• Published 8th Sep 2021
  • 420 Views, 3 Comments

Not Even A Princess - Black Hailstorm

"Princess Luna has returned at last!" Is what the headlines said the day of her coronation, now after Moons have passed the Princess of the Night knows. She was no Princess. Not yet.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Ch 2: Exchanges

The princess asked the Moon a simple question.

And for the first time in her life since the Return, it’s metaphysical reply was warm where it had always been silent.

Inky black tendrils recoiled from the light as it struck them, motes of darkness chipping off them. The screams of the damned were a distant sound to her ears. Their sounds merely made her scowl, and when she did, her form shifted- flickered, like a mirage she was once more the Lost Princess, before the mirage vanished and she was herself once more.

“To think once upon a time, We may ave already smite thee.”

“You’re making a mistake Luna!” One of the tortuous spirits called out to her from the shadows. “They will never trust you like they trusted Her! Even in Her true Death, they still hold her of higher esteem than you. What can you hope to do to earn the faith of those that know NOTHING but legends from a now dead Queen? Do you really think those legends will hold against the reality they are faced with? To some, perhaps. But to the world that is watching?”

“You cannot be so blind. Surely, our eldest brother did not muddle your mind in the time you were banished. Or perhaps maybe we may have underestimated the wisdom you once carried in your old life.”

Ayla ignored that. Luna would have made a snide comeback to such a statement barbed with the bluntest of insults. She however, just smiled thinly. They knew what she was thinking, it barely needed saying.

As the shadows coalesced and the anguished cries faded, a shadow behind her spoke. “You think we are lying?” And it laughed. Many joined it, becoming a dimly lit room of laughing voices that surrounded an island of light.

Another voice cried out from the shadows hovering just around the edges of her little glowing island of untainted light. Glowing eyes narrowed as the disembodied voice spoke. “We may be trapped in this realm, but we have learned to read the minds of mortals as you once did Luna. You know as well as I that only the very skilled can hide the truth. We HEAR the truest of feelings and thoughts that your peers share with each other in their slumbers but never in YOUR presence or even in the presence of your CAPTORS. You would be wise to take up our offers of kindness, especially given how long it will take for you to return to your full power. If you knew the things they said about you. The things they fear, that they doubt. Even the concerns of Celestia’s pupils border towards the negative.”

And almost like a hiss at her ear, “Even your nephew fears of what you could become again. Take our deal, we are better than our deceased Elder and his flock of sycophants. WE will treat you better. An equal, not one to be underestimated.”

Ayla took in a deep, calming breath. And then closed her eyes, shutting anything else her tormentors might say out.

Looking up towards the white orb above her, she asked it a question. What has happened beyond these dreams? Is the city safe? Art we under hostile invasion?

The large orb however, said nothing. Merely peaking through the cracks above the ceiling, a silent observer.

It made her scowl.

Of course she thought bitterly. Discord taking over for both of them, coupled with her own state and the fact Celestia had severed her connection back then would just make it pure luck if she had been able to glean anything at all in this realm.

Deciding instead to ask for a different kind of help that would be beneficial. Ayla's horn glowed once more. Her horn grew brighter and light flooded the room, rays of moonlight bursting through the ceiling, bathing the study room in brighter light. As soon as rays of light began to strike, instantly tendrils of darkness, tinted with a mucus yellow glow, reached out for her, some snaking around where her arrows of light struck. Whenever they crossed into the island of light Ayla was central to however, they fractured, and dissipated in seconds. Fractures that existed along the whole building began to grow in bright white veins, and reality itself became wobbly. The unnatural shadows that lingered wriggled like worms and their shrieks of fury were a distant sound to her ears while being locked in the center of the room.

With a final grunt, Ayla dug deep into herself, and gave the Real Moon her magic in offering for what she wanted to be done.

