• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 721 Views, 56 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy III - Vimtrust5

Twilight's nightmares lead her and her friends into a world where the balance between light and darkness is at stake.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Curse of the Djinn

"Arc!" Luneth called. "Where are you?"

"Hellooo...!" said Twilight, looking around the town. "Has anyone seen a young brown-haired boy walk past here?"

"Excuse me," said a young boy.

"What is it?" asked Luneth.

"If you're looking for Arc, he just ran south of here."

"Thank you."

As the three ponies were reunited, our heroes set off in search of the missing Equestrians along with the boy and the other three mentioned by the Crystal of Wind.

With everything they needed to begin their search, our heroes left the town of Ur and headed south for the village that was said to be inhabited by ghosts. The search was not a long one, for they had found it situated next to a small desert.

As they neared the village they saw the boy they had met earlier. Luneth approached him and gently placed his hand on his elbow, only to startle the boy.

"Good going," Rainbow said sarcastically.

"You're not helping, Rainbow Dash," Twilight whispered.

Ignoring the comment, Luneth reassured his friend of his presence. "Arc, it's me, Luneth! Don't be afraid."

The brown-haired youth calmed down a little and turned the other way to see his friend and the ponies.

"Howdy, there," said Applejack.

"I-It's you three."

"Why exactly did you come here in your own?" asked Twilight.

"What are you trying to prove, anyway?" Luneth inquired.

"I... I want to prove myself to everyone. I want to show those bullies that I'm not a coward!" he said. "Luneth, will you help me?"

"That's it?" asked Twilight.

"Y-Yeah... That's it. I want to show everyone that I'm no weakling! I did manage to come here all by myself... You'll take me with you, won't you?"

The silver-haired youth agreed.

"You sure this is alright?" said Applejack.

"Of course. He's my friend after all. We've known each other since we were kids."

Arc nodded, confirming the story. "The two of us were raised together by Elder Topapa and Nina."

"Yeah... I don't even know my real parents."

Applejack gasped softly and placed her hoof over her heart.

"I'll... tell you what I know after we settle whatever we're dealing with here."

The ponies agreed.

With their newest companion, the party continued onward, hoping to gather some information when all of a sudden...


A pink streak appeared and tackled our heroes.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!" said Rainbow Dash. "Alright, who's the wise--" She stopped as she saw who it was that pounced them.

"Pinkie Pie!" said Twilight.

Sure enough, it was the fun-loving pink party mare whose smile almost never left her. Pinkie gasped.


The two human boys stood in shock, their jaws gaping as the energetic earth pony kept talking until...

"PIIIINKIIEEE!!!" Twilight yelled, making everyone cover their ears.

"Yeah?" Pinkie said innocently.

"We're really glad to see you, too," Twilight said sincerely. "But don't you think you should at least keep your story to a minimum?"

"Oh, right," she chuckled. "After we went into that portal, I found myself here in this seemingly empty village. You must've seen, or rather sensed it, too, right girls? Boys?"

They shook their heads, not knowing what Pinkie was talking about.

"Well, that's the thing. Everyone here might be a ghost, and the reason I think they're ghosts is 'cause this place is cursed by some big meanie they call a 'Djinn' or something."

A brief moment of silence later...

"Ghosts? Really?" an incredulous Rainbow said, raising an eyebrow.

"A Djinn? You mean like the being who grants its master three wishes?"

"I dunno," said Pinkie. Maybe it's best we talk to someone at the inn."

"If there's anyone there."

"Of course there is. And yes, they can talk too! How else would I have known about this 'Djinn' thing if they couldn't?"

They knew the pink earth pony had a point and so went with her into the local inn and found more ghosts. One figure stood in front of the bar and introduced himself.

"Howdy there! Cid's the name," he said. The ponies' eyes widened at the mention of the name. "I'm from Canaan, but I've been stuck here ever since Nalv Valley got blocked by this giant rock."

The girls turned to each other.

"Did he just call himself...?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight and Applejack nodded.

