• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 1,066 Views, 37 Comments

Lylat Sparkle - Norwegian boy

Twilight ends up on the planet Corneria in the lylat System where she is trying to find a way home with the help of James McCloud.

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Rumble at the Wedding

While they were driving to James apartment, Twilight was telling him what happened before she appeared in his world and he couldn’t help but feel bad for her. Her best friends, her teacher didn’t believe her.

James open the window on his side. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, they doesn’t sound like friends to me.” He said while taking out a cigarette from the packet.

Twilight just pulled her leg up to her chest. “I have known them for two years, princess Celestia since I was seven, I just can’t believe that they didn’t want to listen to me.” Some tears appeared in her eyes. “Maybe it was just an illusion, maybe the princess was just using me.”

James lighter the cigarette with his lighter, he took a drag from it and let smoke come out from his nose, he made sure that he was facing the window. “Maybe it was illusion, maybe not. If you feel something for them then they should do the same.” James saw that Twilight had a sad face, so he decided to ask her about something ells. “What about your parents? What did they think about this?”

His question was a mistake, she became even more sadder. “My parents died when I was seven and princess Celestia took me inn, she became like a mother to me but now I’m starting to wonder if that was all a lie.”

Now James felt like a jackass. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Twilight let out a sighed. “Don’t worry about it, you didn’t know.”

Then James decided to ask another question. “What about the wedding?” Twilight look at him with confusion. “Aren’t you curios about who this fake Cadence really are or if your friend managed to find out who she really is?”

“No, I don’t care, they didn’t care about me so why should I care about what happened to them.”

James couldn’t help but think that she was a little hard on them, but he was still curios of what happened. Let’s find out.

Back in Canterlot the wedding was on its way and ponies was taking their place in the room where it was taking place, standing as bridesmaids was Twilight friends. They tried to act professionals, but it wasn’t easy when the scene from yesterday was lingering in their mind.

“Have any of you seen Twilight since yesterday?” Fluttershy asked her friends.

Rarity shook her head. “Not since she accused princess Cadence from being evil and went on her rant, I still can’t believe that she said that.”

“Who care about her Twilight? She clearly lost her mind.” Said Dash with a snort.

“Aren’t you being a little too harsh on her?” Applejack asked Dash.

Dash look at AJ. “And why not? You saw her yesterday, she was trying to ruin Shining Armor wedding for fuck sake.”

“Rainbow, languages.” Rarity hissed at her, Dash just rolled her eyes.

Then the doors open and in walk the fake Cadence with a smile on her face, She then walk down the room to where Shining and Celestia was standing ready to get married.

High above the castle, sitting on a cloud and eating popcorn was creature called a human. “Where the hell is Twilight? She should be her by now.” He said while taking a hand full popcorn in his hand and eating them in one go. “Did she run away again?” His eyes started to glow as he look around. “I can’t see her in the castle and the real Cadence is still in the cave.” He let out a sighed. “I guess I have to save this wedding too.” He then stood up and then jump off the cloud while saying; "Maximum effort."

The fake Cadence has finally arrived at the altar and Celestia had said what shew was supposed to say. “..it’s my great pleasure to pronounce you…”

Before Celestia could finish her sentence, someone crashed through the ceiling and landed in the middle of the room. It was a creature that look like a hairless ape, he was wearing a pair of black pants and black jacket, was stood out the most that was his hair, the left side was white while the right side was black.

He landed in a superhero position, he then stood up. “I ding ling dong protest of this wedding.” The entire room was silence after he said that. “Worst Flanders imitation EVER.” The room was still silence, expect Pinkie who just giggled.

Then Celestia spoke up. “I don’t know what or who you are but you are intruding on my niece wedding.”

The creature straighten out his jacket. “If that fake one is your niece, then who is this?” He then snap his fingers and then another Cadence appeared next him. “This is the real Cadence.” This one was wearing a wedding dress that look like the fake one, but the real one didn’t look like she had taken a bath in a while.

The real Cadence look around with a happy smile on her face. “I’m free, I’m not in the cave anymore.” She then saw what was happening with her fiancé. “Hey, I’m supposed to marry Shining, not you.” Cadence said to the fake one.

The entire room was in shock, nobody didn’t know what was happening. Then Applejack spoke up. “Wait a minute, there’s two of them?”

