• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 478 Views, 20 Comments

The Adventure Continues - Dragon Shimmer

The heroes team welcome to new member in ... unsual way

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Just another fight and resting for a while ...

A lone figure is running up a hill at the edge of Whitefall town. Her goal is the waste treatment plant buildings at the edge of the settlement. The air is still heavy and putrid around the complex but to former employee April, the feeling of hope prevails over the environment of decay. Despite being fatigued and dirty from her excursion, April has a continuous smile on her face. Before going back inside she looks up at the blue sky one more time. After being a prisoner for so long April is ready to leave this industrial dungeon behind forever, however, before the former employee can so that she has a final task to do.

Walking inside the main building, April is greeted by Natalie and Matt. The lackluster room has not changed since she had left for the town but the atmosphere has significantly lightened. Lance has set the front gates to remain open so a light breeze is now able to travel through the area. A short time ago April never would have believed she would be enjoying the luxury of fresh air and sunshine again. The former employee is excited about the prospect of freeing her co-workers and shutting the factory down for good.

“Welcome back!” greets Natalie, “Wow, you were only gone a short time! I’m glad it did not take long to go into town. Thank you again. Any issues dropping off our ‘little friends’ to the town authorities?”

“None at all! It was a real treat to play courier after all the trouble they caused.” replies April smugly “In fact, the guards were wondering if they could have a copy of the shrinking spell for some of their repeat offenders.” The girls share a laugh before walking over to Matt.

The swordsman is sitting on some supply boxes prepping his weapons for the upcoming fight. He holds a finger up to his lip to shush the amused girls, then points to the corner where 3 team members (Anna, Nolegs, and Sunset) are napping.

The former captive let out a sigh before continuing in a softer tone, “They deserve it. This must have been a hard battle.”

“Agreed,” whispered Natalie, “Anna and Nolegs make a great team. It was especially good practice for Anna. She has a lot of potential and a bright future. Sunset looked a little green earlier so I suspect she is a victim of Matt’s cooking.”

The conversation ends with a whistle from Lance working at the computer consul. Matt calls out to April and Natalie, “hey, looks like we’re in. Go wake up our slumbering trio; dozing furry, napping arrows, and sleeping scaly.”

April and Natalie walk unhurriedly over to the snuggling teammates.

“They look so comfortable, I’m tempted to join them,” says Natalie wistfully, “But duty calls…”

Sunset moans and opens an annoying eye at the two persons shaking her awake. As the dragon yawns and stretches her body, a thud is heard. Laying on the floor are two other teammates who had slipped off her back. April is grouchy and rubbing her back, while Nolegs simply yawns.

“Ah, you could have woken us up a little more gently,” Mutters Anna, still sitting on the ground.

Nolegs just ‘meows’ and stretches.

“Well of course you feel fine.” Anne retorts to the feline. “I landed on the cold, hard, concrete floor and you… landed on top of me.”

After arming themselves, the group walks over to Lance for an update about the entrance to the control room. The gunner informs the team the building’s security was now disabled so the entry was ready to open.

Holding his hands up Matt addresses the group. The swordsman turns to April and states “Before we go after the big boss and rescue the hostages, please tell us about the control room.”

“Well,” reports April, “That chamber is largest and most fortified due to its potentially dangerous machinery. When the factory was built, the town was worried about explosions in case the generator went bad. However, it should make it easier for the team to fight as there are no obstructions. There is a small room on the right side that is probably where the rest of the captive staff are.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” Says Lance.

April nods and recalls, "Unfortunately, in addition to the drones under his control, the madman also has a powerful robot too."

Matt responds, "Thanks for the heads-up, April! Can you help us out again? We need you to stay here to watch the door. Some of the hostages may need help after being held prisoner for so long. In the meanwhile, we will..." He points at the door with his sword, "Take down this mad fella and bring him to justice."

April agrees, "Yes, with pleasure! Good luck and kick his ass for every person he has made miserable."

