• Member Since 19th Sep, 2013
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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.

Comments ( 361 )

Well, it's good to see that Chrysalis is still the biggest bitch in the world. Although, it looks like she's going to have some competition.

*Looks at what it contains* what no MTF transformations?

Great to see you back in action Very! (Although I will admit A Changling Invasion did leave me with a bittersweet taste in my mouth) I always enjoy your works.

8123567 The tags will get updated as the story progresses. I still haven't planned out the exact kinks for the entirety of the story. So it's safe to say there's going to be a bit more than whats on that list.

8123619 Nice to see you back too. Have a lot planned for this particular story I'm sure plenty people will object to.

Ah yes, good, very good. The squeal to my favorite philosophical and moral story :moustache:

And the clop is great to of course :pinkiehappy:.

But I do wonder why they want to take them to Equestria?

“W-What is happening?!?” Amber Gaze exclaimed in even more panic than before, slowly stepping backwards towards the window from the spontaneous perverted scene. “Lilith ordered them to arrest the princess… in what universe does that lead to her giving them blowjobs for no reason?!”

The universe of a clopfic.

Part 2 huh, eh pass. No offence, but I really think this story was better when it was just those first 4 chapters since then its gone directions I don't care for.

8123769 By the way. I have my own story up. It's a work in progress but apparently it's a decent read if you ever played Final Fantasy 15.

I love the idea of ​​a sequel, but I have a suggestion.

Could there be a little more participation of spike in the history also of being possible as fan of spiraty that I am like that, spike and rarity will end up together.

Eye without any change making them company.

I'm so glad I checked the new stories section for once.

The opening scene reminds me of an adult manga called Queen Margarita - The Sacrificial Lamb

8123769 waits I thought spike was in charge now

8124597 Spike hasn't been one to seek leadership. He's still living in the Crystal Castle with ownership of Twilight.

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

8125854 There's no death, blood, or anything like that. But there may be some evilness, violence, and shifty people getting their way through questionable methods.

Nice. I wonder what the other 3 queens will do in response though and will be just a hot and dark as this. Also have you considered my suggestion of inserting characters from other shows/series into the story? Like the dragons from Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? I can think of other characters from anime that would make great ponies, changelings, griffins and etc.

Yay, sequel for A Changeling Invasion, I have a soft spot for that story. Nice to see Chrysalis is still her snarky self even after being conquered, can't wait to see how it goes with the new front!

And there we have it! Chrysalis has a new target in sight, Canterlot Highschool... Who knows what's going to happen with them.

Also, next chapter the story will be going back to its original format being half a chapter dedicated to events in the human world and the other have being another story line back in Equestria, where stuff is still happening in Chrysalis's absence.

Also, don't forget to comment on what you thought about the chapter!

Well good start but lets see how long Chrysalis lasts without her magic, of course I wonder what will happen if Sunset finds out anything about what happened to Equestria, maybe she will destroy the portal so that Earth is safe then from the mind control ponies and changelings then, of course if she does that while Chrysalis is still on her side of the portal things could go bad but she might be able to stop Chrysalis if she and the Human Mane 6 pony up and blast her with their version of the Elements.

An explosion of porcelain pieces showered the room as Queen Nexia’s body was thrown into the shower wall, sending her plummeting through the solid rock and metals pipes with enough force to kill a pony five times over.

I get the feeling that that's her way of saying "Fuck you, asshole."

“Good,” Chrysalis grinned, licking her lips in excitement and anticipation. “The last thing we need from this ordeal is to give every pony in Equestria an identical twin.” Chrysalis could personally testify, as one of many shapeshifting changelings, how annoying and troublesome that could be at times.


I mean, these dumb kids aren’t going anywhere in life.

You'd be surprised. If memory serves, Lanipator, one of the founding fathers of TeamFourStar dropped out of college, and now he's a big time Youtuber, he's happy, married and his JOB to make people happy.

“I…I was caught taking pictures of the others with my phone while we were changing in the girl’s locker room…” The girl muttered, more embarrassed than she ever had been in her life. She was almost on the verge of tears.

Did it ever occur to you, Watermelody, that while fantasies may not be as real as photographs, they're a good deal safer, as the other students can't know what's going on inside your head, while if you take a picture, they can guess.

“Of course,” Sombra smiled smugly. “I’m a man of my word.”

Doubt it.

Sorry to disappoint you but it’s not this kind of story. The Changelings won't lose because they are the "good guys" and are right about everything. Every female in every dimension secretly wants to be dominated and impregnate by a strong male master. So of course Sunset and the Human Seven will sooner or later realizes this and help all the other females of the human dimension to see the errors of their ways.

