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Chapter 1

Everyone at school accused former bully Sunset Shimmer because the online bully had the same color scheme as Sunset's hair on her profile picture and it started off posting pictures and videos of the Mane 5, Sunset's closest friends, and soon moved on to the entire school.

The worst part for Sunset was losing her newfound friends and schoolwide respect.

It was two days before Christmas break. Sunset was standing at the Wondercolt statue and crying. Her head kept playing the mean words from her former friends.


“We trusted you Sunset!” Rainbow Dash yelled, “We thought you were our friend!”

“How could you do this after all we’ve been through together?”

“You secret stealer!”

Sunset tried to reason with them, “Guys, it wasn’t me I swear! Please listen to me!”

“No! You’re not the person we thought you were! You’re not our friend!” Fluttershy cried as she pushed Sunset off of her.

“It’s over Sunset. We’re no longer putting up your fiddlesticks.” Applejack said and the Mane 5 walked away leaving Sunset to cry. “I’m sorry but you did this to us. Tell whatever secrets you want, but we don’t have to listen.”


"I worked so hard to fix my reputation after the fall formal and the Battle of the Bands. I really thought I would have a chance at happiness but now I guess it's gone." She whimpered to herself.


The bell rang and everyone ran to their classes.

Sunset didn't want to go to class and face her classmate's accusations, but she reluctantly went inside and trudged down the hall anyway.

As she was walking along, two students named Big Boy and Runt decided to shove her to the ground in a hallway filled with students, leading to some cruel laughter.

“That’s for Anon-a-Miss!” Runt yelled as he and Big Boy laughed as they walked away.

Sunset Shimmer picked herself up, gathered her books and walked to her first class with her head down to avoid student’s glares. As she did, a figure in the shadows holding a cane watched her from a distance. Then a couple angry students began to surround her.

Tears started to well up in Sunset's eyes, "Leave me alone, please."

Diamond Tiara yelled, "Shut up Anon-a-Miss!"

"My parents grounded me because of you!" yelled one of the eco-kids.

Sunset cried, "But it wasn't me! I swear!"

"That's a lie!" Trixie yelled, "You told Trixie you were behind this!"

Sunset cried, "I was trying to tell you I wasn't!"

One of the Diamond Boys said, "She's lying, let's get her!"

But before anyone could touch her, the figure stood before the students and slammed his cane. Standing before Sunset was an elder man wearing black and a high silk hat.

“Anyone who touches this girl will answer to Principal Celestia!” barked the man.

“How can you help her? She’s a desecrator to this entire school!” Trixie pointed.

The man still held his ground. “Nevertheless, I will not tolerate ANY violence in this school! I will deal with her myself. NOW! Get to class before I give you detention to last a lifetime of school years!”

Shaken by the threatening tone of the elder, the students scurried to their classes. Sunset picked herself as the man faced. As she prepared to be scolded as well, the man’s harsh tone became gentle, much to her surprise.

“Are you alright, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Somewhat. You’re that new substitute teacher, right?”

“I am. Mr. Ed B. Neezer. I’m only here until winter break.”

“Well, thanks for helping me. It’s the only act of kindness I’m ever gonna get.” Sunset turned to leave.

“Why don’t you come to my classroom?” Mr. Neezer offered.

Sunset flinched. “If they see you helping me, they’ll hate you too.”

“Oh poppycock! I can handle those whipper snappers!”

Seeing that she had nowhere to go, especially now that her friends left her, Sunset shrugged. “I might as well.”

“I’ll tell Principal Celestia when we arrive.” Mr. Neezer assured as he led Sunset.

As they walked, Applebloom saw the whole thing and was very saddened.


When they arrived, Sunset saw it was a room with no windows with only one light. As she took her seat, Mr. Neezer called Principal Celestia and told her what happened. After he hung up, he turned to Sunset.

“Principal Celestia says it’s okay for you to stay in here for the rest of the day. She’ll send Granny Smith to bring you a sack lunch.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Sunset said.

Sunset spent the entire day in the classroom. She was able to do her schoolwork and had not spoken a word all day. She was still saddened by the whole Anon-a-miss mess. Mr. Neezer looked up to notice the crying.

“Are you going to be okay there, Miss Sunset?” he asked.

“Why? Why don’t they believe me?” She whimpered. “I worked real hard to prove I’m not the bad girl I used to be and all for what? Someone shares secrets and I’m automatically guilty! I guess I’m destined to be alone.”

“I’m sure things will work out in the end.” Mr. Neezer assured.

“I doubt it. Nobody believes I’m innocent. Even my own ‘friends’.” Sunset cringed. “How do you know I’m telling the truth?”

Mr. Neezer took off his glasses. “I read your profile. From what I've heard from Principal Celestia, you remind me of myself when I was your age. I was mainly alone, mostly being odd and antisocial. All I had was my work. Also, as mention before, I detest school violence.”


At last, it was time to go home. Mr. Neezer offered to walk home with Sunset. As they walked through the hallway, Sunset tried to look away from all the glares shot at her, especially from her so called friends. Anyone who tried to hurt Sunset were forced back by a glare from Mr. Neezer. As they were walking in the snowy sidewalk, Sunset felt a little relieved as she spoke to Mr. Neezer.

“Thank you. I really appreciate all you did for me, sir.”

“My pleasure. I enjoy walking in the cold. Originally, it was because cold was cheap, but now a days, I find it comforting.”

Sunset felt a bit at peace, watching the snow fall peacefully, but she still felt fear for the school after her for Anon-a-miss. “if only it was that simple.” She sighed.

“perhaps this will help.” Mr. Neezer pulled out a small book out of his coat. “this is one of my favorite novels. It has helped me in tough times. You are more than welcome to read it.” He handed the book to Sunset, who accepted it. By then, they arrived at Sunset’s place.

“Here we are.” Sunset headed to the door before turning to Mr. Neezer. “Thanks again for the book.” She thanked before heading in the door. Mr. Neezer smiled back before taking his leave. Even though she had someone who knew she was innocent, she still felt down that the whole school saw her guilty for a crime she didn’t do. She then looked at the book Mr. Neezer gave her and remembered what he said, ‘It had helped me in tough times.’ Since she had nothing better to do, curtesy of Anon-a-miss, Sunset picked up the book and began to read. “Jacob Marely was dead…….”


Back at the Sugarcube Corner, The Rainbooms were having hot cocoa, but they were anything but happy.

“The nerve of Sunset!” huffed Rarity. “Posting our secrets online!”

“And after everything we did for her!” Rainbow added.

Fluttershy noticed Applejack was being quiet. “Applejack? You’ve been pretty quiet over there.”

“Sorry, Fluttershy, just not feeling very talkative right now.” The cowgirl sighed. She wanted to believe Anon-a-miss was Sunset Shimmer, but she wondered why the new substitute teacher defended her if she was guilty.

“It’s such a shame this had to happened.” Pinkie pouted.

“I just like to know why?” Applejack hissed.

“Um, Applejack?” the girls looked up to see the CMCs walking up to them looking guilty as Applebloom sniffled. “We need to talk.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

Yeah, I did a little rewriting to try to sound different.

- If you know the secret identity of Mr. Neezer, I ask to please don't spoil it for those who don't.
- Mr. Neezer would be voiced by Michael Caine. (I'm aware about his announcement about retirement recently)

Next Time: Anon-a-miss done and friendship gone!