The creature just slap a hand on his face. “For the love of…” He then snap his fingers again and the fake Cadence disguise disappeared, where the fake Cadence stood was now a female Changeling with green hair wearing a black dress. “That is Chrysalis, the queen of the Changelings and she has been imitated Cadence for a week now, right under your noses and here’s the funny part, your glorious ruler Celestia was clueless.” He then summoned a glass of champagne. “Way to go sun butt.” He then drank from the glass and then he tossed it away.

All of the ponies was in shock right now, they couldn’t believe their eyes and ears. Cadence was a fake and Celestia was clueless, was it true?

Then Chrysalis spoke up. “Just who are you?”

The creature placed a hand on his chin. “Well, I guess I can show you mine other form.” He closed his eyes and then he started to glow, he then started to grow, fur started to appeared on him, wings appeared on his back and he got a horn on his head. His left side was white while his right side was black. “My name is Libre and some of you know me as the alicorn of chaos and harmony.” The entire room was quite, they never in their life thought they would see another alicorn beside Celestia. “Wow, though crowed.” He then snap his fingers to summoned a chair which he sat down on.

Libre’s action just confused everyone. “What are you doing?” Chrysalis asked him.

“What does it look like? I’m sitting down on a chair.” He then summoned a bag of popcorn and started to eat of it, he then hand it to Cadence. “Want some?” Cadence just started at him wondering if he was serious or not. “I think Celestia is going to try and stop you Chrysalis."

Chrysalis just was confused as she look over to Celestia who had a serious look on her. “If you think you can come her and threaten my little ponies Chrysalis, then think again.”

Libra couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Would you stop with the ‘my little ponies’ crap, they are not yours.” Celestia didn’t listen at all.

Celestia fired a beam from her horn towards the queen of the Changeling who counter with a beam herself, at first it look like they were evenly match but then Chrysalis started to push Celesta’s beam back and she managed to hit Celestia sending her flying backwards so she hit the wall, Celestia landed on the ground unconscious. Rarity and the girls, with Spike ran over to her to see if she was okay.

Chrysalis was pleased with herself. “Ah, Shining’s love for Cadence is more powerful then I thought, consuming it has made me even more powerful then Celestia.” She said while using her wings to fly a little.

Libre couldn’t help but snort. “That’s so wrong, the only reason you won over her is because she has lost confident in her own magic, what’s she become is lazy, always counting on others to her dirty work.” He ate the rest of his popcorn. “I guess I have to do it.” He then got into a fighting position which was just weird, he was standing on his left leg and his right was up to his stomach, his arms was stretch out like a crane. “Let’s do this.”

Chrysalis couldn’t help but laugh of what she saw. “You do really think you are going to beat me standing like that, you’re a joke.”

To her shock he just smiled. “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

That made her mad. “I’ll show you.” She fired a powerful beam from her horn which hit Libre right in the chest creating a explosion, Chrysalis couldn’t help but smile when she saw the explosion. “Ha, so much for the alicorn of chaos and harmony, that was to easy and…”

Then she was interrupted. “Do you ever shut up?” Every pony in the room was in shock when they heard Libre, he then walk out of the smoke, unharmed. “Or you just like to hear yourself talk.” He said with a smile on his face.

Chrysalis was speechless. “How… how is this possible? I put everything I had in that attack.”

Libre just shrugged his shoulders. “Your attack was weak, that was also the beam that you used on Celestia, I could fell it.”

Chrysalis snarled at him. “I’ll show you weak.” She fired another powerful beam from her horn, Libre just held up his hand and absorbed the magic. Chrysalis couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “No, it’s not possible.” She said while backing away in fear.

“My turn.” Libre fired a beam from the hand he used to absorbed Chrysalis magic with the queen of the Changelings tried to put up a shield but the beam just shattered the shield and vaporize her like it was nothing. “Well, that was easy.” Every pony in the room was speechless, they couldn’t believe this Libre just killed Chrysalis like that. “I guess my work is done, see you all in another life.” He then bounced out of the room while singing skip to my lou.

Author's Note:

I know, it not a good chapter, I suck when it comes to action scene.

Yes, Twilight doesn't have any parents in this story, I just wanted to write something different.

Libre is my oc.