• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 477 Views, 20 Comments

The Adventure Continues - Dragon Shimmer

The heroes team welcome to new member in ... unsual way

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The new member ...

In the early morning, a pig-tailed girl navigates through the trees in Greenwood Village. Camouflaged by her emerald-colored outfit, the girl jumps nimbly from branch to branch. She carefully watches for predators lurking in the shadows as she darts stealthily through the foliage. Her bright green clothing helps her blend in with the foliage and hide from potential threats. Stopping at the last limb, the girl removes her bow from her shoulder to focus on the approaching target. A confident volley of arrows speeds toward the waiting bull's eye. Her arrows hit their mark with precision and poise, giving her deep satisfaction. After several rounds, the target's middle circle demonstrates the girl's accuracy. As soon as all the arrows are exhausted, she stops. With a sense of accomplishment, she stands tall among lush greenery waving in the breeze, satisfied that her work has paid off.

Another girl, dressed in blue, observes archery from a safe distance. She is standing at the edge of the field, far enough away to see but not in the arrow line of fire. The girl is mesmerized by the archers' skill and precision and admires her friend's talent. She jogs up to the target at the end of the obstacle course to judge the results. "Nice shooting as always, Anna," she cheers. Putting a stray lock of brown hair behind her ear, Molly throws a water bottle at her friend sitting in the tree. Anna smiles, pointing to the tightly grouped arrows near the bullseye. "Thanks Molly!" she says cheerfully. Molly nods in approval as she never gets tired of watching Anna shoot. She loves how Anna controls the bow as if it were part of her body. It's no surprise that Anna always hits her mark.

"Thanks again for covering me, Molly! I need to work hard to hone my skills and build my strength," Says Anna determinedly as she jumps from the tree to drink the cool water. "So I can become a ranger." The green-haired girl is convinced that by improving her physical and mental capabilities, she can achieve her dream.

Molly smiles as she pokes Anna with her staff. "Nah, you don't have to become a ranger; you must become yourself. Although you may be bored watching the sacred forest jewel, you must take your duty seriously." The blue-haired girl pointed to the target for emphasis, not noticing the arrows still stuck to the target quiver.

Anna grumbles at Molly's words but takes them to heart. "I understand," she says glancing around nervously. "I'll take my responsibility seriously."

Molly pulls another arrow from the target, adding, "Speaking of responsibility, you should return to the holy shrine before they catch you again." She smiles encouragingly at her friend. "Remember the last time the guards noticed your absence?" Anna nodded resolutely, not wanting to face the same consequences as before. With a quick wave, she heads into the woods.

A breeze blows stray blue hair into Molly's face as she works on the target. The guards had noticed Anne's absence before, and if they were to notice it again, the consequences would be serious. Molly, on the other hand, is focused on the task at hand and showed no signs of being deterred by the situation. "Anna would be an outstanding ranger if she could overcome that weakness…"

Heeding her friend's words, Anna jogs faster along the path. She definitely did not want to get caught again. However, the concealed area is quite far away, so she must return quickly to avoid this happening.

"Ah, Molly, she always cheers me up." Reminisces Anna as she returns to her post at the holy site. The archer knows that if she wants to get the recognition she deserves, she must prove her worth through her skill and bravery. "But becoming a ranger is the only way to get promoted from *sigh* guard. Arg! Shrine Guardian. What kind of boring job is that? Nothing can get near the hidden area defense spells. Additionally, it is protected by attack idols, runes and the strongest barrier in the world."

The winding trails pass many trees and bushes to confuse any could-be thieves. However, as Anna approaches the final hill to her destination, she notices something is wrong. Instinctively, the archer stops on the path. Anna nervously grips her bow to mentally combat the strange silence. There is no forest noise from nether birds or animals. Only the sound of leaves crunching under her boots.

A large rock serves as a cover for the archer as she peers cautiously over the last ridge. Despite her stealth training, Anna gasps as she surveys the destruction scene. The beautiful structure orbited by holy circles with carved offering poles and family shrines has disappeared. An acidic odor has replaced fragrant wildflowers. The calm she has known since childhood has disappeared, and Anna's eyes fill with tears at the devastation she witnesses. Anna feels helpless and overwhelmed.

Whole trees have been uprooted and thrown around like twigs. The outermost protection pillars are knocked over, while the rest are shattered. There was a deep crater where the consecrated building used to be. However, most striking of all is the great altar, carved from a massive rock, is cracked in half.

With speed matching one of her arrows, Anna swoops down the slope. Panic and shock override any mental warnings of lingering danger. She navigates the bleak landscape in a stupor. Anna stares at the broken high altar for several minutes before realizing the holy forest jewel is missing! With a sharp intake of breath, Anna realizes the gravity of the situation – the sacred relic she was charged with protecting is stolen.

After searching for what feels like an eternity, Anne finally lies on a fallen tree, exhausted from all her effort. Anne has frantically dug through leaves, turned rocks over, and checked holes. Her throat is raw, and her voice is barely a whisper from all the screaming. An old Greenwood legend that foresaw a tragedy if the holy forest crystal of trust fell into evil hands echoes in her guilt-ridden mind. This desecration is all her fault... With a heavy heart, Anne realizes she must take it upon herself to restore the sacred crystal and pay for her mistake.

After a fruitless search around the shrine, Anne forces her body to move. The archer subconsciously rubs a scar on her arm to calm her down. This catastrophe has a silver lining: no other guards were in the shrine during the attack. Rotations are one at a time. However, during her turn to guard the sacred gem, it was taken from its hiding place. The brazen theft of Greenwood’s most prized possession is a wound to her pride that cannot be ignored. To redeem herself before the villagers, Anna must retrieve the sacred jewel herself. With intense determination, Anna vows to find the holy treasure or never return to her village.