For a moment, less than even a second, everything went black. The Oneimeiri, given a brief reprieve, immediately shrieked and surged. Different voices of different octaves howling out the name Luna as they coalesced, encircled and moved towards her. Then everything was bathed in a flash of white light. Like a camera going off. The room shook, the shadows and the demons that lived in them screamed in its white radiance, their hulking various forms becoming visible. And in that instant everything was destroyed. Everything crumbled away, washed out like a wave sweeping away insects.

The darkness, the room, the demons broke into pieces and scattered like dust. All were destroyed.

Everything, except her. Till the ache in her horn was too great, and then Ayla too gave in to unconsciousness.

The first thing that came to her mind was the feeling of softness. Like she was laying on a cloud. As her mind awoke and her body registered what she lay under, the voice that called her became less faint and distant, clearing.

“..ty! Princess! Princess are you alright?!”

With a start, Ayla awoke. Images of a white light, and her encounters with one or two figures in the dark floated through her mind. It was the only thing she needed to recall what she had just escaped from, yet as she opened her eyes, she found everything to be a blur. Squinting through the haze over her eyes she blinked several times, then once more before the fuzz over her vision cleared as she ran a wing tip over both eyes. Yawning in a very un-princessly manner, Princess Luna looked to her visitors and…

“Princess, are you alright?” the earth pony guard asked with a degree of insistence. Yet Ayla did not reply immediately. She silently looked past the ginger earth pony that was nearest to her bed, then to the thestral, the unicorn, and several other hesitant guards peering through her wide opened doors. From the looks of it, it seemed they’d all been about ready to crowd into her room.

For a brief moment Ayla was slightly annoyed. She pushed that down though, it was clear there had been some concern for her, besides it had been well placed So, she sniffed. “Quite”, her voice low still somewhat tired but her overall tone more relieved. “Sergeant Vigil Task, a good forenoon to you and all those outside my chambers.” As she said this, the princess shifted, slowly rising out of her large bed.

There was a beat of silence as Vigil Task glanced back at the thestral and unicorn, while the remaining guard looked behind them.

“Princess, are you sure you’re okay?” The thestral asked. “When Vigil came for you, she’d been told no one had seen you all day. We’ve been searching the whole castle for you, this was the last place we looked, and you were unresponsive the whole time. We’ve been here for ten minutes trying to wake you. If it weren’t for Arrow here” she nodded towards the bespectacled unicorn next to her, “we would’ve gone to call a doctor immediately. But she said all your vitals were fine. So....Are you alright?”

Ayla almost said no. Something felt off. For a moment she thought she was still--

You’re fine now. That familiar voice gently said to her ears alone.

When she looked next to Gale who’d been speaking, there the owner of that voice was. Bliss smiled back at her.

Peculiar how much of a comfort her phantom bound companion had become but in that moment she was the thing that assured the Princess everything was alright now.

At that moment, Ayla knew she was awake. Ignoring the odd pulse in her horn, an ache she assumed came from the translation of her efforts in the Dream World, she sighed. “Yes, yes I think I am now.” She smiled faintly. “Let me get ready, if I recall there was some place Prince BlueBlood desired we be today.”

With another glance from her guard, the three nodded at the Royal Guard behind them.

Dismissed and filing out of the room, Vigil Task paused at the door and said to Princess Luna: “Glad you’re alright Princess. We’ll be waiting downstairs in the entrance hall for you. Let us know when you’re ready to go.”

With a nod, Ayla waited for the doors to close before she sat and allowed herself to finally relax. “For a moment”, she said after some seconds of silence, “I had been quite worried.”

Bliss chuckled. The Fey’s laughter smoothed over her nerves, like a cooling breeze but at the same time it brought back that faint pulse in her horn. Something that made her brows furrow as she tried to figure out what this faint pulsing was from. Sensitivity to magic was just a normal for unicorns, but having her senses heightened as an alicorn...Was it possible--

“About what?” Bliss’ voice successfully broke everything she had been thinking. “What happened?”

Looking towards her former doppleganger, Ayla frowned. Even looking at the Fey now, it was still a bit odd to imagine that just a few months back they had once been so similar in appearance, minus differences. Yet for some reason, even as she looked at her, there was something about Bliss at the moment that Ayla couldn’t put her hoof on.

