• Published 5th Aug 2021
  • 1,070 Views, 37 Comments

Lylat Sparkle - Norwegian boy

Twilight ends up on the planet Corneria in the lylat System where she is trying to find a way home with the help of James McCloud.

  • ...

Spike and Cadence

Spike open the door to the Golden Oka library and the first thing he notice, Twilight was not there. “I wonder where she is.” He said as he closed the door. Spike walk over to the couch and let out a tiring sighed. He then decided to laid down on the couch and started at the ceiling, he was about to take a nap when someone knock on the door. “The library is closed.” It didn’t work, the knocking counited. “Go away.” He told whoever it was.

“If I go away then I can’t tell you what happened to Twilight.” Said a voice.

When Spike heard that he tried to get up so fast that he fell on the floor. “Damn it.” He said while getting up, he then ran to the door and open it, there stood the same alicorn that defeated Chrysalis. “It’s you.” Spike said with some marvel in his voice, he thought how he defeat her was so cool, he did it without breaking a sweat.

“Yes Spike, it’s me. Can I come inn? I would like to talk to you.” Spike step aside so he could walk inn but… “Son a bitch.” Spike look out and saw that Libre was rubbing the base of his horn. “Damn it, I forget how tall I am in this form.” He snap his finger and then he became a unicorn with black for and white hair/tail, he was smaller. He then walk in without hitting his horn in the doorframe. “This is much better.” He rubbed the base of his horn again.

“So, you said you knew what happened to Twilight.” Said Spike.

Libre gave him a nod. “That’s right. You see Spike, after Twilight failed to convince her so called friends that the Cadance was a fake, she headed to her room in the castle, there she just wanted to go home so she caste a teleporting spell but thanks to her emotions she used to much magic and disappeared.”

Spike let out a ‘oh’ when he heard that Twilight’s magic went out of control. “Twilight is very powerful so I guess that could happened, but where is she?”

Libre scratched his head. “Now, that’s a question and to be honest, I have no idea.”

Spike didn’t like that. “How can you not know? You’re an alicorn for fuck sake.” Spike shouted at him.

Libre was shock to hear that Spike cursed. “Alright, just calm down Spike and I will try and explain.” Spike took a few deep breath to calm himself down. “The reason I don’t know where Twilight is because I can’t track her magic, I think she have ended up in a world where magic doesn’t exist, considering I can’t find her in the other Equestria’s.”

Spike had no idea what he was talking about. “What do you mean by ‘other Equestria’s’?”

“Haven’t Twilight talk about alternate universe?”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. “Probably, I usually stop listening to her when she goes on a rant.”

Libre couldn’t help but chuckle when he hear that. “Yeah, she dose that sometimes.” He then rolled his shoulders. “An alternate Equestria is an Equestria which is like the one you live in but different,” He then drew a circle in the air. “there’s one where there’s more then six elements and Twilight is not the element of magic, that element doesn’t exist in that world.” He then drew another circle. “Then we have a Equestria where Celestia ignored Luna for three years after she return, she was so focused on Twilight and the others that she drove Luna away, Luna traveled to another world, like Twilight did.” He then drew the last circle. “Then we have a Equestria where you are the prince of the dragon kingdom.” Spike like that Equestria.

Spike nodded in understanding, he actually understood that. “So, Twilight is in another world far from Equestria. Right?”

Libre gave him a thumbs up. “That’s right and I’m going to find her and see if she wants to come home.”

When spike heard that he went over to the table and took one of the scroll that was on the table, he then took a pen and started to write on it, when he was done he went back to Libre. “If you find her, can you give this to her.” He said while handing Libre the scroll. “And I would appreciate that you don’t read it, it’s for Twilight not you.”

Libre took the scroll and placed it in his inner pocket in his jacket. “I will give it to her if I find her and I will not read it.” He then walk towards the door, he stop by the door. “What are you going to do now?” He asked the dragon.

“I am going to keep Golden Oak library open because that’s what Twilight want’s.” Spike said it with pride in his voice.

Libre just smiled. “I think she will appreciate that, see you around Spike.” Then he left to search for Twilight.

The next day Cadence had finally arrived in Manehattan, when she step out of the train she stretched her body. “I’m finally home again.” Shen then took in the smell. “It smells like home, hayburge and all that crap.” She then started to walk towards the city. “I wonder if Azure still live here, I guess I’ll find out.”

After some walking Cadence arrived at an apartment complex, she walk in and found out that she still lived there, apartment 6, Cadence headed there.

Once Cadence found apartment 6 she knock on the door, it didn’t take long before a dark blue pegasus with red hair open the door. “Who the hell can this… Cadence?”

Cadence waved at her friend. "Hey Azure, how is it…” That was all she could say because Azure gave her a hug.

“I have missed you Cadence.” Azure said with tears in her eyes.

Cadence return the hug. “I missed you to Azure.” They let go of the hug.

Azure then notice something. “Hey, where’s you horn? Aren’t you a princess anymore?”

Cadence mod became somber. “About that, can we talk inside?”

Azure nodded. “Sure.” They both walk inn.

Once inside the apartment Cadence told her friend what had happened and Azure wasn’t to happy of what she heard. “That bitch, she is supposed to be our ruler and she can’t see a fake ‘you’ when it right in front of her? I have lost all respect of princess Celestia.”

Cadence was surprised to hear that. “So, you believe me?”

Azure gave her nod. “Off course, you have never lied before and I’m pretty sure are telling the truth.”

That made Cadence smile. “Thanks Azure.”

Azure just waved a hand. “Don’t mention it.” She then leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. “So, what are you going to do now?” She asked her friend.

Cadence look down on the floor. “I don’t know,” She look up at her friend. “I was hoping to stay here for a while until I find out what I want to do.”

Azure didn’t mind. “You can stay here as long as you want, just remember to pull down the toilet when you’re done.”

Cadence just rolled her eyes of what her friend said, she just hope she found a job soon.

Author's Note:

Another short and crappy chapter.

Libre has the power to travel through different Equestria's.

We are heading back to Corneria in the next chapter.