Reluctantly, the archer returned home to prepare for the journey. She knew it would be difficult and dangerous, but it was the only way to search for the missing stone. She is determined to succeed, no matter the cost. But first, she needs to face her family. Previously Anna had been annoyed that the residence was so far from the center of town. However, now she counts her blessings that she could enter the house unnoticed. The rustic house seems like an oasis in the desert. After stumbling through the back garden gate facing the forest, her mother confronts her.

Before Anna can react, her mother rushes to her side and hugs her tightly. Her warm and comforting embrace lets Anna know she is loved no matter what. Noise from inside the house announces her father's arrival, who joins in the embrace. Anna stands wordlessly at the welcome and does not resist when her mother guides her to a nearby bench. Only after Anna sat down did she see the smoke pillar in the distance.

Eventually, a noise breaks Anna's stupor. It's unclear how long the archer sat on the bench, but another object appears nearby. It is a small tub filled with hot water. Suddenly Anna is filled with anger. What was she doing? She is doing nothing! Why is she sitting around when there is a thief to catch and a gem to locate? Cursing herself for the delay, Anna bolts into her room. Not knowing what to expect, she grabs her map collection, and stuffs some clothes into her dimensional pouch. Despite her plans for an immediate departure, her parents block her way.

Her mother calmly gestures to a mirror. Anna's frustration at her delay dies when she sees her reflection. The archer's green suit is torn, twigs stick out of her hair, and she is covered in mud. As a result of rubbing her scar again, her arm is now red and raw.

Anna remembers the smoke and feels embarrassed. She expected her mother to be angry and her father to criticize her, but they looked understanding. Her parents knew they could not stop their daughter from embarking on this journey; however, they could prepare her for the challenge.

Her mom helps Anna wash off and change while her father repacks her haphazard bags. However, Anna insists on leaving and argues for her now-disgraced position even as her father applies healing salve to her wound. Her parents look at each other and sigh. Anne has never been so determined. But to catch the thieves, she must pursue them while the trail is still hot. Preparations are soon complete. Anna's pack now contains more practical items along with her maps and checklists. Hugging her parents, the young archer begins her adventure.

Anna's parents watched their only child disappear down the path. They tried to persuade her not to leave as she is still young and has little experience outside the village. However, Anna had decided and was determined to explore the world beyond.

"Honey, I know our little girl is an adult now, but..." says Anna's mom quietly.

"Yes, I understand, dear," replied Anna's father. "But this is the first time Anna has wanted to leave the area since... the incident."

"Yes, but…"

"Anna needs to learn about life. This may not be ideal, but it may be the most effective way in the long run. After all, she can't hide from her problems forever."

"Yes, but the outer forest is so dangerous…"

"While Anna is a highly talented scout, she still needs experience. This may not be the ideal way, but it may be the most effective in the long run. After all, she can't hide from her fears forever." The father gently places his hand on his wife's shoulder before walking a few paces in the same direction as Anna. Suddenly, he stops to touch his chin. ‘Maybe...’ the man ponders as he walks to the door with his coat in hand.

"Honey? Where are you going?"

"To see an old winged friend."

Despite feeling overwhelmed and scared about the future, Anna maintained a cheerful and optimistic demeanor for her family. To give them hope and assurance during a difficult time. Although she has her favorite map with the detailed ground elevations, she is unsure where to travel beyond the familiar area. "At least whoever stole the jewel left a trail." Ponders the archer while studying the line of freshly broken tree limbs. "Hmm, west, towards Ashwood Forest." Unfortunately, she is so focused on the map that she narrowly avoids a forest monster attack. Despite the creature looking like a jagged log, Anna's training advises her not to fight frontally.

Dodging another attack, Anna remembers from experience that this bouncing monster is called a 'wooden idol.' They can be challenging despite their willowy appearance, as they possess no internal organs and a tough protective bark. Utilizing her skills, Anne hits the idol with several fire arrows to scare away the animated wood. With a crash, a second wooden idol attempts to ambush her but meets the same fate as the first. Afterward, Anne jumps into a tree to recover. "That was odd. These monsters do not normally attack people… perhaps the jewel's absence affects them?"

For one person, the Ashwood Forest is becoming increasingly discouraging. After traveling west, Anna is dumbfounded when the trail abruptly stops. The would-be ranger almost screams in frustration. She searches the surrounding area several times, but the track has vanished. After so much work and bravado, Anna has reached a dead end. But when the exhausted girl is ready to give up, she hears the sound of rustling leaves. The archer chugs an energy potion as she zeros in on the sound.

Upon pinpointing the noise's source, Anna sees an unusual sight—a golden-haired man struggling with a large bag. In additional to the sack, he also processes an assortment of dimensional pouches, cooking pans, and something the looks like a flag. Since the mystery man acts suspiciously, she carefully follows him as her only lead to the criminal. It is not difficult to track this person as he is dressed entirely in black, from his boots to his coat, complete with a pirate hat. He is also whistling a cheery tune. There is something oddly fascinating about this strangely dressed person strolling through a dangerous area. Despite his casual appearance, the man emits a powerful aura. Anna decides to keep a safe distance and observe his actions to see if he is connected to the thief she is looking for.

After a while, Anna observes the man dropping his heavy burden next to some rocks. Then he emptied the bag's shining contents on top of them, including something green. Bending slightly backward, the man stretches and cracks his head to recover. Anna moves closer and overhears him talking to himself. "Man, I found a lot of great treasures. It looks like I can make one of everybody now." The man remarks aloud as he rubs his sore back, but then his proud expression changes to worry. "Geez, too bad Natalie got lost wandering through this forest. Hope she is alright."

Anna attempts to get a better glimpse while the man rummages through his other bags. As she moves closer, she notices the man's expression change to worry. This is in stark contrast to his mood only moments ago. This suggests that the man is genuinely concerned about another person named Natalie, who he mentioned got lost in the forest. Listening, however, makes Anna careless, and she accidentally steps on a twig. With surprising speed, the mysterious man draws out a large sword. Anna quickly realizes that this man is more than he appears and may be dangerous, causing her to retreat.

Suddenly the spot where the archer had previously stood explodes. Anna is shocked by the man's accuracy. Not even her old friends could match her speed. She jumps into another tree to avoid a second bolt from the stranger's sword. Anna becomes even more determined when a sunbeam reflects a flash of green from the pile of objects on top of the rocks. With the element of surprise no longer present, the archer grabs several arrows to prepare to take on the mysterious person.

Anna suspects this may be the man who stole the holy Greenwood jewel. Burning with anger, she aims an arrow at the unknown man. However, when she turns her full attention back to her target, the archer sees an unexpected sight. Instead of taking cover, the man casually stands out in the open with his sword resting over his shoulder. This scene stops Anna. In the meantime, the man reacts to the silence with a bored look and kicks a small stone around.

A twitch from the cramp in her arm breaks Anna of her astonishment. She internally cursed herself for holding the bow taunt for too long. Such an amateur mistake! The archer finally launches an arrow at the man. It narrowly misses his hand, resulting in him instantly breaking out of his daydream. Anna moves behind the cover of the tree trunk but the branch behind her foot has vanished! Fortunately Anna’s training kicks in just in time to allow her in land safely on the ground, however the disturbance alerts the man of her location.

Despite her village’s extensive archery use, Anna recognizes the static sound of a weapon charging. Knowing her speed is still greater than her opponent's; the archer quickly devises a strategy to face him directly. She jumps dramatically out of the undergrowth, holding a trio of stinger arrows at the ready.

Jumping back, the darkly dressed fellow looks surprised when a scowling green-robed girl jumps out with a bow and arrow aimed at him. The pair stand motionless briefly, sizing each other up before the man mutters. “Um, I missed…?”

"Y-you there... Did you steal our jewel?" snaps Anna, more aggravated than angry that the man ignored her. “You will pay for that.”

"Eh... how about that..." the man murmurs as he looks at the unknown girl. Outwardly he seems unfazed by her ambush, although he never takes his eyes off her weapon. He processes the situation, surprised that he could not land a shot from so close up. He realizes he admires her skill not only because of her precise shooting, but because his sixth sense tells him something. The man grips the sword tighter. He can't pinpoint it but senses she is entangled in something important. It is a feeling he has not had for many years.

"Eh... how about that..." the man murmurs as he looks at the unknown girl. Her hair is full of leaves and branches. Outwardly he seems unfazed by her ambush, although he never takes his eyes off her weapon. He processes the situation, surprised that he could not land a shot from so close up. He realizes he admires her skill because of her precise shooting and because his sixth sense tells him something. His grip on the sword tightens. He can't pinpoint it but senses she is entangled in something serious. It is a feeling he has not had for many years.

The mysterious man relies on his sixth sense. Having his old team suddenly rejoin is no coincidence. Something significant is about to happen and relates to this disheveled girl. This may have have been a more dangerous if my opponent wasn’t coated in tree sap.

The man smiles as he recalls this person's careening introduction. So focused on her big entrance that she almost trips over her untied bootlaces. As the man watches the girl, he can feel a silent energy that has been dormant for years. He can sense a powerful force that will soon be unleashed and another lost, significantly impacting many lives. His team's reunion is a harbinger of something world-shaking, and this girl is at its center.

Determined to make this girl his ally, the man attempts a heroic pose. However, the stand-off is unexpectedly interrupted by noise from behind them. The bag holding the man’s loot suddenly tips over, spilling items all over the ground. Focusing on protecting the bag, he turns to catch the valuable contents before they get damaged. This results in him tumbling over a hidden root in the leaves.

Seizing her chance, Anna hit the man's sword arm with several non-lethal stinger arrows. This caused the man to drop his sword and allowed Anna to disarm him without lethal force. She did not question why the strange man suddenly fell flat on his face, but she was in a hurry. Having paralyzed the man's sword arm, Anna leaps towards the bag. A smile spreads across her face until she grasps its shining contents.


"Ouch, ouch, OK, stop! I don't want to be a pin cushion," his voice cries out. “Oh no! My hat!”

Anna looks at the man in disbelief. "What?" The girl attempts to hold up her bow as the man stands up, but she holds up one of the bag's items instead. She had already immobilized the man's arm, and his sword lay on the ground, so Anna was not worried. She ignored the other spilled items as she rushed to grab the bag, which likely held something of value. It takes a few seconds for her to process this situation as she has a better look at this man's hoard. WHAT?

A look of surprise crosses the archer's face as he looks back at the stranger. The man picks up his hat casually in another corner of the clearing instead of getting upset about Anna shooting him. He then places some rocks in a small mound and carefully sets the pirate hat on the pinnacle.