Afterall, we can’t let our “heroes” met a species where women don’t want to be owned be the males. That actually would mean that their world view isn’t perfect and we can’t have that, can we? ;)

8149040 You forget that the world that Sunset is in is a human world with MANY different nations, and without mind control magic being able to work in that world since only Friendship magic works then the Changelings are up a creek without a paddle and I would think that the moment that Chrysalis went through the portal that the collar around her neck would have no longer made her a slave, she would have been free then, I just hope that Sunset finds out in time about what happened to Equestria and blows up the portal so they don't try to take over her new home.

We don’t know much of the Equestria Girls World. It could be our Earth, it could be a human version of Equestria or it could consists of nothing but one city, a few towns and the Everfree Forest. Besides, the Changeling takeover didn't involve any Mind Control magic. At least not on Chrysali's and Twilight's part. All the females in this stories have the natural desire to be owned by a master –even if they don’t know it yet. Don’t ask me why, but that’s how it works in this story.

In the end, however, it doesn’t really matter how many nations are on this world and what kind of magic works and which doesn’t. The author is the one who decides what happens in the story and based on everything I’ve read so far any outcome that doesn’t result in the humans eagerly accepting the “truth” of the Changelings is extremely unlikely.

8149547 I see, well I still think that Earth won't fall, also in the first story it was set After they met Starlight but before her return, so that means that Starlight Glimmer is still out there with her chance to use her Cutie Mark Removal spell on ponies, both Mares and Stallions, of course she might be able to effect Changelings too with her magic so they would have to watch out for her, if she does show up I hope she escapes to the Human world to warn them about what has happened in Equestria, this way she and Sunset could do something to stop them from coming through to take over.

8149609 Starlight Glimmer is still reformed and training as a slave as Twilight's pupil. I just haven't written her into the story yet.

Hey, didn't Chrysalis use magic to manipulate the minds of the women of Ponyville in the first story to get them all hot and bothered and willing to get some changeling dick? The hypocrisy is staggering. I think Chrysalis just doesn't want to share and just always hated her siblings.

Something I would rather talk about is if Chrysalis is doing a good thing with her plan to expand and conquer. On one hand it can be considered a act of war and "forcing" people into slavery but then the changeling ideology say that you are going to be happier when you have been shown the "right" way.

As for your concerns Perky. Chrysalis is currently in a weaker position. No magic and no army. Taking on the world is going to be a challenge considering that she also has to deal with the male population that she dislikes. She is going to have to use subterfuge and that is going to take some time. As for back in Equestria, Things are going to be heating up. "world tensions is rising" so to speak. There are still independent nations around the world that are most likely going to resist the changeling's. Yes they are powerful but not invincible as we have seen. Artifact, relics and If things get desperate they might use the power of hate against them. Of course who wins in the end might be a given but there will be no lack of drama, struggles... clop and the philosophical comments about right and wrong that I enjoy so much :moustache:.

As for you Sleepy. Truly you did a great job when you managed to mix philosophy with clop. I have never before read a story that had such an interesting comment section.

But I will admit however: Starlight Glimmer could have been a interesting character. But you do what you want and focus on what you think is important... And kinky. Yes very, very kinky :moustache:

(My favorite kind of kinky is the thoughts of the submissive's. How they see themselves, what they think and feel about the situation and of what they are doing.)

8152253 Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the story so much. Especially nice to see after this 2nd disappointing chapter where all interest seemed to have died off, judging from the number of comments.

But yeah, I was planning on throwing some more controversial stuff back in Equestria. Changelings wanting ponies to do what they say because they are changelings and the ponies are not kind of stuff. Just doesn't seem like much of a point if no one comments on stuff in the story.

I would like to add: As long as Starlight hasn't been used yet, the option's still open to introduce her in a different role later on. She makes for a wonderful wild card!


If ponies turn human by going through, but humans don't change, does that mean the pony turned human will remain human when they return?

8153939 It's meant to keep anyone from that originates from the human universe the same form when they go through the portal. But it still transforms anyone that originates from the pony world like normal.

8123567 that's the one that completely ruined the last one, I doubt, or sincerely hope very sleepy would avoid that train wreck again.

I dropped the ball with my side story, but was gonna end with Sunset back in the human world after the fall of Appleoosa anyway so there is that.

Good work as always so far, exited to see more

I really enjoyed the first story, can't wait to see what you'll be cooking up. Also, it's nice to see you finally going to the human world after that tease from the first story.

Wooo finally got a decent idea for the Equestria portion of the story. Just don't know how long it'll take to get through at this pace, but I'm looking forward to where it'll end up with these new characters.

