• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 301 Views, 7 Comments

Apparition Amphitheater Presents: A Strange Presence Near the Woods - Nightmare_0mega

A curious and bitter winter had descended upon the town of Ponyville this year. Strange lights in the sky, disappearances near the woods, the feeling of being watched among the trees. It all makes one ask in fear "Who goes there?"

  • ...

Cannot Describe This Horrendous Fear

It had only been last night since Fluttershy had gone missing, as reported by her faithful companion Angel Bunny, but the news was enough to put everyone on edge. Ponyville's festivities became far more quiet as the current events unfolded to the public. The cheerful singing and bright smiles were replaced with cautious murmurs and alert stares. The air was thick and tense, and ponies were determined to make sure not another soul would go missing.

None were hit harder, however, than her friends whom all gathered at the Castle of Friendship. The decorative Hearth's Warming accents that dotted the castle, especially the map room where they all sat, contrasted with the serious faces each mare sported in one way. Rainbow Dash, a cyan pegasus with rainbow colored hair, crossed her forelegs in frustration, only wanting to know what had happened to her childhood friend. Pinkie Pie, whom was normally bubbly, bouncy, and optimistic with her light pink coat and darker pink mane, was far more reserved at this point in time. Applejack, an orange earth pony with a blond tied mane, sat with silent determination, only hoping they could locate Fluttershy safe and sound. Rarity, the alabaster white unicorn with a royal purple mane, tried not to lose her cool from the news and let her emotions get to her. Twilight Sparkle, the purple Princess of Friendship alicorn, whom had gathered her friends at this moment of concern, along with some spell books, and called a meeting to try and find their missing companion. Everyone was waiting with baited breath, as one more member was expected to join.

The doors to the map room swung upon, as Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's protege, had stepped through. The pale, light-greyish heliotrope colored unicorn approached the map table and cantered around one side. Her moderate purple mane with lighter purple and aquamarine highlights bobbed slightly as she sat down on the seat provided for her.

"Thank you for coming," Twilight said.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Starlight replied.

"Can we get a move on?" Rainbow Dash had asked irritably, "The longer this takes, the longer Fluttershy is in danger. Who knows what's happening to her!"

"Rainbow, I know you're concerned. We all are. But if we rush any of this, we'll only make things worse." Twilight responded.

"Better listen ta Twah, Sugarcube," Applejack added, "The last thing we need is more trouble."

"I... you're right. Just..." Dash said, deflating a little.

"I know, I know. It's gonna be ok..." Pinkie said, try to comfort the pegasus.

"Alright, Starlight," Twilight turned to Starlight Glimmer, "I have some books here on scrying. Do you think you'll be able to pull off the spell and tell us where Fluttershy is?"

"It's short notice," Starlight answered, "Though, I think I can do it. I'll need to check those books just to make sure I get it right. I've known her long enough to not need something of hers, but if any anyone has something, it might help."

Pinkie then reached into her mane and pulled out a little yellow comb that had Fluttershy's cutie mark labled on it. Everyone turned to the party pony, whom just said, "What? She lent it to me a week ago."

"Ok, that'll help. Thank you, Pinkie!" Starlight's horn lit up with light turquoise magic as the comb was surrounded with the same color. The same happened to the variety of books that Twilight had gathered, where she proceeded to read through them at a rather impressive speed. Upon finishing the last one, she concentrated the magic within her, focusing on Fluttershy, using the comb as an assistance, and began formulating the scrying spell.

The map table picked up on the spell's properties, and soon began to glow. With the combined efforts of Starlight's magic and the magic of the map, soon Fluttershy's cutie mark materialized overhead the now present map of Equestria. The mark moved over to the Everfree forest, spiraled around into it, and moved about within the confines of the forest in irregular patterns and speeds.

"That's a problem," she sighed.

"What?" Rarity asked.

"Well, when you've casted a successful scrying spell, especially upon a map, the location should be exact, and the marker made should stop moving unless the pony or object being looked for is moving."

"So, why is it doin' that?" Applejack asked.

"From what I suspect," Twilight guessed, "Either the Everfree's natural magic is interfering with the spell, or..."


"Something else is."

"Ok, well, she's in the Everfree," Rainbow Dash declared hurriedly, "That narrows it down at least."

"We still have to search the entire forest, Darling," Rarity said, "Which, if I recall correctly, is quite an undertaking in of itself."