A few keystrokes by Lance finally break the last of the security and the vault lock slowly releases. Walking inside on high alert, the team readies their weapons. There is an audible click behind them as the oversized blast door swings closed behind them. Inside the chamber, the bulky room is exactly as April described. On the far wall, a large high back chair is surrounded by security videos. The chair swivels around slowly to allow the occupant to face the incoming squad.

Silence echoes between the team and the mysterious figure in the chair. The only sound in the room is the hum of machinery mixed with the clank of robot workers. Surrounded by the factory's processors and dashboards the man finally stands to address the team. He is dressed in an oversized test center uniform with a pair of black thick-heeled boots. A pair of mismatched goggles crown his messy blue hair.

Against a backdrop of blinking apparatus lights, the man started to pace in front of the team and gesture wildly. “So, this is the pathetic team who defeated my loyal guards.” He announces pretentiously. “However, you have no chance against this stronghold’s most superior mastermind.”

The response from the team is nearly a full minute of silence before it is broken by an unimpressed dragon. Sunset glances at the team before she drives her staff into the floor only to casually lean upon it.

“Look everyone, we’re in luck. There is an entry-level trainee here,” taunts Sunset, “Oh, and hello there! Our team is looking for an evil genius scientist. Have you seen such a person?”

“Trainee?” rebukes the mad man. “How dare you! Can’t you see I am the greatest prodigy of our time?”

“No. I see you are a costumed man-child with delusions of adequacy,” counters Sunset coolly with a wide grin and a gesture from her claws.

With a snarl, the man answers angrily, “Ah! I’ll show you! I’ve already revealed to the cowards here in this facility of my brilliance, now I’ll show the world my superior I.Q. The world will tremble before the glorious might of… The Thinker!”

“Eh? De Stinker?” Questions Lance as he looks over at Matt.

“Na,” replies Matt. “How about the Broken Beginner?”

“Ye Bawling Besserwisser?” responds Lance.

Matt retorts. “What? No, no, no the Besserwisser Blowhard.”

“Na, na, na, Da Bellowing Besserwisser.” Responds Lance.

“The Novice know-it-all,” Suggests Matt. “Or how about Ham-fisted Smarty-pants?”

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” screams the Thinker now red with rage. “No one insults my great intellect! I have the most paramount mind of all. I will have revenge against all those who doubted my forward-thinking abilities. They rejected my superior plans and ideas. Those idiots tried to stand in my way and were defeated with our scientific might. No one can stand a chance against us.”

“Us?” questions Sunset as she picked up her staff to rest it against her shoulder, “Oh great, now Mr. Somewhat Scientific speaking in third person…”

“Yes! Us dragon!” shouts the mad man gleefully, “My power is greater than yours. Our might is stronger than all of you.” With a great flourish, The Thinker takes a remote out of his lab coat to push a blue button. The sound of moving machinery fills the chamber as a large black armored robot rises from a pit in the floor. "Behold,” cries the man triumphantly, “My greatest creation, the Praetorian."

“Praetorian activate!” orders the Thinker jubilantly, “Go to my robotic perfection, destroy all my enemies!” The sound of grinding metal emanates from the mechanical form as it turns towards the team. As it moves towards the team, the robot starts to glow red.

“Heads up everyone!” shouts Matt.

The team jumps out of the way just in time to avoid an enormous katana wielded by the Praetorian. Sunset flies over the opponent and breathes a fireball at it. Unfortunately, as a result of the fire attack, the robot activates its jetpack to pursue its target in the air. With their dragon friend distracting the robot, the rest of the team scatters to start a counterattack against the foe.

Matt is running around the room when he spots the Thinker at the control panel. The floors shake as two large turrets rise from the floor. The turret’s guns aim for the team. Thinking quickly, the swordsman bangs his claymore against some wooden boxes. The sawdust and flying boards confuse the gun's auto-firing mechanisms so the shots miss. Matt grins as he charges his sword and attacks the flying red robot. A split-second glance between the former unicorn and the swordsman is all the two teammates need to switch targets.

