• Published 10th Oct 2021
  • 707 Views, 14 Comments

The 2 human Fillies - Star Sparkle

Reliable and loyal, resourceful and cautious. Two different souls and personalities, but two similar destinies - cross paths, and then they get their chance, in a new world and in a new era for themselves, an era of magic and friendship.

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Chapter 3: Common Ground

"Um... Hi," Midnight Twinkle said with an awkward chuckle and waved her hand in the same way, "Welcome, I guess..." Midnight Twinkle said similarly.

"Thanks… Umm, do you like drawing?" asked Star.

"What makes you think that?" queried Midnight Twinkle.

"The sketchbook in your hand," said Star.

"Hehe," laughed Midnight Twinkle slightly shyly, after which an uncomfortable silence hung in the room.

"I will let you two get settled in, but don’t hesitate to come to me and dinner is ready soon." Ms. Care reminded the two girls, before turning around and going about her business.

Star walked out the door for a moment before returning with a school bag and some other bags of clothes, which were Star’s new clothes and school supplies, then headed towards the bed, the one near the wall and was at the opposite side of the room compared to Midnight Twinkle's bed.

While Star laid out her things, there was an awkward silence in the room. Midnight Twinkle continued with her drawing, getting a couple of great ideas for it.

After a while Star, having finished laying out her things, turned her attention to the clock, which showed that dinner was about to start.

"Should we go to dinner?" asked Star, still a little bit nervous.

Midnight Twinkle, after a couple of seconds put down her sketchbook and just as she was paying attention to the time, "Yeah, let’s go."

As the girls headed to the dining room they ran into Ms. Care.

"Girls, how’s it going?" asked Ms. Care.

“It’s okay,” Star replied, “I finished unpacking.”

“And I drew some more.” Midnight Twinkle replied.

"That’s good... Star? Weren’t you good at drawing too?" asked Ms. Care.

"Not really," Star said as she trailed off.

"Well Midnight Twinkle here is I would say the best artist here," said Ms. Care, making Midnight Twinkle blush, “I’m sure she could help you, right?”

“Of course,” Midnight Twinkle said, happy with the thought to draw with someone.

"Great, let’s get to dinner, as there will be an announcement," said Ms. Care said with a wink, the three then set off for the dining room

At the dining room, Star choose a burger with french fries, while Twinky took a loaded baked potato casserole, they then sat down, and even though both were silent they still stayed together.

As they eat Star asked, “Why aren’t you sitting with the others?”

“They don’t want me to,” Midnight Twinkle whispered, clearly not happy to talk about it.

The two girls ate in silence as Star look towards the other tables, noticing the other kids were loud and throwing napkins at each other, so Midnight Twinkle seemed the most like her.

The head of the orphanage, Ms. String, stood up and said, “Attention everyone! I have some exciting news, this Sunday we’re going on an excursion to a preserved forest. On Sunday you’ll get more details, but suffice it to say, everyone and I mean everyone needs a partner, so now you have time to find yours.” As chatter began Ms. Sting continued, “Settle down everyone, As for other news, we have a newcomer, Star Sparkle, and I hope you’ll help me to make her feel welcome.”

Star wanted to disappear at this point, and getting the hint, Ms. Sting continued, “That’s all, and remember to keep the bedtime.”

Seeing how Star reacted Midnight Twinkle stayed until Star wanted to go.

Little by little, the residents left the dining hall.

“Do you want to go now Star?” Midnight Twinkle asked.

Star nodded and both walked back to their room.

Back in their room, the girls dispersed again to their halves of the room.

Midnight Twinkle walked over to her bed, after which she was about to take a piece of paper out of her sketchbook to give it to Star, but was stopped, "No need, I don't want to."

"Why not?" asked Midnight Twinkle.

"I just don't want to," replied Star more firmly.

"Okay," replied Midnight Twinkle slightly surprised, she was disappointed, but that wasn’t anything new, so she shrugged slightly, climbed onto her bed, picked up her sketchbook, and continued to finish her drawing.

Sometime later, when Midnight Twinkle was finishing her drawing, and all that was left to do was finish with the shoes on one foot, but then she noticed movement near her, it was Star.

"Can I see?" Star asked shyly.

"Sure," replied Midnight Twinkle, then moved to one edge of the bed and patted the vacant seat next to her for Star to sit there.

As the girls sat together, Midnight Twinkle, in a few minutes, completely finished her drawing and showed it to Star who was just observing.

"Wow, that's so pretty and cute, but why does the girl in your drawing look like me?" she asked.

"To be honest, a few ideas came into my head when I first saw you," replied Midnight Twinkle blushing slightly.