Anna is dumbfounded. She shot this strange man walking in the woods carrying a mysterious item. However, he acts as if nothing is wrong and ignores her. Anna can't understand what is happening; the man acts like the strange encounter never occurred. The archer does not know how to respond when the man is more concerned about his stuff. Although she thought he would be mad, he concentrates on his dusty hat instead. "H-hey, did you steal our village's jewels?"

Uncertain how to respond to the irate mystery girl, the man carefully responded, Jewelry? Sorry, I don't do green; it clashes... Oh. Just look at my hat!" Stinger arrows were nonlethal but still painful. Shuttering at the thought of another arrow jab, the man studied the girl carefully. “...I’ve acquired a lot of things, okay?” As he had 'liberated' some goods from a village, she was likely from the owner's family to revenge them. It is not going to be easy to sway her to join the team.

Meanwhile, Anna took several deep breaths to calm herself down. After rethinking the situation with a clearer mind and growing embarrassment, she contemplates telling the truth. With newfound resolve, Anna decided to take responsibility for her misjudgment and apologize. "Well..." Anna taps her chin." And you really haven't seen it?"

“My 34th favorite hat is all dirty now.”


The man stays silent for a while before responding, "Eh no, I didn't steal your acorn."

“Maple leaf.”

“Do you think if I scrub it, I can get this spot out...”


Anna dishearteningly adjusts the bow over her shoulder and sighs, “Sorry for disturbing you.” She drops the bag on top of one of the rock piles and prepares to leave, angry at her failure—the lopsided bag tips over and spills its contents onto a nearby bush. Suddenly a tiny animal shuffles out of the underbrush. Anna turns her head, eyes widening with surprise, as the little creature peers up at her. Its prickly fur is black with a long white stripe. A shiver runs up the archer's spine when she spots several other pairs of curious eyes peeking out of the bush. "Oh no…"

While the archer could jump into the trees' safety, she could not help but worry about the other person. He is still focused on his hat. She quickly weighed her options: help the stranger or flee the scene?

Her decision-making is interrupted by porcupettes sniffing the air and shuffling toward her. At first, Anna thinks the pups are headed toward her, but they are interested in something behind her. She has no choice but to run. In an impulsive decision, the archer grabs the stranger's hand, desperately hoping to save them both. "Come on we have to leave."

"What?" The man is suddenly pulled away from the damaged hat's shine. The now-annoyed man shouts, "Hey! You damaged my hat! Plus shot and robbed me. Now you want me to leave my treasures behind? Sorry, but you are alone, Miss Bossy." The man reaches for his pirate hat and turns away from the girl.

"But we are both in danger! Those are porcupettes." Anna's anxious plea for help is further emphasized by the approaching animals.

The man looks critically at the animals and then at Anna, but moves away from the area anyway. "In danger...from those things?" he asks skeptically.

"What? No, those guys are harmless."

"If those small things are harmless, why are we running?" As if to answer the man's question, a quill shoots past the duo and explodes into a stinky cloud. This is followed by several threatening noises.

The porcupettes' loud squeals echo through the clearing, further enhancing their sense of urgency. "Oh no! That did it for certain. "Come on! We have to climb the rocks to escape."


The man did not want to pursue the girl blindly, but looking at her pale face changed his mind. He headed towards the rocks, following her lead. When the porcupettes could not follow over this new terrain, the girl looked relieved.

As the man prepares to ask why they fled, a quill strikes the ground nearby. Eventually, the brownish spike turns red and explodes into a putrid cloud. His heart races as he realizes what is happening. They both rush over the rocks to escape the deadly quill rain. A choking smell invades the area as additional quills burst apart.

In a size able burst of toxic gas, a much more malevolent animal crashes through the shrubs. It is covered in sharp spikes with razor-sharp tusks. The monster continued to shoot exploding stink quills. Anna and the mysterious person were too busy climbing to notice the monster's grand entrance. It snarled ferociously, its eyes alight with the promise of imminent violence.

"Those porcupettes are harmless, but ma-ma porcuskunk...not so much." gasps Anna. "She's not something you want to mess with." The archer is relieved her father thought to pack a mask with the supplies. To her surprise, the eccentric man quickly located a mask despite his disorganization. “So he has some skills after all. He kept up with me going over the rocks.” Although Anna and the swordsman are safely on top of a large rock, a litter of baby monsters surround them.

Upon flopping down on the rock, the man finally catches his breath. He takes out a canteen to offer Anna as a sign of thanks for her quick thinking. The archer declines the water but accepts his gratitude.

The man looks around the area for a way to escape, but it appears the best strategy is to wait. "Well...This real estate has some lovely views; however, I don't like the neighbors."

“You’re right, we cannot stay up here forever. But why are those baby porcuskunks so interested in us? Those animals normally stay away from people.”

“Well, Natalie is always says I’m good with kids or is it that I act one... In fact, the reason I am here is because of her. She said she’s worried about some strange occurrences at a shrine.” The man puts his hat down to start rummaging through is other dimensional pouches.

The hat looks different in the sun. This change interests Anna as she studies the article more closely. There is yellowish powder all over it. As the archer surveys the area, she locates the source, a small grove of flowering trees. She theorizes that this is why the porcupettes chase them or, more precisely, they follow the stranger. A while later, the mother porcuskunk calls her offspring back. The pair is happy to see the herd scamper back into the woods.

The hat looks different in the sun. This change interests Anna as she studies the article more closely. There is yellowish powder all over it. As the archer surveys the area, she locates the source, a small grove of flowering trees. She theorizes that this is why the porcupettes chase them or, more precisely, they follow the stranger. A while later, the mother porcuskunk calls her offspring back. The pair is happy to see the herd scamper back into the woods.