Once Matt charges at Praetorian, the robot responds towards him in turn. Claymore meets katana as the determined swordsman duels the automaton. All the while, guns are firing volleys at the rest of the team. Sunset swoops around the room to draw the shots into other areas. This aids the rest of the team in preparing their attacks. Natalie chants a spell, while Anna and Lance aim their weapons. At the critical moment, the Praetorian is the target of a combined attack. Lance’s pulse rifle disrupts its circuits and Anna’s well-placed glue arrows in the robot's joints interfere with the giant’s movements.

Sunset continues to distract the turret’s attack. The first turret has failed to hit the nimble dragon at all so the mad man is getting frustrated. Turning the control panel once again the Thinker summons a swarm of fish robots and drill-bots to join in the battle. Seeing the new enemies, Sunset takes out her sword and defects the turret shots at the flying drill-bots. This destruction irritates the mad scientist even more and changes the turret to fire a laser at Sunset. However, the dragon appears to effortlessly slide under the laser ray and slices the gun in half with “Wyvern Slash.”

Even with the first turret destroyed, the second one is still firing. Sunset teleports around the second turret to overload the gun's aiming system. The Thinker changes the turret again to target heat signatures but the clever dragon creates multiple fireballs to orbit in empty areas.

In the meantime, despite moving more erratically due to the team's prior attack the Praetorian continues its main assault on Matt. Unfortunately, the robot manages to hit the swordsman’s armor causing him to slam against the wall. Another blast from Lance’s pulse weapon gets the Praetorian’s attention away from the stunned swordsman. As it appears the robot can only focus on one target at a time, the archer and the gunner attempt to lure Praetorian to the middle of the room. As the Praetorian’s giant katana swings at the pair, they move in opposite directions.

Praetorian’s momentary confusion is enough for Anna to plug several more sticky arrows into its joints. Slowed down further by the obstructions in its joints, Lance takes the opportunity to shoot out its rocket pack then runs across the room to join Matt who is recovered. Since the pair make a seemingly good target the now grounded robot creaks sluggishly forward to attack.

Suddenly a magic circle appears under the robot. Within a few seconds, the Praetorian is locked in indestructible ice. Seeing the target now in position, Sunset slams her body against the second turret’s barrel to change the trajectory of the shots. The Praetorian has just enough time to turn its head towards the new source of movement before it is hit point-blank by the turret fire. Sparks begin to erupt from the robot and after several jerky movements, the head explodes into pieces.

Overhead the fish robots and drill bots seem to be randomly exploding. Seeing his creations failing all around him, the scientist retreats to the master control panel. Burning fragments are now raining down on the beleaguered bad guy. Looking up he sees a strange blur that seems to follow the airborne drones. Whenever a fish robot attempts to shoot missiles it is slashed by a quick blue cat. The drill-bots also attempt to shoot at the elusive feline but he dodges them all.

After seeing this cat easily destroy the droids, the scientist is now more terrified of the mysterious feline than the rest of the team. Especially when Nolegs slashes a deluxe model automaton right in front of him. Hopping up and down on one of the defeated robot carcasses, Nolegs speed allows him to materialize in front of the mad man as suddenly as if he could teleport. He ‘meows’ and raises his sword at the now terrified Thinker. The scientist pushes a red button and covers himself with an electric shield.

A second blast of icy wind from the Mage locks up the rest of the floating drones. They tumble from the air like hail. The room is filled with the garbled sound of whirs, beeps, and grinding gears as the rest of the electric army malfunctions. Falling debris lands on the evil scientist’s shield causing showers of sparks. Soon the room falls strangely silent.

With the automation army defeated, the team observed a strange sight. The mad man, surrounded by the electric buffer, is trying to avoid proximity to a certain bouncing blue cat. Noleg tauntingly shadows the trapped man's every move. After watching the scene of a small feline menacing the larger individual for a short time, the team decides to come to the ‘rescue’.

“Ok Nolegs, time for The Thinker to go to the clinker,” declares Matt as he walks over to the defeated scientist. The rest of the team audibly groans. “Oh come on guys,” continues the swordsman. “I know I don’t have to be sarcastic anymore, but this guy has given me so much great material I’d hate to waste it.”

