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Adagio III - Finally Free

That kiss with Urchin.. it filled me with courage and the strength to do what he wanted me to do. I shrieked, as me, Aria, and Sonata were all encased in a ball of light while in mid air. From what Urchin said later on, our true siren forms were basically turned to particles to light and the energy that allowed to create them turned into friendship magic and went back into our amulets, causing them to transform into heart amulets. Descending gracefully down to the ground, our pony ears, tails, and wings disappeared. I looked at Urchin, and he smiled back. That look was all the confirmation I needed.

I did it.. thanks to his help, I did it. I freed myself, Aria, and Sonata from our purpose in life, that curse that we were born with.

I ran toward Urchin, calling out his name. He came running too, and he hugged me. For a moment, everything stopped. It was just me and him. Then I kissed his forehead and said, “I’m so glad I found you, Urchin Hook.”

“I’m glad I fell in love with you, Adagio Dazzle.”

He kissed me on the lips, then pulled away and whispered three words into my ear that made me feel full of joy and affection.

“Be my girl?”

“Yes! YES!” I shouted, kissing him again. Everyone else in the crowd was cheering and clapping and going crazy with excitement and joy.

“Yes! Go, Urchin!”

“Way to go, Urchin!”

We pulled away, and he turned around to Cato and Flash, and winked. Both guys nodded. Then, he turned back to me.

“I think it’s our turn up on the stage. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, yes I do.”