"Wasn't the name of... you know...?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Note to self: talk to the one we know after our quest ends here, Twilight thought.

They turned their attention to the ghost. "Uh, anyway... you were saying?"

"Hold up!" said Rainbow Dash. "You don't seem surprised that there are talking ponies in town."

"Ask your little pink friend. She's been laughing and talking nonstop since she appeared out of nowhere."

The group turned to Pinkie.

"What?" she asked.

"Well," Cid stepped in. "Getting back on topic: on top of the whole giant-rock-blocking-Canaan thing, I got a curse cast on me along with these other folks? Ain't that a trip an' a half?" he chuckled.

"I'm not exactly sure what's so funny about this," said Luneth.

"Me neither," Rainbow agreed.

"Nope. Can't think of anything funny about this," Pinkie added.

"Luneth! Girls!" said Arc. "We have to do something to help these people."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Say, if I lent you my airship, do you lads think you could help me and the others?"

The ponies' eyes widened again.

Seriously? Twilight thought. Another Cid and another airship? A world where the currency is the same as the last? What next? Mythril?!

"From what I've heard, this curse can be dispelled through the power of a Mythril Ring. Unfortunately, we all seem to be out of Mythril Rings here..."

That answers my question...

"Ooh," said Pinkie Pie. "By Mythril you mean that metal used to make all kinds of stuff like swords, armor, and accessories?"

"Yeah, that," said Cid.

"Ain't there someone in this town who can make some?" asked Applejack.

"That's the problem, lass. This town's blacksmith Takka was cursed as well... and his daughter, the apprentice, has gone missing!"

"Oh... great. Just great," said Rainbow Dash.

Cid chuckled, "No need to mope, little pony. My airship's hidden in the desert west of here. Use it to find a way to lift this curse!"

The heroes turned to another and nodded, agreeing with the invisible man. They left they inn but first Twilight curiously turned to look at the cave to

The group went inside the mines and obtained two Mythril Swords and went all the way back to the entrance fighting more monsters. With the Mythril Swords in hand, our heroes exited the mines, left the village, went into the desert and found the airship Cid had spoken of.

As they entered the bridge, they saw a young lady of 17 at the helm. Turning around, she gasped.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" she demanded.

"I should ask you the same thing!" said Luneth.

"This is Cid's airship, missy, and he gave us permission to use it!" Applejack argued.

The girl gasped upon hearing the orange, hat-wearing pony speak. "Y-You... You just--"

"Ah know, Ah know. This is the first time you're seein' talkin' ponies."

"Trust us, this isn't the first time we got something like this," said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie added. "Well, yeah. There were these elves and other humans from another world we went to and--"

"We know, Pinkie," said Twilight covering her muzzle. "Look, we really need this vessel."

"I see," the girl said. "I'm Refia. And I'll have you know that my father and I forged the parts for this ship back in Kazus!"

"Your father?" Twilight asked, tilting her head. "Are you saying you're Takka's daughter?"

"If that's true, you must help us make a Mythril Ring!" Luneth pleaded.

"Yes... That's the only the curse can be broken," Arc added.

Refia lowered her head.

"What's wrong?" said Arc.

"I cant."

"Huh?" asked the ponies.

"I can't make Mythril Rings. I didn't study that far. I didn't want to..."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow yelled. "Seriously?!"

"Swell," said Luneth scratching his head. "I don't think Cid's gonna be happy with that news..."

Everyone else agreed.

"Well, this has been a waste of time," said Twilight, her head lowered. Her friends shared the same disappointed look.

"Wait," said Refia.

"Now what?"

"I know where we can find a ring!"

The ponies' ears perked up.

"You do? Where is it?"

"My father forged a ring for King Sasune a long time ago. He should still have it!"

The group looked at each other and nodded, not denying the possibility.

"Let me go with you. I can't make Mythril Rings, but I want to help my father and the people of Kazus."

Arc turned to face his friend. "I think she should come with us, Luneth."

"Me, too," the silver-haired boy agreed. "Her slacking off saved her from the curse after all. So maybe that 'luck' will rub off on us!"

Rainbow Dash laughed with him much to everyone else's annoyance..

"Hey! That's not funny!" an offended Refia fumed.

"Refia, right?" Applejack said.


"Ah'm probably not the one to tell ya what to do, but ah think you should start workin' harder as soon as we take care of this Djinn."

The human girl sighed. "Alright."

With Refia now on their team, our heroes helped unearth the airship and took off. They piloted the vessel west and docked near the castle situated near a vast forest.

As they approached the castle gates, a blonde-haired teenage boy stood guard. Needless to say, he was distraught.

"Excuse us?" said Luneth. "What are you doing out here?"

"I had just returned to the castle myself, but... A terrible curse has befallen the people in the castle while I was away... Only the power of a Mythril Ring might save them, I am told. But Kazus is suffering the same fate as Sasune... I must do something, but... Where would I find such an item?"

Refia stepped forward. "Pardon me. My name is Refia, and I am the daughter of the blacksmith of Kazus. The king must still have the ring my father gave him!"

"We've come to borrow the Mythril Ring to save Kazus. Will you let us through?"

"Same with us?" asked Twilight.

The boy jumped when he heard the purple equine in front of him speak.

"Wh-Where did these animals come from?" he said out loud.

"Excuse me. We may not be humans, but we have feelings like everyone else here," said Twilight.

"We're lookin' around for our friends," Applejack added. "You ain't seen any of 'em here, have ya?"

"W-Well. No not really," the teenager stuttered. "After all, I only arrived here a few moments ago."

"Please, sir," said Arc. "They don't mean any harm."

"Well, um... If what you say is true, then I have no choice. Permission granted. Please come with me."

Upon their arrival in the throne room, they saw the boy kneel before an empty throne... until they saw an outline of a figure sitting upon it, realizing this was King Sasune.

"We have all been cursed by the Djinn, and I am no exception..."

"Sire, these younglings and their equine friends have come seeking the Mythril Ring to counter the curse."

"The Mythril Ring..."

"Yes, that's correct," said Twilight.

"Am I hearing things, or did that purple pony speak just now?"

"I believe your hearing is quite fine, Your Majesty. This little creature did indeed speak."

"Ordinarily, I would dismiss such talk as mere fairy tales, however..." the king gestured at his "body." "As you can see, I am willing to accept anything. Now, you say you want the Mythril Ring in order to banish the Djinn."

"That's correct," said Twilight.

"I would grant you this boon... However, my daughter holds the ring, and she went out shortly before the curse was cast."

"Oh, no!" said the blonde youth. "If the princess holds the ring, the Djinn may have already taken her!"

"If it is so, I fear for my precious Sara."

The ponies' eyes grew wide once more. Another princess named Sara? they thought.

The soldier knelt before his liege. "Sire, I would like to ask you for your leave to accompany these brave souls to the Sealed Cave and rescue Lady Sara."

"Very well... You have my leave, Ingus."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said the now-identified soldier in red. But as he and the others turned to leave...

"Oh, that reminds me..."

"Yes?" said Twilight.

"A little while ago, there was a small white pony with a purple mane here."

The ponies' eyes widened as their jaws dropped.

"Did... did this pony also have some kind of diamonds imprinted on her flank."

"Something like that," said the king. "I believe she and a small purple reptile had chosen to accompany my daughter to the Sealed Cave."

At that moment, the ponies' pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks and their muzzles twitched. At that moment Twilight closed her eyes and yelled, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!"

Everyone covered their ears as the purple pony shouted. This was certainly not what they had expected to hear: Rarity and Spike about to take on something they knew next to nothing about with a complete stranger? Were they safe?

As these questions filled Twilight's head, something else was on her and everyone's mind: What were they to do now?

Author's Note:

And that is that. As you can tell, the ponies are definitely going to have to get used to several similarities to each Final Fantasy world, what with the Cids, airships, Mythril, etc.