• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 721 Views, 56 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy III - Vimtrust5

Twilight's nightmares lead her and her friends into a world where the balance between light and darkness is at stake.

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Chapter 17: Search for the Phantom Beasts

Fluttershy's Cottage

While Fluttershy was at the Crystal Empire to check on her friends' wellbeing, her animal friends were looking after her house, fulfilling their daily duties. Randi the Chocobo made friends with Harry the Bear. Angel Bunny... not so much.

The peace, however, was short-lived when all the animals experienced the same thing as their pony friend: nightmares of a lifeless Equestria, no food, no water, and no Fluttershy to keep them safe.

Randi sat near the cottage and looked upwards to the sky, hoping everything would turn out alright.

Meanwhile in the other world, the rest of the Equestrians had just Unei's Shrine with the elderly woman herself among the group's ranks.

"It feels so good being outside again," she said. "In fact..."

Unei stretched her arms and performed a happy dance. So happy that Pinkie Pie joined in. The others just stood where they were in confusion; Refia smiled for she appeared to be the only one enjoying what she was seeing.

*music stops*

Afterwards, the group climbed aboard the Nautilus and took off. They steered the airship towards the Ancient Ruins in hopes of obtaining a more powerful airship: the Invincible. The air was warm, but the ponies could feel a chill in the air. None more so than Twilight Sparkle. Being haunted by the nightmares most, she felt a great a sense of fear and anguish ever since the battle with Mateus.

"Madame Unei--"

"Oh, you can call me Unei."

"Unei... I've been having these horrible dreams since before my friends and I came to this world. This person... this... thing... Some sort of entity keeps haunting me and torturing me with these images of our home in ruins... And I just learned about your abilities; you sort of remind me of Princess Luna. Could it be that...?"

"Yes, I suppose... You want to know why I couldn't drive this being away from you.... It's most likely that this force grows stronger each passing day. And I suspect that it was this force that Xande plans to unleash..."

Twilight closed her eyes, taking in everything the old woman has told her so far. She thought back to what Princess Luna had told her and her friends: that this force was so powerful, it fought with Luna and nearly drained her of her powers. And if Xande were to succeed... Twilight pushed the thought of her mind aside and listened to one simple question from Unei:

"So... what did this entity tell you?"

"It spoke in first-person plural and called itself the 'Cloud of Darkness.' Does that name mean anything to you?"

Unei's face turned more serious than before.

"The Cloud of Darkness..."

"Anything you know could be of help."

"Before we do that, I believe we find some the other Phantom Beasts. Starting with Odin. You find him in the catacombs of Saronia."

"But..." Twilight sighed wearily. She knew that knowing so much at once was too much for her brain, but all the same she needed to know.

"And there's something else. Like... Where did my friends here really come? Is Luneth from Saronia, or was it Arc? What about Refia and Ingus? That question?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I just... want to know a little more about our friends. Not to mention, Arc seems to have bonded with Alus, the new king of Saronia. But then again, it's because both of them were bullied."

"Yes... I see."

The Nautilus flew north of Saronia and navigated through a maze of water. Arc noticed the entrance to a cave resting near a grassy area in the middle.

"I think we've found it."

"Good eye, Arc."

As soon as they entered the ruins, the group discovered a group of explorers. The explorers were befuddled upon seeing pastel ponies and a small reptile among the ranks of the new explorers.

"We seek this airship called the Invincible.

They directed our heroes' attention to a roadblock: large stones made up of adamantite.

"Twilight," said Rarity. "Isn't that the same material those dwarfs made into Setro's best sword?"

"Y-You're right, Rarity," Twilight observed.

"Let me handle this! Striking dreamworld stones against any material in the physical world--even adamantite--should annihilate both objects. Stand back! Here we go..."

The group complied as the magus raised her hands, emitting a glowing light that raised all three stones and destroyed them, one after the other. The party was no doubt impressed, none moreso than Rainbow Dash.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!"

"Not too loud, little missy," said Unei, covering her ears. "I may be old, but I'd rather not lose my hearing now!"

"Oops. Heh heh heh... sorry."

"You'll have to forgive Rainbow Dash. She's easily excited by a lot of things," said Twilight.

"And mighty reckless at times, but she's a good girl by heart."

"Well, come on. Don't just stand there. The Invincible awaits."

Our heroes went through the hallway and turned right, only to have a Pyralis, a large, green dragon-like monster attack them from behind. The beast swiped its tail, gaining the group's attention. It then attempted to use its jaws on Rainbow Dash, but the pegasus dodged to the side and gave it a powerful uppercut. Applejack then put the beast in its place by striking it down with her hammer. With the monster defeated, our heroes grew even more powerful, and their job capabilities increased.

Going up the stairs before them, the group discovered a treasure chest containing reflective mail. Continuing onward, they returned to the same area as before and went to the next flight of stairs, only to discover a portion of the team of explorers they met earlier who set up shop, selling various items. After purchasing everything they needed, the group went down another flight of stairs, this time taking them down.

While they explored the ruins, Twilight and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel these ruins wouldn't look out of place in a Daring Do book. The latter had wondered what it would be like if the explorer/author would feel if she heard of the Chamber of Crystals taking them to other worlds.

After a series of battles with unsightly creatures and acquiring more items, our heroes finally reached the bottom level of the ruins. There was water everywhere, and the only dry place was the cobblestone ground they stood on. Walking around where they came, they saw a rope ladder on the distant wall and ran up to it. Looking upwards, the ponies' eyes widened and their jaws dropped.

"Whoa. This thing's HUMONGOUS!" Rainbow observed.

"I've never seen an airship like this before," said Twilight.

Walking up the stairs, the whole group was surprised to see how big the ship was from the inside as well. Unei cleared her throat, gaining their attention.

"Now listen up. The stairs, as you know, are the way out to the surface. When you want to board the ship, simply stand under its shadow."

"Got it!" said Rainbow.

"You can also put the engine into overdrive so that it may fly over high mountains," she continued, moving over to a lever next to the wheel. "And if you want to stop the ship, just pull this brake here. Any other questions?"

"I'm good," said Luneth.

"Alright. Now, follow me, kids!"

They did so as she gave them a tour of the grand vessel. First she led them to an inventory where several items were displayed.

"Is this? Is this like an item shop?" Twilight inquired.

"Yes, that's right," Unei replied. "All you have to do is put your gil in these thingies here, and you can buy items, weapons, and even armor."

"Well, that's certainly convenient," said Spike.

"There's also a certain someone I've brought along."


"What? You haven't met Fat Chocobo yet?!"

"'Fat Chocobo?'"

"Well, I suppose first thing's first," she said leading them to a corner.

"Fat Chocobo! Where are ya?!"

A large puff of smoke and appeared a large, rotund Chocobo!

"What the hay is that?!" asked Applejack.

"That's Fat Chocobo, of course. What else would it be?" Unei chuckled.

"What's it do?"

"Allow me to explain if you will," it said, surprising the entire party except for Unei.

"Did that big bird just talk?!"

"Why, yes it did."

"My role is to help lighten your inventory by storing away any unnecessary items or equipment."

"Well... alright," Rarity said, giving the large bird a few potions and one antidote. "There are you, darling."

"Thank you," it replied, tossing the items in the air. It then opened its beak and swallowed the objects.

"Ew...!" the ponies said in unison, cringing at the sight.

"Oh, don't worry. You can ask for this fellow to give you the items back if you want," said the old woman.

"Y-You know what? I think it's best that it... you know, keeps them for a while..." Twilight chuckled nervously.

The others muttered in agreement.

"Oh well," said Unei. "Moving on."

She then turned 180 degrees and pointed to a room decorated with large beds in each corner. The party didn't even need her to explain.

"Awesome! We've got a moving hotel in the sky!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"And a shop, too," Applejack added.

Unei then lifted her head and took two steps.

"What's the matter?" asked Arc.

"I have to go; Doga's calling me."

"What? You're leaving already?" Refia asked in disbelief.

"Yep. The Invincible is yours," Unei said.

"Luneth, you and the other Warriors of Light go to the Cave of Shadows and fetch the Fang of Earth. Once you do that, please come back to Doga's Manor. Princess Twilight, you and your fellow ponies and dragon ought to find the rest of the Phantom Beasts; their strength and abilities will surely be of help. Your first stop should be Replito."

"Actually, we already went there,"

"Oh, you did already?"

"Yeah. In fact..."

Twilight then revealed the scrolls containing depictions of the creatures in question. Unei studied them carefully and nodded, confirming one fact:

"Yes... These are the powers you seek. Use these spells, and the Phantom Beasts shall appear to aid you in battle."

"Some of these things don't look quite like beasts. Especially this 'Shiva.' She seems so beautiful," Rarity pointed out.

"But Ifrit certainly does. Look at those horns!"

"Look how big this Titan feller is!"

"A Chocobo? Really? How can a Chocobo win in a fight? And why does it look pink?!" Rainbow complained.

"We only rode some on the field, Dashie. We won't know 'til somepony tries calling it!" Pinkie answered. "Not sure why it's pink though, or why it looks like... something... Oh well!"

"Ramuh here looks wise and powerful," Twilight noted. "Wait a minute. What about the other three?"

"Very well... First, Odin lies in the catacombs of Castle Saronia. You'll need to dive underwater."

"Thank you..."

"Good luck, everybody," she said, vanishing.

Luneth walked over to the helm and started the engine. After a few tries, the engine finally roared.

"Oh my goodness! It's moving!"

A large rumbling occurred among the ocean. Soon all eyes turned toward the water and saw an incredible sight: a large airship long forgotten had risen from the depths and was now fully functional. Those who had known the legends knew this airship to be the Invincible, once used as a weapon by the Ancients. Now it had returned in time to save the world and restore the balance between light and darkness.

The airship itself was much larger than either airship the party had been on before. Two times bigger, in fact. On the mast of this vessel were the propellers helping it fly.

"There's the Nautilus! Stop right here, Luneth," said Twilight.

"Does that mean...?" said Arc.

"Yes... We have faith in you. Good luck and be very careful," said Twilight, just before leading herself and her friends back to the last place where the Nautilus lay: the entrance to the Ancient Ruins.

"I never thought we would be looking for a mystical creature underneath a castle," Rarity wondered aloud.

"Neither did I," said Spike.

After clearing the path of all dangers, the Equestrians came face-to-face with a lone figure in the back of the chamber.

"You must be the ponies that have come to restore the balance between light and darkness," the figure spoke.

"Yes. That's right. And you must be..."

"Odin. And you wish to challenge me, do you? Very well. Let us see if you have the resolve to save this world!"

Odin called forth his steed and his steel-bladed sword, prompting the party to enter their battle stances.

Rainbow Dash was the first to attack by slashing Odin with her spear.

"Take this!"

Twilight fired a great laser beam from her horn, engulfing the Phantom Beast in a wave of powerful magic, but it was not enough. Odin then tried to slash Rarity who dodged. She was unharmed, but a small portion of her mane had been sliced off.


The white unicorn then uttered several words summoning the ice spirit Shiva. She then gave Odin an icy stare which did great harm unto him, causing his horse tumble over.

"Very well. I concede," said the rider. "From this moment, I am yours to command... As for the others... you will find them on the Floating Continent."

He then glowed a bright light and shrank, transforming into a small black orb. With the essence of Odin in their hooves (and claws), the Equestrians exited the catacombs and with the help of Twilight's teleportation spell, returned the Nautilus to the section of the continent that led to Doga's Manor, and teleported everypony to the Floating Continent. As soon as they appeared, the ponies and dragon found themselves near a familiar village.


The Equestrians quickly rushed into the house of the village elder.


"Well, if it isn't the ponies and dragon!" Topapa greeted warmly.

"Where are my boys? And the other children?" Nina asked.

"They're fine. They--"

"Fine?! FINE?! They're all alone and--"

"Please, please calm down," said Rarity. "I'm sure the children are alright."

"Anyway, Topapa," Twilight spoke, "we're looking for these things called 'Phantom Beasts,' and we were told that Leviathan is somewhere on this continent."

"Yes... I suppose you're right. Ordinarily I would ask that people not risk their lives, but if this is for the boys... I'll make an exception."

"Thank you," said Applejack.

"Leviathan dwells on Lake Dohr. You'll find it to the west and it's below Gulgan Gulch."

"Thanks again," said Twilight.