"Oh, thank you," Star said with a slight smile while blushing due to slight embarrassment and for Midnight Twinkle to draw her.

Flipping the album to the next page, Midnight Twinkle thought briefly, tapping her sketchbook with her pen, contemplating the next subject for the drawing.

Noticing that Midnight Twinkle didn’t know what to draw, Star suggested "What about the ponies?"

"What do you mean?" asked Midnight Twinkle.

"Well... you were thinking and I thought you were pondering a subject for a drawing and that's why I wanted to suggest it," replied Star.

"Interesting..." said Midnight Twinkle thoughtfully, "Let's give it a try," she added and got the pencil in a good grip, as she was about to start sketching, she was stopped.

"Can I try too?" asked Star.

"Sure," replied Midnight Twinkle with a smile and held out a sheet of sketchbook and some drawing supplies for Star to use.

After a while, in the silence, Midnight Twinkle notices Star peeking at her drawing, with Star still having a completely blank sheet. Midnight Twinkle turns her head and looks at Star and she, in turn, looks away and apologizes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Hey it's okay Star, don't worry," Midnight Twinkle tried to reassure her, she then took her album in one hand and held it out for Star, "here, look," she said.

"You're so good Twinky," praised Star.

"Hehe, thank you." thanked Midnight Twinkle, then thought for a moment, "Wait, did you just call me, Twinky?"

"S.. so.. sorry, I didn't mean to," Star apologized immediately.

"No, no, it's okay... I like it," admitted Midnight Twinkle with a smile.

"Really?" asked Star.

"Really," Twinky confirmed her words.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds, then the girls looked at each other, smiled, and laughed heartily.

As ms. Care was about to knock on the door, she heard laughter from inside the room, she smiled, knowing that she made the right choice.

As the laughter stopped she knocked, was invited inside, saw both girls on Midnight Twinkle bed, and said, "I see you two are having fun."

Both girls giggled a bit as they nodded.

"Well then, I will not disturb you anymore," said Ms. Care, then withdrew to go about her business, while the two girls continued drawing, but this time Star was drawing and Twinky was helping her.

Time went by in a flash, and while going slow Star was proud of the very loose sketch of her pony, and Twinky was impressed how far Star had come, thinking that Star had experienced before, but was just out of practice.

A knock and the voice from ms. Care told them it was soon bedtime. Star and Twinky went to the bathroom, washed their faces, brushed their teeth, and went back to their room to get ready for bed.
As Star was in bed Twinky turned the lights were off first, then got in her own bed and both girls thought about various things.

Star was looking at her new hair clip, though tears fell, she thought to herself that Sunset would always be there for her.

Twinky on the other hand was really liked how much she and Star got along, but she wanted to be open with Star about her past, just to hear that Star would never leave her.

"Hey, Star?" asked Twinky.

"Yeah?" answered Star, preoccupied with her hairpin, but still listening.

Taking a deep breath, Twinky continued, "When I was little, and before I got here, my parents were going out to eat, but I wanted to come with them." Twinky choke up, forcing the words out, "And because I wasn’t allowed to come with them, I told them, that I hated them, that I never wanted to see them again." Twinky shed a few tears, remembering the evening much better than she could talk about them.

Star’s own memories flashed through her, but she didn’t even remember her parent's last words, or what she told them, it was properly her mom telling her that she loved her, as Star was tucked into bed, but Star never replied back to her, she never told her that she loved her too, “I get you,” Star finally muttered.

“Really?” Twinky asked, did she and Star have more in common than she thought, “What were your final words?”

“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Star replied swiftly.

“Sorry,” Twinky muttered, fearing she would push Star away she said, “I didn’t mean to, I- I just….”

“It’s okay, but I would just not want to talk about it,” Star said before she got quiet

“Then I won’t ask you,” Twinky said.
A pause of a few seconds passed, Twinky continued, "I- I just don’t want you to leave me, I’ve made a mistake once, I don’t wanna repeat it again."

"I'm sorry Twinky, but I can't promise you that," replied Star, she didn’t want Twinky to be another big sister for her to lose, "I just want parents who will look after me and love me, and I hope the same for you. But we can still be friends."

Disappointed and wanting to change the subject, Twinky looked over and saw Star look at her hair clip "What's that hair clip you have?"

Star looked at Twinky, but not wanting to talk more, she turned around and pulled her covers up, and said her final “Good night Twinky”

"Ni ni Star," said Twinky.

Silence fell, and soon Star was asleep and Twinky slept as well.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, let us know what you think :twilightsmile: