• Published 3rd Sep 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 103 Comments

The Great Trial Continues! - Dimitri2278

After the Black League fired their nukes, they fled into their bunkers. But, when they went off, the whole of Russia's underground bunker network disappeared... Only to reappear in a very different Russia.

  • ...

When Worlds Collide

Dec 8th, 2042
Maresk, New Stalliongrad, Greater Equestria

"Alright, Colts, keep digging!" shouted Captain Cold Steel in an encouraging tone above the din of shovels and pickaxes as he stood above various other armoured stallions who continued to grunt and groan as they dug an ever-deeper hole. Around them stood the ruins of the house that had once stood above the pit. 'We have been digging for an hour, and there's still no sign of the basement,' he shook his head and turned to walk away...only to stop in his tracks as he heard a shout from the hole. "What was that!?" he shouted as he walked up to the edge and found all the guards gathered together with their eyes looking up at him. They then moved aside, allowing him to see a domed grey surface beneath them. "What is that?"

"We don't know, Sir," began one of them. "But it looks like concrete," he then tapped it with an armoured hoof for emphasis. "What should we do, Sir?"

Cold Steel put a hoof to his chin and turned to the sun as he pondered his options. 'This looks like a human structure. But, how is it still here after the barrier? In fact, how did the basement of this house just disappear if this was here already?' then, an idea crossed his mind, an idea which caused a smirk to form. "Yes, that will do," he whispered as he turned back to them. "Alright, I need all of you to get out of the pit! We're going to blast our way inside!" with that, the pegasi quickly flew up before landing beside Cold Steel while the earth ponies scaled their ladders. "Now, let's get a spell going!"

Dec 8th, 2042
Maresk, New Stalliongrad, Greater Equestria

With a slight groan from Longspear, he slowly began to regain consciousness. "Ugh, what a weird dream..." he tried to put a hoof up to his head... only to find himself unable to move. "What the-!?" his eyes shot open to find himself chained to a chair in a darkened room with only a single light above his head. "H-Hello!?" he shouted as he attempted to struggle out of his bindings.

Then, somewhere in the darkness, he heard a door open and heavy hoofsteps before he heard a slam. Soon enough, he could see the faint outline of a human who stopped just before he entered the light. Cold beads of sweat began to pour down from his forehead as his "dream" came back to him. "Privet Comrade," said the deep masculine voice with a slight accent. He then heard what sounded like a chair being moved, and he saw the human sit down.

"Wha- How are you still human!?" Longspear shouted in a panicked tone. What happened next surprised the teenage colt, as instead of torturing or shooting him, the man sat back in his chair while staring at him in a combination of confusion and curiosity.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

Longspear shook with fear as his mind ran wild. 'Why did he ask that? Does he not know?' he then took a deep breath to regain his composure and stared at the man with a puffed-up chest. "Celestia defeated you monkeys 20 years ago! Since you were all so focused on killing each other and destroying your world! Which is why she turned all of you into ponies since you wouldn't listen, and she used the barrier to ensure you all would either convert or be destroyed!" he yelled with faux determination as he tried to not show how terrified he was.

As Longspear finished, the man remained frozen in his seat, and he shakily looked down at his hands as he began to sniffle and sob. The young colt, believing he had in some way paralyzed or crippled the man with his words, internally celebrated. 'Wow, I...did? I did it! I defeated the last human-' his thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the man began to break out into a grim chortle. Slowly, shakily, he rose from his seat and marched into the light. As he did, he stopped and stared directly into the young colt's eyes, and Longspear found himself recoiling from the man's stare. He noted that the man had huge bags under his eyes and appeared to have had very little sleep. But his eyes...these were what keep him shaking in fear, unable to speak or even breathe. Sure, he had seen the 'demon monkies' expressions in many films and movies being shone as filled with anger, hatred, malice, or pure insanity. But this man...it was as though he was devoid of any life or emotion. The only thing that shone past this simple first impression was an unyielding fire that burned just behind the surface. "Say that again," he said almost in a whisper. But with enough of a commanding tone to cause Longspear to tremble.

"I-I s-said..." he sputtered and paused, unable to even so much as to speak to the man standing over him. The man then threw his chair over, causing the colt to hit his head on the hard concrete floor. "Ah!" he screamed as his vision went red before it began to swim.

"Put him in a cell," ordered the man, as Lonspear heard two sets of heavy footsteps before feeling another jolt of pain to his head, causing his vision to fade to black.

Dec 8th, 1978
Yazov's Bunker

Two men wearing khaki fatigues sat talking near one of the many exits to the bunker. "So, how long do you think it will be before we get to go up again?" asked one as he put his cigarette back in his mouth.

"I don't know Comrade, I don't know-" the other paused as a crack formed in the roof just off to their right. Both men jumped up and unshouldered their AK-74's before running to take cover in the next hallway down. "What the hell is going on!"

The other man shook his head. "We're being breached! Go sound the alarm!" the man nodded and ran down the hall. As he did, the soldier who remained peaked out from behind the corner, just in time to see the concrete break and multiple colourful horses in armour come crashing through the roof. Using wings or their hooves to land safely on the floor beneath them. "Alright, spread out and search the area!" ordered one of them as the rest saluted and carried out their orders. 'What the hell?'

The soldier took a breath before silently checking his AK. Once he was satisfied, he readied a grenade. "FOR THE FATHERLAND!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, and before the ponies could react, he threw the grenade. Before he ran after his colleague with the alarm sounding as he did, followed by an explosion. 'The bunker is breached!'

Author's Note:

Please, tell me what you think.