Upon leaving, the Equestrians headed westward and--with the help of Twilight's magic as far as Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack are concerned--flew over the mountains and landed in Lake Dohr. A large shadow appeared in the lake and emerged, revealing Leviathan!

Rarity screamed with all her might, but it was useless as the serpent created a strong whirlpool, dragging her and her friends into the depths of the unknown.

Lake Dohr

When they swam up to the surface, our heroes gasped for air and found themselves in a subterranean cavern.

"The outsiders awake, I see."

From the pool emerged the great sea serpent Leviathan!

"WHOA!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Leviathan. We've come to ask for your help."

"You need my aid?" the creature asked skeptically and laughed mockingly. "You? Mere creatures the humans could easily pick up."

"Hey! Don't underestimate us, buddy!" an angry Rainbow Dash argued.

"So reckless... Know this: only those strong in the light may receive my aid."

"My word," said Rarity. "Do you seriously mean we have to do battle with you?"


"Very well. You've given us no choice," said Twilight.

Luneth was shocked upon seeing another dark knight inside the cave.

"You... You must have come for the... Fang of Earth..."

The Warriors nodded.

"Beware, children. Without the power of the dark sword, you are no match for the perils that lie within these caverns..."

Lake Dohr

The Equestrians' battle with Leviathan took a turn for the worse as the serpent whacked Twilight to the side. The alicorn struggled to get back on her hooves, but it was useless.

"Twilight!" Spike called out, tossing a Phoenix Down on his friend, reviving her. Pinkie then gave her a hi-potion, allowing her to recover.

"It's not over, yet..."

Twilight then began chanting, while Rainbow Dash jumped up in the air. Applejack then attempted to attack Leviathan with her hammer, but the sea serpent craftily dodged, leaving the orange earth pony up in air until she came splashing down into the water. Seeing that Twilight was preparing for a huge spell, she quickly swam to the dry surface in order to avoid further harm.

At that moment, Leviathan summoned the waves of the pool and created a large tidal wave that threatened to consume its enemies. Rarity panicked and conjured a crystal shield to protect the group. The waves passed over them, allowing Twilight to successfully summon Odin. Being summoned by an evoker, Odin was not able to cut Leviathan down, but his attack proved enough to turn the tide in the Equestrians' favor.

Within the bowels of the cave, the Warriors of Light had finally reached what they had come to obtain.

"There it is!"

Luneth cautiously walked toward the Fang of Earth, looking left and right...

Suddenly, a voice spoke out:

"Who dares awaken me from my sleep?!"

Luneth backed away and as he did, he and the others saw a large humanoid figure appearing in front of them. It appeared to be a giant muscular man of dark red skin and white hair. He wore a yellow cape clasped to a dark brown chest plate with gray shoulder pads.

"Who are you?!"

"I am Hecatoncheir, guardian of the Fang of Earth. If you wish to claim it, you must overcome me!" he said, drawing his sword and pointed it at them.

Lake Dohr

Meanwhile, the ponies and Spike had succeeded in defeating Leviathan when Spike attacked from high above.

"You are certainly far stronger than you appear, little ponies and dragon... There is but one more whose power you must obtain to complete your quest. He was sealed away eons ago by the Great Magus Noah on this continent... The dragon king, Bahamut. You will find its dwelling in a cave southeast of the Vikings' Cove."

The great sea serpent, like Odin before it, transformed into a small black orb, containing its essence within. There was but one thing left to do before rejoining their friends...

Meanwhile, the Warriors of Light had successfully defeated Hecatoncheir and claimed their prize: the Fang of Earth. It was not an easy batttle since, the being attacked some of them two times in a row; he even used the Quake ability nearly wounding Ingus. But with all four Fangs in their possession, they could now confront their destinies.

"Well done, Warriors of the Light."

"You have acquired all four elemental Fangs. I ask that you return to the manor at once."

"Wait! What about the ponies? And Spike, too?"

"Only you four must come. They are about to take on the last Phantom Beast..."

"Oh, no..." Refia had realized.

"Don't worry... I am sure they will succeed. Now come..."

Reluctantly, Luneth and the others boarded the Invincible and traveled all the way back to the Dalg continent. However, the winds were too strong too let the giant airship through, but luckily for them, the Nautilus was planted right near them, so they used that ship instead.