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Chapter 2

All through the night, Sunset Shimmer struggled to sleep. She was haunted by the memories of the last thing her ‘friends’ said to her.

”We trusted you Sunset! We thought you were our friend!”

“How could you do this after all we’ve been through together?”

“You secret stealer!”

“No! You’re not the person we thought you were! You’re not our friend!”

“It’s over Sunset. We’re no longer putting up your shindigs. I’m sorry but you did this to us.
Tell whatever secrets you want, but we don’t have to listen.”

“You’re not our friend!” kept echoing as she wallowed in self pity until.


Her alarm clock went off. As Sunset got up, she was just dead inside. She really didn’t want to leave the building let alone go to school even if it was the last day before winter break. She was able to get enough strength to leave home. On her way, someone hit her with a snowball. But she never looked up. Turned out it was Runt and Big Boy. They kept hitting her with
snowballs all the way.

“What’s the matter, Anon-a-miss? Too important to take punishment?” Runt was about to throw another snowball only to hear the sound of a cleared throat and turned to see an angry Vice Principal Luna.

“You two. My office. After school. NOW LEAVE!” She glared, causing the two to run into the school. Then, she turned to Sunset while brushing off the snow on her. “You. Follow me.”

Without saying a word, Sunset followed the vice principal, who took her straight to Principal Celestia’s office. They entered to see both Principal Celestia and Mr. Neezer waiting for them.

As Sunset took a seat, Celestia saw her as a wreck and hugged her.

“Oh you poor thing.” Celestia saw Sunset on the verge of tears. She took a deep breath and spoke seriously. “Sunset Shimmer, we brought you here because of what’s been going on recently.”

“You….think I’m….. ANON-A-MISS!” Sunset sobbed before Vice Principal Luna patted her shoulder.

“Nonononononono. We found the real Anon-a-miss. We already schooled them about the whole thing.”

“Celestia and Luna are going to have an assembly, hoping to end this shenanigan. The students who attempted to hurt you yesterday are getting a coaching.” Mr. Neezer added.

“You are welcome to stay. But after everything we’ve gathered from the teachers and seeing you like this, I think it might be best for you to go home since it is the last day before winter break.”

“I should go home.” Sunset sighed. “I’ve done enough damage.”

“Sunset you didn’t-” Celestia tried to reason.

“I’M A BAD GIRL NO MATTER WHAT I DO! I TRY TO CHANGE! I SAVED THIS SCHOOL! BUT FOR WHAT? CYBER BULLYING HAPPENS AND I’M AUTOMATICALLY GUILTY! I CAUSED TOO MUCH TROUBLE! I SHOULD NEVER HAVE LEFT EQUESTRIA!” Sunset got up and sprinted to the door. But she stopped as she touched the knob and turned to the teacher and principals. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m just sorry for everything I’ve done to the school. I hope you have a Happy Holidays. At least somebody will.” She then opened the door and left.

Celestia, feeling remorse, sighed deeply as she turned to Mr. Neezer. “Mr. Neezer, I’m really sorry you had to see this during your stay. Normally, my students wouldn’t act this way. In a matter of speaking.”

“Oh believe me, Principal Celestia, I have seen many crazy things in my life that would turn you white.”

“Well, let’s get this over with.” Luna said.

Celestia nodded as she headed to her desk and pushed the button on the intercom.


Later, all the students were in the auditorium as Principal Celestia stood on stage.

"Thank you all for coming," she spoke through a microphone. "Now, as some of you have known, the school has been suffering some cyber bullying by one Anon-A-Miss. You'll be glad to know that Anon-A-Miss has confessed to posting all those hurtful pictures and videos they posted. Now, I won't be revealing who Anon-A-Miss is, but I can assure you that they fully regret all the trouble they caused and are very sorry. The profile has been taken down and Anon-A-Miss will be severing six months of detention."

In the audience, the CMC's lowered their heads in shame, while the Rainbooms glared at them for what they did to Sunset.

"Second and for most, I hope you've all learned a valuable lesson about jumping to conclusions and accusing someone based on their past reputation," Celestia went on, while the Rainbooms felt bad on how they treated Sunset. "We are all aware of Sunset's past, but she has worked very hard to make up for all she had done. So I believe she is well deserving of a second chance. Just as Anon-A-Miss is." The Rainbooms looked back at the CMC, this time with remorseful looks. "And I hope you'll all be willing to give a second chance to anyone should something like this accrue again and that you'll all be more open mined in in future. Thank you."