The swordsman is lost in thought as they carefully climb down in the opposite direction of the porcuskunks. He considers himself lucky that his previous attack had missed this girl. She wears the uniform of the most experienced archers in Midearth- the Greenwood Rangers. Despite her long sleeves and overcoat, he could see battle marks on her body. The hurried journey over the rocks revealed a particularly severe scar on her arm. His sixth sense buzzes again after seeing her wounds. He and this girl need to reunite with rest of the as soon as possible.

Anna is happy the danger past. She is not surprised to see the stranger looking over his smashed goods. It appears the man's valuable "treasure" has been destroyed by the monsters. Anna apologizes to the man for what happened but the items are not salvageable. Condolences are extended to him regarding the loss of his property. She was uncertain about this eccentric stranger before. However, he gives off the same feeling of protection as the village's veteran combat teachers. Furthermore, he carries a high-level clay-more, which requires years of training. Her theory was confirmed when she grabbed his hand. The only person she ever met with such callused hands is her fathers friend Eld, who is rumored to be a war hero.

Having found an undamaged item, the man is pleased. Holding the object high, he shows it to Anna. He smiles in satisfaction, proud of his find. "See, today is not a total loss. By the way, where are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Unfortunately, I have no clear route forward anymore. The thieves' trail I was following suddenly stopped. So um... sorry..."

"Fortunately, you found me!" he said, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin. "I'm looking for something too, well someone...but it's pretty much the same thing."




"Yes. I'm Matt the swordsman." replies the black-coated man with a cocky grin.

“Matt the swordsman?” Anna says questionably as she looks at Matt more carefully, “Wow, you named yourself after one of the living legends?” The girl turns to continue her journey, missing Matt’s worried expression. “Well, I guess that makes your name easy to remember. Oh boy. I’ve really picked someone with a big ego if they name themselves after such a famous hero.”

“Oh...Anna. I’m an archer from Greenwood.” She replies embarrassed to have forgot to introduce herself earlier.

A low rumble breaks the uncomfortable moment. Anna’s face flushes again when she remembers she has not eaten. A second rumble confirms Matt is also hungry. Then she remembers the flowering trees nearby.

“Say, um, Matt. Are you hungry? There is a pawpaw stand nearby. Now that the coast is clear, it should be safe if we hurry.” Inquires Anna as she points to some trees. She has so many questions to ask this person. Like why he is traveling though the woods with a bag of glass bottles. Once her curiosity is peaked, it isn't easy to sate. But for now, Anna decides to focus on getting to the next safe zone. “This crazy guy is so lucky he ran into me.”

“You know what?" said Matt casually, “this looks like a nice day for a walk.” He carefully places his recovered loot into a side pouch. Since the man had heard how dangerous the Ashwood forest could be, he decided to follow the green archer. The man was traveling these woods in search for his missing friend, Natalie but protecting this novice young traveler is more important for the moment. “Um… my sixth sense tells me is she already traveling with someone else. This naive girl is so lucky she ran into me.”

The pawpaw grove is in full bloom. It surprises Matt to discover that the flowers and fruits are edible. He informs the archer he had gone though some similar trees earlier. Anna smiles at Matt's inexperience with forest plants. Fresh pawpaw flowers are one of her favorite treats. She enjoys plucking the flowers and savoring their sweet, creamy flavor, a delightful surprise to the tongue.

Anna takes out her map. It is the one with the green rim and the 10-point scale. She needs to get her bearings. She points to a spot on the map and tells Matt they should head in that direction. He uses his handkerchief to carry some blossoms. Matt nods in agreement, and they start walking, Anna happily munching on the pawpaw flowers as they move. Then they both hear a dreadful but familiar sound.

The newly introduced travelers both cringe as the porcupettes return. It would have been adorable if the squealing of the cute creatures hadn't heralded the appearance of something far more ominous.

Anna and Matt glance at each other and run with the porcupettes in pursuit.

"Why are they following us?" shouts Matt.

"I don't know..."

As they dash through the underbrush, trying to evade their pursuers. Anna suddenly realizes something. “The flowers! Your hat! Quick, give it to them.”

“What?” Matt pants. “No! Not the hat."

"Sorry, but it's either the hat or us!" Cries Anna as she grabs Matt's hat and scarf. With a quick reflex, the archer rams the articles with an arrow and shoots them into a nearby tree. In a flash, the babies dive onto the scented cloth articles and tear them to pieces. The pair leave the area quickly. Once they depart, the porcupettes are showered with pawpaw flowers. In no time at all, the babies forget about their chasing game with the funny creatures and start chewing. A single feather floats unnoticed.

After running for several minutes, the travelers stop on a ridge to rest. They are both relieved to have left the last threat behind. As Matt surveys the landscape before them, he points out the tree line edge and the possible safety of the area. However, Anna realizes she dropped her map in confusion and panics. They may have escaped the encounter with local wildlife but are now lost.

Looking to the horizon, Matt takes a deep breath and says, "We'll be okay. We just have to focus on the next step and keep moving." To Anna's surprise, the swordsman takes out a second pirate hat identical to the first one. "This is only my 15th favorite hat, but it'll do." He turns slightly so Anna cannot see him fidgeting.

