• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen June 1st


An alt account for posting violent, gory, fetish-filled clop. Apparently, green isn't my color.

Comments ( 80 )

God, I hate that this was so well written.

This was so disgusting, it actually circled back around to being good. Color me horrified, but impressed.

Dammit, I read the Pipp hanging one, Trixie hanging one, but somehow this description makes me nope. I'm sure it's well-written and I'm happy there's more grimdark stuff coming, but Sunny is too precious for me.

…when I said I wanted more non-con stuff I wasn’t asking for death snuff fics tho glad for those that like them. I don’t party like death and sex to mix in stories.

Thank you both. Really glad to hear you enjoyed it. Also, if this fic was a movie poster, "This was so disgusting, it actually circled back around to being good" would be at the top of the box. What a wonderful compliment.

That's fair. Headless is a much better writer than me anyway, so you read the good stuff. Still, you'll never truly embrace the grimdarkness until you grimdark the things you love most. The more it hurts you to read, the better.

If it makes any difference, the pony being raped isn't the same pony as the one being killed.

Argyle's screams carried on the flames, his body writhing and twisting as the fire burnt through his fur and flesh. The crowd cheered in triumph as they watched the stallion die a miserable death. Phyllis lead the gathered ponies in a well-choreographed song, sounding a little more poppy and processed than the old songs Sunny's dad had sung to her, but surprisingly good all the same. Sunny would probably have it stuck in her head for weeks.

I'm guessing this bit is a reference to The Wicker Man?

I'm considering one on Sunny too, but not sure if I will take the time. Maybe I should pass on the idea to this writer since they've shown they're good at it.

What monsters, not even having the decency to rape the pony they killed. :twilightangry2:

p.s. use
[spoiler ] [ /spoiler]

You shouldn't sell yourself short on writing skill. I'm proud to have influenced you, assuming that's what it means.

Not really, would have mentioned more bees and the desire not to be involved with them if I was making a Wicker Man joke. It was more just a general joke at pony's habit of breaking out in song, and the difference in style between the generations.

You definitely influenced me, particularly the stuff I write on this account but even some of the tamer stuff on my main account. Happy to see you apparently liked this fic.

Nope, gonna spoil my fics for everyone before they read them, just to fuck with the people who hate spoilers.

Why do you have to do me like this, man...

Thing is, this wasn't even bad. It's better than writing straight porn, but I've grown to love these characters to the point where this one just breaks my heart. You got talent, though, I won't deny that.

Just enough talent to make me feel depressed.

The 1973 original, rather than the 2006 shitshow with Nick Cage. Still, that makes sense.

Is there a way that there is a sequel that karmic retribution will finally come. And will severely punish those heartless earth ponies straight to Hell/Tartarus?!

Nope, they all go on to live happily ever after. After all, an eye for an eye and we'd all go blind or whatever that saying is.

If it makes you feel better, you were actually one of my biggest inspirations for writing this.

You are one evil dude who hates Sunny so much. Hope you put some angry mob song to set the mood.

Actually, I quite love Sunny and wish her the best. This just very much wasn't her day.

Wait, wait, wait...what?

Mind if I ask how I inspired this?


Your not f******* serious! Are you?

They just get away with it?!


Still, you'll never truly embrace the grimdarkness until you grimdark the things you love most.

True, I did this when I killed off EqG Fluttershy with sarin. It was oddly satisfying to write.

As it turns out, unicorns do eat ponies? :pinkiecrazy:

Hey, 2006 one was a fun movie, in a gloriously retarded way.

Then why did you write this evil story?

Because I'm evil

Because I saw you in some other stories complaining about how it was too early to be writing clopfics about these characters, so I figured that maybe you'd rather see some rape and snuff fics instead. Just trying to be helpful.

No raping. You sound like one of those caribou that I hate and wanted to cut off their antlers.

Dude. No. Just...no.

The average death fic, I can somewhat stomach. But for shit like this, I just can't. I would appreciate it if you could not assume that when I complain about a fic it's because it's not bad enough.