“Matt…” warns Natalie as she points her staff at the swordsman. “Don’t say it…”

“But, but,” sputters Matt pointing his sword at the scene. “He... bad dude… in bubble…”

“Ok, that’s enough,” says Natalie raising her staff in the air, “I hereby declare this epic pun battle over, or do we want a repeat of what happened with Eustace the chess master?” Matt stays wisely silent.

Sunset walks to the self-proclaimed genius, “Now, you have to pay what you have done to the factory employees and the people of Whitefall Town," she reprimands, “Your actions have endangered the plant’s workers, wrecked property, and polluted the nearby town.”

Despite shaking as he looks up at the dragon, the scientist remains stubborn, “No! You can't take me to jail because I still have this shield."

“Oh really?” Answers Sunset with a toothy grin. Thick claws ripple over the shield and the dragon feels the electricity go through her body. With a mighty swing of her talons, the shield wall starts to tear. Soon it completely collapses.

Sunset laughs at the exposed scientist and announces, "Next time get a real shield rather than this paper one."

Now desperate, the scientist grits his teeth and lunges a yellow button. “All units manual override Delta RR2DD,” he screams. From all corners of the factory, worker robots march into the room, welding torches, hammers, and other industrial tools. “Attack the intruders! Go my great and powerful allies!” orders the maniacal laughing mad man.

Grabbing their weapons the team prepares for another fight, however, all the approaching robots unexpectedly stop moving. To everyone’s amazement, the machines either lock up or fall over motionless. The video screens around the room go blank as the main control panel loses power. No one understands what is happening until a shrill whistle rings out from a nearby metal ramp.

On a small balcony the newest team member standing next to a large damaged electrical fuse box with several dangling cables. Anne waves and holds up an object. “Sorry, Mr. So-So Scientist but your great and powerful army is no match for the humble but reliable wire cutters!”

“Great job lass,” calls Lance, “But how did ye know which wires to cut?”

“I have them to thank for that!” announces Anne cheerfully gesturing behind her. Several people came up from behind her from a small room behind the battered-looking terrace.

“The missing employees! You found them!” cheers Sunset. “Great job Anne! Great job everyone!” From the terrace, the former captives let out a loud victorious shout.

The victory celebration is cut short by a loud creak from the fallen Praetorian. Sparks shoot from the fallen robot as one of its arms which are still raised in the air starts to topple over with catastrophic results. Suddenly a hidden missile shoots out of the collapsed arm due to its sudden impact and smashes into the balcony.

Plunging towards the sound of the trapped employees' screams the courageous team dashes through the choking smoke. The missile has destroyed the balcony and the adjoining room is full of smoking rubble. The metal balcony has collapsed on one side with hanging fittings blocking the back room’s entrance. Several small fires litter the area. As the only fireproof member Sunset quickly flies up to peek inside.

Choking on the smoke, Anna emerges dirty but unharmed from the debris. “Sunset! (cough, cough)” Anna calls out as she waves to her friend. The archer gestures that the hostages have retreated into the room for safety.

“Got it!” Sunset answers back. “Nat! I need some help! Can you please make a water spell to put out the fires and I will use my wings to blow out the smoke.”

The mage chants a rolling water spell on the upper chamber which not only puts out the fires but also reduces the choking dust. Meanwhile, Sunset flaps her wings to remove the smoke. Completely unnoticed, the main vault door opens. Soon the moving air aids in clearing the room of the noxious odors.

As the smoke fades Anne emerges again at the edge of the broken balcony. The former employees carefully move through the rubble and are soon ready to evacuate the room. Sunset carefully flies the workers down to safety where the rest of the team checks them for injuries.

“Ok,” asks Sunset “Is this everyone?”

“Oh no! Not quite, we are missing someone,” exclaims Anna.

Everyone in the room suddenly remembers the identity of the missing person. In a unified gesture, the group turns to confirm the vault door is indeed open.

“Ah! This is terrible. After all that hard work the bad guy got away!” Cries Anna.

Sunset gently placed her claws on Anna’s back. “Rescuing the trapped people was more important than catching the bad guy. Wouldn’t you say?”

“You’re right, Sunset. I’m sorry. Everybody’s safety is a lot more important,” admits Anna, “Come on everyone! Let’s all get out of this room.”