"Well, I guess that is the most suitable option," says Anna as she stops to face her newly acquired traveling companion. She tries to put on a brave face but she absolutely hated being lost. Wherever she traveled, even in familiar territory, she needed to know exactly where she was. However Matt’s actions stopped her from worrying about this. “Ok, Anna, you can do this… It's only a map. Remember what Molly said? It's only a map.” The archer reluctantly pulls another map. It is not her preferred one, but she does not want to look weak. They both head towards the tree break.

The duo doesn’t say anything as they travel through the forest. Suddenly, Matt kicks Anna causing her to stumble behind a tree. Anna was about to yell at her new acquaintance when a large fluffy bat zips by, barely missing her neck. Anna is surprised to see Matt spring into action. With practiced ease, the man removes a white claymore with a red gemstone from his dimensional storage. Startled by the sudden flash of light from the sword, the bat flies away. Matt sheathes the sword and turns to Anna, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry about that," he says. "That was a close one."

"Aw, that bat was cute," says Anna, her eyes shining. With a sigh, Matt taps her over the head with his hand, earning a glare from Anna.

Matt simply says "Hey, don't do that again. You and I just met. Remember what YOU said, Ashwood forest is not known for its friendly inhabitants. And she was scolding me about the porcupettes…"

Anna rolls her eyes as she stares at the map. It is pointless as they are lost but it still comforts her. Anna notices movement near the top of a tree as a result of rustling noises in some branches. “Oh,” she thinks to herself, “I wonder if it’s that bat again.” When Matt shouts for her to hurry up, a loud screech sounds through the forest before a large shape flies from the treetop. Anne sighs because her new traveling companion scared the animal away again. “At least there does not appear to be any more danger...”

In the evening, Anne and Matt stand beside a rock outcrop surrounded by mean-looking forest dogs. The pair ambles due to another heavy loot bag Matt somehow acquired from a hole. Anna tries to determine how the swordsman found these items when they are ambushed by a feral dog. Fortunately, Matt kept his sword out to defend himself against the charging animal. This gave Anna enough time to pull out her bow and arrows. After shooting at the first dog, it is clear the dogs are part of a pack. Matt throws his hat onto a branch while Anna shoots arrows to distract the other canines. Another dog shifts into fire-hound form as the swordsman strikes more charging animals. Lunging toward Matt’s sword, the attacking canine’s flames heat up the metal handle. Soon the blade becomes too hot to manage. Despite the pain, Matt holds onto the sword and swings it against the fire-hound, sending it tumbling backward.

Meanwhile, another forest dog moves towards Anna, who has stumbled and is on her side. Matt tries to swing his weapon when he sees Anna in danger but is thrown back by a sudden wind gust. The bat has returned. Using its wings, a gale forms around Matt, causing him to drop his weapon. As the dog approaches Anna, the archer shoots the animal through the heart from her awkward position. However, she also cuts her hand in the process.

As the bat smells blood, it decides to attack Anna instead of Matt. But the resilient archer recovers. Seeing Anna will not be an easy meal; the bat turns back to the unarmed Matt, who immediately punches it. The swordsman cannot help feeling amused watching the bat sail backward several feet before slamming into a tree with a satisfying splat. Anna's resilience is a testament to her archery skills, and Matt's quick thinking ensured the bat's defeat. His quick reflexes and strength defeat the creature. Witnessing the leader's defeat, the dog pack retreats. Matt sighs with relief as he walks back… his 15th favorite hat is safe.

“Lesson learned,” thinks Anna as she watches the menace disappear, “no more cute fluffy bats.” Taking several deep breaths, the girl suddenly realizes this is the first time she had to kill anything. Before this adventure, she trained with targets. "This is not a comfortable feeling," Anna reflects. Despite her years of training, Anna still felt uneasy about taking another creature's life. Now, she had to face the difficult consequences of her actions. Lost in thought she almost failed to notice Matt’s departure. "Hey! Where are you going? Hey, get back here!" she yelled.

As the day progressed, the duo saw many other bush monsters. Some try to attack them, but Matt expertly repels them with his blade while Anna becomes more confident around live targets. Late evening approached, so they started looking for a place to spend the night and discovered a small abandoned house. Anna cautiously looks through the window when she hears a loud crack. Matt kicked the door in. The annoyed girl aims an arrow at the reckless swordsman, but he ignores her. There is little inside the house except for dust. It appears the dwelling has not been lived in for a long time. After a quick search, Matt discovers a chest with a red bow and quivers inside. He smirks as he tosses them to Anna.

Anna glares at Matt, "These are stolen so I won't use them." She explains as she weighs the bow in her hand, "Besides, this bow is heavier than mine, so it cannot be as accurate."

Matt’s response to Anna’s rant is an even wider smirk. “Oh, I see, Miss Morality, and what will you do if your bow breaks? Go to the deep woods supply store?” He walks to the middle of the room and shouts, “Hello! Anyone home? We need to borrow some things. Any objections… no? Great! See, Anna, this bow no longer has an owner, so this is not stealing, right?"

Anna grumbles, “Fine,” as she puts the items into her dimension pocket. “Maybe I will use it...”

“Great! Now you’re thinking,” Matt retorts, “it is good to use all available resources.” The swordsman turns to face Anna, “Speaking of resources… despite your map, we are not making much progress searching for that shiny thing, so maybe we should look for my friend.”

Anna sighs as she walks out of the dilapidated structure. The girl’s traveling companion suggests stopping her quest for the sacred jewel to find this lost friend. Aggravated by the swordsman’s childish behavior, she decides to get some fresh air. The sounds of rustling leaves calmed her, so she closes her eyes to take deep, cleansing breaths. She then releases an enormous scream.

