Beath asks, "... Since when does his family hire a teacher?"

"Just yesterday," Sunset sighs and looks at Avin, "I don't think this boy is so stubborn," then she looks at Beath, "May I know who you are and why do you like to bully him?"

"Why should I tell you my name?" Beath snaps her fingers and the groups start taking out their swords. "What I have done to him, it's none of your business. Now, get out of my way or I will turn you into scrap."

Sunset raises her claw to Beath and waves her claw at the yellow-haired girl. Beath charges with her group as Sunset takes a deep breath. Then she blows out the fire, making the group jump into two sides. Sunset quickly charges at the left side and uses "Sleep" on two men. The men fall on the ground quickly as others try to slash her. The first man swings the sword at Sunset but Sunset kicks into his wrist, making the sword fly up; then Sunset steps aside to dodge the thrust by the second man. Sunset swings her tail, cause the man falls, then she stomps at his shoulder hard, making him roll around.

Beath jumps up and slams the polearm at Sunset but Sunset catches it. Beath's eyes widen as Sunset throws her away with her polearm. Not wanting Beath to get up, Sunset rushes at Beath and puts her claw into Beath's neck. Sunset closes her eyes and says, "Can you get out here? You will meet him at the competition."

Beath breathes fast as she looks at Sunset. When Sunset opens her eyes, they are glowing red and blue. Beath just stares at her and can't move. After a while, Sunset puts back her claw and goes to Avin, who is still stoned after watching Sunset fight.

Sunset picks him up and flies back to Avin's house. Avin is scared and closes his eyes. After a while, he opens his eyes and sees the town is covered with light, creating a beautiful scene. When he looks up at the sky, he sees many stars there and he feels the cloud is going through his body. Avin lies on Sunset's back as he is happy.

"Beautiful?" Sunset turns her head back to Avin, "I hope you enjoy it."

He smiles, "You know, I dream a lot about riding a dragon because I want to know what it feels like. Now I'm satisfied."

"Just enjoy it. Because that will be the last time you will ride on me."

"I get it." Avin looks at the sky, "You always fly like that?"

"No. Just a few times." Sunset sees Avin's house, "Let go to your home, shall we?"

"Maybe," He rubs his head, "Well, what will we do tomorrow?"

"Training on the mountain." Sunset grins and gives him a small notebook, "Take that as your training diary," then she lands at Avin's house and says goodnight to him. Then Sunset sleeps in the guest room.

---- The next day---

Sunset wakes up and asks the maid where Athew's room is. The maid leads her to Athew's room and Sunset asks about fifteen minutes for discussing her plan. She wants to take Avin to the mountain until the day of the competition is established. Athew protests this plan but after Sunset tells about what happened yesterday. He agrees but just one condition is that Avin must be stronger than this. Sunset just grins at this and nods.

After discussing with Athew, the maid led Sunset to Avin's room. Sunset knocks on the door but Alvin doesn't answer. She knocks again, and no answer. Sunset puts her ears close to the door and hears someone snoring. She kicks the door to force it open and sees Avin is still sleeping with a dump face. Sunset kicks him out of the bed, makes him awake and whines in pain.

"Ouch," Avin rubs his head and glares at Sunset, "Don't you have any peaceful way to wake me up?"

"I'm not going to say sorry for this," Sunset points at him, "Pack your thing," then points at the mountain, "we will train on the mountain in six days."

"But..." Avin is trying to protest but seeing Sunset's mouth is on fire, he gulps and nods.

"You got one hour. Now go."

Avin hurries to prepare his things. After one hour, he is complete with preparing and follows Sunset to the mountain. When they land on the mountain, Avin sets his thing up and pulls out his spear but Sunset tells him that no need. Sunset forms a "fireball" and makes it chase Avin. The training begins.

------------After 6 days-----------

Atthew is currently working in his room, but he can't concentrate because he worries about his son. Athew hopes that his son comes back. His trace of thinking is broken when he hears a knock on the door. "Come in" he says and Avin comes back to hug his father.

"Father, I miss you so much." Avin hugs him tighter, making Athew grasp in pain.

"Hey hey, easy there." Athew pushes Avin a little, then he goes around Avin and sees his body is more muscular than before but not much. He squeezes Avin's muscle and feels it is very tough. "..... I wonder how she trains you?"

Avin takes out his diary of training and gives it to his father, "I'm fine, and I'm so appreciative to have her training for him," Avin looks at the clocks, "Oh, it's time for me to train. See you soon."

"Wait..." Athew tries to call him but his son is going out. He sighs and takes a look at his diary, as his wife is coming into his room

"OH honey, what are you reading?" July sits next to her husband. "Is that your income report?"

Athew rubs his head, "Well, this is our son's training diary," he looks at July, "How about we read it together." His wife nod as Athew opens Avin's diary

Day 1

Today, I learned about how to feel the mana in the body and check which kind of spell I can do best. I found that I could do the "healing" spell. Then Sunny gave me rest for the next training session. If the training is just like that, I can do it

Day 2

Turns out, the training is very different from what I imagined. This dragon is crazy, what is "Need me to break your leg to get up faster" or "you can only die if you haven't lived anymore". Above all, she forces me to run like no tomorrow all day and night. Is she thinking that I am a car or something?