Walking into the main room the rescued employees are surprised to see a campsite set up on the concrete factory floors. Lance starts directing people to the seats around the center stones holding a pile of charcoal embers. The former workers gratefully accept the team's water canteens.

Looking around the room, Anne exclaims. “Where’s April?”

“April!” shout several people worriedly.

“Help! Over here!” cries a muffled voice emanating from a pile of boxes.

Despite the group’s tiredness, everyone rushes over to the source of the distress call. In the corner of the room were several fallen boxes and containers. After several minutes of moving and restacking the debris is cleared. Buried under the pile of objects was April.

“Thank you for helping me out,” exclamations of the now liberated April. Turning to her co-workers she adds. “Well this is embarrassing, I was trying to bring help to rescue everyone and ended up needing all of you to save me.”

“What happn’ lass?” inquiresLance.

“I’m so sorry! This is all my fault… I’m sorry the mad man got away,” April blubbers with tears in her eyes, “It’s just he… he…”

Pulling out a handkerchief, Lance hands it to April. “Now lass ye safety is more important than catching that superfluous smart-aleck.” Everyone nodded in agreement.

“This may be a good time for all of us to take a much-needed break. After all, we have a lot to discuss the limited future of this building,” suggests Sunset, “I believe there are some showers in the other room along with some mats.” Everyone replied by vigorously nodding in agreement.

Several wonderfully cleansing hot showers later, the group has been transformed from a grimy assembly of prior detainees and fatigued heroes to a gathering of new friends.

Lance re-stoked the fire and with the help of several former workers is cooking a delicious smelling soup. A few mats relocated from another room serve as individual beds. April and Matt treat some of the worker's injuries, while Natalie casts a cleaning spell on the smoky clothing. Even Nolegs is helping out as an emotional support feline by generously providing the opportunity for ear scratches.

“Yum! This soup is so good, Lance, you are an outstanding cook,” comments Natalie, “Sunset, you were right. We all did need a break before continuing on our quest.”

“All right everyone! Ya want ye all to have at least 2 bowls of my special medical soup,” broadcasts Lance, “Ther’ may have been some ‘asty chemicals in all of that smoke.” He scoops out another bowlful of the steaming liquid before handing it to April. She is sitting by the fire and in a much better mood.

The factory manager unobtrusively walks over to April and sits down beside her. April looks down in shame, but the administrator places a comforting arm around her shoulder. The sound of footsteps causes April to turn around to see the rest of her co-workers behind her. With a plethora of understanding expressions, the employees sit around the fire. The team follows suit and soon everyone is sitting comfortably.

“Well, shall I start?” states the manager as he looks around at the assembled group. After a long pause, the administrator takes a deep breath and slowly exhales before continuing. Turning to the team he begins his address, “Well, we said it before and we will say it again. Thank you very much for rescuing everyone from that crazy man and his robot.” The grateful group breaks out in applause.

After the applause dies down, the manager continues, “April, when you managed to escape, all of us here were very worried about your well-being. But you went above and beyond for every person here. April, thank you for finding these heroes that freed us.” April starts crying again so the administrator pauses again to allow her to calm down.

“Also don’t worry about that guy getting away. I had to fire him a while ago due to his lackluster performance. In my report, it was recommended he should go far… as soon as possible. Thanks to you and these outstanding champions that fellow has finally followed directions.” The manager adds.

“Thank you very much, sir,” replies April, “After the team defeated that weird man’s bodyguards and they were sent to the little big house, I guess I became overconfident. The team thought it would be best to keep me out here in this room in case any of you were able to escape but needed aid during the battle. Unfortunately, instead of people, a thick, black smoke came out of the vault.”

"Sorry about that," pipes up Sunset as she rubs her head, "We should have been more careful around that dangerous robot. "

“But it wasn’t your fault that machine was so unpredictable,” replies April, “Guess I’m just sorry that mad man could not be brought to justice. You see despite the smoke, I saw him leave the room, that ridiculous lab coat stands out. He ducked behind some boxes so I yelled for him to stop. However, he pushed the containers on top of me and escaped out the open side door with a brown sack.”

