• Published 10th Oct 2021
  • 710 Views, 14 Comments

The 2 human Fillies - Star Sparkle

Reliable and loyal, resourceful and cautious. Two different souls and personalities, but two similar destinies - cross paths, and then they get their chance, in a new world and in a new era for themselves, an era of magic and friendship.

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Chapter 1: Star Sparkle

Recess, I sighed, I normally loved recess, but none in my class wanted to play catch, they would rather talk about make-up, and stuff.
I mean, I could go to my new older brothers, but they also don’t want to play with me.

Miss. Care’s loveling voice rang in my head, “I know it’s hard sweetie, but Bright and Peach want to make you feel at home. But would you feel better if you had a phone you could call me on?”

I was going to miss the orphanage I had called home for 2 years, and my sort of big sister, Sunset Shimmer, so I sniffed, “I’ll- I’ll try.”

“Chin up sweetie, they’re gonna love you.” Miss Care said as she lifted my chin and dried my eyes. I smiled as I wanted to believe her.

As I daydreamed some boys from my class came up to me.

“Hey you little baby!” One called

“I’m not a baby,” I said and was about to walk away they pushed me into the wall and I yelled out, “Av!” I scanned the playground to look for a teacher, but as usual, they weren’t in sight.

“Where are you going, cry baby? You gonna cry?” They laughed at me, and normally I would just take it and do nothing, but it wasn’t working, I hated them, I hated my so-called stepbrothers, my foster parents, when they get angry at me for missing my parents and then don’t give dinner, I hated my teachers for not caring when I’m being bullied in class.

Everything came out, I could stop and I punched the closet one in the face, around the teeth, a second of silence later, and I felt like I was on fine as adrenaline coursed in my body, and I punched another boy in the stomach. He gave out a grunt as he stepped back.

Now I guessed the relation of me fighting back came to the last two, and I knew I couldn’t run away and began to fight.

I took a punch to my stomach, but as I went down I jumped forward and threw myself at the one who punched me, catching him off guard.

As I lay on the ground, and my stomach hurt, I heard the calling of a teacher, “Break it off! NOW!”

In the corner of my vision, I saw the teacher, I didn’t see her face, but it was the teacher that didn’t like me, as I had repeatedly asked her for help, and every time she ignored me.

“What is going on here?!” She demanded, almost yelling.

“It was her,” One of the boys said, “My friends and I were just standing around, and then she attack us.”

“It’s not true!” I yelled as loud as I could.

“Oh, sweet boy,” The teacher called, “what happened with your teeth?”

“Star punched me, I didn’t do anything.” He say muffled as his hand covered his mouth.

“That’s it young lady!” The teacher called, she grabbed my arm as I was on the way up and forced me up, “You’re coming with me!” Then her tone changed to a much sweeter one, “Boys will you help your friend and then come to the principal’s office.”

”Yes Ms. Green,” the boys said.

Then the teacher then walked me to the principal, but I almost had to run to fall behind and trip over.

Inside the principal’s office, I told him what happened and I was only defending myself, and so pleaded guilty to punching the boy’s teeth, and Bright was called in.

‘Oh no.’ I thought to myself, of the few times he had come in for either my forced step-brothers or my grades he had not been in the best of moods when we came home, and he was always easier on the boys than me, and I had done nothing and after today, I would be lucky to live tomorrow. I wanted Miss. Care right now.

I felt the phone no one knew anything about, I swallowed and said, “May I please go to the bathroom?” My voice cracked, I hadn’t even felt I was about to cry.

The principal agreed and I stood up and was escorted by the teacher to the restroom, “Make it fast girl.” She crossed her arms.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and went into a stall, pulled out the phone, looked at ms. Care’s number and called.

A few dials later, “Hello Star, are you okay?” A bit of worry was in her voice.

I sniffed, but I just felt safe around her, “No, I- I- He’ll hurt me, please-” Sobs stopped me from talking.

“Hey, shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay, where are you?” Ms. Care asked.

“Scho-school, I’m in the bathroom, I- I was in a fight.” I stuttered out, “It- It wasn’t on purpose, I-”

“Hey, hey, don’t worry, I’m coming. Just stay at the school, and tell the principal that I’m coming.”

“I- I will.”

“Good, thirty minutes, and I’m there.” Ms. Care said calmly.

As I washed my hands, the bell rang, and soon hard-knocking came on the door and the teacher called, “Are you done?!”

“I’m done!” I called back.

I went to the door and the teacher was tapping her foot, clearly impatient.

“Sorry I took so long,” I kept my eyes away from her, at this moment she kinda scared me.

Together we walked back to the office and as we did arrive the boys came and the one boy still had blood on his nose and so the principal said, “Ms. Green, would you please escort your nephew to the nurse, and boys just sit outside until your parents come.” All agreed and I was left with the principal.

When we were alone he asked what happened, and I told him the truth. I was just minding my own business and they came to me, I tried to walk away, but as I wasn’t allowed I began to fight. I could easily tell the truth as I didn’t do that much wrong, but I also said, ”I know I shouldn’t hit others, but whenever I would tell a teacher, nothing would ever be done.”

The principal understood what I meant and nodded, then I said, “I’ve called ms. Care and she’s on her way, please, don’t make me go with my step-dad, please.” I begged him.

“I will try, but I don’t hold any legal grounds to keep you here against your step-farther.” The principal said, I smiled.

After a few minutes Bright, my step-dad arrives and asks what happened, the principal told him what I said and as he came down to my eye level, I could smell alcohol. He scolded me and told me that I was in serious problems when we got home. My only comfort was that ms. Care was coming and she would save me, but I wouldn’t go in his car, I would rather run away.