"Right, so we need to be prepared," Twilight announced. "I've had Spike set up supplies at the foyer at the entrance of the castle here. Once we go down, me and Starlight will cast a teleportation spell to bring us to the old Castle of the Two Sisters."

"Why there?" Pinkie asked.

"I suppose it's because it's the closest landmark to the center of the forest as we can get, and would be much easier to reconvene to if need be," Starlight guessed.

"Correct. Starting at the edge of the forest would cost us time and would make it easier to get lost while looking the deeper we go. Starting at the center at least helps give us a better anchor to where we are. After all, we ALL know where the castle is." Twilight concluded.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"That settles it, then," Twilight announced. "Let's do this. For Fluttershy!"

The six little ponies, all previously disheartened by the idea of their friend going missing, were all now in higher, confident spirits, sure of themselves that together they'll be able to locate the missing pegasus. Upon reaching the Castle of Friendships entrance and each gathering searching supplies and putting on their snow attire, they all gathered around Twilight and Starlight, whom started up a mass teleportation spell around the group, and disappeared with a loud, magical pop.

Mere moments later, with the sunlight still ever present in the day, at the front yard of the Castle of the Two Sisters, the group suddenly appeared with a telltale "pop", some of them still not used to moving from place to place in such an expedient way. After regaining their senses and adjusting to the scenery change, Twilight addressed the girls once again, and laid out the plan.

"Alright, girls," Twilight started stating matter-of-factly, "In order to cover more ground in a short time frame, we'll be splitting up into groups of two. I will be searching with Starlight in the north, moving towards the entrance of the forest. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash will search the east. If you run into Zecora, it might be wise to get her to help if you can. Applejack and Rarity will look through the west. Each pack has a flashlight, medical supplies, and a signal flair. Obviously, use the flashlight when it starts to get too dark out to see, use medical supplies if you get hurt out there, or if Fluttershy is found injured, and the signal flair to call us all over if you've actually found her."

"Right," the girls said in unison.

"Rarity," Twilight then addressed.


"Do you remember how the Teleportation spell works?"

"It may take time to cast, darling, but I'm sure I can perform it if need be. But, I think I'll only be able to do it once."

"That's fine. Use it if you absolutely need to."

Rarity nodded with steely determination present in her eyes. The mares paired up, faced the directions they intended to search, and all went their separate ways, intending on looking for their lost friend to the best of their abilities, with snow crunching beneath their hooves.


Pinkie and Rainbow Dash kept up a relatively quick pace as they trekked through the forest, shining their flashlight in any spot of interest, calling out their friends name periodically. The search had only begun, but the darkness of the forest was already hefty enough that even the afternoon light's help was limited. The flashlights that Twilight had Spike pack were a heck of a boon.

"Jeez, even though it's still pretty early, it's seriously dark out here," Rainbow Dash commented.

"Like, almost ADVANCED darkness," Pinkie added, having steadily become less gloomy now that the morale was boosted by the words and bonds of her friends.

"I mean, I wouldn't go THAT far, but it's certainly pretty bad. It's still the afternoon, for Pete's sake."

"This IS a spooky forest full of dangers and wild magic, after all."

The two kept moving through the forest, entirely focused on the mission at hand. It wasn't hard for the two of them, despite their tendencies to be the two most immature out of the lot of them. If there was one thing they could be counted on for, it was that they would see anything through to the end.

As the minutes passed, the forestry around them began to grow darker and denser, with less and less light being present to help them in their search. They slowed down their pacing, only to use their flashlights more to scan locations of interest a little more. The action, however, served to irritate Rainbow Dash a little, whom had vowed to herself that they'd find Flutterhy before evening fell. Any delay in their search or speed reduction in their pacing, however minor, would be an affront to her.

Undeterred, however, the two mares soon found themselves nearing a place they knew well enough. Strange masks and gourds from a very different pony culture decorated an old, knot-hole tree. The smell of something odd seemed like it was coming from within. It was Zecora's place, but something was amiss. The door was left wide open, having the elements of the current season invade the hut. There was signs of struggle left behind as well. Scratch marks around the snowy ground, and some broken objects both outside and inside. Worse, it seemed like that the tracks were fresh. Rainbow Dash growled at the luck of the whole situation. The only comfort granted came from Pinkie, whom suggested that if they find Fluttershy, they'll definitely find Zecora too. The quick tempered pegasus cooled her jets at that suggestion, and decided to hold onto that bit of optimism.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie then took it upon themselves to investigate the hut. Sure enough, those signs of struggle appeared within as well, but not to the extent of the scratch marks and broken objects outside. Whatever happened here to Zecora, it was likely too quick for her to put up much of a fight until she was outside.

