• Published 15th Aug 2021
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

A Games Like No Other - TheGathering

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Private Scoring Sessions

When Cameron didn’t return to the District 2 Floor that night, Cato had to trek back to District 12’s floor to retrieve his adopted younger brother. But when he opened the door to Mina’s room, he was shocked to find his brother asleep in the girl’s bed with a sleeping Mina next to him. As quickly and quietly as he could, he closed the door and trekked back down to the District 2 Floor. Waiting for him was an anxious Enobaria, and the nervous District Escort Fabian.

“Well?” Enobaria asked.

“Kid’s definitely fallen for her. They’re sleeping together in her bed, clothes still on” Cato replied a bit too loudly, which causes everyone else in the apartment to peek out of their rooms, stunned.

Everyone except Enobaria, who just grinned. “Good” she said. “This will help us in our plan. He’s doing just fine. Now get some sleep, Cato. I’ll make sure to get your brother myself tomorrow morning.”

Cato nods, and heads up to bed, but no matter how hard he tries, he spends half the night staring up at the ceiling, trying to figure out how Snow is going to react to the fact that a Career has fallen in love with a tribute he wants dead.

The amusing sight of Cameron and Mina is revealed the following morning by Enobaria to not just her eyes, but practically everyone else in the District 12 apartment.

“Well, would you look at that” Haymitch says. “Now there’s some young love right there. She truly deserves him..”

“Agreed” Peeta says. “Also shows you that Careers do have hearts sometimes.”

By now, the other members of the Career Pack, excluding Cato, have arrived at the District 12 Apartment to get their allies and practically all of them can’t help but feel awed and touched at the sight that greets them. The short, twin pigtailed girl in the protective comfort of the larger, skinny, medium built boy with black scar lines on his arms and legs. Then, both of them wake up, and everyone there then has to deal with the voice of a very annoyed Cameron.

By the time the Career Pack has made it down to get in line, Cameron’s still a little annoyed at the others all staring at him sleeping with Mina.

“Like, what the hell, you all?” he asks, only to be met with chuckles from some of the other Careers.

“Dude, like, seeing you in that bed with Mina in your arms was like the coolest thing I’ve ever seen” Dollar says, excitement on his face. In the end, it takes a kiss on his cheek from a playful teasing and now joyful Mina to calm Cameron down, leading to his embarrassment while practically every tribute in the line actually chuckles at the red-faced Career, with the exception of Mark. Even the few Peacekeepers standing by chuckle through their helmets at the sight. Nevertheless, the sound of the speaker calling Adagio into the room for her private session jolts everyone back into focus, and it soon becomes painfully apparent to some, including Cato, that Cameron’s face has morphed into something that described a determined, adrenaline filled, love-driven persevering monster of a tribute.
Needless to say, when all the tributes’ sessions were said and done, in a process that on this occasion took most of the day, about half of the Career Pack had to ask Cameron why it looked like a tornado had ripped through there, with dummies parts from various weapon stations littered all over the place. The boy in question gives no answer and stays silent, puzzling his allies. As Caesar comes on the air to read out the scores, the entire Career Pack - tributes, mentors, stylists, and escorts - is all gathered in District 1’s apartment, with the exception of Rook who chose to spend it on Mark’s floor.

“Greetings, Panem, I am your host Caesar Flickerman and as we come on the air live at this moment, I am pleased to announce that we will be reading off the scores for the tributes of the Seventy Fifth HUNGER GAMES!” Caesar bellows on the screen. “Together with my co-host Claudius Templesmith, we do apologize to the tributes’ families and to those watching this on not being able to get this information out sooner. There was a.. shall we say, an incident in the Training Area.” Everyone’s eyes immediately turn to Cameron, causing the boy to start squirming in his seat. Only the presence of Mina sitting in his lap stops him from squirming any longer than several seconds. On this occasion, Adagio is sitting in Urchin’s lap, as is Finch with Marvel. Clove and Jackie, as before, cling to Cato’s arms on either side of him.

“Without further ado, let’s see these scores, shall we?” Caesar continues. “Starting off with District 1, Adagio Dazzle with a score of 10.”

Urchin decides then and there to kiss Adagio, much to the shock of everyone else in the room. Pretty soon, the two of them are making out.

“Get a room, you two!” Dollar shouts, causing Urchin to give him the middle finger.

“Marvel Sanford with a score of 10.”

This time, it’s Finch that kisses Marvel, causing another make out session to unfold.

“Oh for fuck’s sake..” Dollar says.

“Mercy … with a score of 9. Dollar with a score of 10. Diamond with a score of 9. Rook with a score of 10.”

Dollar facepalms himself and groans at Rook’s score. “Fuck that traitor” he mumbles, as Caesar moves on to District 2.

“Clove Kentwell with a score of 10.”

Clove and Jackie look at each other and smirk, causing Cato to sweat a little.

“Cato Hadley with a score of .. 11.”

The entire apartment goes into wild cheers.

“Isabel with a score of 9. Bronze with a score of 9. Raider with a score of 10. Cameron with a score of.. oh, oh my lord.. ladies and gentlemen, we are dealing with a first in Panem history.. Cameron Spears with a perfect score of 12!”

Cue Mina kissing Cameron as the entire apartment erupts in cheers. Even Katniss and Peeta can’t help but congratulate the kid.

“I’m impressed. I can see your fire in his eyes” Haymitch says to Katniss, who nods. Indeed, Katniss can see the similarities between herself and the boy from 2. Only in Cameron’s case, there’s real love and it’s pushed him to go farther than any Career has ever gone in their private session.

In the anti-career pack, the announcement is met with both disbelief, shock, and amazement. The only one who’s even fuming over it is Mark.

“How the fuck does that kid get a fucking 12?! He’s the next “Girl on fire”, only he’s male! Fuck this! Fuck him!” he screams.

Rook is dumbfounded. Oak and Wolfgang just stare at the TV with their jaws open, while behind them, their mentor Johanna Mason chuckles.

“Seems the boy from 2’s got some serious balls made of steel. I like him” says Johanna.

Rye is just silent, as if trying to understand that a Career Tribute managed the impossible.

Back in District 1’s apartment, the threes have gone by with relatively low scores, apart from Will who scores a 9. The three tributes from 4 not in the Career Pack have low scores.

“Now, Davis with a score of 9. Shelby with a score of 9. Urchin Hook with a score of.. 11.”

More excitement follows, as Finch’s District is next. When her score is shown to be a 10, there’s even more cause for celebration. Mark comes up, and the obvious threat of his score being a 10 is practically minor to the Careers. Wolfgang does manage to score an 11, but Oak comes up short and lands a 6.

It is now tense as it comes to District 10.

“Jackie Smith with a score of.. 11.”

As if on cue, Jackie and Clove both kiss Cato’s cheeks, causing the lead Career to go red-faced. Then, there comes District 11, where Rye, for all of his efforts, scores a 10. Then it’s the turn of District 12.

“Mina Carolina with a score of.. oh holy moly, this is more history in the making.. we have not only one, but two tributes this year with a perfect score of 12!”

Cameron kisses Mina again, and the two have one of the most heated make out sessions of the three currently going on in the apartment. By now, Dollar is losing his mind.

“Please, make it stop.”

While the rest of District 12’s tributes score 7 or 8, Stoner manages to score a 10, leaving the nation with no doubt that this games, there’s one hell of a high quality Career Pack in the arena facing a moderately serious anti-Career Pack threat. With the footage secretly being recorded in the District 1 apartment, Enobaria and Augustus’ Plan is cruising to perfection. All that’s left is the tribute interviews, the release of the footage to the media, and Snow’s reaction before the games.

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