"Evil Rarity" is not even f****** canon. That is just that pathetic moron's ( Sprout ) racist/xenophobic imagination, and you know it.

Anyway, let's just end this conversation, and it's not nice knowing you.



I mean, I personally think it would have been kind of fucked up if Sunny was having consensual sex with those ponies while watching her father being beaten and killed, but if you think that would be better than I guess you're free to do your thing. Whatever gets you off, my dude.

"when I complain about a fic it's because it's not bad enough."
Well... I could probably go darker if you really insist, but I do have other things I'd rather be writing. I'm afraid that you might have to just settle for this for now. Sorry.


Sadly, in real life mobs do get away with this sort of thing.

You handle other people's words better than a politician.

I said don't assume that when I complain about a fic it's because it's not bad enough. Not that that was actually the case. I was not happy with this, and I am glad that you have better things to do that go even lower. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm writing a G5 fic. Finally.



Yeah. That's why I'm into Fanfiction almost all day. Sadly, this author didn't have our expectations.

I literally titled the chapter "Sunny is raped and watches her dad get killed by a mob of racist ponies."
I'm not sure how much clearer I could be that this isn't a story about sunshine and rainbows.

I have no words for this story, I couldent even finish it


You know, I haven't seen this movie in years, but I actually think it might have subtly influenced some of this story without me even realizing it. Funny how the brain works sometimes.


Just thought that in the end. That those racist angry mob are gonna eventually gets what's coming to them in the end. Like make a sequel during the end of the movie.

But, guess not!!!!!!! :ajbemused:

"Woe is me! Why did I, a man who is anaphylactic, go to an island outside my jurisdiction that is full of bees with no medication?"

Well, both feature individuals who hold minority beliefs being tortured and burned alive.

I say do a sequel where she gets revenge on maritime Bay


This is exactly what I have wanted the whole time. But, it's the authors decision.


Boy oh boy, what an angry mob my readers are forming to demand some violent retribution against ponies they don't like. Do you really think Sunny would approve of your blood-thirsty demands? Does she seem like the type of pony who could do something terrible to another? Does your insatiable lust for revenge and violence really seem appropriate for a fan of this type of show?

Honestly, it's like none of you even watched the movie.


Don't act like your in the high horse either. You actually started this depressing mess in the first place.

You also sound hypocritical, considering that your trying to make us pretend that her own father is unjustly, brutally tortured/murdered. AND she got rape herself in a very young age.

I really f******** doubt that Sunny will be the same type of person/pony in the movie IF this story is "canon". Nor befriend, forget, or "forgive" the same type of despicable ponies from that angry mob.

A rape victim in real life can LITERALLY f*** them mentally!!!!! Or seeing their own parent being unjustly tortured and murdered too!!!! Sunny is no exception to this.

Nobody in here ( In their right mind, or judgement ) would forgive these types of monsters that could have done the same thing to us in different circumstances. End of discussion, please!

What the mob did to Sunny's father and to her was tragic and wrong, but surely the real tragedy would be if Sunny stooped down to their level in order to seek revenge. Do you really think her father would approve of that? What would Izzy think when she came to Maretime Bay to find the friends waiting for her, only to find a dead town and a blood-soaked Sunny? Is this really the world you'd rather see?


I don't think her friends would be against her? If they have learn the full story first. Especially the raping part at a young age. I don't even think Izzy will even defend those monsters if she hears that out! Who would anyway??!!

Plus, her father didn't deserve this. And he can't have his say to change Sunny's mind. Because he is dead, because of them! Unless he become a ghost or something, he can't help!

Plus, it takes a long ass time to repair a poor raping victims mind. And I highly doubt Izzy or anypony else are trained professionals. Maybe, since Haven still have the royal power to arrest them instead for their disgusting crimes?

Maybe that's a good alternative than ripping and tearing??

Dude, I was joking. I'm fully aware that responding to violence with more violence is never the solution. Indeed, if the ending of the film is anything to go by, Sunny did ultimately win.

I think a quote from Aristotle best sums up why this angry mob appears to have formed; "men consider it their right to return evil for evil, and if they cannot they feel they have lost their liberty."

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