Perhaps it was just the jitters from her most recent encounter that was making her so suspicious. It had been a long time after all since she’d had to deal with them.

Speaking of. “The Oneimeiri. They approached me.”

Four eyes widened then narrowed at this proclamation as she gasped. “You didn’t--”

“Of course not!” came Ayla’s quick reply. Then sucking in the wind she let it out between her teeth in a hiss to cool down.

“Easy, I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just--”

“I know!” She sighed, slumping slightly. “I know. I was overconfident and cocky then, and underestimated Erigos and his acolytes. I will not underestimate the others. Do not worry, I made no deals. I would not subject you to being their leash handler yet again Bliss.” More quietly she said, “You do not deserve that. It would be foolish to go back and do it again after the Elements saw fit not to destroy both of us like they did Erigos. Besides...I never enjoyed the cruelty they brought out of me.”

The phantom smiled. “Thank you, Ayla.”

The princess snorted. “Yes, well, we must move. Nephew desires our presence. Let us make haste.”

“And here you are Princess. Just as the Prince reserved, I have received a telegram that he is on his way already and is bringing with him a gift. As soon as he gets here I’ll guide him towards this table.”

“Thank you Dhruv”, the Princess nodded to the griffon. “Your service is much appreciated. When my nephew arrives I will be certain to put a good word of thine service.”

Patting his crown of feathers down, Dhruv offered a bashful ‘thank you’ then excused himself from the table, the griffon nodding his head politely to all three of the guardsmares who silently nodded back as they took their positions in a triangular formation around the Night Princess’ table.

Within moments however the very familiar feeling of boredom washed over Princess Luna. With nothing to do Ayla found herself looking around the gardens for a distraction. She couldn’t talk to the guards with them on duty; wasn’t fitting for one of her status or one of theirs either way, and with where they were, outdoors with green walls on either side of the building that paved a path towards the back main entrance/exit and back entrance/exit, with no one in sight, she couldn’t exactly peek at what other patrons were eating or even start conversation. The few patrons she had seen entering the rather large eatery had all prostrated themselves upon her arrival.

As they should of course.

Then again, if she tried starting a conversation with commoners it would probably just be her answering questions, so there would be no point to that either.

Sighing, horn glowing a brilliant whitish blue, Ayla picked up the menu. An assortment of things were on the display for the ‘brunch’ menu. Or as she had initially called it: an early afternoon snack.

It is easier to just call it brunch, Bliss supplied.

Ayla’s lips went up in a very small smile. I am aware. Now, what do you think of these fillings?

The crackle of pops in her ears expressed Bliss’ hum as the entity’s head emerged from over Ayla’s shoulder.

The Rosette Delight looks good. Her eyes drifted to the order. Forty-two silver bits. The small picture for the small meal was a plate of salad with rose petals, red cherries, trickled with a Fancy sauce and topped with shredded Minosian cheese.

Ayla hummed. It was a good choice. She decided to save it for a default if she could not pick anything else. Looking through the menu, Ayla found a few options she did like, others that made her frown in confusion.

Jello Tart being her least favorite of the assortment.

“Guards.” She called without a glance back. Tone commanding.

“Yes Princess?” Vigil Task, the sergeant of the squad responded.

“What would you like from this menu?” As she said this, her corona wobbled and three other menus floated over to each guard as she turned enough to get a good look at where they were. Quiver Arrow took the one offered to her in her own field, the young noblesse hummed. Even as Vigil hesitated with a very obvious um.

“Um,” she said again. “Princess we really shouldn’t, we are on duty” her tail waved and with an obvious glance in Quiver’s direction that matched the tone, “isn’t that right Gale, Arrow?”

Before any could respond, Ayla huffed. “Enough. I am asking if you would like anything. So on our return I may offer you a treat.”

“O-Oh”, and she sounded very surprised. Not that this offended her. After Spike had assigned her these guards and after their first aloof encounter, she had done a full two night’s research on the Guard Support Service that Celestia had created a near century after the debacle at Canterlot during an assassination event. From what she had learned through Moondancer, and Starlight’s steady supply of historic books and scrolls the service was made for the Nobility to feel safer after multiple assassination attempts on both the Crown and various other allies.