Sword in hand, Matt runs outside to see Anna inches away from a giant wasp. She screams again when the insect moves. “Don’t just stand there!” she shrieks. “Do something! I hate wasps!”

“Well,” says Matt, “of all the useful things I’ve used my sword for, I’ve never considered fly swatter...But it does seem like a pretty effective one,” he chuckles.

“Watch it,” hisses Anna. “Remember, I still have stinger arrows.” Anne glares at Matt threateningly but suddenly looks around at the tree shadows. “Don’t make me use them,” she warns, her gaze still darting in the growing darkness. “Matt, do you hear that?”

“No, I don’t hear anything,” replies Matt.

“Exactly, something is wrong. The forest is too quiet.” Anna scans the surrounding area again before pointing to a small patch of vegetation next to some odd-colored water. “That grass is the wrong color… which means…” Anna quietly slips the bow from her shoulder and fires an arrow into the shiny puddle. The puddle makes a slurping noise before moving away. “Oh no, we have chameleon slime.”

Matt stood still for a moment in surprise. The swordsman is not easily impressed. Camouflaged slimes were almost impossible to spot or hit in shaded areas. Anna had done both with a single arrow. Matt’s jaw dropped in awe – Anna’s skill with the bow was remarkable, especially when considering her target's difficulty.

Anna points out several other puddles to the swordsman. Matt nodded in understanding; he had a new appreciation for Anna's bow mastery. He watched as she readied her arrow and fired again, hitting the target in a single shot. He knew he underestimated her skills.

“Matt,” she says nervously, “I think… we’re surrounded.” She hits several more slime, but they just become more numerous. "It's like slime comes from everywhere.

With the element of surprise lost, the remaining hidden slimes merge, resulting in a giant disgusting monster. With a guttural roar, the beast throws slime balls at the duo. They dodge and weave, evading the barrage of slime balls, but the monster pursues them relentlessly.

Anna tries to evade the monster but gets hit by its attack. The green archer is now covered in goo. “Look out, Matt!” Yells Anne. Matt dives out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding the same fate as Anna.

With the weapon drawn, Matt yells, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this!” Swiftly he taps the sword’s red gem wrapping the blade in the fire. Matt jumps and slams the sword on the ground. A red wave slashes through the giant slime. The monster splits in half and rolls over... onto the house. Sparks of fire fly in all directions, engulfing the area in an eerie light and highlighting the devastation caused by Matt’s actions. With the pair’s shelter destroyed, they must find another one. Fortunately, the house is marked on Anna's map, and an encampment is nearby.

On the way to the safe zone, Anna insists on stopping at a small waterfall to rinse off. As she exchanges her ruined clothes for fresh ones, she becomes curious about Matt’s missing friend. He mentions she is connected to a shrine which piques Anna’s interest. As far as the archer knows, there are only three shrines, so seeing what Natalie knows may be beneficial. She took an oath of secrecy when she become shrine guardian, however is it still necessary now that it has been destroyed?

Fortunately, the spot is easy to locate. Anna is happy that it is also secure after so much trouble. A lava river encircles the area, and the middle is only accessible by a metal bridge. Rune covered spears keep the heat away from the travelers.

Anna is surprised and relieved that the site is a popular campground. Many others use the area. Walking over the bridge, Matt points to a burned tree and remarks, “Now we know why they call this Ashwood forest.” However, Anne notices he acts nervously as they are walk through the check point to register for a spot. The campground is completely full, fortunately there is a last minute cancellation.

By this time, the sun has set; however, this is not an issue, thanks to the glowing lava. A camp is quickly set up with tents and a campfire. Anna is ready for answers. She glances at Matt and asks, "So… is your other friend a th- I mean, a collector too?"

Matt sits on a fallen tree to explain, "Natalie? Na. She's a mage. Our team has been separated for several years now. Anyway, Nats and I were traveling companions. But she wanted to go off on her own after our last big adventure. Always bugging me because she says I carry too much stuff." Matt looks at the forest in the distance, "I have to admit that this forest is turning out to be more challenging than I thought. My collections really took a hit."

Anna smirks, "So this is your first time in this forest?" Matt shakes his head as Anna smiles, "And you teased me about my map. Collection? Your last find was some broken pottery that you insisted on bringing with us."

Matt grins, "It seemed like the natural thing to do."

Anna realized she had discovered why Natalie needed a sabbatical. The archer is determined to gain clarity by talking to this mage face-to-face. Anna set the alarm spell to wake her up if anyone opens the tent while she is asleep. The girl is exhausted but still concerned about her safety, especially with someone she has just met.

Matt watches all the people camping but is worried. The last time his sixth sense bugged him so much, his team needed to fight a demon. "Ok, you got me," Matt whispers with unusual seriousness near Anna's tent. "Anyway, that jewel you were talking about before, is it significant or not?" He gets no answer. Looking through the tent's vent, Anna is fast asleep.

With a yawn, Matt pulls his blanket around him for some much-needed sleep. The swordsman was glad no one recognized him. It would have attracted too much attention. He traveled to this forest secretly, as Natalie was last seen in the area. Strange things are happening so he needs to find her quickly. Matt’s thoughts drifted to earlier conversations with Anna about her missing gem. This green jewel must be much more than the young girl lets on. Otherwise, why would she search in such a dangerous area?