“Wait,” Matt interrupted, “He took a brown bag? Did it have a patch on one side?”

“Yes,” confirms April.

“What!” cries Matt emotionally, “Oh, no!” The swordsman ran over to the team's supplies to double-check the inventory, but the sack had indeed been stolen.

“What’s wrong?” Asks Natalie.

“That horrible despicable villain!” cries Matt holding his hands on his head, “he stole our specially made food!”

“Wait a minute, you don’t mean?” Inquires Natalie.

“Yes!” shouts the exacerbated swordsman with an exaggerated hand gesture, “that dude stole all my healthy buns!”

“Well, it appears justice was served after all,” concludes Natalie, “…Possibly with a side of antacid tablets.”

After the previous emotional day, the group decided to wait until the next morning to return to the vault room. Sunset and Anna walk into the main control room early to check for additional damages. Nolegs is sitting comfortably on Anna’s shoulder. They were surprised to find most of the factory employees hard at work.

“Over here,” calls April from a small platform next to the now deactivated pumping station. “Glad to see you’re already awake. Sorry if our group was too loud, but we were so excited it was hard to sleep.”

Taking out a clipboard, April shows the trio their plan, “Mr. Lance and our boss have been working on this strategy. This faculty is already in bad need of an upgrade, but after the Inker or Sinker, or whatever his name was, repurposed the building it just made a lot of things worse. Originally our technicians thought the issues with the machines polluting the area could be corrected but the apparatuses are irreparable. So the engineers are routing the power to the internal shield with the remaining sectional plumbing and are going to cause a buildup in the fuel stores to spontaneously combust.

“So you’re going to blow the factory up,” states Sunset.

“That’s what I said,” replies April.

“Oh, ok,” Agrees Anna, “But I thought the factory had a switch to do just that?”

“We do,” Explains April pointing to a crude sign with an arrow that read ‘DO NOT TOUCH’, “However the factory is partially connected to the Crystal Caverns. If we make it explode that way, the caves will be very negatively affected."

“Oh,” April replies, “That's why you need the shield, so the blast will only demolish the plant, not the surrounding area.”

“Yes, that is correct,” Says April. All of us talked it over last night and it was agreed this was the best way. This factory was originally built to help the people of Whitefall not make it unlivable. This way not only can all of us former prisoners truly get on with their lives but we can also apologize to the town for all of the trouble.

Thanks to the group’s effort, it take one day to prepare the site. With the preparations complete, the team joins the former personnel joyfully parading out of the factory. Sunset and Natalie make a transport circle for any items of value still inside the complex. A remote detonator is made by Lance so the employees could destroy their cursed prison from a safe distance.

It was now evening. The group had moved the camp from inside the lackluster factory to the spacious meadow outside of town. After the entire group had moved a good distance away from the complex, the former-plant manager ceremoniously pulled out the detonator device in front of a cheering crowd.

Word had traveled fast from the villains' defeat and the factory workers' rescue. The meadow is filled with townspeople in a festive mood. Food vendors set up stalls, banners stretched over several groups of tents while a band played dance music. After a bit of discussion, the former hostages agree that the old guard who directed the team to the complex in the first place should have the honor of pressing the demolition button.

The band plays celebration music while the old guard walked to a designated spot. Once there the plant manager overseen by the town’s mayor handed him the detonator. The smile never left the guard’s face as he pressed the button that sealed the cursed factory’s fate. The ground rumbled as the stockpiled fuel and incineration spells ignited behind the protective shield. The townspeople cheered as a column of light disintegrated the plant that had troubled the Whitefall town for so long.

“Are you sure you want us to leave now?” asks Anna to the rest of the team. They were watching the light show from the rocks near the Crystal Caverns, “The town has set up quite a party, plus I think the mayor was looking to give everyone a metal.”

“Ha, ha! Listen to her. A few days ago our young archer didn’t want to stop for anything.”

“Ok, Ok. Sorry, lesson learned about stopping to smell the roses,” replies Anna.

“Great to hear young lady! We did this for you,” perks Matt. Lance nods in agreement.

“Ouch! Hey!” The two cry out in pain after getting smacked by Sunset’s tail.