Having read some of her guard’s own details, all of which Spike had so kindly provided, she knew well enough that Task had been in this the longest of the three. Five years or so if memory was right.

“Well?” Ayla asked when nopony had said a thing in the time she’d allowed her mind to wander.

If they don’t like it, they should just say. Although the other two seemed pleased from the looks on their faces.” Bliss grinned, her fangs flashing as she prodded Ayla with a phantom’s touch that made her look in Gale and Arrow’s directions. The thestral licking her lips and the unicorn breaking her usual neutral expression for a small smile as she closed her menu.

“I uh, I’ll think on it Princess.” Vigil finally stated. Taking the small, thin menu offered in her hoof. “...Thank you.”

“And you?” Ayla responded to the other two.

“We’ve circled our Majesty.” Arrow stated as her field released the menu for Ayla’s to take over.

“I’m still surprised you brought a pen with you.” Gale whispered. “Where did you even keep it in your armor?”

“I always come prepared.” Was the cryptic reply as Arrow resumed her stoic position of silence.

Smiling lightly, Luna replaced the menus on the table and had a look down at the plants near the base of the green walls, just by the sidewalk below the dais. Flowers of all kinds, some even blossoming out of the wall were on display. The umbrella ceiling above her even had minor decorations of various plants. Some species she recognized, some, she had no doubt were new breeds or new cross-hybrids or imported plants.

It dawned on her again how different things were in this time. Something that made her small smile of content, awe and amusement at the various sights and even the delicious smells fade.

We will adjust in time” the phantom appeared after she blinked in front of her. The hoof of her companion touching hers, leaving her with a warmth from the phantom frog. “It will take time, but we shall adjust. Together.

Ayla smiled. Even though once again, there was that subtle ache in her horn.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't reach her. Like a wall was between that blocked out all sound, trapped in this prison of glass unable to be heard, every time she tried to use magic, the combined magic of bother her and her alicorn companion, all it did was release a aching pressure in her horn before nothing but sparks flew out.

Furious, Bliss ignited into a mass of equine energy. Her eyes the only physical things that remained while everything else became metaphysical in nature. She circled her prison in fury. Moving on hooves that left cracks which minded themselves in her soundproof prison of invisible glass.

"Ayla!" She called out to her. Who sat there, blissfully unaware of the demons in costumes acting as her guard. Unaware of the creature that had attached itself to her, pretending to be her. "Ayla!" But her friend did not even hear her. She probably couldn't even see her. Had the Elements really weakened her this much that she couldn't even see the signs of a dream within a dream? They were subtle but they were there and she was ignoring them all! Then again, it had been over a millennia since she'd had the practice. During that time all they'd done was just survive. They'd lost all of those that had been sent to the Lunar Plains with them, and spent the remainder wrestling control back in a mental battle of wills.

The Elements had done even less to help. Stripping them both of all their strength and leaving them in this new form to heal after the cleansing. It was pathetic really when she thought about it. Even as a lesser fey she though, something like this should still have been within her realm of power of breaking.


It was pointless though. She didn't hear her, couldn't see her. Probably wasn't even aware of the lie at all. Like the average dreamer her mind had her wrapped up in the dream itself, not at all like a lucid dreamer who was aware and in control.

Concerned and powerless, with a grimace and sparks of energy flying off her form, the Fey tried again to ignite her horn. All it did though was sputter sparks. And leave a faint pulsing ache that did nothing more than frustrate her with a cry of anger.

"Damn you Malphas!"

Her horn ignited, but the result was the same.

A dull ache.

At this point it was just annoying. However it was not the first time Thauma Strain had been the cause of an aching horn. She ignored it, it was hardly something to worry about. Besides, company had arrived.

