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Urchin V - Dark Waters, Part 1

As I walk by Canterlot High later that night after auditions, I look at where the Battle Of The Bands is going to be held, and I can’t help but think to myself.

Two days from now, that’s going to be me, Cato, and Flash up on that stage, competing against Trixie, Applejack and her friends, the other competitors and.. Adagio.

My heart pangs in pain at the thought of her name, like it longs for her. It felt weird, to be honest. I stopped in my tracks, and walk towards the stage where the contest is going to be held, and I sit down on it, in the light of the lights illuminating the place, and sigh. My mind first thinks back to when Cato asked me and Flash to join him in this.

What in the world are you planning, Cato? Like, what the hell are you planning dude? There’s something about this whole thing that I don’t know about, and I feel like that you’re the one that knows.

Then, my mind thinks of Adagio and her sisters, and then I realize something.

Maybe Cato’s ulterior motives have something to do with Adagio and her sisters. If that’s the case, though, then what is it?

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Aria creeping up behind me until she was practically right on top of me. I jumped when I realized she was there.

“Easily scared much, Curly?” she asked.

I look back at her, annoyed.

“Very funny, Aria. What brings you to this neck of the woods?”

She chuckled, and then narrowed her eyes.

“Nothing in particular, on my motives. Adagio asked me to come find you, whether it was tonight or in the morning when I found you.”

Adagio? I thought in my head, confused. What in the world does Adagio want with me that she sent Aria out to find me?

“Let me cut to the chase here, kid. She wanted me to tell you the truth about us, if you can keep this secret.”

I nodded, not knowing what to expect.

“The truth is that, we’re not exactly human.”

“Obviously” I replied.

“To be honest with you, Urchin, we’re actually sirens. Creatures from the land of Equestria, in an entirely different world from this one, that feed off of disharmony. We were banished here by the wizard named Starswirl The Bearded over a millennium ago, with only enough power to retain immortality and our singing voices. Now, due to the Equestrian Magic generated when Cato pulled his stunt at the Fall Formal, we’re here to use your fellow classmates to regain our power and make everyone adore us.”

She stepped back, to give me some space so I could process this. To be honest, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. The girl that had an interest in me and her sisters were actually creatures from another world. It took a couple of minutes to gather myself.

“Shocked?” Aria asked me.

I nodded.

“Yeah, I figured you would have that reaction. It’s probably lucky that I found you here. Less people that could overhear me. Anyways..” she sighed.

“I have to admit, you guys were good at the audition. I will give you and the other two that. Sonata probably doesn’t really think twice about liking you guys as a fan would.. she’s just dumb like that. And I know it’s harsh, I know.”

She paused, as if thinking of what to say next. “Adagio though.. she’s another story. I can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at you. She can’t get you out of her brain, she admitted it to me herself. Her purpose in life, as dictated upon by our siren elders, won’t allow it, but I honestly think the blush she had on her face earlier today has given me all the clues I need to know.”

She looks at me with serious, yet sad eyes.

“I think she’s falling in love with you, Urchin. Which is sad to know since you’re probably going to hate her for what she does to your school, your classmates, and your friends. Vengeance against your opponents is a dish best served cold, but honestly I don’t think I’m going to come out of this without any regrets.”

She leaves me with a slip of paper, on which is written an address.

“Adagio wants to meet you at this hotel tomorrow night, so she can have some brief and most likely last chance moments to confess her love to you before the Battle Of The Bands. If I were you, I’d go to the hotel. She’s already fragile as she is, trying to grapple over what she’s been born to do from Day 1, over her feelings for you.”

She then left me, leaving along with my thoughts. I was stunned for a while, then I left, booking it towards home, with only one though in my mind.
Cato, Flash, Applejack, I need your help to save Adagio and her sisters.

Author's Note:

Looks like things have gotten totally serious for Urchin. Now, the boy from 4 is in a race against time and apparent destiny and fate..