Then more voices came from the outside and the door opened and the mother of the boy who was at the nurse was furious and demanded that I was expelled and demanded that the family I lived with should pay the medical and therapy bills.

The principal who had enough made them quit, very fast, then calmly told me to wait outside, I nodded and gently walked outside.

After a lot of talking, Bright walked out and told me that I was suspended and we were leaving, he grabbed my arm and dragged me outside to the car.

I tried to make him let go, I hit his hand, screaming, “Let me go!!!”

Outside on the parking lot, he turned me to face him, and he slapped me.

Then everything happened in a blur, a loud noise came and I heard the very familiar voice of ms. Care, “Let her go!”

As quickly as I could I ran to her and she got me in her car, meanwhile, everything he screamed, was only white noise.

As the feeling of my chin came back, I began to cry, ‘he hit me, he hit me, he hit me.’

A car was accrediting hard and I felt ms. Care as she hugged me, I hugged her as tightly as I could as I cried out, “Thank you.”

As I was calming down a bit ms. Care asked, “It’s okay now, just let it out?”

I nodded, and my emotions overwhelmed me again, and I hugged her, tears rolled down my cheek, and gentle sobs came out of my sore throat. Ms. Care gently hugged me as she patted my back and whispered, “It’s okay, it’s okay, you’re safe.”

An unknown amount of time passed before the safety of ms. Care had stopped my tears, something about her just made me feel safe.

Ms. Care however looked sad as I was about to pull away, “What it is ms. Care? Are you okay?”

“I um, I am…” she trailed off before she said, “Star, I have to tell you something, and it will be hard to hear. We aren’t going back to the old orphanage, it closed as there wasn’t enough money to keep it going.”

“Oh, okay, I really like that place, with the forest behind it, hehe!” I giggled, “It was so fun to explore and play hide and seek with Sunset-

“Star.” Ms. Care said, interrupting me and giving me a bit of a shock.

A tear slipped down her cheek as she said, “Sunset was in an accident, a drunk driver hit her two days ago.”

“What…?” I asked, not really knowing what she was talking about, “What do you mean ms. Care?”

“Sunset died on impact.”

“What?! No!!! Not- not Sunset, she- she,” I could help it anymore and broke down in tears and fell into ms. Care’s embrace.

Ms. Care cradled me back and forth, whispering something, but I couldn't hear it over my own crying.

Time passed and I got a bit better, but questions flew around my head. How could she be gone? Would I ever see her again? Would I ever get a sister again? But I asked, “When is she being buried?”

“This Saturday,” ms. Care answered, “I also have something for you.”

“What’s that?” I asked, my throat hurt with every word I spoke.

“First, some water,” ms. Care said as she handed me a bottle of water, “the other thing is from Sunset Shimmer.”

Just the name of her now made me sad, and a few tears fell, I took some more water, and even though they were minor sips, I could barely drink them.

After I had drunk the water ms. Care handed me a red box with a yellow bow on it, and it said, ‘For Star Sparkle’. Very carefully I took it, it wasn’t heavy. I removed the lid and looked inside, the red and yellow sun hair clip that was in Sunset’s hair.

“I know it’s not much, but I know that Sunset would want you to have it and make the best out of your life.” Said ms. Care.

Carefully I took it up, my heart was racing I gently hugged it, “I’ll do my best, big sis, I promise.”

Ms. Care helped me to clip the sun mark to my hair and using the rearview mirror, I saw myself and I smiled as I knew that Sunset would always be with me.

Ms. Care suggested we should get me some new clothes, and I was on board as I didn’t like the had me down I got from my previous stepbrothers, it was all black and pants, I hated pants, so I was happy and ms. Care giggled and we drove of the mall.

After an hour or so I was wearing a light blue short dress, with pink knee-length leggings and a pair of blue and pink high heels sandals. With a rumble from my tummy we got some to eat and ms. Care said, “Do you remember I said we weren’t going back to the old orphanage?”

“I do, where am I then going to live?” I asked, not even nervous of being left alone, ms. Care would make sure I was safe.

“I work at a new orphanage, and there there is a very nice girl called Midnight Twinkle, and I’m sure you’ll become good friends.” Ms. Care said with a smile.

Unsure, I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my heart and breathed in, then out and felt my hair clip. I opened my eyes and smiled, “I’ll try.” But I was still nervous, would she like me, what if she was like the girls in my class, and was going to make fun of me ‘NO!’ I screamed internally, ‘Ms. Care would never give me a room with a mean girl. So she must be really nice.’ I really hoped that she was.

“Good, now are you finished, then we can leave.” Ms. Care asked with a smile.

“I am.” I smiled back.

The drive lasted about an hour, then we reached a house and drove into the garden, the sun was setting and we stepped out, I didn’t have much with me, so I walked with ms. Care and into the building.

We walked over to another adult and ms. Care asked, “Is Midnight Twinkle inside her room?”

“Yes, I believe so.” She looked at me and presented her hand, I took it and she gently shook mine as she said, “Welcome miss. Star Sparkle, I’m ms. String and is the leader of the fine home, so if you have anything, just come to me, okay?”

“It’s nice to meet you ms. String and I will, thank you so much.” I said with a smile.

“Such a nice girl, Ms. care will you show Star her room?”

“Of course ms. String.” said ms. Care.

I followed ms. Care up the stairs as she said, “Now, her name is Midnight Twinkle, and she’s a bit older than you. About the rules, those are the same as with the other orphanage.”

“I’ll remember ms. Care.” I smiled, but my heart was racing, and as I saw the door it said Midnight Twinkle and Star Sparkle on it, ms. Care opened the door and inside was the girl Midnight Twinkle.

A bit unsure of how this was going to go, I smiled and waved my hand, “Hi, I’m Star Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

This chapter is a bit darker compared to the rest of the story, but this is the only dark one.