BlueBlood’s arrival found him accompanied by a gift as Dhruv took his leave. One held in a dark blue bag with royal gold trimmings. Curiosity flashed across her eyes and her dear nephew must have noticed it for he smiled as he approached. Placing the bag down at the end of his side of the table, before trotting forwards to his aunt.

Rising to meet her nephew, Ayla had expected the usual Blueblood display of affection. Since her coronation and every time they had met for one of these ‘brunches’, he would always come in for a hug. It was an unnecessary display of affection she had initially disliked, but recently- after being so busy these last couple weeks, she was glad for the chance to have his company again.

It is a nice change isn’t it? Told you you would like this. Better than being cooped up inside, only interacting with your tutors for days on end, hm?

Chagrin to admit it, Bliss was correct. This was certainly more favorable. And while the practice of withholding public affection as a noble seemed to have faded thanks to Celestia’s antics, she welcomed the very brief physical contact she had with him.

As they pulled away and returned to their seats, Blueblood beamed, eyeing his great-aunt with an appraising eye.

“What?” Ayla asked with a quirked brow. “Might there be something wrong with my appearance?”

Confusion flitting over his face briefly before realization. “Oh! Oh no, my apologies Aunty. I just...you’ve grown so beautifully since I last saw you is all. I’m a little surprised I suppose. You--"

"Do not look like the paintings of old?" Ayla prompted.

Blueblood visibly hesitated though it was gone as quick as it came. "Well, yes that too. I suppose it's only natural though."

"Oh?" Her curiosity piqued. Had Celestia told them the nature of Elysium's deaths?

"Of course, artists do often let whimsy get the better of them sometimes. I know some of the artists of your age were also quite the masculine stallions back then. Wouldn't surprise me if they changed the color of your coat to further enhance your natural beauty to add the otherworldly divines often associated to the Classical era of your time."

She snorted. That was far from right. While yes, the stallions of that time were often more likely to be painters, musicians, poets, and a few even singers, the imagery then was accurate. She had changed.

"Not that they need to know that now. Hardly matters I'd say." Bliss added.

"Aside from Princess Flurry Heart--”

“Princess Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor’s daughter, correct?”

“Yes,” he nodded, licking his lips. “She’s entering fillyhood herself, you see, hormones, you know all that. I actually passed by there during my trip to the Upper North, and well--” he chuckled again, unable to help himself. “Well you’re practically as tall as Twilight herself was when she left Canterlot for Ponyville. Not that she's grown any taller since Ascending. It’s just the last time we met you only a little bigger than Flurryheart was who’s only recently just turned eight and now here you are, already near the final stages of fillyhood, practically already a mare.” He chuckled at her frown, “I mean no insult dear Aunty. I know you are a mare's mare. I am just happy to see you are well. You’ve clearly been busy though. Returning so few of my letters” he pouted.

Rolling her eyes at the theatrics, she replied “Yes, well, you would be pleased to know studies go well.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

She smiled a little at the interest. It was unnecessary to go into detail, boring detail at that but she would tell him what she had learned in the time of his absence. A few letters exchanged couldn’t make up for months apart from loved ones. “I’ve already completed most of the first Categorical years, only a little left to go. Within three months by my calculations. It won’t be long before I completely finished the minotaur equivalent of high education--”

“High school.” Blueblood corrected.

“Yes, that,” Ayla waved off. “Although I would be lying to say I would appreciate it more if I would be allowed a more intensive combat training regime. The Advanced Magic combat is nice but it’s lacking.

“You know we can’t--”

“Yes”, she replied to shut him down. “Quite aware. Beyond mine own happenstance, what have you been up to dear nephew? I believe you mentioned last that you were busy outside of the capital correct."

“Correct, Aunty.” Blueblood replied with a nod. “I haven’t been in Canterlot since we last had brunch. I have been out conducting business. There was some sort of dispute Twilight needed checking in on with the Yaks, so I went with Lady Pie before attending to other matters myself.”

Both the Princess and phantom hummed thoughtfully. “What kind of business? Ask him.”

“I see, anything to report?”

Blueblood smiled, though it didn’t reach up to his lips like the one he had given her on his arrival. “You know I can’t tell you anything like that Princess. Not yet at least. Security purposes, you understand.”

