• Published 15th Aug 2021
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

A Games Like No Other - TheGathering

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The Main Contenders

Author's Note:

This fanfic, since it’s Hunger Games, will have a different structure to some of these chapters than the ones I have already done, this one being case in point. Now, let’s see which tributes out of the seventy two I’ll give focus to. And as you may see, it seems some of them have a harder task than others..

In District 1, there’s Marvel Sanford. The son of a former diamond miner who lost his job due to an accident while at work, he’s been forced to take out extra tesserae to help his family along. Along with the tesserae, Marvel has taken up to hunting with the spear in the woods on the edge of District 1 to help feed his family. Marvel is 18 years old.

Then’s there Adagio Dazzle. Daughter of one of the richest people in District 1, she’s a natural District One beauty. The eldest of three daughters, she’s been trained for the games in case one of the other two sisters get reaped. Her favorite weapon of choice is the bow, and she’s quite a fine user with it. Adagio is 16 years old.

In District 2, there’s Cato Hadley. Born into a family of well-to-do stonecutters in District 2, his family already has had Cato’s cousin and older brother reaped for the games. Neither of them survived. Ever since his brother died in the 69th Hunger Games, Cato’s been training hard for the games. Now it’s his year to volunteer. Cato is now 18 years old.

Clove Kentwell is known as the “Girl with the Knives” who never misses. Daughter of a wealthy businessman, she lives in luxury compared to others in District 2. Considered to be the “pride and joy” of the District, adored by many, the thought of the District losing their pride and joy leads to added pressure for the other District 2 tributes with the mission of making sure Clove survives. She is 15 years old.

Cameron Spears, Cato’s adopted younger brother. Only a year younger, slightly shorter and not as built as Cato, Cameron is about as equally deadly as Cato is. Preferring long ranged weapons compared to short range weapons, he trains extensively with the bow and spear. Just in case he does have to fight close range, though, he’s trained for a lot of hours with his adopted brother on the sword. Cameron is 17 years old.

Urchin Hook may be a very small 12 year old boy, but don’t let looks fool away. Give him a spear or a trident, and he’ll land a wound guaranteed to slow a person most of the time. Out of all the 12 year olds in District 4, he has a lot more muscle compared to the others, and a considerable amount of experience throwing spears and tridents while catching fish with his father, who was a Victor of the Hunger Games himself. Overall, he has a better chance than most kids his age, especially among Career Districts.

Finch Silvers had a survivalist father for a dad in District 5, and he taught a lot of things that would prove valuable in the Hunger Games. Known as “Foxface” for her distinctive face, she’s probably one of the most prepared teenagers out of any in District 5. She is 17 years old.

Jackie “Applejack” Smith was one of the best farm workers in District 10. Part of a family of experienced farm-hands, her family was regularly recognized by peacekeepers for being one of the most hardworking families of the entire district. As such, the Peacekeepers of District 10 generally left the Smiths to handle family matters as they so pleased and largely stood on the sidelines, ready to offer a hand in case they required extra help. She is 16 years old.

Mina Carolina was originally from District 2, but since her father was a peacekeeper, her family transferred to District 12 around the time of the 70th Hunger Games. Being in District 12 has given her a new aspect on life. At first viewed as an outsider by the citizens, they gradually accepted her as part of the society due to her father working with the assistant head peacekeeper to root out the outlier brutal peacekeepers in favor of the more lenient approach adopted by Head Peacekeeper Cray. She became a friend of the Everdeen’s and the Hawthorne’s during the 74th Hunger Games. Despite being a peacekeeper, Mina’s father genuinely cares for his daughter and in accordance with Katniss and Gale after the 74th Games, teaches her how to survive in case she gets reaped, due to her being 15 years old.

Of course, given the wide field of tributes, there are obviously going to be some that’ll be the biggest threats, and worthwhile allies.

In District 11, there’s Rye Ash. A descendant of the family that hosted 10th Hunger Games tribute Reaper Ash, Rye’s been training for the games ever since he discovered the truth about his family’s past with the Hunger Games at age 11. 7 long years of working and training have brought him to this moment. To him, winning the games not only means helping his family, but restoring the honor of Reaper Ash. He’s 18 years old.

In District 7, there’s Wolfgang Hickory. Like Rye, he’s being training for the games. Sick of the repeated failures of his district’s tributes year after year, he’s taken upon himself to give his District a Victor this year. He may not have the cunning of Johanna Mason, but he’s willing to go to any lengths to win. He’s 17 years old.

Fortunately for Wolfgang, he has a key ally from his own district. Oak Whitaker is, at age 17, one of the smartest minds of District 7. Due to her dad being a well-known fur trapper and hunter whose regular customers included many of the District’s Peacekeepers as well as District 7’s Mayor, she has been taught the skills to survive and knows how to use the environment and camouflage to her advantage. As such, she is the strategist to Wolfgang’s tactician.

Rook Marshall may have been from District 1, but beneath his typical Career look, he holds a few secrets. He is secretly a fan of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark and despises how more often than not, the Career Districts. While he wants to win the games, he’s decided that to do it, he’ll have to cripple his fellow Careers any way he can. It’s a very risky strategy, but if it succeeds, he’ll give the win to the outlier districts and possibly go down in history as the Career who sympathized with the non-career districts. He’s 17 years old.

Finally, in District 6, there’s Mark Terrell. Like Wolfgang, Oak, and Rye, he’s been training for the games. His reasons, however, are far different than the others and as such, make him the biggest threat to anyone in the arena, and even the gamemakers. He hates the fact that both Katniss and Peeta won the games without either of them dying and leaving the other to be the Victor, and the Quarter Quell twist this year has left him fuming. In his mind, there’s only supposed to be one person emerging from the Hunger Games every year. That’s always how it worked. In an attempt to preserve the status quo of the games, Mark volunteers for the Quell, prepared to kill any one or anything that stands in his way of being the lone Victor.