Also, we are headed to the human world next chapter for some very sketchy and suspicious behavior. And that's not coming from Chrysalis.

The name, of course, being a working title, it not having passed the initial test rounds of focus groups.

Why doesn't that being a thing surprise me?

“Ah’d be careful if I were you, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack warned sternly. “Get too full of yerself in front of him and you’ll be looking at one heck of a sleepless week down in his dungeon. Ah’ve heard from Thunderlane’s mares myself… Some seriously depraved stuff when he’s putting them in their places…”

“That’s my hope…”

Of course it is.

“Expect… you know… instead of eating us alive, they’ll be fucking us senseless until we can’t even stand own our own two legs!”

Which most would consider preferable. Also, stand ON our own two legs. Not own our.

“Well, don’t forget, Fluttershy,” Starlight Glimmer added, “whoever catches and claims us earns the right to our bodies for an entire week before having to return us to our previous owner… assuming we have one,”

Oh yeah, I forgot, you're around.

“Ah reckon that girls just wants half the town’s cocks to herself… Heck if Ah’m going to let her hog all the fun!”

Girl. Not girlS.

There, leaning over as she peeked out through a crack between the two houses onto the streets, was not a pony… but a female changeling

That's bad.

By manys’


No sooner did Starlight’s back make impact did a beam of pink magical energy hit her square on the forehead.

That's going to come into play later on. It's too important to be a throwaway.

Now an obscenely long and girthy limp cock dangled from the changeling’s skimpy black dress as she dusted herself off. It was impossible for Starlight not to notice it.

Which was NOT there before.

“Nothing… I was doing nothing at all,”

I sense a trap.

“We’re just here to collect a few things and be on our way… but I couldn’t help but enjoy the show while I’m here for a few minutes. Then there’s somepony important I must meet,"

DEFINITELY something going on.

Was this… anger?

Oh yeah.

“What the fuck?” He gasped, before too, slamming into the ground in a sudden sleep.

I'd love to know myself.

“And put some effort into it will you? It seems as though your performance has already put two stallions to sleep… I mean… even didn’t think you were that boring at sex.”

Wit. You lack it.

The way she was looking at her, compared to the other three… it was different somehow. She couldn’t put her finger on it… Perhaps it was just another changeling trick.

That magic beam from earlier.

Without any warning, the changeling grabbed a hold of Starlight’s shoulders. The unicorn didn’t have a chance to struggle as the changeling’s horn began to channel an immense amount of power, preparing for a long distance teleportation just for the two of them.

Neither of them noticed the nose diving changeling shooting down at them as the world changed in an instant around them.

It seems that even Nexia's hive is divided.

“Well, in case you’re wondering why I’m here-”

He just asked, so yes.

Really rolls of the tongue, you know?

OfF the tongue.

Something was wrong with this changeling.

He has brains.

Seta released another deep groan as she herself collapsed on the bed, her arms falling to her sides. “If you leave now, then I’m done for…”

Not his problem.

Before you knew it you were entrapped in their social circles, doing nothing besides gushing about your feelings and rainbows to each other all day.

You need to get Twilight to tell you of how she took the magic of the other 3 Alicorns into herself, more or less effortlessly raised the Sun and Moon, albeit with little control, and fought toe to toe with TIREK who'd absorbed all of Equestria's magic and DISCORD'S. She fought THAT to a standstill.

“You can’t go back to Ponyville because… those other sisters of my hive will actually kidnap you. You know… those ever pleasant bitches you saw before we left? They have a list of targets and aren’t used to or allowed failure. Trust me, the place they are bringing your kind will not be as nice as my setup here.”

Really now?

“Actually… I am not anymore. As of now I am officially and forever marking myself as a defector.” Seta announced, to the surprise of the others. “I’m renouncing my claim to her hive and my family… which as you can imagine, doesn’t go over so well with them. Traitor is the word they would use.”

How delightfully unexpected. If this were a Pokemon fic, I'd go so far as to say Onixpected.

The realization finally dawned on Starlight. It was true, thanks to the aura changelings brought with them, that changelings drew sustenance and strength from the love of others around them while also allowing mares to draw sustenance from the cum they swallow down and ingest, removing the need for conventional food and water completely.

Sounds like symbiosis to me.

“I’m serious! You think I’m just going to let you waltz into my home territory, steal one of my town’s mares, and expect me to believe your little story about how you are so on the up and up? I don’t think so, missy.”

He has a point. You've given him zero reason to trust you.

With that, the changeling proudly sauntered over to the nearby couch, plopping down and quickly making himself at home.

