• Published 3rd Sep 2021
  • 2,682 Views, 103 Comments

The Great Trial Continues! - Dimitri2278

After the Black League fired their nukes, they fled into their bunkers. But, when they went off, the whole of Russia's underground bunker network disappeared... Only to reappear in a very different Russia.

  • ...

The Gathering Storm

Dec 8th, 2042
Maresk, New Stalliongrad, Greater Equestria

"Ugh, come on, almost-" grunted Cold Steel as he, along with several other unicorns, poured all their magic into the beam that was melting through the concrete. "There!" with that, the concrete gave way, and he ordered three pegasi and three earth ponies to head into the hole.

A Sargeant was the last to jump down. "Alright, spread out and search the area!" the stallion shouted. 'There, now, all we have to do is-'

"FOR THE FATHERLAND!" came an echo from inside as Cold Steel glanced in just in time to catch a glimpse of a small object hitting one of his guards in the chest and bouncing off. When he realized what it was, Cold Steel quickly ducked as a loud 'bang' emanated from the hole, followed by a stream of gas.

He, and the other unicorns, quickly used their magic to push the gas aside, allowing him to see that all the guards that had entered had their fur peeling off like burning paper while they seemed to be coughing up their insides. "What in Celestia's name..." he said as they did the same, only to recoil and run back the way they came. "Fall back! We have to get help!"

Dec 8th, 1978
Yazov's Bunker

Various NCOs (Non-commissioned officers) and officers could be heard barking orders to their men as they set up barricades around the breach point and prepared to receive the invaders in the hall. The bodies of the gassed ponies had been moved to the lab for study, as the doctors hoped they might be able to understand what these creatures were. As for Private Ivan Chatalov, he sat beside his friend Private Kirrel Bojshenko behind a barricade. "Those things didn't even get a cut on me," he said, watching as two soldiers in gas masks pulled one of the ponies.

"But, why were they even trying to get in? In fact, how did they even know where we were?" asked Pvt. Bojshenko as he lit a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth.

"I don't know..." replied Pvt. Chatalov as he ran a hand over his AK. "I still can't believe the air isn't toxic outside,"

Dec 8th, 1978
Yazov's Bunker

Captain Smirnov ignored the alarm as he had been trying desperately to call for reinforcements. "Work damn you!" he shouted as he slammed a fist on the radio in frustration...only for him to still hear nothing. "Damn it, where is that mechanic!?" he yelled as a young soldier came running in before saluting him.

"Comrade Captain, is it still not working?" asked the soldier as the Captain shook his head. The soldier shrugged and got to work on fixing the radio for the fifth time. "I still don't know why this isn't-" he paused as the radio suddenly crackled to life. "on..."

Cpt. Smirnov then gently pushed the dazed man aside as he slipped his headset back on. "H-Hello!? This is Base Orel! Can anyone hear me, over!?" he waited for a few moments that seemed to drag on for hours...until the radio crackled to life once more.

"This is Base Aist! What happened, over!?" came the response, which was soon joined by another, and another. Over the next few minutes, all bases in the surrounding area had responded and were waiting to hear their orders.

Cpt. Smirnov, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of responses. He pulled off the headset and turned to the other man. "Go find the Marshal and tell him to come back here," he ordered, as the soldier gave him a quick salute and ran off to carry out his orders.

Dec 8th, 2042
Maresk, New Stalliongrad, Greater Equestria

After the failed attack on the bunker, Cold Steel led what remained of his force to the fortress outside Maresk. The fort was well situated atop a mountain, with thick walls and many gates and towers. By the time of their arrival at the first gate, dusk had already fallen over the snow-covered plains. "Who goes there!?" yelled one of the guards in a watchtower.

"I am Lieutenant Cold Steel of the 21st guards' regiment!" he yelled in response, and the gate was opened before him. Soon after, he was brought before the commander, an off-white pegasus with a dull grey mane named Long Pike. The stallion stood overlooking a map when Cold Steel entered before closing the door behind him. "Sir," he said as he saluted him. "I have come with news,"

The weathered stallion turned his head slowly and glared at him. "Oh? And what pray tell, would be so important that you would need to come directly to me?" he asked as he turned to face him fully, exposing his eyepatch and many scars.

Cold Steel had never been this close to his superior before, and he felt uneasy about his appearance, tone, and one-eye stare. "I-I'm sorry, Sir. B-But I wouldn't have come to you unless it was important. You see, I believe we found a bunker full of humans-" he was cut-off, as Long Pike suddenly grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled him up to his eye.