She hummed in response. She did, but that did not mean she liked how he had brushed her off so offhandedly. Before she could express her utter disappointment or annoyance, and even more, the sense of betrayal she felt at hearing those words from her own distant blood- she nodded. A thin smile graced her lips, “Understood. So,” she said with an exhale, ignoring the critical eye that Bliss gave Blueblood from the corner of her vision, “what is it we are here to do? Your letter made it sound important and that we would not merely be ‘catching up’ as you youth call it.”

Chuckling at the odd way she said that, Blueblood’s smile became a bit more genuine at the change of topic. “This is important, Aunty. I finally was able to push Twilight and Sunset Shimmer enough to give you a guaranteed chance at attending courtly affairs. You know how much they have been dodging my attempts at pushing things. I’m simply glad the Minerva’s staff have been keeping you informed.”

“Mmm, yes. Your lover.” The Changeling.

Glancing up at her Blueblood smiled but said nothing. Deciding not to broach that topic again so soon, he continued. “Of course there are some conditions that they wanted met.” Blueblood stated with a devilish small smile, and then with a bell on the side of the table, he tapped it with his hoof.

Is he serious?

He sounds serious.” Bliss supplied with a small smile. “I would take the opportunity, after all, you have been waiting for this for a long time now.”

Waiting for the approaching waiter to pass seemed like a better opportunity to speak openly.

“Yes, and what may I get our royal guests today?” The mare smiled.

“I’ll have the Peachie Slice and a cup of lemon tea. What of you Aunty?”

“The Rosette Delight, much obliged.”

The waiter nodded as she jotted down the orders on a slip of paper in her corona, then with a curtsy like bow- she quickly trotted off.

“Are you certain they are going to allow me to attend court?" Doubt clear in her narrowed eyes. "How many times Blueblood have they denied you this or said they would ‘consider it’, before never following through?”

Frowning a little at the light sense of heat in her words, the prince sighed. “I understand your annoyance Aunty but--”

“But?” Ayla replied with testy impatience.

Blueblood winced at the tone. “I had thought you would be...happy about this development.” He stated with no hint of mild surprise in his voice. “I mean, it’s all you have asked at the end of our letters. I would think you would be…” he shrugged, “pleased of this outcome. Not still upset!”

He is right you know.” Her eyes flicked over to the image just behind Blueblood’s shoulder. “Listen to what he has to say before you get upset and storm off. Who knows, it may help you-- us, retrieve more of our former status.

The brief feeling of her horn aching her returned but it faded just as soon as it had appeared, rendering itself to a barely perceptible pressure. “I...am pleased” she managed to force out, “that I am being allowed to attend a court that by all rites, is my own.”

The frown her nephew gave her didn’t alleviate the actual bitterness she still felt. He sighed. “Well, that is....better than nothing, I suppose. At least you will get to experience court today.”


“Yes, today. After brunch we are heading over there. That is why I brought you this Princess.”

Raising the bag he had brought for her to see, Blueblood rose and took out the wrapped fabric inside it. “It’s an enchanted cloak, one I had one of Twilight’s friends design just for you. Then on my trip through Ponyville on the way here I went over to Fillydelphia to visit a dragon well known for engraved enchanting. Here, see.” He showed off the silver metal buckle. Her mark emblazoned on it. A full moon, with spears of light poking out from behind its shadowy background and the sparkle of dots around it. “It’s not just for show, but it’s also for protection. I can’t quite show you here, but I had this designed specifically for you to ensure not just your appearance when you entered, but that you would also remain protected.”

Enraptured by the item, Luna took it in her field as Blueblood’s subsided from it. The dark blue color did well to contrast with her now darker mauve coat. She rose from her seat, wings shuffling just a little and wondered how it would feel, so she wrapped it around herself, draping it over her withers, where it extended down to barely obscure her knees. “I had Rarity get the materials from a friend. The cloak will grow with you, I factored in the, excuse me to say Aunty, but that abnormality of your aging makes it quite difficult to figure out what clothes would be fitting for you in certain events. So, that one won’t be outgrowing you ever. And it should minimize any possible harm from magic or steel.”