Day 3

I trained to run with her and she forces me a lot. Then she adds an extra "300 push up" for my "menu". I feel that her devil side is finally revealed. I swear that I will get rid of her.

"eh... What kind of training is that?" July gulps, "I will die if she gives me this training,"

"Ye... yeah," Athew slowly turns the page, "I don't know how he accepts this training."

Day 4

I'm sorry, from now I will shut up and do what you ask me to do Sunny. I won't say anything bad again, Mrs. dragon

Day 5

Running, training, I must do it. Use magic, training, I have to perform it

"Why has the tone suddenly changed?" July looks at her husband and starts shaking him. "Is he alright? Does he need anything"

"P...Pl...please ..Do....don't..sh...sha...shake...me..Ju...July," Athew tries to answer as July stops shaking, "Thank you. Anyway, you should ask Sunny and our son," He folds his arm, "Well, I kinda regret giving her only one condition."

"If I see anything wrong with him," July hugs her husband and whispers, "You don't live anymore tonight." Athew gulps as he flips the last page.

Day 6

I don't feel tired anymore, I am kinda surprised about this. I don't have to write though because all I can say is my body feels lighter. When Sunny says we must go back to prepare for the competition tomorrow, I feel regret when I can't train like this but Sunny says that I can train at home. Why do I feel so exciting? Sound like I am being brainwashed

Sunny comes into Athew's room and asks the butler to leave. The butler bows and goes away. Sunset sees the couple in there as she sees Avin running outside with a bag of rocks on his back. She smiles and turns her head back to the couple. Athew and July stare at her with disbelieving looks.

"What?" Sunset sits opposite them, "I just do as you say Athew, make him stronger."

July glares at Athew as he turns his face away. Athew tries to say, "But I don't mean this kind of training. How can you be sure that he won't give up?"

Sunset points at the window, "Honestly, he is not a type to give up easily. Even in hard training, he refuses to stop." She sighs, "Anyway, do you have any information about the competition? I forgot to ask you that." Athew pulls out the notebooks about the school competition. Sunset takes it and stands up, "See you tomorrow, you will be surprised to see your son." And she walks out of the room with a smiling face. Now she prepares for the competition to surprise others.

-----Meanwhile in Eagle Guild----

Sakira sits at the table with others. She just gets rid of a bunch of orges that threaten a village. But in her mind, that dragon still makes her frustrated a lot when she has to lie down on the bed in one day to recover her left arm. Javen and Sabrina see Sakira and they sit near the table.

"What wrong, little sis?" Sabrina pulls out a bottle of wine. "Just drink with me and you will feel better,"

"Thanks for visiting me, big sis." Sakira pours the wine into her cup, "Anyway, you have fought against the Black Mage right?" Sabrina nods and Sakira continues, "Okay, so what is that hero can do though?"

"I'm surprised that you ask such a question," Sabrina turns to Javen, "Is she angry about something?"

Javen answers, "Well, she is still salty about the dragon that gave her an arm disabled."

"I see," Sabrina drinks some wine, "but you know the Black Mage is a weird mage right?" Sakira slams her fist against the table, making Sabrina sigh, "all right. Give me a moment to remember it because it is five years ago." The trio silents a moment then Sabrina answers, "Well, she is a mage but her melee skill is like an expert, her spell related to dragon much because she can perform a slash shaped dragon," Sabrina rubs her chin, "I believe that she calls it "Wyvern Slash," and what makes me very angry that how dare she uses "Absolute Zero" in that battle,"

Javen spills out his wine, "Wh...What did you say?" He coughs a little bit, "She can use "Absolute Zero" in a solo battle" Sabrina nods as Jave pokes his finger to the table, "You know that is very ridiculous, right? That is the spell that costs a lot of time to use, I don't believe that she has the time to do that."

"Well..." Sabrina takes out a wooden staff with a lot of magic words flying around, "This is a gift from her last year when the city celebrated Heroes day. That year she joined the festival and met me. Well, it was a good time to talk to her but once again, I couldn't pull out that coat." Sabrina folds her arms and huffs.

"Okay," Sakira takes the wooden staff, "What is this staff for?"

Sabrina answers, "Well, "Absolutely Zero" is in that staff." Sakira drops the staff while Javen gasps. Sabrina smirks, "You don't believe? That's fine because I don't believe in the first place... But seeing many things that are impossible from her, I feel normal now."

"But... but how? This is not a simple spell that can contain this object," Sakira looks at the staff carefully, "This is really new. I must summon all of the mages to research this."

"It's hard though. Because all of the royal mages are still working to contain the spell in a wooden staff, but still don't have any progress," Sabrina lies on the table, "ugh, I wish I could recruit her but... I know she will deny."

"I must meet her. Anyway....." Sakira pulls out a poster that has information about the Confetti school's competition. "How about we will be judges of this competition? It will be fun."

"Fine..." Javen smiles, "We will take a daybreak to see the competition." Sabrina smiles as she agrees with Javen. They will be here tomorrow to be judges. This competition will be fun.