Is smugness a genetic Changeling thing?

It was basically bragging rights to show what they had to wake up to every morning.


On top of that, more and more of the pink magical aura was pooling around Starlight’s head, playfully pushing against it, almost as if wanting to be let in…

Also probably important.

From the way Chrysalis’s hive had described it, before their invasion Equestria was a literal living hell.

her horn glowing again as a pink magical stream connected between it and the unicorn’s head. The magical aura was really pushing at Starlight’s head, desperately wanting to be let in now.

Again with the magic to the head, is she trying to use mind magic on her?

“W-what do you think you’re doing?”

Duh, Starlight.

If all mares had coks they would just sit in their rooms all day and suck themselves off!”

CoCks. Also, I don't think it's possible to be that flexible short of being a contortionist.

Her magically transformed digits didn’t stop upon making contact with her skull, but rather seeped inwards through it until it appeared as though the changeling was massaging Starlight’s very brain.

Definitely mind magic.

“Truce?” Tylus asked.

“I’m listening…”


“Oooooh… one of those… My hive has its own custom for such deals…”


“Absolutely not.”

You. You amuse me.

:-( I was hoping we would see how the game plays out. O well still good looking forward to the next chapter

This chapter wasn't for me at all. I'm not a Starlight fan in the slightest and prefer it when the show ignores her existence. I would have preferred anything else really like seeing a sex class for those who just turned 18 or something like that

“My hive would never in a billion years consider submitting ourselves to becoming Equestria’s sex slaves!” Seta exclaimed, her cock giving a full twitch as if in agreement. “We all intend to live in this land as not only free woman but slaver owners!”

We all intend to live in this land as not only free woman but slaver owners!

Fucking what? So Changeling females get a free pass on being used as eternal sex toys but the female ponies of Equestria don't? Discrimination if I ever fucking seen it!


Changelings and stallions always gave mares the right to choose is she wants to become a sex slave, usually after they help enlighten them with a few rounds of hardcore sex to show them what it's like.

This new changeling is simply saying the woman of this new hive aren't going to give them that chance in the first place. And they do all have futa cocks which complicates things.


This new changeling is simply saying the woman of this new hive aren't going to give them that chance in the first place. And they do all have futa cocks which complicates things.

As the one responsible for this fanfic, I think really it's YOU who isn't going to give them that chance to begin with. Don't pass your problems off onto fictional characters who don't get a say in matters just because they're women.


Your argument really isn't making to much sense. But anyway, you really have no idea where I intend to take the story in which circumstances may very well change.


I actually was thinking of exploring a bit of Manehattan with the gang and seeing the new sex centralized turn things have taken. That would include the education system for the younger ponies.

Which is something I would prefer to see or having the mane six going on one of their missions or any form of exploring this sex centered world OVER FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE STARLIGHT.

Sorry, I just really, really hate her character.

I would like to see more of the CMC and those guys as well

My argument only needs to make sense to me.

Like a big old bowl of soup on a cold day.

Or that little green man in the traffic lights saying hello when you push the button.

Mmm. Very nice chapter. A bit thin on the philosophical side but considering that the three were not to far apart in opinion it is understandable.

As far as I understand it, Starlights loyalty is expected by everyone to be towards her master regardless of who it is? I wonder how "stealing" a slave is considered then?

And what are they going to do with the unicorns? Interesting...

There is a male shortage? Even with the changeling's? I remember correctly from the first story that there were so many changeling's alone as to outnumber the females.

If I am allowed be so bold: could I request some orgy/public use/some of those new "common decency" scenes? Please? :pinkiehappy:


I didn't explain everything about their characters, especially the new changelings, because that would just have been a giant exposition dump. I'm trying to spread out the full pictures over a few chapters.

And I don't think the changelings exactly outnumbers the ponies. Each of them had to tend to multiple partners in the hive, which only got worse after they took Appleloosa that had more mares than they knew what to do with. On top of that, they abducted the Saddle Arabian mares, not so much stallions, and expanding into further territories.

Ok. Very well. Keep doing what you do :pinkiesmile:.

Changelings and stallions always gave mares the right to choose is she wants to become a sex slave, usually after they help enlighten them with a few rounds of hardcore sex to show them what it's like.

That is not different from asking a victim of Stockholm syndrome if they love the one that kidnapped they.

And I am pretty sure Chrysalis gave no one a choice when all this madness started AND she isn't giving a choice to the inhabitants of CHS/the Human World either.

If you looks closely in this chapter, you'll see a few hints I left in for what the pink changelings "deal" is going to be. (I'm not talking about the mind controlling magic)

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