She...she had no idea what to say. No one had even given her a gift at her Coronation party. Then again she hadn’t expected one, it was supposed to be a short event of congratulations and that’s what it was a short event. The brief celebration and drinking afterwards had been nice- even though the banter that followed was short and somewhat strained.

“I...Thank you, Blueblood...thank you.”

The sweet smile on his face, filled a warmth in her chest she hadn’t felt in a while.

Taking the gift back from her and folding it neatly into the bag, Blueblood returned to his seat. “Your welcome Aunty. After brunch, let us head over to the Keep Grounds, courtly sessions usually start in the afternoon and last an hour or a bit longer. I’m afraid I have other business to attend to so I won’t be there, it isn’t really my field you see anyway. Not anymore at least.”

Still staring at the bag, lips primed in a line, Ayla nodded. “Understood. I assume that means…”

“Yes, Trixie and Sunset, and perhaps Starlight may be there to accompany you. Although I’m not sure about Starlight. She never liked being involved in the sessions. Her duty as Archivist since Sunburst’s ‘early retirement’ keeps her busy also. So I suppose it’s a matter of waiting and seeing. Anyway,” His ears rose and he turned at the sound of their approaching waiter with trays of drink and food, “it looks like brunch is here.” He smiled. “Let’s dig in shall we.”

Again Ayla nodded. With a teasing note to her voice Bliss chuckled in her ears and with a glance in her direction, she said: “Better eat up, you’ll need the strength.

Nodding slowly Ayla looked over at her nephew who merely flashed her with a smile as their trays were set and the food was piled down on the table. Her horn ached briefly once more, the ache seeming to be just a faint feeling that popped up every now and then but at this point she ignored it.

“Thank you Blueblood, truly.” She said with a pat of his hoof. A rare display of affection on her part. It made her nephew’s smile brighten.

“Your welcome Aunty. Anything, for you.”

Shrieking Gale didn’t know what to think as her pace picked up from a canter to a gallop.

In all her life as a member of the Dawn Guard, she’d never thought this would be something she’d experience. She’d been there as a freshie, when the Changelings of Chrysalis swarmed Canterlot castle after defeating the Impenetrable shield of Shining Armor, Equestria’s mightiest Shield. She’d watched the now ally of Equestria, strip away the might of Equestria’s Army by plucking wings and horns off unicorns as if they were clickable features of figurines. She had participated in hunting down one of the many demons that still lingered from Tirek’s escape. But she had never thought she would feel such panic after all those terrifying events, at the mere fact Princess Luna may be in danger.

It was almost like the announcement Overcast made, when Princess Celestia had died. The somber tone he had delicately broke the news through the papers. The wave of utter surprise and disbelief that had washed over the nation, over diplomats around the world, even during the funeral. The way everypony kept saying that Celestia would just spring back up in a few weeks. Like she always did whenever she was knocked down once, she always got back up again.

Only to find that after a few days, she didn’t in fact get back up again. She just sort of laid there. Like corpses were meant to. Motionless, lifeless, just sort of there. Reminders of those gone.

To have something like that happen again, to the Lost Princess that had brought her kind out of hiding into the service of her once goodwill-- especially after Equestria was healing with her back-- it was too much. Panic and determination set in.

Before she knew it she was running as fast as her hooves would carry her down the narrow halls.

It was a pain in the flanks for a flyer like her to have to demote herself to simple galloping when a single flap of her membranous wings could carry her clear over a gate, eight ponies tall, but after the siege of Canterlot she understood why this had been made a necessity even as she skidded along the ground and broke down the wider stairwell towards the exit.

She couldn’t believe this. Couldn’t even imagine what all of this meant, but the moment Vigil Task gave her the order to find any of the Royals within or around the perimeters, she had gone dashing out, leaving her fellow guardsmares behind along with the professor.