Vice Principal Luna then took the mike. “And all the students who attempted harm or caused harm on Sunset must report to my office. Dismissed!”

As the other students headed to class, the Rainbooms hurried to the principals. “Have either of you seen Sunset?” asked Applejack.

“Sunset was an emotional wreck so we let her go home.” Celestia answered.

“We need to find her and apologize!” Pinkie declared.

“I hope you get the opportunity.” Luna stated. “In the meantime, get to class.”

Knowing the vice principal was right, the girls hurried off to class.


Sunset returned to her place, locked the door, and plopped on her bed, bawling. She then looked to her magic journal.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I failed.” She said to herself. “I guess no matter what I do, I’ll always be a bad girl! I’ve failed the magic of friendship!”

She then turned to the book Mr. Neezer gave her and picked it up and continued where she left off.

“You wish to remain anonymous?....”

Later, around the time school would be done, Sunset heard a knock at her door.


It sounded like Applejack. Fearing her former friends were going to harm her, Sunset hid under her bed covers.

“Sunset Shimmer? Are you home?”

“She’s not home.”

“Can’t you pick the lock, Applejack?”

“Rainbow Dash, Darling! That would be breaking and entering!”

“Well, we gotta find her, Rarity!”

“Maybe she’s at the mall!”

“I doubt it, Pinkie, but I suppose it’s worth a try.”

Sunset peaked out her window as she saw the Rainbooms leave and sighed in relief.

“Great. Now THEY’RE after me!” she said to herself. “What does it take to be left in peace? All because of a STUPID BLOG!”

She then looked at her journal. “Maybe I can ask Twilight about returning to Equestria. But would Princess Celestia forgive me?”

After a couple hours later, Sunset heard her stomach growl. She thought maybe some Chinese food would sound good. She checked the time on her alarm clock.
Surely, they’re gone by now, she thought. So she got her jacket and pulled up her hoodie over her head and a scarf over her face and left her place.


At the mall, Sunset ordered her food for take out at the booth at the food court. So far, no one pointed out that it was her. As she passed a bunch of Christmas shoppers, her hood fell off by the time she exited the mall. She was just about to put it back on when suddenly-

“There she is!”

“Oh no!” Sunset gasped. Even without turning around, she immediately recognized Pinkie’s voice anywhere. Still not turning around, she heard more footsteps as the Rainbooms hurried to her. She was full of anger and fear to even face her so called friends.

“Sunset? Sunset Shimmer.” Applejack panted. “Please. We need to talk.”

Clenching her fist, Sunset suddenly ran from the parking lot as fast as she could.

“Sunset! COME BACK!” Rainbow cried as the Rainbooms ran after her.

“GO AWAY!” Sunset shouted back.

“Wait a minute. STOP!” Applejack called to her as Sunset picked up the pace.


Sunset tripped then quickly got up and ran more, unaware she dropped her Chinese order. She then quickly turned a corner, hiding behind the wall, and waited in silence as the Rainbooms ran ahead of her, not seeing her. When they were long gone, Sunset breathed a sigh of relief.

“I should’ve ordered delivery.” She said to herself before a male voice surprised.

“Excuse me.”

She turned in surprise to see Mr. Neezer all dressed in black. When she saw it was just the teacher, she sighed in relief.

“Oh! Mr. Neezer! What a relief.”

“I believe this is yours.” Mr. Neezer held up a bag with Sunset’s Chinese order. As Sunset accepted it, she was surprised to see everything was alright but shook it off.

“Thanks. Must’ve dropped it while running from my former friends.”

“Why were you running from them?” asked Mr. Neezer.

“No doubt they were gonna beat me up.”

“I thought with Anon-a-miss gone, people would treat you better.” Mr. Neezer raised a brow.

“the last time I let a crowd come near me, they wanted me dead. And before that, my ‘friends’ disowned me as their friend.”

“Did you tried to talk to them?”

“I seriously doubt they’d listen to me.” Sunset shrugged off. “I-I doubt they want anything to do with me. Look, I gotta go. I just want to be alone.” And with that, Sunset headed home.

Mr. Neezer watched as the pony turned girl walked away. “Hopefully, some friends of mine can help you face your friends again.” He told himself before walking away.

To be Continued

Author's Note:

- Special thanks to for the assembly speech. I wanted it so the school knows Sunset is not Anon-a-miss without exposing the CMCs.
- The running scene is similar to when Mowgli ran from Baloo in Disney's the Jungle Book.

Next Time: The Mysterious visitor in green.