“That’s enough for you two,” says the dragon sternly, “So…” continues Sunset as she turns to face Anna with a hopeful look. Natalie also gives her a kind smile. “Where to next?”

Anna gives a blank stare for a few seconds before fumbling to take out her cave and eastern forest maps. "Well, the third jewel should be near the Goldenbrick Resort," The archer stutters slightly when speaking, “It is quite a distance from here but we can cut through the Ashwood forest to save time. Also, it may be a good place to stock up on supplies before traversing the Lankyroot Jungle.” Anne holds up the map to show the team the various routes. “Finally we need to pass through a lava cave before we reach the resort.”

After a quick discussion, the team agrees Anna’s suggested route is the best one to take. Matt and Lance walk ahead into the Crystal Cavern to check for perils such as rock eaters since there was only a single tunnel available.

As Anna carefully climbs down the rocks she checks on Nolegs napping on her back. Sunset has checked ahead inside the dark tunnel for obstacles before waving her claw for the rest of the team to follow. Floating fireballs once again light the way through the cave for the team.

The team continues walking through the ice caves. This time the journey is much smoother as other travelers have cleared any obstacles. Soon they are on the other side facing a vast forest.

“Sunset and Lance were not with us before we journeyed through Ashwood forest, but they have been filled in about some of our earlier adventures. Anna, are you worried about going back to your village?” asks Natalie.

“Yes, I am very worried about what the elders and my friends are going to say about me. After all, I ran right after the forest gem was stolen without telling anyone but my immediate family. One of the reasons I went home first was for supplies. Did I make it obvious that I didn’t want to go back yet?” asks Anna timidly.

“Well, pointing out all of the features on the map except your home village, which is right on the main trail, is a bit suspicious,” says Natalie.

“Trust me when I say you can’t run away from your problems,” Adds Sunset, “But, don’t feel as if you have failed since the jewel is still missing,” Nolegs ‘mewed’ and jumped into the archer's arms, “Besides, we are not finished yet!”

“Thank you for everything you all have done for me. Sorry I am being ungrateful,” says Anna nodding her head to Matt and Lance.

“Nah, Lass. We may have been rushing things a bit,” adds Lance.

“You were chosen to join our team for a reason. So don’t ever think you are a failure because you don’t accomplish a goal quickly,” says Matt encouragingly, “Besides you have the ultimate weapon against those naysayers.”

“US!” shouts the team at Anna. The archer tears up as she understands how much she is loved.

Not long after entering the Ashwood forest, the team hears a commotion coming from a small clearing. Expecting danger, they hurry to the site to find several men in uniforms fighting several bouncing idols. Matt charges up his sword to aid in their defense but stops to look questionably at Anna first.

“It’s not the acid type this time so you can go to town sword-guy.” The archer reported with a wide grin.

Matt calls out to the besieged group and they happily accept his aid. Thanks to the swordsman’s skills, soon the monsters are either defeated or running away.

One of the men walks over to the team to inquire where they are going. Anna gets a better look at the uniforms and gets excited as they are rangers who were guards from the Greenwood Village. The team has deviated from the main path to investigate the fight, however, Anna confirms their location with the ranger’s help.

Anna was happy her teammates didn’t have to lose time by looping all of the ways back. According to the guard, they could go in a straight line through the clearing to get to the village.

Running to rejoin his squad the ranger looked back to watch the team move away. He is glad one member could help dispatch that idol, but it was too bad the swordsman could not join them on their quest to reach Whitefall town. The team is nearly out of sight when the ranger spotted another group of monsters in the clearing. Unfortunately, they are too far away from them to hear his shouts but then something unexpected happened. Mighty Oak emerged from the forest and clapped his hands. Incredibly all of the monsters immediately leave the area.

“It is such a nice day,” exclaims Anna as she walks through the meadow.

A rustle in the trees makes Sunset jump in front of everyone. Emerging from the timbers is a gigantic wooden robot. Sunset and Lance quickly take their weapons out for a fight.

“Stop!” yells Anna, “That’s Mighty Oak, not an enemy.”

“Wow!” Sunset exclaims.