Already she had sounded the alarm, to find any of the others- that something was wrong and while there was no need to spread a panic she told Staff Sergeant Dig, that it was necessary every guard be on the lookout for any of the unicorn royals or any skilled mage, period. If anyone saw any of them, whatever they were doing had to be stopped and they were to immediately direct them towards the East Wing’s second floor Study Chamber where the Princess was. She hadn’t needed to tell Dig In why it was important, the mare simply got it from the urgency she had relayed the message with before taking off.

Whatever was happening right now could mean trouble, even if none of them understood it- the professor’s urgency and insistence to go and find one of the more powerful mages still echoed in her mind. The way Rate Change had snapped at Arrow and Vigil, barking out commands like a drill instructor- it almost made her wonder of the hold hornhead had served in his earlier youth for a period of time before devoting himself to teaching others.

Whatever had shaken Rate Change so visibly that he had become pale, it wasn’t something to pass off lightly as Luna’s internal clock being severely off. Something was wrong with Princess Luna and the fact they couldn’t wake her up was a clear sign of it. They needed to find Twilight or Starlight or at this point any of them. Already nearly half of half an hour had passed, and the longer they went on waiting to see if she would wake up at their attempts, the deeper trouble they could be dragging themselves into.

Spreading her wings as she leaped through an open window, with a twirl as gravity pulled her down and a single flap as she spread her wings and angled herself upwards, the thestral was off into the early morning sky as the sun rose over the cliff tops of Matterhorn Mountain.

As she took to the air a guard from one of the nearby flanking towers nearest to the east wing’s station called out to her.

Shrieking Gale’s cry was faithful to her name. “Direct Princess Twilight or any of the other magically skilled Princess Luna’s Study, immediately!” She banked left heading towards the Royal Library, straight towards a group of guards that were guarding the area up ahead and watching her.

“Is Count Glimmer here?” She asked before even landing.

One of them, both stallions, twins from their appearances, glanced at each other. “What’s wrong?”

Snapping, “Is she here or isn’t she?!”

The other one replied, “She is, what is the reason you need her for?”

“I’ve been sent with an urgent message to relay to her. She needs to come to the palace immediately with me to--”

The doors cut her off with a groan as a magical aura wrapped around them both and pulled the two opened with ease. From inside, as light poured in, came out a wide-eyed, slightly red-eyed looking Starlight Glimmer, the alicorn wing’s twitching and raising with signs of annoyance at the disturbance. “What is it?”

Gale paused, she was about to ask how she knew she was even here. The Canterlot Library was huge, several times larger than what the building qualified to hold. Another skill of Celestia’s knowledge in magic she supposed. Shaking off the stray thoughts, the soldier straightened and delivered her urgent message with a winged salute. “Princess Luna is in trouble, Countess. We don’t know what is wrong with her.”

Ear twitching, Starlight blinked, a few seconds passed with no visible reaction as if she was still processing the words that had just been said. Just as the three guards were looking at each other-- another pair behind Starlight who were guarding another door shooting glances at each other-- Starlight reacted with widened eyes and a gasp. “Oh shoot! Sorry, long night. Okay, where are they?”

Now somewhat hesitant on allowing Starlight to go when it clearly seemed she was exhausted, Gale meant to ask if the others were in there-- like Princess Sunset or Trixie or Sir Sigil Way, but talking that way to a member of nobility...she hesitated too long.

“Hey!” Starlight snapped, frowning. Her horn glowed. “Where is she? You said she was in trouble right, stop wasting time and tell me so I can go see.”

“R-Right, sorry Countess. She is on the West Wing’s second floor in the Study Chambers.”

Starlight nodded, breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes, focused. And with a pop. She was gone.

Comments ( 3 )

11000058 (addendum)

Like, for example, where did Ayla's name come from? Not meta-wise, but in-universe.

If that tale was an "Experiment" you might as well move it to canon since that alone justifies it.

I intended on doing that recently, irl has been at my heels lately I've often forgotten to make changes to stuff when I meant to. This was honestly a good reminder, thanks :ajsmug:

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