The pair cross the lava in the morning to return to the forest. Matt managed to secure another dimensional pouch so they could travel more freely. Anna suggests they walk across the ridge to the trail’s edge for a better view of the area. The rustling leaves warn them of several black idols. As Matt punches one of the idols, Anna shouts a warning to stop, but it is too late. One of the idols breaks in half with a loud crack, sending rock shards flying through the air. It is too late for Anna to warn Matt since the idol has already been punched. Shards of rock fly from his punch, breaking the idol.

With an explosion of splinters and a pained yell, Matt holds his burned hand. His attack shattered the monster, but this idol’s defense is an outer acid coating. In a desperate attempt to protect himself, Matt had to endure the searing pain of the acid as it burned his skin. Taking out the other dark idols quickly, the archer focused on the injury suffered by her companion. With the help of a water bottle, she cleans the acid off of his hand before applying a bandage. They are about to continue when they hear the sound of rustling leaves again. They quickly turn to face the new foe only to see a woman with long blonde hair holding a staff. Besides her is a cat wearing a sword.

After a long awkward pause, Matt gasps, “Natalie?”

Standing before them was an elegant woman with orange skin wearing a red dress. She has an air of confidence and sophistication that inspires respect. The woman and Matt stare at each other for a minute before wrapping themselves in a hug. They embrace each other with warmth and familiarity, a testament to their long-standing friendship. Matt finally let go and smiled. “It’s been a long time,” he said. “It’s good to see you.”

The woman smiled back and said, “It’s good to see you too.” She added, “It’s been so long since we’ve been together.”

“Oh, Natalie,” says Matt joyfully, “I’m so glad you’re alive! You wandered off on a quest, and I never heard from you.” Matt had worried about Natalie’s well-being since she embarked on her quest and was relieved to see her alive and unharmed. He had heard she was somewhere in the Ashwood forest and was happy to have her back safe and sound.

“I was looking for you too, Matt,” replied Natalie. “You disappeared after reporting you were helping some threatened villagers. They said you lost your favorite cloak to a monster, but I see your hat is OK." Matt looked at her, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Yes, I did lose my cloak, but I got away with my hat. I think I'm getting better at this monster-fighting business."

Matt touches the new arrival’s shoulder and walks over to Anna. “Anne,” he says, “This is my old friend Natalie. Not only is she a sharp dresser, but she is also a fantastic mage.” Natalie smiles at Matt's introduction. "It's nice to meet you, Anna," she says. "I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about." Natalie's enthusiasm is evident as she happily greets Anna, conveying her intelligence and magical abilities all in one sentence.

Matt gives Natalie a knowing look, "Nats, this is our brand-new team member, Anna from Greenwood. She is on a critical quest." The mage knows her friend's sixth sense is accurate. Natalie told Matt about some ominous things happening near the sacred stone. Then he appears with this young girl who he insists join our team, something he has never done before. This can only mean this person is part of something important.

Matt continues, "There is no one better to help you on your mission than Anna." "Anna is a powerful mage with many years of experience in the arcane arts," Matt says to Natalie, emphasizing the importance of Anna's assistance on the quest.

Anna looks at Natalie, “So you are the famous missing friend?” She then steps back to rub her head and looks at Natalie again. “You must be a powerful mage if Matt is such a talented swordsman. It’ll make traveling smoother with you. I was right to follow my instinct; her jewelry is only worn by priestesses. She is someone I need to speak to. Wow, and she’s pretty too.”

Natalie stares at Matt's heavy bag and back at him with narrowed eyes. “Well, some things never change,” she snarks. “You overextended your dimensional pack again… didn’t you?”

The small blue cat on Natalie's shoulder 'meows' during the commotion. "It's like this every time," Natalie sighs, shaking her head in exasperation as the cat chirps. This startles Anna. When she tries to pet the cat, it jumps over her head and onto Matt's shoulder.

"Careful, Anna; Nolegs is not only another friend but also a member of our old team." Says Matt as he lifts Nolegs and pats the cat’s head, "Right, Nolegs." The cat 'meows' in agreement. "We can always count on Nolegs for support," Matt smiles at the feline. "That's why he's part of the team! Oh, I missed you too!”

Natalie looks skeptically at Matt.

"Come on, Nats..." Waned Matt. "I promised Anna I would find her missing grapefruit."

"Maple leaf!" groans Anna.

Natalie freezes in place as everything clicks into place. This person is from Greenwood Village and is looking for a valuable item. There is only one thing that is so critical that a young girl would risk her safety. The green forest stone is one of the three jewels that maintain world balance. Natalie is part of the High Guild, so she knows the sacred stone's location and function. If this is what was stolen, it needs to be recovered fast. They will have to move quickly in order to have a chance of success.
Nolegs 'meows' and jumps onto a stump so the archer can pet him. Matt and Natalie nod, while Anna's back is turned. She asks hesitantly, "Ok... So how many members are there in your group?"

"Five members total, it's me, Natalie, Sunset, Lance, and Nolegs." Matt proudly takes out his sword and points it at the sky. “Our team helps all sorts of people.” Everyone rolls their eyes at the swordsman's antics.

Anna replies, "So you named your team after the living legends?" Nolegs deadpans. Natalie starts to say something but Matt gestures for her to stop. Nolegs' response makes it clear that he understands the importance of the mission they are on – to help anyone in need.

Matt motions for Natalie and Nolegs to follow the impulsive young archer. They all nod at each other as if they have never been separated, ready for another adventure. “More people will make for safer journeys. Thank you for being so helpful,” says Anna.

"Speaking of safety, Anna…" says Natalie as she spins her staff. "Has Matt tried to cook yet?”

“No, we have been too busy running from baby monsters.”

“Then it is a lucky thing you ran into me.”