“Hey big guy!” Shouts Matt. “Don’t worry. They’re with us!”

Mighty Oak nods. The team responds by bowing in respect to the forest guardian with their weapons lying horizontally across their hands. Anna waves as the giant turns around to return to the forest. Meanwhile, a completely stunned ranger is watching this exchange. “Who are these guys?” he wonders.

After traveling through Ashwood woods, the team arrives at Greenwood Village. Anna points out the supply stores to everyone before arriving at her family home. Her parents are overjoyed to see her and hug her tightly.

The archer excitedly introduces the team she regards as good friends to her family. Not wanting to miss stories about their daughter’s adventures, Anna’s parents invite the team inside the house.

"Aww, looks like our little girl made some new friends," teases Anna’s mom. Turning to the others, she adds, "She can be headstrong when she wants to be."

"Mom," Anna whines. "You’re embarrassing me."

“Honey, I’m your mother, it's my sacred duty to embarrass you,” replies her mom jokingly. The rest of the team laughed.

Anna's father looks at Sunset, then lightly punches at the archer, “Look at this. Our little leaf even makes friends with mythical creatures."

“Dad… I’m sorry I could not return with the sacred forest jewel,” says Anna quietly.

“Ah little leaf, you have a hard time which is why you’ve grown up so much. Seeing you back safe and sound is our real reward, not success in your quest.” Replies her father. “Besides, remember what your uncle John Foster Dulles said, The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.

“Wait Dad, the quest is not over yet,” says Anna, “The truth is the Team and I are going to find the third jewel in Goldenbrick Resort. Also, we need to leave tomorrow. The fate of the world could depend on it.”

“What? But honey, the Lankyroot Jungle is dangerous. Why don’t you stay here?” says Anna’s mother worriedly.

“Are you really sure you want to travel through such a hazardous area?” asked Anna’s father.

“Yes, Dad. I’m very sure,” Replies Anna without hesitation.

Turning to Anna’s mother, her father announces, “Well you are now grown up and able to make your way. However, I would like you and all of your teammates to spend the night here. In the morning we can all go to my brother’s shop for some supplies. I insist on buying supplies for all of you.”

“Wow! Thanks so much, dad!” explains Anna hugging him. Her mom also joins in the embrace.

Anna tries to sleep, but she can't because she worries about the future. The archer did not tell her parents these were the real legendary heroes. After tossing on her bed for a bit, Anna decides to get some fresh air. She is surprised to see Sunset standing on the balcony playing with one of her elemental dragons. Anna stands behind the windows and stares at the elemental dragon. She has always been amazed at her dragon friend's magic. “I wonder if she could teach me that spell,” Anna daydreams.

“You know you can always come and talk to me, Anna.” States Sunset looking at the stars. The dragon turns her head to the windows, "You shouldn't hind like a thief and stalking like a paparazzi"

"Hey," Anna rushes out the door and glares at Sunset, "I am not a thief or a paparazzi," then she takes a deep breath to calm her down and sighs, "Sorry about that."

“No yelling? You have matured,” Says Sunset calmly, “Also no need to apologize, taming a wild temper is hard trust me. I guess you’re outside because you can’t sleep?”

Anna answers, "Yeah, I am worried about our future adventure. What if..." Sunset puts her claw on Anna's mouth, making her stop talking. Anna pushes her claw away and frowns at Sunset, "Hey, don't cut someone's sentence like that"

Sunset smugly says, "I am not going to apologize about that," Anna's face feels like boiling but takes a deep breath instead. Seeing that the dragon smiles and continues, "Stop worrying about future adventures, because it is unpredictable. The more you worry about something bad happening in the present, the greater chance may come true in the future."

Anna feels weird about this dragon, "Okay... thanks I guess. I should stop worrying about our adventure." Then the archer smiles and starts looking at the sky, "The stars are beautiful, do you mind me joining you stargazing for a bit?"

Sunset turns her head to Anna, "All right, how about we stargazing here for a while then we sleep. We have a long adventure to go."

Anna nods. She and the dragon stargaze for a while to relieve their uncertainties. Their destiny adventure awaits them.