"What do you mean by humans? There aren't any left," he said as spit flew onto Cold Steel's face before he scowled.

"B-But Sir, I'm telling the truth!" he sputtered as Long Pike stared him down.

This lasted for roughly a minute (though, for Cold Steel, it felt like it lasted for hours) Before Long Pike let him go. "I...believe you," he said as he put a hoof to his chin. "However, I wish to see for myself,"

"Sir?" asked Cold Steel in a confused tone.

Long Pike turned back to his table and put a hoof to his chin. "How many Guards do you have under your command?"

"23 Sir, the other seven were killed by some form of gas,"

Long Pike nodded at this. "How...interesting. I don't recall the humans using such weapons,"

"We saw it with our own eyes...I don't even want to think about it," said Cold Steel with a shiver.

Long Pike then turned and gestured for him to join him. "Lieutenant, would you mind showing where this bunker is?"

Lt. Steel hesitated for a moment before walking over and standing beside him. "It's here, Sir. Just under where this village is," he pointed to a small settlement southeast of Maresk.

Long Pike then turned and grinned before patting a hoof on his back. "Good, then get your Guards ready. We're going to pay them a visit,"

Lt. Steel tried to shy away from the touch. "I'm sorry, Sir?"

Long Pike then turned and gestured for him to follow. "If it is humans, as I suspect it is, then we'll need to deal with this quickly and quietly," with that, Cold Steel followed him out of his office. As he did, he noticed a painting that hung on the wall beside the door. It was a picture of Celestia leading Royal Guards as they placed the flag of Equestria on a pole while she tore off a white, red, and blue flag that had hung there previously. Below the picture was written the words: "Awarded for the Purification of New Stalliongrad."

Dec 8th, 1978
Yazov's Bunker

Yazov had slowly made his way throughout the infirmary when he had heard the alarm. His guards had then rushed him back to his room for safety, and there he waited until he heard a swift knock on the door. "Come in!" he called as a young private walked into the room and saluted him.

"Comrade Marshal, we have the radio back up," he said as Yazov stood up from his bed and put on his cap.

"Then we have no time to lose," he said as he stood up and walked out of the room, with his guards following behind him. A few minutes later, he arrived at the communication room. "Captain," he said as he entered the room. "What is the situation?"

Cpt. Smirnov turned and saluted him. "Comrade Marshal, thank goodness! It feels like the whole of Russia is on the other end!"

Yazov nodded and stepped up to the radio, and took a breath. "I'll take it from here. But first, turn it to a public broadcast and get me a camera," he began as the Captain saluted and did as ordered. Once everything was set up, he and the others waited. 'Here goes nothing,' Yazov took another deep breath.

"Comrades! Today, at 1515, a pegasus was found inside my bunker, and, after a brief interrogation. It was found that we somehow have arrived in a world where such creatures have destroyed our Russia and turned its people into ponies! Then, at 1725, armed ponies breached the bunker and were only stopped by the bravery of our soldiers! Therefore, I once again call upon all Russians to commit to another Great Trial against these invaders! I also request all to start an immediate offensive in your local areas!"

As he finished the broadcast, he could hear nothing but silence... "URA!" shouted one, then another, then another! Soon enough, all he could hear were shouts, cheers, and declarations. 'And so, it begins,' he stood up and turned to Cpt. Smirnov. "Take it from here. I have a campaign to plan," with that, he left, and, as he walked down the hallway, he could hear the Sacred War playing on the speakers as his men stood in the halls and cheered him. He only stopped as he came to a door and opened it to reveal a room dominated by a massive table with a world map. Several officers were waiting inside for him and saluted him as he entered.

Dec 8th, 2042
Moscow, New Stalliongrad

A young pink filly with a red mane sat alone in front of the TV while her favourite movie played. Sure, it was human-made, but Wall-E still carried the right message- Suddenly, the TV went static before automatically switching to an image of a human wearing a black dress uniform and a peaked cap. "Uh, mom, did you switch the channel!?" she shouted as a red mare with a white mane appeared from the kitchen.

"No, why-" they both were silent, as the man began to speak in a foreign tongue, with Equish subtitles appearing below. Once he had finished speaking, the screen changed back to the movie.

The filly turned to see that her mother was visibly shaking. "Uh, mom? Are you okay?" The mare remained still as she tried to understand what had just happened. Then, without a word, she hugged the filly as she began to cry.

Author's Note:

Well, the cat is out of the bag now.