Suddenly, Pinkie backed up with a gasp, as her ears flopped in her face.

"Pinkie, what's going on?"

"I'm getting a combo, but..." she trailed off, looking off into the dark of the forest. Before Rainbow Dash could say or do anything, the party pony shot off like a speeding cannonball and disappeared into the shadows. "I'llbebacksoondon'tworryaboutme!"

"Hey, WAIT!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, flying after her as fast as she could, within reasonable control. She bobbed and weaved through the trees, keeping an eye forward where her flashlight pointed at, while also glancing at the ground to make sure she was following her friend's tracks.

Before she knew it, however, her speed in such a claustrophobic area earned her a sudden tree to the face, which she slammed into while her eyes flicked towards the prints in the snow. Sliding down to the forest's floor, Rainbow Dash gingerly rubbed her face, feeling more wounded in her pride than anything physical. Never the less, she stood back up as quickly as she could, and gazed about the dark forest around her. She ran up to the tracks she last spotted, and tried to follow them once again. However, after only a few minutes of following, the tracks suddenly ended.

"What the... what?"

Rainbow Dash felt a pit grow in her stomach over this. Something was wrong. More than what she had ever anticipated. She looked about the area, pointing the the flashlight in whatever direction she could see. "Pinkie!" she called out, trying to address her friend. Then, almost as if on cue, she could hear laughter, but only briefly. Rainbow Dash's first thought was that her friend was trying to prank her. It didn't take long for the pegasus to shake the idea form her head like a leaf that fell atop her hair on an Autumn evening, knowing Pinkie wouldn't be taking the disappearance of a friend so lightly like this.

It was then that Rainbow saw a flash of pink, which cause her to start running towards what she saw, calling out her friend's name. "PINKIE!"

The moment that name left her lips, laughter soon could be heard once again, this time a little louder and all around her. Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks, and suddenly felt very, very small. She swiveled her ears about to try to locate the source of the laughing, but could never really pinpoint it.

"Pinkie, this isn't funny anymore. It's starting to creep me out!" she pleaded with a hint of frustration mixed with a growing sense of dread. "If it's really you pulling a prank, please stop! We need to find Fluttershy!" She hoped it was just a dumb prank to get her to 'giggle at the ghosties'.

However, Rainbow Dash began to hear Pinkie's voice, coming from all directions. Different emotions. Different attitudes. Different words or phrases. But it all sounded like gibberish. Nothing said made sense. It was like Rainbow was hearing the Pinkie clones once again after encountering them such a long time ago. Only, this seemed less deliberate.

"PINKIE! Please answer me!"

Then, all at once, the voices stopped. The laughter, too, was absent. The forest was once again silent, save for the crunching of the snow beneath Rainbow Dash's hooves. She gazed about, trying desperately to find her friend. As luck would have it, she finally saw another pink flash, this time it lead to what seemed like her friend, just sitting down in the snow a hop, skip, and jump away. Rainbow, ever cautiously, approached Pinkie, keeping the light pointed at her, partially out of fear of losing track of her again. Or worse.

As she got closer, Rainbow Dash's body began to shake, her heart skipping a beat in anticipation and fear. She then spoke once more, addressing the figure before her. "Pinkie?"

'Pinkie' turned her head towards Rainbow Dash, whom screamed in reaction. Gazing back at her was Pinkie's face, as if someone slid her left eye, socket, and eyebrow down to her cheek at some point like some poorly done cut and paste collage. Then, as if realizing the face wasn't right, the eye slid back up the face, and settled into its proper spot with a soft "thuck" noise.

As softly glowing yellow eyes began to emerge all around them, the 'Pinkie' before her asked, "What's wrong, Dashie?"


To the west, the duo of Rarity and Applejack trekked through the snow and darkness with caution and patience. Diligently, they scoured and scanned every likely direction and nook they could find, being careful not to overlook anything. Flashlights slowly swept across the trees, bushes, and snow dunes, briefly bringing light to the darkness. When nothing was seen or found, be it clue or track, they pressed onward.

"Applejack?" Rarity piped up.

"What's up, Sugarcube?" she replied.

"I just want to let you know, as a close, dear friend, that I've really been putting on a brave face."

"Whaddaya mean?"

Rarity gave a sigh, "What I mean is... being in the forest, in the dark..."

"This isn't the first time we've cantered through this forest, though."

"Well, yes, but this is so much worse. The winter makes everything look darker, even though it's not even the evening yet, and we're here under dire circumstances. I mean, ponies don't just 'disappear', especially not someone as careful as Fluttershy."

Applejack understood what her fashionista friend was trying to get at. It wasn't just the forest's strange quiet nature, or the fact it's so dark and getting darker still as time passes. Rarity was fearing for Fluttershy, her missing friend's safety, and afraid of what caused this and what they may find in the end. Truth be told, Applejack herself was in the same boat. This was a highly unusual moment in their lives, even more unusual compared to the adventures they had been on saving the world. In an effort to comfort her, Applejack got beside Rarity and gave her a gentle pat on the back for reassurance, and to help reinforce her own nerves.

"Everything's gonna be ok, Rare. We'll find Shah, and get out of this dang forest. We've got a Hearth's Warmin' party to get to after all is said n' done."

Rarity gave a slight sniffle, as if she were holding back the overflow of emotions, and gave her friend a smile. "Thanks Applejack."

It was then they saw movement among the trees. Their attention and flashlights snapped towards the direction the disturbance was coming from. Then, as they watched with bated breath, they caught sight of a shadow darting away. For a moment, it looked like Fluttershy.

"Hey, WAIT! FLUTTERSHY!" Applejack called out, already booking it into a full gallop.

Rarity, who had been surprised at the outburst, didn't have much time to react as she watched Applejack disappear into the forest, with only the light of her flashlight indicating where she was going. Rarity then called out after her brazen friend. "Applejack! Wait for me!"

Having been used to darting between trees for a variety of reasons, including roughing it in the woods, Applejack soon was further and further away from sight, leaving Rarity behind in the darkness of the woods. Even Applejack's flashlight, which would have told Rarity where her friend was going, soon became too obscured to see in the distance. Rarity soon found herself all alone in the dark of the forest, despite her best efforts to keep up with her very much athletic friend.

Rarity would be one to pull out a sassy remark about how much like Rainbow Dash Applejack can be, being stubborn, brash, and quick to jump the gun under circumstances. The irony was not lost on her over the fact it was Applejack herself that would usually keep the pegasus in check from doing this exact same thing, and lamenting that she didn't have something to pull her cowpony back. However, any humor she'd want to bring up was quickly snuffed from the shaking and shivering she had from the crawling fear that prickled at her, let alone the nipping cold.

Instead, she scanned her immediate surroundings, and considered her options. She could either stay here for the time being, and hope that either: A) Applejack was correct and had found Fluttershy, and would likely send up a flare to indicate where she was, or B) Applejack would return after realizing she just abandoned Rarity in the middle of the forest, and apologize for such a faux-pas. Or, on the other hand, there was the option of continuing to move on her own. Despite her reservations, Applejack was correct on that they all had experience going through the forest, darkness or not. That said, she remembered she had her own flare if she were ever in trouble. If she were to get lost, at least she had an out.

She took a deep breath, and gave a lengthy sigh, before she decided to just keep moving. Relying on Applejack's return would ultimately be a bad idea, as there was no telling if or when she would. It also wouldn't do her anxiety any favors if she just sat in the snow and dark and twiddled her hooves. It was better to be proactive.

Just as she started taking her first steps from her decision, she heard a noise nearby. Casting her flashlight over to the origin of the noise, which ended up being right behind her, she ended up seeing something unusual. It was Applejack, slowly cantering towards her.

Rarity gave a sigh of relief, before she huffed in anger. "What were you thinking, just leaving a Lady like me alone in the dark. What if you went missing too!"

Applejack said nothing.

Rarity, feeling flustered, then blurted out, "Well? Say something and apologize!"

"I'm... sorry..." The voice that came from Applejack sounded odd. It was definitely her voice, but something was wrong. It was harsher, almost clumsy. Rarity took a step back as she kept her flashlight trained on her friend.

"Rarity!" Applejack called out from behind Rarity at a distance, from the direction she originally took off towards.

Rarity quickly realized that this 'Applejack' was an imposter. Before she could make a move, the false 'Applejack' moved quickly towards her, losing color and shape. Soon, all she could see approaching her were black tendrils, sharp teeth, and horrible glowing eyes that dotted its mass. The last thing she heard before passing out from fear was Applejack screaming.